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         Doesburg Theo Van:     more books (68)
  1. Principles of neo-plastic art; ([A Bauhaus book]) by Theo van Doesburg, 1969
  2. Nieuwe woordbeeldingen: De gedichten van Theo van Doesburg (Dutch Edition) by Theo van Doesburg, 1975
  3. Grundbegriffe der neuen gestaltenden Kunst. by Theo van Doesburg, 1966-01-01
  4. Theo van Doesburg: Oeuvre catalogus (Dutch Edition) by Theo van Doesburg, 2000
  5. Theo Van Doesburg: Painting into Architecture, Theory into Practice (Cambridge Urban and Architectural Studies) by Allan Doig, 2010-02-04
  6. Theo Van Doesburg by Joost Baljeu, 1975-02-20
  7. Naar een beeldende architectuur (Teksten Architektuur) (Dutch Edition) by Theo van Doesburg, 1983
  8. Grundbegriffe der neuen gestaltenden Kunst. Mit einem Beitrag des Herausgebers und einem Nachwort von H.L.C. Jaffé. (Neue Bauhausbücher.) by THEO VAN. DOESBURG, 1966
  9. De Stijl en de Europese architectuur: De architectuuropstellen in Het Bouwbedrijf 1924-1931 (Dutch Edition) by Theo van Doesburg, 1986
  10. Principles of Neo-Plastic Art. With an introduction by Hans M. Wingler and a postscript by H.L.C. Jaffé. Translated from the German by Janet Seligman. by THEO VAN. DOESBURG, 1968
  11. On European Architecture: Complete Essays from Het Bouwbedrijf, 1924-1931 by Theo Van Doesburg, 1990-05
  12. The Antagonistic Link: JOAQUIN TORRES-GARCIA, THEO VAN DOESBURG. by Amsterdam. Institute of Contemporary Art., 1991
  13. Visions of Totality: Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, Theo Van Doesburg and El Lissitzky (Studies in the fine arts. The avant-garde) by S. A. Mansbach, 1980-02
  14. The Antagonistic Link: Joaquin Torres-Garcia : Theo Van Doesburg by Joaquin Torres-Garcia; Theo Van Doesburg, 1993

1. Theo Van Doesburg
Theo van Doesburg. Theo van Doesburg is best known as a painter and as the founderand editor of the avantgarde magazine De Stijl (The Style, 1917-28).
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Theo van Doesburg
New Aesthetics for a New World Theo van Doesburg is best known as a painter and as the founder and editor of the avant-garde magazine De Stijl The Style , 1917-28). But van Doesburg was also active in other fields: literature, philosophy, architecture, typography. This film explores his life and work, with the emphasis on his architecture, through posthumous works and documentary evidence about the artist and his wife recently given to the Netherlands.
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2. Leiden Promotie VVV/ Stories Of.... Theo Van Doesburg
Theo van Doesburg . n 3 August descent. Under the name Theo van Doesburghe attended highschool and for while theatre school. When he
Theo van Doesburg....
n 3 August 1883 Christiaan Emil Maria Küpper was born in Utrecht. Shortly after his birth father Wilhelm Küpper left his family for his birthplace Cologne, where he died in 1893. Christiaan grew up with his mother and stepfather. Theodorus Doesburg had already been a friend of the family for many years and presumably also the biological father of Christiaan. It is probably for this reason that Christiaan later changed his name with the addition of the word "van" (of) as a reference to his descent. Under the name Theo van Doesburg he attended highschool and for while theatre school. When he developed ambitions as a writer and painter his parents weren't very enthusiastic. This was a reason for Theo to leave his parental home at the age of 18.
Aside from the name Theo van Doesburg he used two pseudonyms. I.K. Bonset probably is an anagram for "Ik ben sot" (I am crazy), which he used to sign his dadaist peoms and activities.The pseudonym Aldo Camini was used to sign his anti-philosophical activities as a critic. After the mobilisation of WW I Van Doesburg stayed in 1916 with his mother in Haarlem, after which he moved to Leiden.
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3. Leiden Promotie VVV/ Stories Of.... Theo Van Doesburg
Theo van Doesburg eiden, city of Jan Lievens, Gerard Dou, Jan van Goyen, Frans,Jan and Willem van Mieris, Jan Steen and of course Rembrandt van Rijn.
Theo van Doesburg
eiden, city of Jan Lievens, Gerard Dou, Jan van Goyen, Frans, Jan and Willem van Mieris, Jan Steen and of course Rembrandt van Rijn. It is well known that many artists lived in Leiden during the Golden Age of the 17th century. Several of these Leiden painters even enjoy world renown. But in later years Leiden still was the birthplace of artistic developments. Theo van Doesburg , born Christiaan Emil Maria Küpper. This painter, writer, poet and designer lived from 1916 till 1921 in Leiden and founded "De Stijl"

