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         Bernini Gianlorenzo:     more books (21)
  1. The Art of Gianlorenzo Bernini Selected Sculpture by Michael P. Mezzatesta, 1982-06
  2. Gianlorenzo Bernini. Die Papst- und Herrscherporträts. Zum Verhältnis von Bildnis und Macht (German Edition) by Philipp Zitzlsperger, 2002-02-01
  3. Gianlorenzo Bernini: New Aspects of His Art and Thought/Book and 2 Records (Monographs on the Fine Arts) by Irving Lavin, 1985-11-01
  4. Drawings by Gianlorenzo Bernini by Irving Lavin, 1981-12
  5. Drawings by Gianlorenzo Bernini, From the Museum der Bildenden Kunste by Irving Lavin, 1938
  6. THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF GIANLORENZO BERNINI: An entry from Gale's <i>Arts and Humanities Through the Eras</i>
  8. DIE ZEICHNUNGEN DES GIANLORENZO BERNINI (The Drawings of Gianlorenzo Bernini). Two Volumes. by Heinrich and Rudolf Wittkower (Editors). (Gianlorenzo Bernini) BRAUER, 1931
  9. Drawings by Gianlorenzo Bernini, From the Museum der Bildenden Kunste Leipzig, German Democratic Republic by Gianlorenzo with text by Irving Lavin Bernini, 1981
  10. Drawings By Gianlorenzo Bernini From the Museum Der Bildenken Kunste Leipzig, German Democratic Republic by Irving Lavin, 1981-01-01
  11. Bernini, escultor humano de cosas divinas. (Gianlorenzo Bernini, escultor italiano)(TT: Bernini, human sculptor of divine works) (TA: Gianlorenzo Bernini, Italian sculptor): An article from: Contenido by Mary Lou Dabdoub, 1998-09-01
  12. DISEGNI DEL BERNINI. by Luigi (edit). Grassi, 1944-01-01
  13. Drawings by Gianlorenzo Bernini, From the Museum der Bildenden KunsteLeipzig, German Democratic Republic.
  14. Gianlorenzo Bernini, El Arte Y Sus Creadores by Fernando Marias, 1993

1. Gianlorenzo Bernini
Gianlorenzo Bernini images and biography Gianlorenzo Bernini Images.1618/19, Aeneas, Anchises, and Ascanius. 1622/25, Apollo and Daphne.
Gianlorenzo Bernini images and biography
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See also: Baroque Art Sculptors Artchive Sculpture Garden From PHAIDON, official art book sponsor of The Artchive Bernini - The Sculptor of the Roman Baroque Your purchase supports the Artchive! "Bernini was a sculptor, painter and architect and a formative influence as an outstanding exponent of the Italian Baroque. He was an exceptional portrait artist and owes to his father his accomplished techniques in the handling of marble and also an impressive list of patrons that included the Borghese and the Barbarini families. Bernini originally worked in the Late Mannerist tradition but rejected the contrived tendencies of this style. By 1624 he had adopted an expression that was passionate and full of emotional and psychological energy. His figures are caught in a transient moment from a single viewpoint, bursting into the spectator's space. In 1644 such interpretation reaches maturity in his rendition of the vision and Ecstasy of Saint Teresa . The Spanish nun swoons in heavenly rapture at the point of an angel's arrow. The work is a prime example of Bernini's vision of a decorative whole combining different materials and colours within an architectural space. A succession of powerful patrons in Rome and in Paris assured his reputation as an entrepreneurial artist who captured the spirit of the Counter-Reformation. His extreme and intense characterizations have fallen in and out of favor but his Baroque legacy remains intact."

