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         Forestry:     more books (100)
  1. Woodland Ecology: Environmental Forestry for the Small Owner by Leon Sherwood Minckler, 1980-05
  2. History of Russian Forestry and Its Leaders by V. K. Teplyakov, 1998-10
  3. The Forest Landscape Restoration Handbook (Earthscan Forestry Library)
  4. The Forest Landscape (Earthscan Forestry Library)
  5. Harvesting Operations in the Tropics (Tropical Forestry)
  6. Wildlife Habitat Management: Concepts and Applications in Forestry by Brenda C. McComb, 2007-06-20
  7. Romancing colonial forestry: the discourse of 'forestry as progress' in British Burma.: An article from: The Geographical Journal by Raymond L. Bryant, 1996-07-01
  8. Living in the Appalachian Forest: True Tales of Sustainable Forestry by Chris Bolgiano, 2002-09
  9. Restoration Forestry: An International Guide to Sustainable Forestry Practices
  10. A Primer of Forestry:Part 1--The Forest by Gifford Pinchot, 1900
  11. Wildlife, Forests and Forestry: Principles of Managing Forests for Biological Diversity by Malcolm L. Hunter, Malcolm L. Hunter Jr., 2003-02-11
  12. Geographic Information Systems: Applications in Forestry and Natural Resources Management by Pete Bettinger, Michael G Wing, et all 2003-08-22
  13. The Forest and the Trees: A Guide To Excellent Forestry by Gordon Robinson, 1988-06-01
  14. Range Management (American Forestry Series) by Arthur D. Smith Laurence A. Stoddart, 1943

21. New England Forestry Consultants, Inc.
Consultants for the management, utilization and conservation of forest resources. Located in Massachusetts.
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22. Tenon - Homepage
Solid wood plantation forestry, with integrated manufacturing and distribution channels to supply solid wood based solutions to consumers in New Zealand, Australia, the United States and Japan.
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Noticeboard Partial Takeover Offer - for information on the partial takeover offer by Rubicon Forests Limited for 50.01% of Tenon, click here...
Friday, 4 June 2004
Rubicon Partial Takeover Offer Successful Rubicon Forests Limited announced today that its partial takeover offer for 50.01% of the Tenon has become unconditional ... more
Friday, 4 June 2004
Sale of Tarawera Forests Settled Tenon Limited is pleased to announce today that it has settled the sale of a one-rotation forestry right ... more
Sunday, 30 May 2004
Aggressive Rubicon tactics show Tenon bid not appealing enough The Chairman of Tenon Limited, Sir Dryden Spring, issued the following statement today ... more
Friday, 28 May 2004
Tenon Says Rubicon Takeover Offer Gaining Little Support The Chairman of Tenon Limited, Sir Dryden Spring, says the Rubicon partial takeover offer is gaining little support ... more Thursday, 27 May 2004 Tenon Queries Unauthorised Rubicon "Inducement" Payments The Independent Directors of Tenon Limited have today filed a complaint with the Takeovers Panel ...

23. WDNR - Division Of Forestry Homepage
Main page of the Wisconsin DNR's Division of forestry. Contains links to many areas within the Division, such as forest tax law programs, state nursery program, state forest master planning, urban
Forestry Organizational Overview Job Opportunities A Look at our Forests Forestry Program History ... Forest Legacy Program
Forest Protection Fire Health (pests, diseases)
Forest Management Forest Management Guidelines Forest Nurseries Best Management Practices Uses of Timber ... Harvesting Your Forest
Private Landowners Forestry Assistance Forest Tax Law
Forest Lands State Forests Urban Forests Forest Certification State Forests ... MFL Forests
The Wisconsin DNR's forestry program We're celebrating our centennial this year as part of the " Year of Wisconsin Forestry " and we invite you to read histories of some of the DNR Forestry programs. Go to Topic... Arbor Day Poster Aerial Photo Ordering Burning Permits Forestry Assistance Forest Fire grants Forestry Assistance Forest Management Guidelines Forestry Program History GIS Information Who's My DNR Forester? Open Lands for Hunting Poster Contest Recreation Tree Seedling Sales Since nearly 70 percent of the forest land in Wisconsin is in private ownership, the DNR forestry program encourages sustainable, forest ecosystem development through a variety of partnership programs with other forest landowners. We hope you enjoy learning more about our forest resource and the DNR forestry programs in these web pages. If you have suggestions for the forestry section of the DNR web site, please submit comments to the