4. WIEM: Doesburg Theo Van
doesburg theo van, wlasciwie Christian Küpper (18831931), holenderski malarz,architekt i teoretyk sztuki. Wspólzalozyciel grupy De Stijl
WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
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Przedstawione poni¿ej has³o pochodzi z archiwalnej edycji WIEM 2001!
Prace redakcyjne nad edycj± 2001 zosta³y zakoñczone. Zapraszamy do korzystania z nowej, codziennie aktualizowanej i wzbogacanej w nowe tre¶ci edycji WIEM 2004 Architektura, Malarstwo, Holandia
Doesburg Theo van
Doesburg Theo van , w³a¶ciwie Christian Küpper (1883-1931), holenderski malarz, architekt i teoretyk sztuki. Wspó³za³o¿yciel grupy De Stijl w 1917 (wspólnie z  P. Mondrianem ), propagator neoplastycyzmu , teorii wertykalno-horyzontalnego podzia³u p³ótna. Od 1921 w Weimarze, cz³onek Bauhaus , na który wywar³ du¿y wp³yw, podobnie jak na malarstwo nowoczesne. Od 1922 zwi±zany z  dadaizmem . G³ówne dzie³o Doesburga stanowi³a dekoracja wnêtrz restauracji Aubette w Strasburgu (z H. Arpem i S. Taeuber-Arp, zniszczona w 1927), ³±cz±ca architekturê z malarstwem. Autor prac teoretycznych: What is dada?

5. Doesburg Theo Van
Theo van. doesburg theo van Book Review and Price Comparison. Pages1. Top Selling Books for doesburg theo van. Berkeley Conference
Book Reviews and Compare Prices for Doesburg Theo Van
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Doesburg Theo van Book Review and Price Comparison
Pages: Top Selling Books for Doesburg Theo van Berkeley Conference on Dutch Literature, 1995: Dutch Poetry in Modern Times
AUTHOR: Johan P. Snapper (Editor), Thomas F. Shannon (Editor)
ISBN: 0761806288
Publish Date: February 1997
Format: Hardcover
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Theo van Doesburg
ISBN: 2904057455
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De Stijl (World of Art)
AUTHOR: Paul Overy ISBN: 0500202400 Publish Date: August 1991 Format: Paperback Compare prices for this book Visions of Totality: Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, Theo Van Doesburg, and El Lissitzky AUTHOR: Steven A. Mansbach ISBN: 0835710610 Compare prices for this book Hans Richter: Activism, Modernism, and the Avann-Garde AUTHOR: Stephen C. Foster (Editor) ISBN: 0262061961 Publish Date: May 1998 Format: Hardcover Compare prices for this book Theo van Doesburg: Oeuvre Catalogue AUTHOR: Theo van Doesburg ISBN: 9073285739 Publish Date: October 2000 Format: Hardcover Compare prices for this book Konstruktivistische Internationale, 1922-1927

6. - Theo Van Doesburg (The Netherlands - Olanda)
Theo Van Doesburg. Utrecht, The Netherlands 1883 Davos, Switzerland 1931 (Utrecht,Olanda 1883 - Davos, Svizzera 1931). Theo van doesburg theo van Doesburg .
Masters (Maestri) Theo Van Doesburg Utrecht, The Netherlands 1883 - Davos, Switzerland 1931 (Utrecht, Olanda 1883 - Davos, Svizzera 1931) Web Resources (Risorse sul Web) Link Collections by (Link selezionati da Biography (Biografia)