2. Gianlorenzo Bernini
Gianlorenzo Bernini. 15981680. bernini gianlorenzo Bernini The Ecstasy of SaintTherese Cappella Cornaro, Santa Maria della Vittoria, Rome 1647-52.
You are in: Museum of Art Hall of Sculpture Gianlorenzo Bernini
Gianlorenzo Bernini
Italian Baroque Era Sculptor Research Links Virtualology is not affiliated with the authors of these links nor responsible for each Link's content Gianlorenzo Bernini
up for: YourName@GIANLORENZOBERNINI.COM. Gianlorenzo Bernini. 1598-1680. ... Thais - 1200 anni di scultura italiana - Bernini Gian ...
Thais - 1200 anni di scultura italiana. Bernini Gian
Lorenzo. Angelo Reggicartiglio ... The Art of Gianlorenzo Bernini Selected Sculpture
Selected Sculpture by Michael P. Mezzatesta See More Details ASIN: 091280405X. Gianlorenzo Bernini on the Internet
... CGFA Gianlorenzo Bernini at Mark Harden's Artchive Gianlorenzo Bernini in the Web
Gallery of Art 1200 Years of Italian Sculpture (mostly in Italian) AICT: Art ... The Art of Gianlorenzo Bernini Selected Sculpture
of Gianlorenzo Bernini Selected Sculpture by Michael P. Mezzatesta See More ... The Art of Gianlorenzo Bernini Selected Sculpture
Bernini Selected Sculpture by Michael P. Mezzatesta See More Details ASIN ... APOLLO and DAPHNE by Gianlorenzo Bernini (1598-1680) Galleria ...

3. MSN Encarta - Search Results - Bernini Gianlorenzo
Encarta Search results for bernini gianlorenzo . Page 1 of 1. List of items fromEncarta Encyclopedia. 3. Magazine and news articles about bernini gianlorenzo *.
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Results from MSN Search Bernini, Gianlorenzo - Mark Harden's Artchive
Image archive contains six photos of sculptures by the Italian Baroque artist. Read a biography excerpted from "The A-Z of Art."

Napoli nel 1598 e scomparve a Roma nel 1680. Influenze Classiciste.
Per visualizzare l'immagine è necessario il Plug-in di Flash. Nacque a Napoli nel 1598 e scomparve a Roma nel 1680. Influenze Classiciste Fu un grande architetto, scultore, scenografo, pittore e autore di teatro. Rappresenta uno dei personaggi dominanti del Seicento italiano; le sue sculture sono caratterizzate dal movimento a spirale e da un pittoricismo che le fa vibrare nello spazio. Lavorò quasi esclusivamente a Roma, da cui si allontanò per pochi mesi nel 1665, chiamato a Parigi per il rinnovamento del Louvre. Ebbe la sua prima educazione artistica sotto la guida del padre Pietro; si formò a Roma, sommando il virtuosismo tecnico del tardo manierismo allo studio del naturalismo ellenistico, le suggestioni dei grandi maestri del Cinquecento al classicismo della pittura dei Carracci. Tale formazione appare evidente nei gruppi marmorei di "Giove fanciullo e la capra Amaltea" del 1615 ca., nel "Ratto di Proserpina" del 1621-22, nel "David" del 1623, in "Apollo e Dafne" del 1622-25. San Pietro Inizia in seguito la lunga serie di opere per S. Pietro, che occupò l'artista per più di quarantanni: il primo lavoro è il "Baldacchino" del 1624-33, col quale sostituì ai tradizionali cibori un'originalissima struttura bronzea, che si inserisce nell'enorme vano sottostante la cupola. Ideò poi il rivestimento di marmi policromi delle navate, realizzò i monumenti funebri di Urbano VII nel 1628-47, di Alessandro VII nel 1671-78, la cappella del Sacramento e la sistemazione del vano absidale con l'immensa "macchina" della cattedra di S. Pietro. Per l'esterno progettò due campanili laterali per la facciata, ma ne venne costruito uno solo e lo si dovette demolire per cedimenti del terreno.

5. Gianlorenzo Bernini - Encyclopedia Article About Gianlorenzo Bernini. Free Acces
encyclopedia article about Gianlorenzo Bernini. Gianlorenzo Bernini in Free onlineEnglish dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. Gianlorenzo Bernini. Bernini
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Gianlorenzo Bernini
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Gian Lorenzo Bernini Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini December 7 December 7 is the 341st day (342nd on leap years) of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 24 days remaining.
  • 1732 - The Royal Opera House opens at Covent Garden, London.
  • 1787 - Delaware becomes the first state to ratify the United States Constitution.
  • 1815 - Michel Ney, Marshal of France, is executed by firing squad, after been convicted of treason by the Bourbon Restoration government of Louis XVIII for his support of Napoleon Bonaparte during the Hundred Days.

