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161. Prentiss & Carlisle Timberland Service Timberland management services, including timber harvesting and sales, forestry and special forest management. Based in Bangor with additional locations in Ashland, East Newport and Enfield. http://www.prentissandcarlisle.com/ | |
162. Historical Flora Of Connecticut Vintage photographs from the Yale School of forestry and Environmental Studies. http://www.yale.edu/fes505b/hstflora/ | |
163. National Aboriginal Forestry Association The National Aboriginal forestry Association (NAFA) is a Canadian nongovernmental advocacy organization. NAFA logo, NATIONAL ABORIGINAL forestry ASSOCIATION. http://www.nafaforestry.org/ | |
164. Irish Forestry & Timber Information Publisher with details of three publications relating to forestry. 'The Farm Forest', a guide to forestry for farmers, a listing called 'forestry Directory of Ireland' and notes on the magazine 'Irish Timber and forestry', with contact, ordering and advertising details. http://www.irishforests.com/index2.html | |
165. Cat.com: Home Makes large range of construction (world's largest maker) and forestry equipment, medium speed engines; with related financing. Lists world dealers, employment. 6 Sigma program. Illinois, USA. http://www.cat.com/ | |
166. Ingenta: All Issues -- Journal Of Forestry user name. password. remember me. enter. Athens click here to login via Athens. Agriculture/Food Sciences forestry, Journal of forestry, http://www.ingenta.com/journals/browse/saf/jof | |
167. SUNY-ESF / Urban Environmental Science Profile of an interdisciplinary minor at SUNY. http://www.esf.edu/urbaninitiative | |
168. Faculty Of Agriculture, Forestry, And Home Economics Faculty of Agriculture, forestry, and Home Economics More than you expect . 2003 © Faculty of Agriculture, forestry, and Home Economics Webmaster. http://www.afhe.ualberta.ca/ | |
169. Nova Scotia Department Of Natural Resources - Discusses forest management, ecosystems, old growth forests, timber management, inventory and forest protection. Provides many forestry publications in Adobe Acrobat format. http://www.gov.ns.ca/natr/FORESTRY/FORESTRY.HTM | |
170. Extension Forestry: Publications forestryrelated publications available at the Cooperative Extension System in Storrs, or via online order form. http://www.canr.uconn.edu/ces/forest/pub.htm | |
171. Forest Information Offers educational content on sustainable forest management from Canadian, U.S. and United Nations forestry resources. Operated by forestry companies and industry associations. Includes a kids and teachers section. http://forestinformation.com/ | |
172. MeadWestvaco Wildlife And Ecosystem Research Forest Research on interactions of modern industrial forestry, long term ecological processes, forest sustainability, and biodiversity within the Appalachian landscape. Location West Virginia (USA). http://www.mwerf.org/ | |
173. Environmental Organization WebDirectory - ScienceAgriculture Advanced Forest Technologies Program; American Forests Forest Policy, Urban forestry, Global Releaf, Tree Planting, Citizen forestry, Cause-Related Marketing http://www.webdirectory.com/Science/Agriculture/Forestry/ | |
174. The UK Pesticide Guide Includes information on the use of pesticides in the UK for agriculture, horticulture, forestry and amenity uses. http://www.ukpesticideguide.co.uk/ | |
175. Crop & Food Research Homepage Research, technology and services in the areas of arable, vegetable, and sea foods, ornamentals, animal feed, plant products and forestry. http://www.crop.cri.nz/ | |
176. The New Zealand School Of Forestry New Zealand's only school of forestry and located in the University of Canterbury. Offers a variety of courses for diplomas, bachelor degrees, masters degrees and doctoral studies. http://www.fore.canterbury.ac.nz/home.htm |
177. Metsäntutkimuslaitos - Finnish Forest Research Institute - Metla News, events and other current affairs Research activities and experiments Publications Services and products Metla s research forests and nature conservation http://www.metla.fi/ | |
178. Â_ÂÃÂÂ
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180. TC ÃEVRE Ve ORMAN BAKANLIÃI TC ÃEVRE ve ORMAN BAKANLIGI Resmi Web Sitesi ne Yönlendirme Ãevre Orman Bakanligi Resmi Web Sitesidir.; www.cevreorman.gov http://www.orman.gov.tr/ | |
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