24. Institute For Commercial Forestry Research - Projects And Services
South African research and publications services. Free to sponsoring companies.
Institute for Commercial Forestry Research
Projects and
Working Group
FREE TO SPONSOR COMPANIES The ICFR offers a service which provides users with valuable information. Sponsor companies have access to the library, plus borrowing facilities, and the following services:
  • literature searches
  • reference service (answering one-off questions and queries)
  • SDI service (selective dissemination of information)
  • contents pages of current journals
  • access to databases
  • access to books and journals
If you have any questions or queries regarding the service please contact Désirée Lamoral
Phone: 033-3862314
Fax: 033-3868905
Research Projects and Services
Projects / Services
Acacia research Bark study Tree Improvement Genetic improvement of eucalypts
Genetic improvement of pines
Genetic improvement of acacias
Site-species interaction Applied Silviculture Re-establishment research
Nutrition research
Vegetation management Forest Productivity Soil water research Harvesting impacts and soil tillage Mensuration of hardwoods Site classification and GIS Mensuration and modelling research consortium (MMRC) Site-species productivity Functional Support Technology transfer Library Computer network Laboratory Administrative Support Finances Reception Clerical assistance Cleaning service

25. Welcome To CDF
State Fire Marshal. Board of forestry. FRAP. Careers With CDF Office of the State Fire Marshal. Board of forestry and Fire Protection
California Home Main Links CDF Home
About CDF

Fire and Emergency

Resource Management
CDF Contacts

The Department of Forestry and Fire Protection protects the people of California from fires, responds to emergencies, and protects and enhances forest, range, and watershed values providing social, economic, and environmental benefits to rural and urban citizens.

Fire and Emergency Response
Resource Management and Forestry Office of the State Fire Marshal Board of Forestry and Fire Protection ... Fire and Resource Assessment (FRAP) Hot Topics 2004 Fire Season
Governor's Fire Season Executive Order

All CDF Units On Fire Season
(57K PDF)
State Responsibility Area (SRA) Fees Info. and Updates
Fire Safety Education Wildfire Awareness Poster 2004 CA Fire Siege 2003 - The Story ... History Book (Final Deadline, July 1) (225K PDF) FIREWISE Community Workshops Prop. 40 Project Awards Website Sudden Oak Death Prop 12 Grant Info. 2004-05 (11K PDF) Timber Harvesting Plans California Responds to Terrorism This site uses Adobe Acrobat. Back to Top of Page ... Conditions of Use

26. Highfield Forestry Limited - For Investment Forestry And Woodland Management
Specialist advice and a complete acquisition service for investors in United Kingdom softwood and North American hardwood forests.
Highfield forestry Ltd was formed in 1981 to provide specialist advice to purchasers of commercial forest properties in Britain and in the North-Eastern States of America. Highfield is an independent company owned by its Directors who have between them over 35 years experience in the industry. In the UK it offers a complete acquisition service including professional valuations and appraisals. Following acquisition clients have the benefit of a full management service. In the USA an association has been developed over the years with Fountain Forestry Inc . This manager and broker has operated in New England for more than 18 years. The association allows Highfield to concentrate on the wider aspects of forestry ownership in the US and to advise on the acquisition process while its clients benefit from the highest possible standard of management for their forestry investments once they have acquired them. The acquisition process matches a client's objectives, whether investment, recreational or sporting, to the most suitable properties available on the market. Some examples are listed on the following pages. All necessary surveys, negotiations and briefing of legal representatives can be carried out by Highfield. An appropriate management programme will be set up in consultation with the new owner. Highfield Forestry aims to provide a responsive professional service tailored to the needs of individual forestry owners. Many of the company's clients are not resident in the same country as their forest properties so a high degree of extra care and responsibility has to be exercised in the management of their investments.

