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121. UCONN SCHOOL IPM (INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT) Information on the Connecticut Integrated pest management Program for schools on how to control head lice. http://www.hort.uconn.edu/ipm/ipmscool.htm | |
122. Cocoa Integrated Pest Management Homepage The Cocoa IPM Homepage has information on the following topics http://www.oardc.ohio-state.edu/cocoa/ | |
123. 2004 Georgia Pest Management Handbook 2004 Georgia pest management Handbook. Book Information Handbook 2004.© 2004, Paul Guillebeau, 2004 GA pest management Handbook, http://www.ent.uga.edu/pmh/ | |
124. Maryland Department Of Agriculture Home Page Celebrating 30 years of protecting consumers, preserving the environment, andpromoting agriculture. Office of Plant Industries and pest management. http://www.mda.state.md.us/geninfo/gen3.htm |
125. Organic Integrated Pest Management Alternatives To Pesticides Like Arsenic And W Beyond Pesticides promotes organic integrated pest management alternativesto pesticides like arsenic and wood preservatives. http://www.beyondpesticides.org/infoservices/pcos/ | |
126. Kentucky Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Agent Resources. University of Kentucky Integrated pest management Photomontage courtesy of P. Lucas, copyright 2003 Last updated 20 April 2004. http://www.uky.edu/Agriculture/IPM/ipm.htm | |
127. Stylet-Oil ― The High Purity Mineral Oil Floridabased producer of a high purity mineral oil, Stylet, used as a biodegradable fungicide and insecticide in integrated pest management programs. http://www.stylet-oil.com | |
128. Pest Management Sources At Paraclipse.com pest management at Paraclipse.com. pest management information presentedat Paraclipse.com. pest management sources by clicking above. http://www.paraclipse.com/pest_management_q.html | |
129. ACTRON Flying Insect Control Specialists. Offering non chemical solutions for pest management. Product line includes insect electrocutor light traps, air doors, and glue board traps. Located in Santa Clarita, California. http://www.actroninc.com/ | |
130. CSIRO Entomology - Pest Management Program About the pest management Program. Research Projects 20002001; Results ofResearch 1997-99 (Download PDF file 1.9Mb); Locations; Related information http://www.ento.csiro.au/research/pestmgmt/pestmgmt.html | |
131. UConn Integrated Pest Management:IPM-TREE FRUIT CROPS Articles on integrated pest management for apple and other fruit trees, including control of the boxelder bug. http://www.hort.uconn.edu/ipm/ipmtrfr.htm | |
132. WSPRS/Washington State Pest Management Resource Service cdaniels@wsu.edu (509) 3727495 WSPRS Webmaster scoates@tricity.wsu.edu (509)372-7378 Washington State pest management Resource Service, Washington State http://wsprs.wsu.edu/ | |
133. Rouvish Pest Management Services A licensed pest control company providing all types of pest control services in Delhi and adjoining areas. http://rouvish.com/ |
134. Untitled Information from CIPM and about the Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for IPM, sponsored by the National Science Foundation. http://ipmwww.ncsu.edu/cipm/Virtual_Center.html | |
135. UACES: AR Agriculture: Pest Management University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service AR Agriculturepest management. pest management. The pest management Section http://www.aragriculture.org/pestmanagement/default.asp | |
136. Alert-Pest Environmental and pest management Links. http://www.Alert-Pest.net | |
137. Nova Scotia Department Of Natural Resources- Integrated Pest Management Section Integrated pest management or IPM Section identifies, monitors and assessesforest insect populations and forest disease conditions in Nova Scotia. http://www.gov.ns.ca/natr/protection/insects/ | |
138. Welcome To The VegEdge! A Vegetable IPM Resource. Provides advice on all aspects of vegetable crop integrated pest management (IPM). Also contains links to other related areas of interest. http://www.vegedge.umn.edu/ | |
139. Integrated Pest Management Click for Home. Integrated pest management. What is Integrated pest management(IPM)? Integrated pest management, or IPM, is an approach http://www.keyed.com/birc/IPM.htm | |
140. North Carolina Pest Management Information Program - Home Page North Carolina center for integrated pest management. http://cipm.ncsu.edu/ent/ncpmip/ | |
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