Click the link for more information. Centuries: 15th century - 16th century - 17th century Decades: 1540s 1550s 1560s 1570s 1580s - Years: 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 - Events
  • January 7 - Boris Godunov seizes the throne of Russia following the death of his brother-in-law, Tsar Feodor I
  • April 13 - Edict of Nantes - Henry IV of France grants French Huguenots equal rights with Catholics. Considered the end of the French Wars of Religion.

Click the link for more information.

6. Art History At Loggia | The Artist Gianlorenzo Bernini At A Glance
Click Here. home art art history artists ac bernini gianlorenzoBernini at a Glance. The Ecstasy of St. Theresa, by Gianlorenzo

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Gianlorenzo Bernini at a Glance

The Ecstasy of St. Theresa , by Gianlorenzo Bernini
artist Gianlorenzo Bernini
period Baroque

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7. Bernini
Gianlorenzo Bernini (1598 1680). Selvportræt. Denne side rummer en kortpræsentation og udvalgte værker af den italienske kunstner Bernini.
Gianlorenzo Bernini Selvportræt Denne side rummer en kort præsentation og udvalgte værker af den italienske kunstner Bernini. For mange er Bernini indbegrebet af italiensk Barok. Han levede og arbejdede i Rom næsten uafbrudt fra 1605 - 1680. Bernini var multikunstner - skulptør, arkitekt, maler, scenekunstner og dramaforfatter. Men mest kendt er hans skulpturer, hvoraf de fleste er udført i marmor. Han var ikke ret gammel, da Kardinal Scipione Borghese (nevø til Pave Poul V) opdagede hans talent, og for Borghese udførte Bernini en lang række af de værker, som i dag kan ses i Villa Borghese i Rom - bla skabte han Pluto og Proserpina og Apollon og Daphe som I kan se og får kort beskrevet lidt længere nede på denne side. Efter denne præsentation finder I i øvrigt en link til Villa Borghese , hvor I kan møde flere af Berninis skulpturer. Men også som arkitekt vandt Bernini berømmelse. Han blev Peterskirkens arkitekt, og gennem mange år var han direktør for alle offentlige arbejder i Rom. Han fik til opgave at udsmykke Peterskirkens indre (se nederst på siden Peters stol , som er et af Berninis værker i Peterskirken), og han er idémanden bag den mægtige skulpturkolonnade, som indrammer pladsen foran kirken.

8. Gianlorenzo Bernini
Gianlorenzo Bernini (15981680). By Dr Richard John (Click on the thumbnail tosee a larger version of the image) San Andrea al Quirinale, Rome (1658-70).
Gianlorenzo Bernini (1598-1680)
By Dr Richard John
(Click on the thumbnail to see a larger version of the image) San Andrea al Quirinale, Rome (1658-70) Exterior; note the curving walls running forward from the entrance facade to frame a small piazza in front of the church.
Interior. Note how the staue of Saint Andrew appears to be breaking through the segmental pediment in his ascent to heaven.
St Peter's, Rome Etching by Piranesi showing Bernini's colonnades, begun in 1656, which form a large oval piazza in front Carlo Maderno's facade. Bernini worked inside the church creating a baldacchino below the crossing, the Cathedra Petri in the apse, and the Scala Regia (the staircase adjacent to the church which leads up to the Sistine Chapel, below).
Cathedra Petri baldacchino
Four Rivers Fountain, Piazza Navona, Rome, 1648-51
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9. Bernini - Great Buildings Online
Biography of the dominating figure in Roman Baroque art in Great Buildings Online, with photographs and details of his architectural works.
Architect Bernini Great Buildings Search Advanced Search Buildings ... Store Works Piazza Navona , at Rome, Italy, 1600 's. Piazza of St. Peter's , at Vatican City, surrounded by Rome, Italy, 1656 to 1667. Sant'Andrea al Quirinale , at Rome, Italy, 1658 to 1665. Biography Bernini (b. Naples, Italy 1598; d. Rome, Italy) Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini was born in Naples in 1598, the son of a Florentine sculptor by whom he was trained. After settling in Rome, Bernini came to the attention of the future Pope Urban VIII. Under the patronage of Pope Urban VIII, Bernini spent his entire career in Rome where he gained his architectural fame under Alexander VII (1655-67). Considered the creator of the Baroque style , Bernini created a fusion of architecture, painting, and sculpture that led to the generation of new, dynamic forms. His works used the drama of false perspective and trompe-l'oeil to create an impact that involved the spectator. He also created a much copied palace facade type which he articulated with massive pilasters above a rusticated base. Although Bernini grafted completely new sculptural forms onto Renaissance buildings, he maintained a continuity with the original serenity of the Renaissance ideal.