7. SchrijversNet - Theo Van Doesburg
Theo van Doesburg. Pseudoniem van Christian Emil Marie Kuepper PseudoniemenIK Bonset, Aldo Camini Geboren 1883 Overleden 7 maart
Theo van Doesburg
Pseudoniem van: Christian Emil Marie Kuepper
I.K. Bonset, Aldo Camini
: 7 maart 1931
Debuut Maskers af: teekeningen en tekst (1910, lezing) of Soldatenverzen (1915, poëzie)
Genres : Poëzie, toneel, fabel, voordracht, lezing
Bijzonderheid : Tevens schilder, architect, typograaf, kunsthistoricus, vormgever. I.K. Bonset zou een anagram zijn van IK BEN SOT, maar dat is nooit bevestigd.
Citaat: : 'Het estheticisme heeft ons allen aangestoken (helaas ook ons). Men kan geen voorwerp aanraken of het is er mee besmet (in Holland beschildert men elke straatklinker met een ornamentje of een kwadraatje!)' ( De Stijl
Greep uit het werk: Wat is dada? Eenige punten ter verklaring der moderne schilderkunst (1929, lezing) Schrijvers © 2000 Het SchrijversNet

8. Theo Van Doesburg
Theo van Doesburg. Pseudoniem vormgever. inleiding theo van doesburg is vooralbekend als oprichter en redacteur van het tijdschrift destijl. van doesburg.html

9. Theo Van Doesburg
Theo van Doesburg (18831931). Theo van Doesburg is vooral bekend alsoprichter en redacteur van het tijdschrift De Stijl. Van Doesburg
Theo van Doesburg (1883-1931) Theo van Doesburg is vooral bekend als oprichter en redacteur van het tijdschrift De Stijl. Van Doesburg was een veelzijdig kunstenaar - schilder, vormgever, architect, typograaf - en hij schreef verhalen gedichten en kunstbeschouwelijke artikelen. Door deze veelzijdigheid, in combinatie met zijn dynamische persoonlijkheid, fungeerde Van Doesburg als een katalysator binnen de Europese avantgarde. Hij gaf lezingen, organiseerde tentoonstellingen en zette zich, behalve voor De Stijl, in voor diverse andere tijdschriften en kunstenaarsgroepen. De Aubette Van Doesburg is niet zijn eigen naam. Op 30 augustus 1883 werd hij in Utrecht geboren als Christiaan Emile Marie Küpper. Hij noemde zich naar zijn stiefvader, Theodorus Doesburg. De jonge Van Doesburg wilde schilder en schrijver worden maar volgde geen opleiding. De vroege schilderijen zijn behoudend, maar Van Doesburg bewonderde Vincent van Gogh en Mathijs Maris; vanaf 1909 richtte hij zich op de artistieke expressie van emoties. In het voorjaar van 1913 kreeg hij waardering voor de abstracte schilderkunst. Mede door Kandinsky's Das Geistige in die Kunst besefte hij dat de modernen net als hij streefden naar een spirituele kunst. In 1915 maakte Van Doesburg kennis met onder andere Piet Mondriaan. De nieuwe contacten zetten hem aan tot een explosieve activiteit: hij wilde de krachten van de Nederlandse modernen bundelen in een kunstenaarsvereniging en een tijdschrift oprichten waarin de nieuwe ideeën konden worden geventileerd. In 1915 kwam Van Doesburg niet aan schilderen toe. Wel maakte hij tekeningen en pastels en schreef hij gedichten. Aan de schilderijen uit 1916 valt de invloed van De Winter en Huszar af te lezen. Van zijn vriend, de architect J.J.P. Oud, kreeg Van Doesburg zijn eerste opdracht voor het ontwerpen van

