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Home - Artists - Doesburg Theo Van |
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1. Theo Van Doesburg Theo van Doesburg. Theo van Doesburg is best known as a painter and as the founderand editor of the avantgarde magazine De Stijl (The Style, 1917-28). http://www.roland-collection.com/rolandcollection/section/17/502.htm | |
2. Leiden Promotie VVV/ Stories Of.... Theo Van Doesburg Theo van Doesburg . n 3 August descent. Under the name Theo van Doesburghe attended highschool and for while theatre school. When he http://www.leidenpromotie.nl/english/destad/verhalen/doesburg/csvd020.htm | |
3. Leiden Promotie VVV/ Stories Of.... Theo Van Doesburg Theo van Doesburg eiden, city of Jan Lievens, Gerard Dou, Jan van Goyen, Frans,Jan and Willem van Mieris, Jan Steen and of course Rembrandt van Rijn. http://www.leidenpromotie.nl/english/destad/verhalen/doesburg/csvd010.htm | |
4. WIEM: Doesburg Theo Van doesburg theo van, wlasciwie Christian Küpper (18831931), holenderski malarz,architekt i teoretyk sztuki. Wspólzalozyciel grupy De Stijl http://wiem.onet.pl/wiem/002f36.html | |
5. Doesburg Theo Van Theo van. doesburg theo van Book Review and Price Comparison. Pages1. Top Selling Books for doesburg theo van. Berkeley Conference http://www.bookfinder.us/Art/Artists___Musicians___A-Z/Doesburg__Theo_van.html | |
6. Vitruvio.ch - Theo Van Doesburg (The Netherlands - Olanda) Theo Van Doesburg. Utrecht, The Netherlands 1883 Davos, Switzerland 1931 (Utrecht,Olanda 1883 - Davos, Svizzera 1931). Theo van doesburg theo van Doesburg . http://www.vitruvio.ch/arc/masters/vandoesburg.php | |
7. SchrijversNet - Theo Van Doesburg Theo van Doesburg. Pseudoniem van Christian Emil Marie Kuepper PseudoniemenIK Bonset, Aldo Camini Geboren 1883 Overleden 7 maart http://www.schrijversnet.nl/doesburg.htm | |
8. Theo Van Doesburg Theo van Doesburg. Pseudoniem vormgever. inleiding theo van doesburg is vooralbekend als oprichter en redacteur van het tijdschrift destijl. http://www.kunstbus.nl/verklaringen/theo van doesburg.html |
9. Theo Van Doesburg Theo van Doesburg (18831931). Theo van Doesburg is vooral bekend alsoprichter en redacteur van het tijdschrift De Stijl. Van Doesburg http://www.digischool.nl/ckv1/architectuur/doesburg/doesburg1.htm | |
10. Theo Van Doesburg Theo van Doesburg. Theo van Doesburg (born Christian Emil Marie K?per)(August 30, 1883 March 7, 1931) was perhaps the main name http://www.fact-index.com/t/th/theo_van_doesburg.html | |
11. Artfacts.net: Theo Van Doesburg Theo van Doesburg. Biography 1891 Born in Utrecht (NL) Christian EmilMarie Küpper, who adopted the pseudonym Theo van Doesburg, was http://www.artfacts.net/index.php/pageType/artistInfo/artist/20075 | |
12. Theo Van Doesburg Theo van Doesburg (18831931). Theo van Doesburg werd in 1883 in Utrechtgeboren als Christian Emil Küpper. Als adolescent neemt http://home.student.uva.nl/peter.wester/theovandoesburg.html | |
13. Doesburg Theo van Doesburg. Born Christiaan Emil Marie Küpper. Also used the pseudonymsIK Bonset and Aldo Camini. Born 30 Aug. 1883 in Utrecht, Netherlands. http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/dada/doesburg.html | |
14. Guggenheim Collection - Artist - Van Doesburg - Biography Christian Emil Marie Küpper, who adopted the pseudonym theo van doesburg,was born in Utrecht, the Netherlands, on August 30, 1883. http://www.guggenheimcollection.org/site/artist_bio_157.html | |
15. Theo Van Doesburg Online theo van doesburg Dutch NeoPlasticist Painter, 1883-1931 Guide to pictures ofworks by theo van doesburg in art museum sites and image archives worldwide. http://www.artcyclopedia.com/artists/doesburg_theo_van.html | |
16. VAN DOESBURG MANIFESTO Read the manifesto from theo van doesburg Towards a plastic architecture (1924). http://caad.arch.ethz.ch/teaching/nds/ws96/exercises/nds9606/text/Theo_manifesto | |
17. Van Abbemuseum Hedendaagse kunst, een imposante collectie met werken van o.a. Picasso, Chagall, Kandinsky, El Lissitzky, theo van doesburg, Mondriaan en Appel. http://www.vanabbemuseum.nl/ | |
18. Peggy Guggenheim Collection - Artists - Theo Van Doesburg (1883-1931) theo van doesburg (18831931) Christian Emil Marie Kupper, who adoptedthe pseudonym theo van doesburg, was born in Utrecht, the http://www.guggenheim-venice.it/english/06_artists/van_doesburg.htm | |
19. Van Abbemuseum Collection includes works by figures such as Picasso, Chagall, Kandinsky, El Lissitzky, theo van doesburg, Mondrian and Appel, in Eindhoven. http://www.vanabbemuseum.nl/engels/index.html | |
20. Peggy Guggenheim Collection - Artists - Theo Van Doesburg (1883-1931) Emil Marie Kupper, who adopted the pseudonym theo van doesburg, was born in Utrecht, the Netherlands, on August From 1914 to 1916 van doesburg served in the Dutch army, after http://www.guggenheim-venice.com/english/06_artists/van_doesburg.htm | |
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