10. Gianlorenzo Bernini Online
gianlorenzo bernini Italian Baroque Era Sculptor, 15981680 Guide to pictures of works by gianlorenzo bernini in art museum sites and image archives worldwide. gianlorenzo bernini art links/last verified January 3, 2004 All images and text on this gianlorenzo bernini page are copyright 1999-2003 by John Malyon and Artcyclopedia, unless
Gianlorenzo Bernini art links/last verified May 5-7, 2004 Report errors and broken links here
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Gianlorenzo Bernini
[Italian Baroque Era Sculptor, 1598-1680]
Gian Lorenzo Bernini
Le Bernin
Son of Pietro Bernini
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Museums and Art Galleries: Hermitage Museum , Saint Petersburg, Russia
8 works
J. Paul Getty Museum
, Los Angeles
Louvre Museum
, Paris
Angel Carrying the Crown of Thorns , C.1667
Louvre Museum Database
, Paris (only available in French) Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York Bacchanal: A Faun Teased by Children , C.1616-17 National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. National Gallery of Australia , Canberra St Agnes National Gallery of Canada , Ottawa Maffeo Barberini, Pope Urban VIII National Gallery, London , UK Saints Andrew and Thomas Vatican Museums , Vatican City Sculptures from the Bernini room of the Pinacoteca Art Fund for UK Museums , France Louis XIV Chrysler Museum , Virginia Cleveland Museum of Art , Ohio Head of Proserpina Detroit Institute of Arts , Michigan Galleria Borghese , Rome David Apollo and Daphne Pluto and Proserpina Truth unveiled by Time Galleria Doria Pamphilj , Rome (in Italian) Busto di Innocenzo X Harvard University Art Museums , Massachusetts Kimbell Art Museum , Fort Worth, Texas Two Bozzetti for Angels on the Ponte Sant'Angelo: Angel with the Superscription and Angel with the Crown of Thorns Memorial Art Gallery of the University of Rochester , New York , Ajaccio, France Museum Kunst Palast , Düsseldorf (in German) 2 grotesques National Gallery of Australia Bust of Pope Clement X

11. MA263 Business Of Art - Gianlorenzo Bernini Page
ART 263 / MAN 263. The Business of Art. gianlorenzo bernini. gianlorenzo bernini was born in 1598, the son of a sculptor as sons often followed in their fathers' careers. (
ART 263 / MAN 263
The Business of Art
Gianlorenzo Bernini
Gianlorenzo Bernini was born in 1598, the son of a sculptor - as sons often followed in their fathers' careers. (Bernini's father's work can be seen at the bottom of the Spanish steps in Rome in a fountain in the shape of a ship). The elder Bernini moved to Rome in 1605 to work for Pope Paul V. Bernini, by the age 20, was working for Cardinal Borghese. Interestingly enough, although the Church's new rules for art asked for religious imagery, no nudity, the cardinal commissioned many pagan themes for his home. In the Villa Borghese you can see Aeneas and Anchises (1618-19), The Rape of Proserpina 1621-22, Apollo and Daphne (1622-24 as shown to the left) and a religious work, the David of 1623. Bernini also created many fountains for the city of Rome, including the Triton Fountain (1642-3 shown to the right) and the Fountain of the Four Rivers (1848-51). This latter work, however, does have Counter reformation symbolism and was a church commission. The bulk of Benini's work is in St. Peter's. From 1623, until his death in 1680, most of Bernini's time was spent embellishing the