10. Theo Van Doesburg
Theo van Doesburg. Theo van Doesburg (born Christian Emil Marie K?per)(August 30, 1883 March 7, 1931) was perhaps the main name
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Theo van Doesburg
Theo van Doesburg (born Christian Emil Marie Küpper August 30 March 7 ) was perhaps the main name in the forefront of de stijl movement, after Piet Mondrian . As Mondrian was not directly committed with the publicizing affairs concerning the movement, Doesburg assumed this task and moved to Weimar, Germany in 1922 decided to make a hard influence over Bauhaus principal, Walter Gropius , in order to spread de stijl's influence. Although Gropius accepted a turn towards constructivism in 1923, he did not feel like Doesburg could be a Bauhaus master. Doesburg than installed himself near to Bauhaus buildings and started to attract school students interested in the new ideas of constructivism. Later on, Doesburg would split with his master, Mondrian, because of a divergence about the directions of the lines in the square scheme of de stijl paintings. Mondrian did never accept diagonals, whereas Doesburg insisted on the diagonal's dynamic aspects, and indeed featured it in many of his works. However, Mondrian accepted some concepts of diagonals, such as in Monrdian's Lozenge paintings, where the canvas was rotated 45 degrees, while still maintaining horizontal lines. This effect gave the impressions of lines extending beyond the canvas while maintaining the horizontal characteristic Mondrian stuck to.

11. Theo Van Doesburg
Theo van Doesburg. Biography 1891 Born in Utrecht (NL) Christian EmilMarie Küpper, who adopted the pseudonym Theo van Doesburg, was
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Born in Utrecht (NL)
Christian Emil Marie Küpper, who adopted the pseudonym Theo van Doesburg, was born in Utrecht, the Netherlands, on August 30, 1883. His first exhibition of paintings was held in 1908 in the Hague. In the early 1910s he wrote poetry and established himself as an art critic. From 1914 to 1916 van Doesburg served in the Dutch army, after which time he settled in Leiden and began his collaboration with the architects J. J. P. Oud and Jan Wils. In 1917 they founded the group De Stijl [more] and the periodical of the same name; other original members were Vilmos Huszár, Piet Mondrian, Bart van der Leck, and Georges Vantongerloo. Van Doesburg executed decorations for Oud’s De Vonk project in Noordwijkerhout in 1917.
In 1920 he resumed his writing, using the pen name I. K. Bonset and later Aldo Camini. Van Doesburg visited Berlin and Weimar in 1921 and the following year taught at the Weimar Bauhaus [more], where he associated with Raoul Hausmann, Le Corbusier, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, and Hans Richter. He was interested in Dada [more] at this time and worked with Kurt Schwitters as well as Jean Arp, Tristan Tzara, and others on the review Mécano in 1922. Exhibitions of the architectural designs of Gerrit Rietveld, van Doesburg, and Cor van Eesteren were held in Paris in 1923 at Léonce Rosenberg’s Galerie l’Effort Moderne and in 1924 at the Ecole Spéciale d’Architecture.

12. Theo Van Doesburg
Theo van Doesburg (18831931). Theo van Doesburg werd in 1883 in Utrechtgeboren als Christian Emil Küpper. Als adolescent neemt
Theo van Doesburg (1883-1931) Theo van Doesburg werd in 1883 in Utrecht geboren als Christian Emil Küpper.
Als adolescent neemt hij de naam van zijn stiefvader aan. In de eerste jaren
presenteert hij zich als schilder (figuratief) en dichter. Vanaf de vroege jaren
twintig begint hij zichzelf te beschouwen als schilder en architect. Van Doesburg
was een van de meest veelzijdige kunstenaars van zijn tijd. Hij was schilder,
beeldhouwer, architect en dichter. Bovendien was hij de oprichter en de drijvende
kracht achter het blad en de beweging De Stijl. In 1931 overleed hij in Davos, Zwitserland.
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13. Doesburg
Theo van Doesburg. Born Christiaan Emil Marie Küpper. Also used the pseudonymsIK Bonset and Aldo Camini. Born 30 Aug. 1883 in Utrecht, Netherlands.
Theo van Doesburg
Also used the pseudonyms I.K. Bonset and Aldo Camini.
Born 30 Aug. 1883 in Utrecht, Netherlands.
Died 7 March 1931 in Davos, Switzerland. Artist and writer associated with the Dada movement in the Netherlands. The International Dada Archive has extensive holdings of works by and about Doesburg, including the microfiche edition of the Theo van Doesburg in the Hague. BOOKS FROM THE DADA ARCHIVE

