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41. Arthur Conan Doyle doyle was born at Picardy Place, Edinburgh, as the son of charles altamont doyle,a civil servant in the Edinburgh Office of Works, and Mary (Foley) doyle. http://www.yudev.com/mfo/britlit/doyle_arthur_conan.htm | |
42. The Bibliography Of Faerie: Illustrated Books ed.) Cott, Jonathan (1973) Victorian Color Picture Books Chelsea House Publishersdoyle, charles altamont (1978) The doyle Diaries Ballantine doyle, Richard http://www.wildmuse.net/faerie/biblio/pictures.html | |
43. Oceansbridge - Hand Painted Oil Paintings And Oil Painting Reproductions Translate this page Domenico, Di Michelino, Dore, Gustave, doyle,charles altamont. Dupont, Gainsborough,Ender, Johann Nepomuk, Ender, Thomas. Engl, Hugo, Ernst, Rudolf, Francken, Frans. http://www.oceansbridge.com/art/customer/countries.php?thiscountry=Austria |
44. Exhibit Object List Artistic doyle Family. charles altamont doyle. The Argument. Pen doyleana.*oversize Case MS 5276; charles altamont doyle. The Fairy Meadow. http://www.newberry.org/nl/programs/ACDobjectlist.html | |
45. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle been published. charles altamont doyle, Arthur s father, died in 1893in the nursing home he had been committed to in 1879. In the http://www.queens-theatre.co.uk/sirarthurconandoyle.htm | |
46. MAIN Database (3) 1794 3 May 1827) doyle, Catherine Amelia Angela (22 Apr 1858 - 20 Oct 1858) Birth5, Nelson Street, Edinburgh, MLN doyle, charles altamont (25 Mar 1832 - 10 http://www.sleejg.fsnet.co.uk/html/index04.html | |
47. MAIN Database (3) M charles altamont doyle Birth 1 25 Mar 1832 {5,2} Occupation 1 1849 Edinburgh,MLN {3} Architect Marriage 2 31 Jul 1855 Mary Josephine Elizabeth FOLEY {2 http://www.sleejg.fsnet.co.uk/html/fam00544.html | |
48. Charles Doyle 4. The doyle diary the last great Conan doyle mystery with a Holmesian investigationinto the strange and curious case of charles altamont doyle from http://www.beatcasinos.com/amazon/authorsearch_Charles Doyle/mode_books.html | |
49. Enchanted Visions Past Masters - Richard Doyle illustrator. Richard was the second son of the famous caricaturistJohn doyle. His eldest brother was charles altamont doyle. He http://www.enchantedartworks.com/ezine/2004-May/richarddoyle.html | |
50. 123Student Arthur Conan doyle was born on the 22nd of May 1859 in Picardy Place, Edinburgh.The second child of charles altamont and Mary Foley, he was thought t have http://www.123student.com/biographies/478.shtml | |
51. TLWSirArthurConanDoyle BOHEMIA, 1891) Arthur Conan doyle was born May 22, 1859, at 11 Picardy Place, Edinburgh(the site stands no more), the son of charles altamont doyle, a civil http://solitaryphoenix.com/TLWSirArthurConanDoyle.html | |
52. AutIndInf Translate this page Santos, Marcelo Douay, Dominique Doubnia, Jorge JO Dougall, Ian Dourver, DominiqueDovan, Walt G. doyle, Arthur Conan doyle, charles altamont doyle, Richard http://www.ttrantor.org/AutIndInf.asp?letra=d |
53. Arthur Conan Doyle: A Brief Biographical Study as a civil servant. charles altamont doyle was the youngest son ofJohn doyle, the caricaturist HB . His brothers had all made http://www.ash-tree.bc.ca/acdsbio.htm | |
54. ABC Shop - Sherlock Holmes - Valley Of Fear Arthur Conan Doyle Arthur Conan doyle (18591930) was born at Picardy Place, Edinburgh, as the sonof charles altamont doyle, a civil servant in the Edinburgh Office of Works http://shop.abc.net.au/browse/product.asp?productid=233872 |
55. About 251 doyle (18241883), called The Fairy Tree. doyle was the second son of the caricaturistJohn doyle and elder brother to charles altamont doyle, father of http://social.chass.ncsu.edu/wyrick/test/babout.htm | |
56. The Doctor And The Detective: A Profile Of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - Laurie Morro Arthur Ignatius Conan doyle, one of ten children born to Mary Foley doyle and herhusband, charles altamont doyle, was born May 22, 1859, at 11 Picardy Place http://www.worldandi.com/specialreport/2002/june/Sa22306.htm | |
57. Doyle Coat Of Arms His eldest brother, charles altamont doyle, was also an illustrator.He had a highborn Irish wife, Mary Foley, and ten children. http://www.araltas.com/features/doyle/ | |
58. Biografi Arthur Conan doyle. Født i Edinburgh 22 Maj 1859 død 7. juli 1930 i Windlesham,Sussex. Søn af maleren og tegneren charles altamont doyle og Mary Foley. http://www.ebib1800.dk/bio/arthurconandoyle.htm | |
59. Holmes On The Printed Page reissued the story, this time as a stand-alone paperback. Conan doylesown father, charles altamont doyle, provided six drawings. http://www.holmesonscreen.com/Drawmeapicture.htm | |
60. Liens charles altamont doyle,père de Conan doyle, lui-même père de Sherlock Holmes. http://marc.seassau.free.fr/liens.html | |
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