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Home - Artists - Duchamp Marcel |
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1. Marcel Duchamp Marcel Duchamp images and biography Postmodernist perspective on the conceptual work of Duchamp. Marcel Duchamp Images on the Web. http://www.artchive.com/artchive/D/duchamp.html | |
2. 20th Century Sculpture: Marcel Duchamp Marcel Duchamp, French artist Marcel Duchamp Rotary Demisphere, Hirschorn Museum, Washington, DC; Marcel Duchamp Yale University Art Gallery. http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/cas/fnart/art/duchamp.html | |
3. Marcel Duchamp Translate this page Tomkins verfasste 1966 das Buch The World of Marcel Duchamp. Interviews und Statements. Marcel duchamp marcel Duchamp. Hatje Cantz, 2002. http://www.cosmopolis.ch/cosmo3/Duchamp.htm | |
4. SFMOMA Collections Recent Acquisitions Duchamp MARCEL DUCHAMP Fountain 1917/1964. Perhaps no work is more singularly identified with the transformation of art in the twentieth century than Fountain ( 1917) by Marcel Duchamp (18871968) . http://www.sfmoma.org/collections/recent_acquisitions/ma_coll_duchamp.html |
5. WIEM: Duchamp Marcel duchamp marcel (18871968), malarz francuski, radykalny rewolucjonista artystyczny XX wieku. Malarstwo, Francja duchamp marcel (1887-1968). http://wiem.onet.pl/wiem/00f1a1.html | |
6. DUCHAMP MARCEL Fine Art Artist: Artists At Auction Database duchamp marcel SÉLAVY Rrose in our fine art databank of 306 000 artists at auction. Search your favourite fine art artist. duchamp marcel. SÉLAVY Rrose. http://www.artistsearch.com/artists/DUCHAMP_MARCEL.htm | |
7. Books On Marcel Duchamp Marcel Duchamp. Books on Dada and Surrealist Art. Home Art Marcel Duchamp. Search Books on Marcel Duchamp. Browse Duchamp, Marcel. http://www.dropbears.com/b/broughsbooks/art/marcel_duchamp.htm | |
8. Duchamp Marcel Book Finder, Book Reviews and Compare Prices for duchamp marcel Art Artists Musicians AZ duchamp marcel. duchamp marcel Book Review and Price Comparison. http://www.bookfinder.us/Art/Artists___Musicians___A-Z/Duchamp__Marcel.html | |
9. 'Duchamp Marcel' At ZVAB - Register Of Antiquarian Books (order Antiquarian Book duchamp marcel out of currently 9 million in ZVAB s register are just a mouse click away. ZVAB duchamp marcel. 81 http://www.zvab.com/books/author/duchamp-marcel.html | |
10. Marcel Duchamp Marcel Duchamp (18871968). Marcel Duchamp. Prestel, 1989 . Duchamp, Marcel. Duchamp. Fundacio Caja de Pensiones Madrid, 1984 (paper). Exhibition catalog. http://www.scaruffi.com/art/duchamp.html | |
11. André Breton : 42, Rue Fontaine Translate this page Ducasse, Isidore, dit le comte de Lautréamont. Duchamp, Marcel. Duchamp-Villon R. Duchartre, Pierre-Louis. duchamp marcel. 25 lots dans la collection. Livres. http://breton.calmelscohen.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=parindex.auteur&letlist=D&au |
12. André Breton : 42, Rue Fontaine Translate this page duchamp marcel, Gleizes Albert, Metzinger Jean, Du cubisme, 1912, duchamp marcel, The John Quinn collection, water colors, drawings and sculpture, 1926, http://breton.calmelscohen.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=catalogues.catalogue&cat_id= |
13. Tableaux Sur Le Thème Des échecs / 1887 - 1968 Duchamp Marcel - 1911 - Portrai http://perso.wanadoo.fr/jmrw/Chess/Tableaux echecs/pages/1887 - 1968 Duchamp Mar | |
14. Tableaux Sur Le Thème Des échecs / 1887 - 1968 Duchamp Marcel - 1911 - Study F Translate this page duchamp marcel (1887 - 1968) Study for chess players (1911). http://perso.wanadoo.fr/jmrw/Chess/Tableaux echecs/pages/1887 - 1968 Duchamp Mar | |
15. Index Des Noms - DUCHAMP Marcel Marcel Duchamp. Mark Harden s texas net museum of art. http://art-contemporain.eu.org/base/noms/32.html | |
16. Duchamp Marcel Sculpture Books Duchamp, Marcel Dialogues With Marcel Duchamp, Dialogues With Marcel Duchamp Pierre Cabanne, Marcel Duchamp, Robert Motherwell DaCapo Press. http://www.hallsculptors.com/store/books_1206_1_Duchamp-Marcel.html | |
17. Dada Jean Arp Marcel Duchamp Marcel Duchamp Nihilistic Movement , Jean Arp, Rich Dada , Marcel Duchamp,Marcel Duchamp, Jean Arp, Richard Hlsenbeck, Tristan Tzara, Marcel Janco, Dada , Dada , nihilistic movement , nihilistic movement http://classicals.com/music/Dadahall/cas/1.html | |
18. DUCHAMP Marcel - THE CREATIVE ACT duchamp marcel THE CREATIVE ACT. sub rosa wonderful disc comprising texts read by duchamp, interviews and scores - rec.1959-67 Price £9.99 duc. http://www.web-malls.net/sound323/listings/348.html | |
19. Marcel Duchamp Includes a biography, the text of Apropos of Readymades and some images. http://www.peak.org/~dadaist/English/Graphics/duchamp.html | |
20. TOUT-FAIT: The Marcel Duchamp Studies Online Journal Journal focusing on the FrenchAmerican artist marcel duchamp. http://www.toutfait.com | |
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