14. Guggenheim Collection - Artist - Van Doesburg - Biography
Christian Emil Marie Küpper, who adopted the pseudonym theo van doesburg,was born in Utrecht, the Netherlands, on August 30, 1883.
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b. 1883, Utrecht, The Netherlands; d. 1931, Davos, Switzerland De Stijl more Piet Mondrian , Bart van der Leck, and Georges Vantongerloo . Van Doesburg executed decorations for Oud’s De Vonk project in Noordwijkerhout in 1917. In 1920 he resumed his writing, using the pen name I. K. Bonset and later Aldo Camini. Van Doesburg visited Berlin and Weimar in 1921 and the following year taught at the Weimar Bauhaus more ], where he associated with Raoul Hausmann, Le Corbusier, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, and Hans Richter. He was interested in Dada more ] at this time and worked with Kurt Schwitters as well as Jean Arp , Tristan Tzara, and others on the review The Landesmuseum of Weimar presented a solo show of van Doesburg’s work in 1924. That same year he lectured on modern literature in Prague, Vienna, and Hannover, and the Bauhaus published his Grundbegriffe der neuen gestaltenden Kunst (Principles of Neo-Plastic Art). A new phase of De Stijl was declared by van Doesburg in his manifesto of “Elementarism,” published in 1926. During that year he collaborated with Arp and Sophie Taeuber-Arp on the decoration of the restaurant-cabaret L’Aubette in Strasbourg. Van Doesburg returned to Paris in 1929 and began working on a house at Meudon-Val-Fleury with van Eesteren. Also in that year he published the first issue of Art concret

15. Theo Van Doesburg Online
theo van doesburg Dutch NeoPlasticist Painter, 1883-1931 Guide to pictures ofworks by theo van doesburg in art museum sites and image archives worldwide.
Theo van Doesburg art links/last verified May 5-7, 2004 Report errors and broken links here
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Theo van Doesburg
[Dutch Neo-Plasticist Painter, 1883-1931]
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Read the manifesto from theo van doesburg Towards a plastic architecture (1924).
Theo van Doesburg: Towards a plastic architecture, 1924. Originally published in De Stijl, XII, 6/7, Rotterdam 1924.
1. Form. Elimination of all concept of form in the sense of a fixed type is essential to the healthy development of architecture and art as a whole. Instead of using earlier styles as models and imitating them, the problem of architecture must be posed entirely afresh. 2. The new architecture is elemental ; that is to say, it develops out of the elements of building in the widest sense. These elements - such as function, mass, surface, time, space, light, colour, material, etc. - are plastic 3. The new architecture is economic ; that is to say, it employs its elemental means as effectively and thriftily as possible and squanders neither these means nor the material. these means nor the material. 4. The new architecture is functional ; that is to say, it develops out of the exact determination of the practical demands, which it contains within clear outlines. 5. The new architecture is formless and yet exactly defined; that is to (such as confectioners use) in which it produces the functional surfaces arising out of practical, living demands.

17. Van Abbemuseum
Hedendaagse kunst, een imposante collectie met werken van o.a. Picasso, Chagall, Kandinsky, El Lissitzky, theo van doesburg, Mondriaan en Appel.
nederlands english bookmark nederlands english bookmark

