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         Bernini Gianlorenzo:     more books (21)
  1. Drawings by Gianlorenzo Bernini, From the Museum der Bildenden Kunste by Irving Lavin, 1981
  2. Gianlorenzo Bernini - New Aspects of His Art and Thought - A Commemorative Volume by Irving Lavin, 1985
  3. The Expressiveness of Building: Gianlorenzo Bernini Sforaz Pallavicino and the Roman Baroque (Histories of Vision) by Maarten Delbeke, 2008-06-28
  5. Dal Trionfo All'amore: Il Mutevole Pensiero Artistico Di Gianlorenzo Bernini Nella by DamianDombrowski, 2003
  6. Dal Trionfo All'amore: Il Mutevole Pensiero Artistico Di Gianlorenzo Bernini Nella D by Damian Dombrowski, 2003

21. CGFA- Misc. Artists -B- Page 6
bernini, gianlorenzo (Italian, 15981680). Graphic Bacchanal A Faun Teasedby Children, 1616-17, marble, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. 95KB.
Bernini, Gianlorenzo (Italian, 1598-1680) Bacchanal: A Faun Teased by Children, 1616-17, marble, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. 95KB The Rape of Proserpina, 1621-22, marble, Borghese Gallery, Rome. 65KB. The Ecstasy of St. Teresa, 1645-52, marble, Santa Maria della Vittoria at Rome. 151KB Daniel, 1650, marble, Santa Maria del Populo, Rome. 113KB
Berruguette, Alonso (Spanish, 1488-1551) Salome, 1512-16, oil on wood, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence. 92KB
Berruguette, Pedro (Spanish, approx. 1450-1504) The Court of Inquisition Chaired by St. Dominic, 1500, tempera on wood, Museo del Prado, Madrid. 123KB
Berswordt Altar, Master of the (German, late 1300s-early 1400s) The Crucifixion, 1400, tempera and gold on wood transferred to canvas, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. 141KB
Bertram (Master of Minden, German, active 1367-1415) The Grabow Altarpiece, detail featuring "The Rest on the Flight Into Egypt", approx. 1380, from the main altar of Saint Peter's Church at Hamburg. 74KB
Besnard, Albert (French, 1849-1934)
Betts, Louis (American, 1873-1961)

22. Storia Dell'arte
Translate this page gianlorenzo bernini. gianlorenzo bernini nacque a Napoli nel 1598. Siformò alla Norfolk in Virginia. gianlorenzo bernini morì nel 1680.
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Le vostre ricerche Link Siti amici Link consigliati Gianlorenzo Bernini Capra Amaltea Priapo e la Flora . Altre opere che si affiancano a queste e realizzate da padre e figlio sono: il Putto con il dragone , la Fontana con il satiro e la pantera che si trova al museo di Berlino e il Gruppo bacchico del Metropolitan Museum di New York. Inoltre abbiamo le Quattro stagioni San Lorenzo sulla Graticola , il San Sebastiano , il Putto morso da un pesce e Anima beata e Anima dannata . Con l' Anima beata l'artista rappresenta il volto di una fanciulla in estasi, mentre l' Anima dannata Testa di Medusa del Caravaggio Il gruppo scultoreo rappresentante Anchise, Enea e il figlio Ascanio

23. Biografía - Bernini, Gianlorenzo
bernini, GianlorenzoNacionalidad Italia Nápoles 1598 - 1680 Estilo Barroco Italiano.
Nacionalidad: Italia
Nápoles 1598 - 1680
Estilo: Barroco Italiano
Nacido en Nápoles en 1598, hijo del también escultor Pietro Bernini, pronto empezó a trabajar para el cardenal Scipione Borghese, quien le convirtió en su protegido. De ésta primera época son las obras Cabra amaltea (1615), "Eneas y Anchises" (1618-19) y "Neptuno y Tritón" (1620) de claro estilo manierista por influencia de su padre. Por encargo del cardenal realiza "El rapto de Proserpina" (1621-2), "David" (1623) y "Apolo y Dafne" (1622-24), obras caracterizadas por una evolución de su estilo hacia la caracterización psicológica de los personajes, que esculpe repletos de fuerza interior, y la delicadeza de los acabados. Su estilo bebe de fuentes diversas, como Miguel Angel , el clasicismo greco-romano, el naturalismo de Caravaggio o el tratamiento de los rasgos corporales deGuido Reni. Su básica innovación consiste en acercar al espectador a la obra, haciendo a éste partícipe de la acción, rompiendo las fronteras tradicionales de la obra de arte. Es por ello considerado como uno de los creadores del Barroco . Las mejores muestras de su hacer son el Extasis de Santa Teresa y las tumbas de Urbano VIII y Alejandro VII en el Vaticano. También trabajó para