12. Bernini: Ecstasy Of St. Teresa
Mark Harden s Artchive, bernini, gianlorenzo Ecstasy of St. Teresa 164752Marble height c. 11 6 (3.5m) Santa Maria della Vittoria, Rome

13. Mark Harden's Artchive - "Gianlorenzo Bernini"
VIEW IMAGE LIST. From PHAIDON, official art book sponsor of The Artchive. bernini The Sculptor of the Roman Baroque. Your purchase supports the Artchive! " bernini was a sculptor, painter and

14. MSN Encarta - Bernini, Gianlorenzo
bernini, gianlorenzo. bernini, gianlorenzo, full name Giovanni Lorenzo bernini (15981680),the single most important artistic talent of the Italian baroque.
MSN Home My MSN Hotmail Shopping ... Money Web Search: logoImg(''); Encarta Subscriber Sign In Help Home ... Upgrade to Encarta Premium Search Encarta
Subscription Article MSN Encarta Premium: Get this article, plus 60,000 other articles, an interactive atlas, dictionaries, thesaurus, articles from 100 leading magazines, homework tools, daily math help and more for $4.95/month or $29.95/year (plus applicable taxes.) Learn more. This article is exclusively available for MSN Encarta Premium Subscribers. Already a subscriber? Sign in above. Bernini, Gianlorenzo Bernini, Gianlorenzo , full name Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680), the single most important artistic talent of the Italian baroque. Although most... Related Items characteristics of his sculpture Baroque Art and Architecture 28 items Multimedia 4 items Selected Web Links Gian Lorenzo Bernini [Getty Explore Art] 1 item Further Reading These sources provide additional information about: Bernini, Gianlorenzo Want more Encarta? Become a subscriber today and gain access to:
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15. CGFA- Misc. Artists -B- Page 6
bernini, gianlorenzo (Italian, 15981680) Bacchanal A Faun Teased by Children, 1616-17, marble, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. 95KB. The Rape of Proserpina, 1621-22, marble, Borghese Gallery
Bernini, Gianlorenzo (Italian, 1598-1680) Bacchanal: A Faun Teased by Children, 1616-17, marble, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. 95KB The Rape of Proserpina, 1621-22, marble, Borghese Gallery, Rome. 65KB. The Ecstasy of St. Teresa, 1645-52, marble, Santa Maria della Vittoria at Rome. 151KB Daniel, 1650, marble, Santa Maria del Populo, Rome. 113KB
Berruguette, Alonso (Spanish, 1488-1551) Salome, 1512-16, oil on wood, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence. 92KB
Berruguette, Pedro (Spanish, approx. 1450-1504) The Court of Inquisition Chaired by St. Dominic, 1500, tempera on wood, Museo del Prado, Madrid. 123KB
Berswordt Altar, Master of the (German, late 1300s-early 1400s) The Crucifixion, 1400, tempera and gold on wood transferred to canvas, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. 141KB
Bertram (Master of Minden, German, active 1367-1415) The Grabow Altarpiece, detail featuring "The Rest on the Flight Into Egypt", approx. 1380, from the main altar of Saint Peter's Church at Hamburg. 74KB
Besnard, Albert (French, 1849-1934)
Betts, Louis (American, 1873-1961)

16. Bernini, Gianlorenzo
bernini, gianlorenzo. David, bernini, 1623 Apollo and Daphne, bernini, 1624Aerial view of St. Peter¹s Basilica (Vatican city), bernini, 1626
Bernini, Gianlorenzo
David, Bernini, 1623
Apollo and Daphne, Bernini, 1624
Aerial view of St. Peter¹s Basilica (Vatican city), Bernini, 1626
Baldacchino for St. Peter¹s Basilica, Bernini, 1624-1633
Palazzo Barberini, Bernini, 1630¹s
Santa Maria della Vittoria: Cornaro Chapel (figures in loge), Bernini, 1645-1652
Santa Maria della Vittoria: Cornaro Chapel, Bernini, 1645-52 (18th Century painting)
Santa Maria della Vittoria: Cornaro Chapel, Bernini, 1645-1652 (18th Century painting )
Ecstacy of St. Teresa, Bernini, 1645-52
Plan of St. Peter¹s Basilica with adjoining piazza, Bernini, 1657- Cathedra Petri (St. Peter¹s Basilica), Bernini, 1656-1666 Scala Regia (St. Peter¹s Basilica), Bernini, 1663-1666 Plan of the Scala Regia (St. Peter¹s Basilica), Bernini, 1663-1666 Façade (colonade) of St Peter¹s Basilica, Bernini, 1657-1667

