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         Pest Management:     more books (100)
  1. Outlines & Highlights for Entomology and Pest Management by Pedigo, ISBN: 0130195677 (Cram101 Textbook Outlines) by Cram101 Textbook Reviews, 2006-06-26
  2. Insect-Pest Management and Control (Principles of Plant and Animal Pest Control, Volume 3) by Charles E. Palm, Subcommittee on Insect Pests, 1971
  3. Principles of Plant and Animal Pest Control, Insect-Pest Management and Control
  4. Forest pest management in the People's Republic of China
  5. Management of Insect Pests with Semiochemicals:Concepts and Practice
  6. Current Pest Management Research by the United States Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Research Service. Pest Management Science special topic issue. Volume 59. Issue 6/7. 2003 Edition by Nancy Ragsdale, 2003
  7. Insect-Pest Management and Control by National Academy of Sciences, 1969
  8. Pest Management and Phytosanitary Trade Barriers (Cabi Publishing) by N Heather, G Hallman, 2008-03-15
  9. Ecological Approach to Pest Management by D.J. Horn, 1988-02-29
  10. General Concepts in Integrated Pest and Disease Management (Integrated Management of Plant Pests and Diseases) (Integrated Management of Plant Pests and Diseases)
  11. Sterile Insect Technique: Principles and Practice in Area-Wide Integrated Pest Management
  12. Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests: From Research to Field Implementation
  13. Sustainable Insect Pest Management
  14. Insect Pest Management and Ecological Research by G. H. Walter, 2005-08-22

41. CSFS Montrose District - Forest Pest Management
Information sheets on forest pests management (many in PDF format) available from the Colorado State University Cooperative Extension.
Colorado State Forest Service
Montrose District
serving Montrose, Ouray, and San Miguel County in western Colorado employment
clickable district map

other districts

district operations contact information

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other CSFS locations
seedling wildlife values

pest management
tree care
stewardship incentives other forestry topics This site is Frames Free If you prefer frames Forest Pest Management information sheets Some titles are available in HTML, PDF or both. Publications in PDF require the free Adobe Acrobat Reader program. For information for your local area, contact your county Colorado State Cooperative Extension office. Outside of Colorado, refer to the Web page for your state's land-grant university. Available from 2003 Report on the health of Colorado Forests 2002 Report on the health of Colorado Forests 2001 Report on the health of Colorado Forests Jim Worrall’s Forest Pathology Text Book ... Western forest insect and disease leaflets available from the U.S. Forest Service Insects that feed on Colorado Trees and Shrubs
Insect Pests of Forests and Wood Products
Pub. No.

42. New York State Integrated Pest Management Program
The New York State Integrated pest management Program is dedicated to developingsustainable ways to manage pests and help people to use methods that minimize
id=13849 We develop sustainable ways to manage pests and help people to use methods that minimize environmental, health, and economic risks. New at this site: Last month IPM was part of an Earth Day celebration at Grand Central Station, NYC. The 2-day festival featured art, music, and environmental education. See photos and more ...
We want to be sure that we are doing the best job possible. If you have suggestions about how the NYS IPM Program might improve delivery and development of IPM information in New York, please let us know at our Feedback Page. Check Letters for your published suggestions. About this Site ( New York State Integrated Pest Management Program These pages are maintained by the New York State IPM Program, part of Cornell Cooperative Extension. We draw upon science, technology, and information developed in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University Cornell Cooperative Extension, NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets, private sources, and other state agencies. We encourage people to adopt a sustainable approach to managing pests, using methods that minimize environmental, health, and economic risks.

43. - HOME
Products methods to eliminate insects.

44. MPMH - Table Of Contents
MILITARY pest management HANDBOOK. DISCLAIMER. · CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION TO DEPARTMENTOF DEFENSE pest management PROGRAMS. Cooperation and Coordination. Scope.
If the existing links do not work, please let us know by mailing the Webmaster Thank you!
Table of Contents

45. UW-Madison IPCM Programs
Nutrient and pest management for crops with regard to water quality and farm profitability NPM program. Integrated pest management practices - IPM program.
Pest and Crop Management
Water Quality
On the Farm
NPM IPM PAT ... Other Links
This web site provides information for Wisconsin's agricultural community from several University of Wisconsin outreach programs. Nutrient and Pest Management for crops with regard to water quality and farm profitability - NPM program Integrated Pest Management practices - IPM program Pesticide Applicator Training
program Current news articles NPM's April newsletter available on pdf [ View ] (319 KB) Soybean Rust Alert handout [ View NPM's January newsletter available on pdf [ View ] (232 KB) When and Where to Apply Manure, new pub [ View View View Management Options for Farms with High Soil Test P Levels, pub [ View] NPM Team wins USDA award [ View Dietary Phosphorus Considerations in Dairy Management, pub [ View Avoiding Herbicide Resistance in Weeds, pub [ View IPM Assessment for Field Corn interactive survey [ View UW-Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences University of Wisconsin-Extension This page visited times since 1/2003.