24. Gianlorenzo Bernini Artwork And Images At
information such as paintings, sculpture, photography Giovanni Domenico Rossi,The Tomb Urban VIII, after 17th century bernini, gianlorenzo Aeneas, Anchises
account access login: password: artist port. gallery port. arts marketplace browse the arts submit arts news media kit ... art history Artist: B : GIANLORENZO BERNINI ALPHABETICAL ARTIST INDEX: A B C D ... Z
Museum Image Collections: (1) Giovanni Domenico Rossi, The Tomb of Urban VIII, after 17th century
Related Sites: (7) Bernini, Gianlorenzo
Bust of Scipione Borghese 1632 Marble height 30 3/4" (78 cm) Galleria Borghese, Rome baroque sculptu...
Bernini, Gianlorenzo

Ecstasy of St. Teresa 1647-52 Marble height c. 11' 6" (3.5m) Santa Maria della Vittoria, Rome baroqu...
Bernini, Gianlorenzo

Bernini, Gianlorenzo

1598-1680 Italian sculptor, architect and painter
Bernini, Gianlorenzo

Tomb of Alexander VII 1672-78 Marble and gilded bronze Saint Peter's, Rome pope alexander sculpture ... Bernini, Gianlorenzo Bust of Costanza Bonarelli c. 1636-37 Marble height 28 3/8" (72 cm) Museo Nazionale, Florence baroqu... Bernini, Gianlorenzo Aeneas, Anchises, and Ascanius 1618-19 Marble height 86 5/8" (2.2 m) Galleria Borghese, Rome virgil ... Metasearch Website Matches: (16)

25. Bernini Artwork And Images At
Related Sites (18). bernini, gianlorenzo Bust of Scipione Borghese 1632 Marbleheight 30 3/4 (78 cm) Galleria Borghese, Rome baroque sculptu
account access login: password: artist port. gallery port. arts marketplace browse the arts submit arts news media kit ... art history Artist: B : BERNINI ALPHABETICAL ARTIST INDEX: A B C D ... Z
Museum Image Collections: (8) F.Portrait of Two Small Boys, 19th century
Giovanni Francesco Venturini, The Catedra Petri of Bernini (The throne of Peter by Bernini), plate 12 from the series Disegni di vari altari e cappelle nelle Chiese di Roma con le loro facciate, fianche, piante e misure (Drawings of altars and chapels in

Giovanni Domenico Rossi, The Tomb of Urban VIII, after Gianlorenzo17th century

Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione (il Grechetto), Portrait of a Man with Beard and Mustache, Wearing a Cap with Large Plume (Portrait of G.L. Bernini?), circa 1645 - 1650
Bacchanal: A Faun Teased by Children, 17th century (ca. 1616-17) By Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680)Italian

In the News: (6) Triumphs of the Baroque: Architecture in Europe, 1600-1750
The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts is ending 1999 on a note of splendour with the exhib...
The Splendor of 18th-Century Rome

Throughout the 18th century, the city of Romewith its antiquities, Renaissance and Baroque monumen...

26. Gianlorenzo Bernini - Fine Art, Paintings, Links And Prints
Information about artist gianlorenzo bernini. Find other master artists at NakedIcon Fine Art. CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTISTS. gianlorenzo bernini Links.
Naked Icon Artist Directory
Over 2100 links to sites about the masters of art from all periods and movements; Renaissance, Post-Modern, Cubism, Impressionist, Surrealist, Dada, etc.
Gianlorenzo Bernini Links
Gianlorenzo Bernini Artworks and Fine Art at
gianlorenzo bernini art artwork and indepth artistic information such as paintings, sculpture, photography Giovanni Domenico Rossi, The Tomb Urban VIII, after 17th century Bernini, Gianlorenzo Aeneas, Anchises, Ascanius Gianlorenzo Bernini Online
Gianlorenzo Bernini [Italian Baroque Era Sculptor, 1598-1680] Guide to pictures of works by Gianlorenzo Bernini in art museum sites and image archives worldwide.
The artist Gianlorenzo Bernini at a glance, with information about art books Resource Library: Gianlorenzo Bernini