17. Images Of Sant'Andrea Al Quirinale, Rome, By Bernini, 1658-70. Digital Imaging P
Sant'Andrea al Quirinale. gianlorenzo bernini. 165870 See also bernini's Fountain of the Four Rivers in Rome
Sant'Andrea al Quirinale
Gianlorenzo Bernini
The facade
The facade is comprised of a large aedicule, with giant Corinthian pilasters, which frames a curving portico supported by two free-standing Ionic columns. Semi-circular steps continue the outward circular flow. The entrance aedicule is repeated inside by an aedicule framing the altar recess. A sculpted St. Andrew rises above the altar-niche, soaring to heaven on stucco clouds. The architecture of the interior is designed to focus attention on this dramatic miracle.
View of the low walls extending forward and the contrapuntal motion of the curvature of the church
The forward flow of the portico and steps is countered by the concave walls extending outwards and then by the opposite curvature of the church. This dynamic contrapuntal motion is characteristic of Italian Baroque architecture. The portico is surmounted by the Pamphili coats of armsCardinal Camillo Pamphili commissioned the church for novices of the Jesuit order. The church has an oval plan (with the transverse axis longer than the main axis between the entrance and altar). The interior dome is mantled and thus invisible from the outside.
See also Bernini's Fountain of the Four Rivers in Rome.

18. Maderna, Carlo, (with Gianlorenzo Bernini)
Maderna, Carlo, (with gianlorenzo bernini). Barberini Palace (western view), Maderna, 16281635 Barberini Palace (plan of first floor), Maderna , 1628-1638.
Maderna, Carlo, (with Gianlorenzo Bernini)
Barberini Palace (western view), Maderna , 1628-1635
Barberini Palace (plan of first floor), Maderna , 1628-1638

19. Bernini
bernini, gianlorenzo. Contributed By Edward J. Sullivan. The single most important artistic talent of the Italian baroque. bernini's life was dominated by his work, and his biography can be traced through the immense number of projects he
Bernini, Gianlorenzo Contributed By:
Edward J. Sullivan The single most important artistic talent of the Italian baroque. Although most significant as a sculptor, he was also highly gifted as an architect; painter; draftsman; designer of stage sets, fireworks displays, and funeral trappings; and playwright. His art is the quintessence of high baroque energy and robustness ( see Baroque Art and Architecture). His ability to suggest textures of skin or cloth as well as to capture emotion and movement in sculpture was uncanny. Bernini reformed a number of sculptural genres, including the portrait bust, the fountain, and the tomb. His influence was widespread throughout the 17th and 18th centuries and was felt by such European masters as Pierre Puget, Pietro Bracci, and Andreas Schlüter. Bernini's life was dominated by his work, and his biography can be traced through the immense number of projects he undertook. His career developed almost entirely in Rome, although he was born in Naples. His father, Pietro Bernini, a talented sculptor of the late Mannerist style, was his son's first teacher ( see Mannerism). Young Gianlorenzo soon surpassed his father in excellence, however, as is known from the principal sources of information on Bernini: the biography by Filippo Baldinucci in 1682 and the biography by the artist's son Domenico in 1713. Many of Bernini's early sculptures were inspired by Hellenistic art (

20. Bernini, Gianlorenzo (Giovanni Lorenzo)
bernini, gianlorenzo (Giovanni Lorenzo). Baroque sculpture is shown at its dramaticheight in the Triton Fountain, Piazza Barberini, Rome, Italy, by the Italian
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The Four Rivers Fountain
Italian sculptor, architect, and painter. He was a leading figure in the development of the baroque The Ecstasy of St Theresa
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