27. Forestry Images: Forest Health, Natural Resources, Fire, Trees, Wildlife And Sil
forestry Images Forest Health, Natural Resources and Silviculture Photos with pictures of insects, diseases, trees, plants, weeds, ecosystems, fire, ecology
The Source for Forest Health, Natural Resources and Silviculture Images Home About Cooperators Statistics ... Contribute Find an Image:
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General Info: What is
Cooperators Photographers ... Statistics Membership Info: Join Now! Login Membership Benefits Feedback ... Help For More Images: IPM Images Invasive and Exotic Species Insect Images Forestry Images:
The Source for Forest Health, Natural Resources
and Silviculture Images A joint project between
Bugwood Network
and the USDA Forest Service. G. Keith Douce David J. Moorhead Charles T. Bargeron,
Project Coordinators, The University of Georgia Image Categories: Forest Pests Trees and Stand Types Insects


Other Damage Agents
... People, Places, and Scenes Featured Images: Introduction to Forest Nursery Management 4-H/FFA Forestry Field Day Insects and Diseases Bark Beetles Forest Pests of North America PhotoCD Welcome: Hello. Login to get full access. First time visitor? Please sign up for free membership! Random Image: Image Number: Subject: tarantulas Description: Adult(s); female

28. FAO Forestry Department
United Nations, Forests and forestry global portal.
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29. Welcome To CDF
Fire and Emergency Response, Resource Management and forestry. Office of the State Fire Marshal. Board of forestry and Fire Protection.
California Home Main Links CDF Home
About CDF

Fire and Emergency

Resource Management
CDF Contacts

The Department of Forestry and Fire Protection protects the people of California from fires, responds to emergencies, and protects and enhances forest, range, and watershed values providing social, economic, and environmental benefits to rural and urban citizens.

Fire and Emergency Response
Resource Management and Forestry Office of the State Fire Marshal Board of Forestry and Fire Protection ... Fire and Resource Assessment (FRAP) Hot Topics 2004 Fire Season
Governor's Fire Season Executive Order

All CDF Units On Fire Season
(57K PDF)
State Responsibility Area (SRA) Fees Info. and Updates
Fire Safety Education Wildfire Awareness Poster 2004 CA Fire Siege 2003 - The Story ... History Book (Final Deadline, July 1) (225K PDF) FIREWISE Community Workshops Prop. 40 Project Awards Website Sudden Oak Death Prop 12 Grant Info. 2004-05 (11K PDF) Timber Harvesting Plans California Responds to Terrorism This site uses Adobe Acrobat. Back to Top of Page ... Conditions of Use

30. Barmentloo Forestry Consultant
Consultant for matters relating to commercial plantations and natural forests.
Barmentloo Forestry Consultant Welcome. Thank you for visiting our site. Please click on the flag of the language you prefer. Thank you. Bienvenidos. Gracias por visitar nuestro sitio de internet. Por favor pulse en la bandera del idioma que usted prefiere. Gracias. Welkom. Dank u wel voor het bezoeken van onze internet pagina. Klikt u alstublieft op de vlag van de taal van uw voorkeur. Dank u.

31. New Zealand Forestry - Your Source For Information About The New Zealand Forest
Information and links about New Zealand Pine, by Pine Magazine.
Supplier Directory Corporate Forestry Engineering Equipment Engineering Services Forestry Consultants Forestry Investment Forest Marketing Marketing Promotions Industry Groups Recruitment Sawmilling Shipping Structural Timbers Wood Preservatives Trade Development Rubicon Offer In The Balance
As trading closed yesterday it was still uncertain whether Rubicon had been successful in securing sufficient shares to gain control over the New Zealand wood processing company, Tenon Limited.
Rubicon had until June 3 rd to win over shareholders and on the final day news came that fund managers AMP and ACC had sold part of their Tenon holdings to Rubicon. However, their decision not to sell all of their shares meant that the deciding balance was dependent on how many small shareholders made last minute decisions.
At the last count yesterday morning Rubicon had 43.8 per cent of Tenon and required acceptances from holders of just over 6.2 per cent of Tenon’s shares to gain control.
AMP Capital Investors senior portfolio manager Nat Vallabh would not disclose the exact amount AMP had sold to Rubicon. AMP’s decision was the source of great interest because it had enough shares to ensure Rubicon’s success and, apart from its 6.8 per cent stake in Tenon, it also owns 10 per cent of Rubicon.
Asked why AMP withheld part of its shares, Mr Vallabh said

