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21. Soil Fertility: Index has been a problem in many countries that have intensive agriculture production.Mobile nutrients such as nitrogen can move out of the soil profile into the http://interactive.usask.ca/ski/agriculture/soils/soilfert/ | |
22. Rodale Institute Rodale runs the Regenerative agriculture Resource Center working with farmers to improve the quality of agricultural soils in Senegal. Report and contact details. http://fadr.msu.ru/rodale/ | |
23. Untitled Document SARE's Sustainable agriculture Network publishes books, bulletins and online resources highlighting SAREfunded project 814 k) Building soils for Better Crops, 2nd Edition http://www.sare.org/htdocs/pubs/resources |
24. Saskatchewan Interactive: Agriculture soils. Without fertile soils, agriculture in Saskatchewan would cometo a grinding halt. Find out how soils are formed, why they http://interactive.usask.ca/ski/agriculture/ | |
25. Earthworm Ecology And Sustaining Agriculture A paper from the Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, University of California, exploring the effects of earthworms in farmed soils. http://www.sarep.ucdavis.edu/worms/werner.htm | |
26. Organic Ag And Resource Conservation NRCS SQ have a wealth of experience regarding crop rotations, cover crops, soil health,and Organic agriculture is an approach to farming that may be wellsuited to http://soils.usda.gov/sqi/soil_quality/land_management/organic.html |
27. Pictures On Nature And Society - Photos Nature & Société - Bruno Locatelli More than 1000 pictures on tropical forets, biodiversity, agriculture, soils, and cities. http://www.locatelli1.net/ | |
28. Hydric Soils NRCS Soils United States Department of agriculture Natural Resources ConservationService, soils, Go to Accessibility Information Skip to Page Content, http://soils.usda.gov/use/hydric/ |
29. Soil Orders The Twelve Soil Orders Soil Taxonomy, In 1975, Soil Taxonomy was publishedby the United States Department of agriculture s Soil Survey Staff. http://soils.ag.uidaho.edu/soilorders/ | |
30. Soil Songs | NRCS Soils Songs by the department of agriculture about mud. http://soils.usda.gov/education/resources/k_12/songs/index.html | |
31. Department Of Soil, Water And Environmental Science Homepage, University Of Ariz The Soil, Water and Environmental Science Department (SWES) is part of the College of agriculture at the University of Arizona. Research and classes focus on land, water, environmental quality, and plant nutrition. M.S. and Ph.D. Degrees are offered in Soil, Water and Environmental Science. B.S. Degrees are offered in Soil and Water Science or in Environmental Science. http://ag.arizona.edu/SWES/ | |
32. Soils - Agriculture, Science - Zaz Corporation Research on physicochemistry and biology of agricultural soils, metabolism andnutrition of crops, management of agricultural soils and nutrient balance. http://www.zaz.com/Science/Agriculture/Soils/ | |
33. Apison Series Official soil survey from the Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Department of agriculture. http://www.statlab.iastate.edu/soils/osd/dat/A/APISON.html |
34. Canadian Soil Classification A taxonomy of soils. http://interactive.usask.ca/ski/agriculture/soils/soilclass/soilclass_can.html | |
35. Homepage Frieder Graef Personal homepage about soils/agriculture research in Niger, Chad and Israel, including soil erosion and desertification. http://www.uni-hohenheim.de/~graef/ |
36. Fertilizer Use And Crop Production This site has information on soil testing, fertilizer recommendations, micronutrients, plant tissue analysis, organic soils, calculation of fertilizer rates and manure. http://www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture/crops/cropproduction/faa04s00.html#_1_3 |
37. SCIENCES Of SOILS - Soil Sciences On The WEB Soil Physics. Lecture Notes in Soil Physics. agriculture.Texas Plant Desease Handbook. Forest soils. http://hintze-online.com/sos/soils-online.html | |
38. Soil Resource Database For Saskatchewan This database provides information on physical and chemical attributes of the soil, landscape characteristics, and interpretive data. http://interactive.usask.ca/ski/agriculture/soils/soilmap/index.html | |
39. Soils & Compost: ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service Health, Northeast Region SARE slideshow NRCS Soil Quality Institute Soil And HealthLibrary The Health of Our soils Toward sustainable agriculture in Canada. http://www.attra.org/soils.html | |
40. Agriculture & Environment Division of division and its research projects.......IACRRothamsted,UK. Aims to optimise crop yield and quality while protecting soils, water, the food chain and the global environment through an understanding of nutrient acquisition, nutrient transformations, soil ecology and remediation. http://www.iacr.bbsrc.ac.uk/aen/aenindex.htm | |
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