18. Peggy Guggenheim Collection - Artists - Theo Van Doesburg (1883-1931)
theo van doesburg (18831931) Christian Emil Marie Kupper, who adoptedthe pseudonym theo van doesburg, was born in Utrecht, the
HOME News! Information Exhibitions ... Africa, Oceania, etc Theo van Doesburg (1883-1931) Christian Emil Marie Kupper, who adopted the pseudonym Theo van Doesburg, was born in Utrecht, the Netherlands, on August 30, 1883. His first exhibition of paintings was held in 1908 in the Hague. In the early 1910s he wrote poetry and established himself as an art critic. From 1914 to 1916 van Doesburg served in the Dutch army, after which time he settled in Leiden and began his collaboration with the architects J J P Oud and Jan Wils. In 1917 they founded the group De Stijl and the periodical of the same name; other original members were Vilmos Huszar, Piet Mondrian , Bart van der Leck, and Georges Vantongerloo. Van Doesburg executed decorations for Oud's De Vonk project in Noordwijkerhout in 1917. In 1920 he resumed his writing, using the pen name I K Bonset and later Aldo Camini. Van Doesburg visited Berlin and Weimar in 1921 and the following year taught at the Weimar Bauhaus, where he associated with Raoul Hausmann, Le Corbusier, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, and Hans Richter. He was interested in Dada at this time and worked with Kurt Schwitters as well as Jean Arp, Tristan Tzara, and others on the review Mécano in 1922. Exhibitions of the architectural designs of Gerrit Rietveld, van Doesburg, and Cor van Eesteren were held in Paris in 1923 at Léonce Rosenberg's Galerie l'Effort Moderne and in 1924 at the Ecole Spéciale d'Architecture.

19. Van Abbemuseum
Collection includes works by figures such as Picasso, Chagall, Kandinsky, El Lissitzky, theo van doesburg, Mondrian and Appel, in Eindhoven.
the museum will be open
on Whit Monday (May 31)
On January 17 th, 2003, H.M. Queen Beatrix officially reopened the Van Abbemuseum, after a period of radical renovation and expansion. With the renovation of the old museum building, which dates from 1936, and its integration into the spectacular new section designed by the Amsterdam architect Abel Cahen, the Van Abbemuseum is visibly responding to the ongoing changes in museum culture, and to the growing expectations of the public. The Van Abbemuseum is ready for a comeback as one of the leading museums of modern and contemporary art. The exhibition space now covers an area four times as large as it used to be. Besides a revolutionary exhibition programme that highlights all the latest developments in contemporary art, its own internationally renowned collection, with famous masterpieces from Picasso, Chagall, Lissitzky, Beuys, and many more, can now be displayed on a permanent basis. Van Abbe package deal

20. Peggy Guggenheim Collection - Artists - Theo Van Doesburg (1883-1931)
Emil Marie Kupper, who adopted the pseudonym theo van doesburg, was born in Utrecht, the Netherlands, on August From 1914 to 1916 van doesburg served in the Dutch army, after
HOME News! Information Exhibitions ... Africa, Oceania, etc Theo van Doesburg (1883-1931) Christian Emil Marie Kupper, who adopted the pseudonym Theo van Doesburg, was born in Utrecht, the Netherlands, on August 30, 1883. His first exhibition of paintings was held in 1908 in the Hague. In the early 1910s he wrote poetry and established himself as an art critic. From 1914 to 1916 van Doesburg served in the Dutch army, after which time he settled in Leiden and began his collaboration with the architects J J P Oud and Jan Wils. In 1917 they founded the group De Stijl and the periodical of the same name; other original members were Vilmos Huszar, Piet Mondrian , Bart van der Leck, and Georges Vantongerloo. Van Doesburg executed decorations for Oud's De Vonk project in Noordwijkerhout in 1917. In 1920 he resumed his writing, using the pen name I K Bonset and later Aldo Camini. Van Doesburg visited Berlin and Weimar in 1921 and the following year taught at the Weimar Bauhaus, where he associated with Raoul Hausmann, Le Corbusier, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, and Hans Richter. He was interested in Dada at this time and worked with Kurt Schwitters as well as Jean Arp, Tristan Tzara, and others on the review Mécano in 1922. Exhibitions of the architectural designs of Gerrit Rietveld, van Doesburg, and Cor van Eesteren were held in Paris in 1923 at Léonce Rosenberg's Galerie l'Effort Moderne and in 1924 at the Ecole Spéciale d'Architecture.

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