27. Bernini
bernini, gianlorenzo. Contributed By Edward J. Sullivan. The singlemost important artistic talent of the Italian baroque. Although
Bernini, Gianlorenzo Contributed By:
Edward J. Sullivan The single most important artistic talent of the Italian baroque. Although most significant as a sculptor, he was also highly gifted as an architect; painter; draftsman; designer of stage sets, fireworks displays, and funeral trappings; and playwright. His art is the quintessence of high baroque energy and robustness ( see Baroque Art and Architecture). His ability to suggest textures of skin or cloth as well as to capture emotion and movement in sculpture was uncanny. Bernini reformed a number of sculptural genres, including the portrait bust, the fountain, and the tomb. His influence was widespread throughout the 17th and 18th centuries and was felt by such European masters as Pierre Puget, Pietro Bracci, and Andreas Schlüter. Bernini's life was dominated by his work, and his biography can be traced through the immense number of projects he undertook. His career developed almost entirely in Rome, although he was born in Naples. His father, Pietro Bernini, a talented sculptor of the late Mannerist style, was his son's first teacher ( see Mannerism). Young Gianlorenzo soon surpassed his father in excellence, however, as is known from the principal sources of information on Bernini: the biography by Filippo Baldinucci in 1682 and the biography by the artist's son Domenico in 1713. Many of Bernini's early sculptures were inspired by Hellenistic art (

28. Bernini, Gianlorenzo, Künstler, Kunstmaler, Malen, Malerei, Kunst, Kunstportal,
Translate this page Infos. gianlorenzo bernini (1598 - 1680) - Bildergalerie. Skulpturen ab 1620. Skulpturen ab 1630.
Webkatalog über Esoterik, Kunst, Multimedia Bernini, Gianlorenzo Infos Gianlorenzo Bernini (1598 - 1680) - Bildergalerie Bilder Skulpturen ab 1620 Skulpturen ab 1630 Skulpturen ab 1640 Skulpturen ab 1650 Skulpturen ab 1660 Skulpturen ab 1670 Angebote Hochwertige Kunstdrucke und Originalgrafiken mit individuellen Bilderrahmen Die besten Kunstbücher über Bernini Bernini and the Art of Architecture Bernini Angebote an Traum-Fernlehrgängen Studienlehrgang über Träume und Traumdeutung Fernlehrgang über Traumdeutung Heimlehrgang über Träume, Traumarbeit, Traumdeutung Alle 3 Fernlehrgänge sind geprüft und zugelassen von der "Staatlichen Zentralstelle für Fernunterricht" in Köln unter den Zulassungsnummern II/167, II/170 und II/171 Anforderung von Unterlagen zu den Fernlehrgängen Füllen Sie untenstehendes Formular aus, herzlichen Dank. Vorname
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29. LookSmart - Directory - Gianlorenzo Bernini
gianlorenzo bernini Offers biographies, images, and explanationsof specific works by the Italian baroque sculptor and architect.
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Gianlorenzo Bernini - Offers biographies, images, and explanations of specific works by the Italian baroque sculptor and architect.
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  • Bernini, Gianlorenzo - Artcyclopedia
    Directory provides links to image archives and museums that have pictures and photographs of Bernini's architectural designs.
    Bernini, Gianlorenzo - Dolce Vita

    See photos or read about Bernini's most famous work, including the St. Peter's colonnade, the St. Angelo Bridge, and the Piazza Navona fountains.
    Bernini, Gianlorenzo - Great Buildings Online

    Resource lists famous works by the baroque architect and sculptor, provides a biography, and offers a link to books on the artist.
    Bernini, Gianlorenzo - Web Gallery of Art

    Biography calls this architect the most important artist of Italy's baroque period. Read a lengthy profile, and see images of his art work.
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    30. Mark Harden's Museum Of Art - "Gianlorenzo Bernini"

    31. Mark Harden's Museum Of Art: "Artchive" - "Gianlorenzo Bernini"

    32. Fine Art Presentations
    The eGallery, bernini, gianlorenzo Italian, 15981680. Artists. Ethnicity. bernini,gianlorenzo Italian, 1598-1680 17th Century Artists Baroque Artists .

    33. :: Ez2Find :: Bernini, Gianlorenzo
    Guide bernini, gianlorenzo, Global Metasearch Any Language Guides, bernini, gianlorenzo.ez2Find Home Directory Arts
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    ez2Find Home Directory Arts Art History ... B : Bernini, Gianlorenzo Related Categories Arts: Art History: Movements: Baroque
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    34. Works By Artist
    71 Works by bernini, gianlorenzo (15981680), Italy. Title 6, Date, Views,Museum. Aeneas and Anchises, 1620, 3, Italy, Rome, Galleria Borghese.

    35. Saskia, Ltd. Cultural Documentation
    o, d, cd. order, n/a, order, Mid0027a, bernini, gianlorenzo, Bust of CardinalScipione Borghese (1576-1633). second, final version, Total from front left.