46. Wisconsin's School Integrated Pest Management Manual
Wisconsin s School Integrated pest management Manual. Prepared by Dr. John C. Stier,Univ. About/How to Use the School pest management Manual. since Jan 2003.
Wisconsin's School Integrated Pest Management Manual
Prepared by:
Dr. John C. Stier, Univ. Wisconsin-Horticulture and UW-Extension
Karen Delahaut, Univ. Wisconsin-IPM Program and UW-Extension
Phil Pellitteri, Univ. Wisconsin-Entomology and UW-Extension
Patricia Kandziora, Wisconsin Department of Agriculture,
Trade and Consumer Protection Background Introduction About/How to Use the School Pest Management Manual
since Jan 2003

This page modified on

47. Master Gardeners Of Sonoma County Home Page
The Sonoma County Master Gardeners answer questions about home gardening and pest management for the public. They also give classes in gardening and home composting, and work with children through gardening programs at schools.


Garden Tips


of Events
Master Gardeners of Sonoma County

Sonoma County Master Gardeners/UC Cooperative Extension
133 Aviation Blvd. Suite 109, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 Help for the Home Gardener
Master Gardeners are volunteers, trained by the University of California Cooperative Extension. We provide gardening information, give classes and conduct horticultural programs for youth and schools.
Gardening Tips for June
  • Prune trees and shrubs. To limit growth, prune in summer; to encourage growth, prune in winter.
California Master Gardener Handbook Over 700 pages of information about gardening in California. This is the book used by the Master Gardener Program in its training classes-now available to the public! You can buy the handbook in Santa Rosa for $30.00 plus tax at the University of California Cooperative Extension, 133 Aviation Blvd., Suite 109, Santa Rosa, CA 95403, telephone 707-565-2621. Do you have a Gardening Question?

48. EPA: Pesticides - Integrated Pest Management (IPM) In Schools
EPA Home Pesticides Controlling Pests Integrated pest management(IPM) in Schools. Integrated pest management (IPM) in Schools.
Pesticides: Controlling Pests Recent Additions Contact Us Print Version Search: EPA Home Pesticides Controlling Pests Controlling Pests:
Around the Home

At School

In Agriculture
Questions about Chemicals? ... Related Information
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in Schools
As part of International Healthy Schools Day on April 7th, the Council of Educational Facility Planners offered a checklist PDF format , 34 KB, 1 page) for schools to consider in making their schools healthier. Protecting Children in Schools from Pests and Pesticides "Childhood exposure to pesticides is an environmental health risk facing children today. We are very focused on helping communities address this problem."
Christie Todd Whitman, Administrator
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

49. Agricultural Research Service, USDA
The main inhouse research arm of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Research news, find-a-researcher, consumer and educational information on a wide range of topics in food, agriculture, pest management, and related areas.
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50. Integrated Pest Management In The Western Region
Viewing this page requires a browser capable of displaying frames.

51. June's IPMnet NEWS
A global listing of forthcoming integrated pest management (IPM) related events. Frequently updated, it includes a separate section that gives recently added listings. Contact Email links and links to conference Web pages are provided.
June 2004, Issue no. 126
The Consortium for International Crop Protection produces and provides IPMnet NEWS as a free, electronic, global, IPM Information resource Calendar
IPMNET CALENDAR - recent additions and revisions to a comprehensive global
(N)ew or [R]evised Entries (only) (N) 08-09 July * 6TH AGRO CONFERENCE, BEHAVIOUR OF PESTICIDES IN AIR, SOILS AND WATER, Cologne, GERMANY. Contact: S. Mummenbrauer, Die Akademie Fresenius GmbH, Alter Hellweg 46, D-44379 Dortmund, GERMANY. . Fax: 49-0-231-758-9653. Phone: 49-0-231-758-9650. Web: (N) 21-23 July * MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF FUNGAL PATHOGENS XV, Gregynog, UK. * Contact: S. Gurr, (N) 23-26 January * 43RD CONGRESS, SOUTHERN AFRICAN SOCIETY FOR PLANT PATHOLOGY, Western Cape, SOUTH AFRICA. Contact: C. Lennox, SASPP Congress, Private Bag X5017, Stellenbosch 7599, SOUTH AFRICA. . Fax: 27-0-21-887-5096. Phone: 27-0-21-887-4690. Web:

52. National Parks Service IPM Manual
The National Park Service Integrated pest management Manual. It provides descriptionsof the biology and management of 21 species or categories of pests.
The National Park Service Integrated Pest Management Manual
The Posting of This Electronic Version on the World Wide Web Has Been Completed In Co-operation with the Western Regional Server of the National IPM Network
The National Park service is proud to be a leader among federal agencies in the implementation of IPM. With over 80 million acres of land, 45,000 buildings and cultural landscapes ranging from croplands to historic rose gardens, we face every conceivable pest problem. Since implemementing an IPM program in the early 1980's, the Park Service has reduced pesticide use by over 60 percent while improving the effectiveness of our pest management efforts. Key elements in this success were formal training and the provision of printed and audiovisual materials. One of our products is an IPM Manual which is now available in a second edition. It provides descriptions of the biology and management of 21 species or categories of pests. The Park Service is pleased to offer this information to the IPM community. Terry Cacek IPM Coordinator

53. Biointensive Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
This publication provides the rationale for biointensive Integrated pest management(IPM), outlines the concepts and tools of biotensive IPM, and suggests

54. Pest Management: ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service
Horticultural Crops Field Crops Soils Compost pest management Organic Farming LivestockMarketing, Business Risk Management Energy Agriculture Education
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NOTE: Some of the following documents are available as Adobe Acrobat PDFs. Download Acrobat Reader Biointensive Integrated Pest Management Summary HTML PDF / 866 kb Farmscaping to Enhance Biological Control Summary HTML PDF / 989 kb Organic Control of White Mold on Soybeans Summary HTML PDF / 236 kb Stored Grain Pest Management Summary HTML PDF / 128 kb Organic Alternatives for Late Blight Control in Potatoes Summary HTML PDF / 428 kb Colorado Potato Beetle: Organic Control Options Summary HTML PDF / 130 kb Downy Mildew Control in Cucurbits Summary HTML PDF / 245 kb Flea Beetle: Organic Control Options Summary HTML PDF / 230 kb Cucumber Beetles: Organic and Biorational IPM Summary HTML PDF / 197 kb Summary ... PDF / 287 kb Organic Control of Squash Bug Summary HTML PDF / 477 kb Organic Control of Squash Vine Borer Summary HTML PDF / 294 kb Alternative Nematode Control Summary HTML PDF / 341 kb Grasshopper Management Summary HTML PDF / 134 kb Sustainable Fire Ant Management Summary HTML PDF / 725 kb Kaolin Clay for Management of Glassy-winged Sharpshooter in Grapes

55. PCT Magazine :: Subscription Identification
Published for professional pest management groups.
PCT Magazine Effective January 15th, 2004 is available exclusively to PCT Magazine subscribers. To gain access to, please select from one of the three options below:

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Integrated pest management (IPM) is the use of a variety of pest control methodsdesigned to protect public health and the environment, and to produce high
University of Connecticut IPM To users of browsers not capable of frames: Our new Home Page is designed specifically to work with browsers with frame capabilities. Since you are reading this message, you are using a browser that cannot display frames. You can go directly to our no-frames pages. To do so, click here. Enjoy your visit, whether you view it with frames or without!.

57. Pest Management
in a PCP polluted building by means of a humidity controlled thermal process ArsenioSánchez Hernampérez A Brief Bibliography on pest management Erich Kesse
Pest Management
See also:
  • General Resources
    Bibliographic Resources

    Resources at other sites
    General Resources
    William J. Arnold
    Fumigation for Insect Control: Sensitive Structures, Museums and Art and Valuables Repositories WAAC Newsletter , Volume 7, Number 1, Jan. 1985, pp.6-7

    John Burke

    The Chicora Foundation
    Managing: Pests in Your Collections

    Vinod Daniel, Gordon Hanlon, and Shin Maekawa
    Eradication of Insect Pests in Museums Using Nitrogen

    Gagelmann, M., et al.
    First results of a pilot decontamination in a PCP polluted building by means of a humidity controlled thermal process

