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81. Arthur Dove And Seymour Lipton: The Designs Of Abstraction - Traveling Exhibitio TRAVELING EXHIBITIONS arthur dove and Seymour Lipton The Designs of Abstraction. arthurdove is often mentioned in the discussion of early abstraction. http://www.arkarts.com/state_services/traveling_exhibitions/edu_state_trav_dove_ | |
82. Arthur G. Dove, A Memoire By Suzanne M. Smith arthur G dove a memoire by Suzanne Mullett Smith. This is a new publicationthat is offered by MullettSmith Press relating the last http://www.mullett-smithpress.com/dove.html | |
83. Arthur Dove, Art Gallery Swing Era Painting the Jazz Product. arthur dove, Me and the Moon, 1937. Wax emulsionon canvas, 18 x 26 in. Washington, DC, Phillips Collection. arthur dove. http://xroads.virginia.edu/~ASI/musi212/emily/dove.html | |
84. Design Materials Used By Arthur Dove In His Late Sketches (Abstract) The American Institute for Conservation. Design Materials Used by ArthurDove in His Late Sketches. Dana M. Tepper and Beth A. Price http://aic.stanford.edu/conspec/bpg/annual/v19/bp19-22.html | |
85. Arthur G. Dove, Thunderstorm arthur G. dove, American, 18801946, Thunderstorm,1917-20, charcoal on paper. Back. http://www.uiowa.edu/uima/collections/dove.html | |
86. Arthur Dove - Reference Page To use the Library. Main Index, , Welcome, , Register. artincontext, arthur dove Reference Page. Galleries and Dealers, Museums. Catalogued Past Exhibitions. Images. http://www.artincontext.org/artist/d/arthur_dove/ | |
87. Arthur Dove - Grandfathers And Influences Authur dove. arthur dove Sun, 1943 24 x 32 inches(61.0 x 81.4 cm) Wax emulsion on canvas. http://www.abstract-art.com/abstraction/l2_Grnfthrs_fldr/g028_arthur_dove_sun.ht | |
88. Demuth Foundation THE POSTER PORTRAITS IX arthur dove This is the ninth in a series about CharlesDemuths portraits of the work of his friends and colleagues. http://www.demuth.org/dec2002-00.htm | |
89. Arthur Garfield Dove - Fine Art Dealers Association arthur Garfield dove Abstraction, 1930 (CLINE FINE ART) Colored pencil, colored chalk,and graphite on heavy paper 5 5/8 x 5 inches Signed, bottom center dove, http://www.fada.com/browse_all_galleries.html?artist=3044 |
90. Arthur Dove A Retrospective - Debra Bricker Balken arthur dove A Retrospective. Debra Bricker Balken. Author(s) DebraBricker Balken Publisher MIT Press Format TRADE PAPER Release http://pdxbooks.com/compare/0262522403 | |
91. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results Results per Page 10. 1. arthur dove. .. WHITNEY MUSEUM OF AMERICAN ART arthurdove is not thank God - the kind of without saying. http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?q=Arthur Dove&refid=kunstnet |
92. Artfacts.net: Arthur Dove Subscription. About us. Forum/Classifieds. Search. Artists, Exhibitions,Galleries. Deutsch. arthur dove. http://www.artfacts.net/index.php/pageType/artistInfo/artist/14039 | |
93. Arthur Dove: Watercolors And Pastels arthur dove Watercolors and Pastels. Book arthur dove Watercolors and Pastels Customer Reviews arthur dove Watercolors and Pastels Related Products http://www.art-photo-web.com/Arthur_Dove_Watercolors_and_Pastels_0807614394.html | |
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