    36. Bernini, Gianlorenzo
    bernini, gianlorenzo. Links Arts Art History Artists B bernini,gianlorenzo. Home Arts Art History Artists B bernini, gianlorenzo.
    Bernini, Gianlorenzo Shopping? It's all here! Shopping Contact Top Trade ... Webmasters Search


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    Bed and Bath
    bernini david gianlorenzo
    Links: Arts: Art History: Artists: B: Bernini, Gianlorenzo
    Home Arts Art History Artists ... B : Bernini, Gianlorenzo Bernini, Gianlorenzo- More Web Results Below Add Your Site or modify Bernini, Gian Lorenzo (1598-1680)
    Brief biography of the Italian sculptor and architect from Information Roma.
    Bernini, Gian Lorenzo (1598-1680)

    Portrait and biography of the Italian sculptor, architect and artist in the Web Gallery of Art, along with annotated galleries of his sculptures and paintings.
    Bernini, Gianlorenzo (1598-1680)

    Biography of the dominating figure in Roman Baroque art in Great Buildings Online, with photographs and details of his architectural works.
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    37. Bernini, Gianlorenzo
    bernini, gianlorenzo. Neapolitan 15981680 The Works. Some highlightsof works by this artist selected by Art Guide s editors and readers.

    38. Hidden Symbolism In Bernini's Statue Of 'David Fighting Goliath'
    Keywords David, Davide, gianlorenzo bernini, Galleria Borghese, Shaked. Thestatue of David, by bernini, depicts David in a crucial moment in his life.
    Hidden symbolism in Bernini's 'David'
    by Guy Shaked Keywords: David, Davide, Gianlorenzo Bernini, Galleria Borghese, Shaked The statue of David, by Bernini, depicts David in a crucial moment in his life. The young man (only twenty years old) stands in front of Goliath, the giant Philistine warrior, facing a battle of life and death. He shed the armor of the warriors which he was given, since he was not accustomed to, wearing heavy armor, and using only the slingshot (a shepherd's weapon), attempts to hit the giant. David gathered momentum, and for a part of a second stands motionless, as he is taking aim, before throwing the stone at Goliath. His body expresses the great physical strain he is under, and his face expresses determination and concentration. His body expresses the great phisical strain he is under, and his face expresses determination and concetration. David's pose is in accordance to that suggested by Leonardo Da Vinci for "when someone is to cast spears, stones or other similar things": " a has oriented his feet in this direction [i. e. the direction of his movement]. Having twisted and moved himself towards the other side, where he prepares for the application of his power, he pivots with speed and convenience towards the point at which he wishes to release the stone from his hands" [1]. It is also in that aspect similar to Polyphemus Furioso (painted on the "Galleria Farnese" cieling) by Carracci, a painter which also had influence on Bernini's religious creations.

    Translate this page obra. bernini, gianlorenzo (1598-1680). Escultor, arquitecto y pintoritaliano. Es la figura más destacada del barroco italiano.
    LOS ARTISTAS: ABBATE, Níccoló dell´ (h. 1512-1571) Pintor manierista italiano. Natural de Módena, desarrolla su arte en Bolonia bajo la influencia de Corregio y Parmigianino. Allí decoró palacios y pintó algunos retratos. Fue llamado a la corte francesa en 1552 y trabajó en la decoración del palacio de Fontainebleau, a las órdenes de Primaticcio. Murió en Francia. Se ha perdido gran parte de su obra. Se le conoce más por sus pasisajes con figuras de inspiración mitológica, género en el que fue precursor de Claudio de Lorena y Poussin. ALBACINI, Carlo (S.XVIII) Escultor Neoclásico italiano activo entre 1770 y 1807. Su técnica en la ejecución de obras dentro de la tradición estética neoclásica es perfecta. Otra de sus actividades es la de copiar y restaurar obras antiguas. Restauró prácticamente todos los mármoles antiguos que pasaron a Inglaterra así como la colección Farnese de antigüedades que había heredado el rey de Nápoles. En 1780 realiza la tumba del pintor Rafael Mengs en San Pedro de Roma. Trabaja para el papa Pio VI. Fue académico de San Lucca en Roma en 1783. El Museo de Bellas Artes de San Fernando en Madrid contiene una buena muestra de su obra. BERNINI, Gianlorenzo (1598-1680)

    bernini, gianlorenzo, Fontanadelle Api, Rome, Italy (Fountain), 17C, bernini, gianlorenzo, 9, 1A1-BG-FA.

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