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41. Biografía - Caravaggio. Michelangelo Amerighi caravaggio. Michelangelo caravaggio. Su padre era un alto funcionario de la corte de caravaggio, ciudad de donde era oriunda la familia Merisi. http://www.artehistoria.com/genios/pintores/1493.htm | |
42. SOREM - Home Page caravaggio, BG Opera nel settore delle trasmissioni meccaniche. Presenta i prodotti con disegni tecnici e tabelle per la scelta dei giunti. Le note tecniche, le serie dei prodotti, il profilo aziendale. http://www.sorem.it/ | |
43. Biografía - Caravaggio. Michelangelo Amerighi caravaggio. Su padre era un alto funcionario de la corte de caravaggio, ciudad de donde era oriunda la familia Merisi. http://www.artehistoria.com/historia/personajes/1493.htm | |
44. Merico S.r.l. Materie Plastiche caravaggio, BG Produce principalmente compounds di poliammidi in granuli naturali grigi e neri, su richiesta colorati a campione. http://www.mericomaterieplastiche.it/ | |
45. #Massari Art# Le Opere Di Marcellino Massari L'artista riproduce le opere di Michelangelo Merisi, in arte caravaggio, e ne propone le immagini. Informazioni sull'autore ed email per contatti. http://www.massariart.net/ |
46. Madiant Srl - Azienda Grafica Ed Affini caravaggio, BG Offre cataloghi scaricabili online per lutto e per onoranze funebri. http://www.madiant.it/page4.html | |
47. Kahle USA Design and assembly of plastic components, medical products and devices. Based in Summit, New Jersey, USA and caravaggio, Italy. http://www.kahleusa.com/ |
48. Ilian Artist/iconographer Ilian Ratchov paints Orthodox Catholic icons and religious art. Copies of old masters such as Rubens, Raphael, Leonardo, Titian, Van Dyk, caravaggio, Reni, Murillo, Velasquez. Classical portraits of famous people. http://www.ilianrachov.com |
49. Amazing Comics - Intervista A Roberto Recchioni Lo scrittore e disegnatore dell'Eura Editoriale parla delle sue passioni fumettistiche, John Doe , caravaggio e delle sue future produzioni. http://www.amazingcomics.it/intervista17.htm | |
50. Tutta L'opera Del Caravaggio: Una Mostra Impossibile Translate this page http://www.caravaggio.rai.it/ |
51. Gottardo Ciapanna - Quadri Ad Olio, Pittori Italiani Contemporanei Italian painter very much inspired by caravaggio. Oil paintings. http://digilander.iol.it/suz1451 | |
52. North Texas Institute For Educators On The Visual Arts The Cardsharps Michelangelo Merisi da caravaggio Michelangelo Merisi da caravaggio, Italian, 15711610 c.1594-95, Oil on canvas Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth http://www.art.unt.edu/ntieva/artcurr/alsp/caravagg.htm | |
53. Gottardo Ciapanna - Oil Paintings, Contemporary Painters A selection of paintings in oil from this Italian painter very much inspired by caravaggio. http://digilander.libero.it/suz1451/index2.html | |
54. NGA - Caravaggio's The Taking Of Christ caravaggio s The Taking of Christ. caravaggio focuses on the culminating moment of Judas betrayal, as he grasps Christ and delivers his treacherous kiss. http://www.nga.gov/exhibitions/caravbr-2.htm | |
55. Gemäldegalerie - Picture Gallery Housed in an elegant new purposebuilt building, the Berlin Picture Gallery possesses one of the world's finest collections of European art from the 13th to 18th century. The exhibition includes masterpieces by artists from every age of art history such as van Eyck, Bruegel, D¼rer, Raphael, Titian, caravaggio, Rembrandt and Rubens. http://www.museen-berlin.de/gg/e/s.html | |
56. CARAVAGGIO HOME PAGE The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://pure.cool-rock.com/caravag/ | |
57. Caravaggio - Renaissance Artist Biographical information on the Italian painter, and a selection of the artist's paintings. http://www.theartgallery.com.au/ArtEducation/greatartists/Caravaggio/about/index | |
58. CARAVAGGIOÇÁ©¯TCg The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://pure.cool-rock.com/caravag/caravagg.htm | |
59. Gli Autori: Caravaggio La vita e il percorso artistico del noto pittore. http://www.lalucedelvero.it/caravaggio.html | |
60. WIEM: Caravaggio caravaggio, wlasciwie Michelangelo Merisi (15711610), malarz wloski, jeden z glównych przedstawicieli wczesnego baroku. Wspóltwórca malarstwa http://wiem.onet.pl/wiem/00f725.html | |
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