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81. Alternatives In Insect Pest Management Alternatives in Insect pest management Biological Biorational Approaches http://www.ag.uiuc.edu/~vista/abstracts/aaltinsec.html | |
82. ICPM msu bozeman logo, Montana Integrated pest management Center, pest managementis central to economical and sustainable crop and livestock http://scarab.msu.montana.edu/ipm/ | |
83. NCCE: Commercial Agriculture: Vegetables Vegetable production guides, pest management and information on harvesting and storage. http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/copubs/ag/fnv/veg/ | |
84. Resistant Pest Management Newsletter Resistance Management Reviews Summary and analysis of important resistancemanagement topics that are geared toward a general reader audience. http://whalonlab.msu.edu/rpmnews/ | |
85. UC IPM: UC Management Guidelines For Brown Garden Snail On Citrus UC pest management guidelines. http://axp.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/r107500111.html | |
86. Home Health Services, NC Public Health, Div Env. Health, DENR. West Nile Virus Alert!Welcome to Public Health pest management. General Information. West Nile Virus. http://www.deh.enr.state.nc.us/phpm/ | |
87. Okada Ecotech-The Environmental Friendly People Manufacturer of safe and environmental friendly pesticides and plant growth promoter for professional and general use. http://www.okada-ecotech.com/ | |
88. Pest Management Handbook http://cufan.clemson.edu/pestmgmtguide/ | |
89. Home Weather, news, grain marketing information and agronomic advice (including pest management) updated regularly. This site represents Cargill Fertilizer, Cargill Grain, and Cargill Hybrid Seeds. http://www.cargill.com/aghorizons/ |
90. Integrated Pest Management - UMass Extension The Integrated pest management Team is a farreaching program withits hands in almost every other teams projects. Integrated pest http://www.umass.edu/umext/ipm/ | |
91. HOMEGROUNDS IPM-UCONN Integrated pest management articles on subjects including Neembased insecticides, Connecticut's mosquito management program, beneficial fireflies, the Hemlock Wooly Adelgid, growing snap beans and the dogwood borer. http://www.hort.uconn.edu/ipm/ipmhgrnd.htm | |
92. WVU-ES Pest Management Publications pest management. Publications included site. More Integrated pest managementresources. New documents will be added as they are prepared. Alternative http://www.wvu.edu/~exten/infores/pubs/pest.htm | |
93. New England Apple Pest Management Guide New England Apple pest management Guide 200304. 2003-04 New England Apple PestManagement Guide. 2004 UPDATE. Part I Pest Biology, Monitoring, and Management. http://www.umass.edu/fruitadvisor/NEAPMG/ | |
94. SFU - Master Of Pest Management crest.gif, SFU Biological Sciences Master of pest management. Aboutthe Masters of pest management (MPM) Program. Issues involving http://www.sfu.ca/biology/mpm/ | |
95. Texas Pest Management Association Texas pest management Association 8000 Centre Park Dr., Ste 390 Austin,Texas 78754 © 2003. All Rights Reserved. Site Design and http://www.tpma.org/ | |
96. FLREC Homepage 2001 Turfgrass, urban entomology, aquatic plant management and environmental horticulture. Urban center addresses special problems of soil, water, pest management, and new varieties. Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center, IFAS (Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences). http://flrec.ifas.ufl.edu/ | |
97. Northeastern IPM Center Northeastern Integrated pest management Center. USDA/CSREES logo and link This pagedeveloped and managed by the Northeastern Integrated pest management Center. http://www.nepmc.org/ | |
98. BioNET-INTERNATIONAL, The Global Network For Taxonomy A global network of countryowned collaborative LOOPs to support national programs for biosystematics to support goals in areas such as sustainable development and pest management. http://www.bionet-intl.org | |
99. SwetsWise: Login Symbio s NonToxic pest management IndexSymbio s Non-Toxic pest management Index. Thank you for visiting thissite. Here you will find information that I hope will enable http://www.swetswise.com/link/access_db?issn=1353-5226 |
100. Integrated Pest Management Program Integrated pest management Program. Provides information on Legislation, Regulations Integratedpest management Program. The Ministry of Water, Land http://wlapwww.gov.bc.ca/epd/epdpa/ipmp/ | |
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