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41. Museo Ideale Leonardo Da Vinci Esposizione permanente dedicata all'opera dell'artista ubicazione, servizi, proposte didattiche, parco tematico all'aperto, eventi organizzati, ricerche e commenti critici. http://www.museoleonardo.it/ | |
42. Brandeis University Libraries Located in Waltham, Massachusetts. Over sixty specialized collections are grouped into four broad categories (Judaica, history, literature, and creative arts) and include significant holdings on Louis D. Brandeis, and Benjamin Disraeli, and leonardo da vinci, as well as collections of Albert Einstein's papers, and Yiddish Sheet Music, among others. Research affiliations Association of American Universities, Center for Research Libraries, Research Library Group. http://library.brandeis.edu/ | |
43. Jazyková kola Italtiny V Itálii - Studium Italského Jazyka Jazykov¡ Å¡kola se studijnmi kurzy v It¡lii. http://www.jazykove-pobyty-italie.cz/ | |
44. Leonardo Da Vinci And The Brain Includes anatomical drawings by leonardo and extracts from his writings in brain function, plus Medieval and Renaissance diagrams of the brain, its ventricles, and their function in cognition. http://pevsnerlab.kennedykrieger.org/leonardo.htm | |
45. Biografía - Leonardo Da Vinci. Leonardo Di Ser Piero Da Vinci leonardo da vinci. leonardo da vinci es uno de los grandes genios del Renacimiento, destacando como artista, inventor y descubridor. http://www.artehistoria.com/genios/pintores/2516.htm | |
46. Voci Dal Leonardo Strumento per i genitori degli alunni del Liceo Scientifico leonardo da vinci di Milano. http://utenti.lycos.it/vocidalleonardo/ | |
47. Biografía - Leonardo Da Vinci. Leonardo Di Ser Piero Da Vinci leonardo da vinci. leonardo da vinci es uno de los grandes genios del Renacimiento, destacando como artista, inventor y descubridor. http://www.artehistoria.com/historia/personajes/2516.htm | |
48. Musée National De La Science Et De La Technologie "Leonardo Da Vinci" Pr©sentation th©matique des collections, d©di©es aux moyens de transport, l'©nergie et L©onard de vinci. Visite virtuelle, activit©s p©dagogiques et informations pratiques. Milan, Italie. Fran§ais, Italien, Anglais . http://www.museoscienza.org/fr/ | |
49. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Leonardo Da Vinci Home Catholic Encyclopedia V leonardo da vinci. leonardo da vinci. (leonardo DI SER PIERO da vinci). Florentine painter, sculptor http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/15440a.htm | |
50. Leonard De Vinci / Leonardo Da Vinci Translate this page Leonard de vinci / leonardo da vinci (Vers 2.0) Un site complet de plus de 100 pages sur leonard de vinci (sa vie, ses dessins, ses peintures, commentaires d http://www.blue.fr/vinci/menu.html | |
51. Museo Nazionale Della Scienza E Della Tecnologia "Leonardo Da Vinci" Important section about leonardo da vinci. Website with VRML, online exhibitions, links. http://www.museoscienza.org/ | |
52. Famous Painter Lives and art of famous painters Pablo Picasso, Salvador dali, Michelangelo, leonardo da vinci, and Vincent Van Gogh. Biographies and images of works. http://www.famouspainter.com/ | |
53. CGFA- Leonardo Da Vinci CGFA Bio leonardo da vincileonardo da vinci (1452-1519). Special thanks to the Microsoft Corporation for permission to use following biographical information http://cgfa.sunsite.dk/vinci/ | |
54. Leonardo Da Vinci - La Fucina Di Leonardo L'azienda elabora e trasforma in oggetti di arredo e gioielli i disegni di leonardo da vinci. http://www.lafucinadileonardo.it/ | |
55. Agence Nationale Socrates-Leonardo Da Vinci Groupement dint©rªt public (GIP) charg©e dassurer la promotion et la mise en uvre d©centralis©e des ces deux programmes daction communautaire en mati¨re d©ducation et de formation professionnelle. Documents, formulaires, renseignements, liens. http://www.leonardo-france.org/ |
56. Sala D'exposicions Exposici³ d'obres del gran pintor itali (14521519). http://www.sinera.org/tot-art/catala/expos/indexp2.htm | |
57. Cours D'Italien En Italie Avec L'Ecole De Langue Italienne Leonardo Da Vinci Ecole de langue italienne. Cours pour ©trangers Florence, Rome et Sienne. Cours individuels ou en groupe, pour entreprises, cours culture et art de vivre et art et mode . http://www.cours-italien.com/ | |
58. BBC - Science & Nature - Leonardo - Homepage Discover the allround genius of leonardo da vinci with BBCi s guide to the man who wanted to know everything. leonardo da vinci, 1452-1519. http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/leonardo/ | |
59. Lær Italiensk I Italien I Firenze, Rom Og Siena - Ialienske Sprogskoler Og Kurs Italiensk sprogskole i Firenze, Rom og Siena. http://www.sprogrejser-italien.dk/ | |
60. BBC - CBBC - Art - Artyfacts - Leonardo Da Vinci Arty events. Art games. Portrait of leonardo da vinci, Even though he didnt finish many of his paintings, you couldnt call leonardo da vinci lazy. http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/art/artyfacts/davinci/index.shtml | |
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