    A Brief Bibliography on Pest Management

    Erich Kesse
    Identification of Infested Paper, Book and Textile Formats
    Know the Signs of Insect Infestation
    Letter about fumigation

    Karen Motylewsky

    Controlled Environment Heat Treatment as a Safe and Efficient Method of Pest Control , A paper delivered to the 2nd International Conference on Insect Pests in the Urban Environment, Edinburgh July 1996 Environmental and health concerns have caused a radical change in the popular perception of chemical pest control methods. Governmental and environmental agencies seek to further limit the uses of chemicals in areas that have, till now, accepted them as routine treatments. As an example, the German Dangerous Substances Act requires that "toxic gases may no longer be employed if a toxin free procedure is effective and reasonable." Here in the UK, if we are to be realistic, we must also anticipate a general move in this direction. These concerns have led to the development of what are essentially two new processes. Designed to treat insect pests in objects these treatments are thermal with controlled humidity and inert gas fumigation.
    INTEGRATED pest management. Preservation professionals increasinglyrecommend a strategy called integrated pest management (IPM).
    Northeast Document
    Conservation Center
    100 Brickstone Square
    Andover, MA 01810-1494

    Tel: (978) 470-1010
    Fax: (978) 475-6021 TECHNICAL

    Section 3, Leaflet 11
    by Beth Lindblom Patkus
    Preservation Consultant Walpole, MA
    A variety of insects and other pests attack binding materials, adhesives, and other substances in library and archival collections. Since some insects are attracted to the tight, dark places that abound in storage areas, and since many materials are handled infrequently, insects and other pests may do significant damage before they are discovered. Libraries and archives have traditionally relied on pesticides for routine pest prevention and response to observed infestation. Pesticides often do not prevent infestation, however, and application of pesticides after the fact cannot correct the damage already done. Pesticides have also become less attractive because of a growing awareness that the chemicals in pesticides can pose health hazards to staff and damage paper-based collections. Newer extermination methods such as controlled freezing and oxygen deprivation have shown promise as alternatives for treatment of existing infestations, but like pesticides, they do not prevent infestation. Prevention can be achieved only through strict housekeeping and monitoring procedures. Preservation professionals increasingly recommend a strategy called integrated pest management (IPM). This approach relies primarily on non-chemical means (such as controlling climate, food sources, and building entry points) to prevent and manage pest infestation. Chemical treatments are used only in a crisis situation threatening rapid losses or when pests fail to succumb to more conservative methods.

    59. Dow AgroSciences
    Provides pest management and biotechnology products. Includes profile, news, product catalogue, and safety information.

    New WideMatch™ Herbicide Premix Label Accepted by EPA
    Japan Approves Global Standard Maximum Residue Level for Chlorpyrifos in Citrus
    Privacy Statement

    New WideMatch™ Herbicide Premix Label Accepted by EPA
    Japan Approves Global Standard Maximum Residue Level for Chlorpyrifos in Citrus
    Privacy Statement

    60. Integrated Pest Management Bibliograph
    Integrated pest management A Selected Bibliography for Collections Care. GENERALREFERENCES ON ENTOMOLOGY, PESTS, PEST CONTROL AND INTEGRATED pest management.
    Integrated Pest Management
    A Selected Bibliography for Collections Care
    Wendy Jessup and Associates, Inc.
    210 Little Falls Street, Suite 20
    Falls Church, Virginia 22046
    Fax: (703) 532-1661
    I. Museum, Library and Archival Pests, Museum Pest Control and Integrated Pest Management for Museums
    II. General References on Entomology, Pests, Pest Control and Integrated Pest Management
    III. The Effects of Pesticides and Other Eradication Techniques on Museum, Library and Archival Collections ...
    IV. Occupational Safety and Health for Those Who Work with Pesticides
    In the early 1980s, a number of trends emerged in museum pest management. While we remained concerned about the damage that the "critters" were doing to our collections, we started becoming equally concerned about the damage that pesticides might do to our collections. We also became increasingly concerned about the effect that these toxic materials may have on ourselves. With these concerns in mind, I felt that there had to be a better way for dealing with pest problems in museums. A way where the collections would be protected against the pests, while minimizing their exposure to toxic materials. In 1983, after joining the staff of the Smithsonian Institution's Museum Support Center where I had the responsibility for developing and managing preventive conservation programs, including pest management, I attended a meeting of federal pest management coordinators. There were only three of us at that meeting. I was the only museum professional, but I was introduced to the concept of Integrated Pest Management (IPM).

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