32. OUP Journals - Forestry: An International Journal Of Forest Research
forestry An International Journal of Forest Research. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Institute of Chartered Foresters.
Select a journal... Adelphi Papers African Affairs Age and Ageing Alcohol and Alcoholism American Journal of Epidemiology American Law and Economics Review American Literary History Annals of Botany Annals of Occupational Hygiene Annals of Oncology Applied Linguistics Australasian Journal of Philosophy Behavioral Ecology Bioinformatics Biometrika Biostatistics BJA: British Journal of Anaesthesia Brain Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention British Journal of Aesthetics British Journal of Criminology British Jnl. for the Philosophy of Sci. British Journal of Social Work British Medical Bulletin BWP Update Cambridge Journal of Economics Cambridge Quarterly Cancer Science Carcinogenesis Cerebral Cortex Chemical Senses Classical Quarterly Classical Review Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice Communication Theory Community Development Journal Computer Bulletin Computer Journal Contemporary Economic Policy BJA: CEACCP Contributions to Political Economy ELT Journal Early Music Economic Inquiry English Historical Review Environmental Practice Epidemiologic Reviews ESHRE Monographs Essays in Criticism European Journal of International Law European Journal of Orthodontics European Journal of Public Health European Review of Agricultural Economics European Sociological Review Evidence-based Compl. and Alt. Medicine

33. First Nations Forestry Program / Programme Forestier Des Premières Nations
A partnership program between the Government of Canada and Canada's First Nation peoples to improve economic conditions in status Indian communities with full consideration of the principles of sustainable forest management.

Important Notices
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Important Notices
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34. OUP Journals - Forestry: An International Journal Of Forest Research
forestry An International Journal of Forest Research. The Full Text of forestry An International Journal of Forest Research is available online from 1998.
Select a journal... Adelphi Papers African Affairs Age and Ageing Alcohol and Alcoholism American Journal of Epidemiology American Law and Economics Review American Literary History Annals of Botany Annals of Occupational Hygiene Annals of Oncology Applied Linguistics Australasian Journal of Philosophy Behavioral Ecology Bioinformatics Biometrika Biostatistics BJA: British Journal of Anaesthesia Brain Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention British Journal of Aesthetics British Journal of Criminology British Jnl. for the Philosophy of Sci. British Journal of Social Work British Medical Bulletin BWP Update Cambridge Journal of Economics Cambridge Quarterly Cancer Science Carcinogenesis Cerebral Cortex Chemical Senses Classical Quarterly Classical Review Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice Communication Theory Community Development Journal Computer Bulletin Computer Journal Contemporary Economic Policy BJA: CEACCP Contributions to Political Economy ELT Journal Early Music Economic Inquiry English Historical Review Environmental Practice Epidemiologic Reviews ESHRE Monographs Essays in Criticism European Journal of International Law European Journal of Orthodontics European Journal of Public Health European Review of Agricultural Economics European Sociological Review Evidence-based Compl. and Alt. Medicine

35. SFSO - Agriculture And Forestry
Topical information from the national statistics office. Includes a vademecum to forests in Switzerland and agriculture in a nutshell.
In a nutshell Press releases Regional cross-sections Publications ... Other statistical units Information: SFSO Information Service, Tel. +41 32 713 60 11
E-mail: SFSO Information Service (
Last updated: 20 April 1998

36. CIFOR Home Page
timber processing, according to a report by Ferdinandus Agung Prasetyo and Krystof Obidzinski from the Center for International forestry Research (CIFOR). more.
Section: Home CIFOR Home Page Printer-Friendly Search search in: document.write('') CIFOR document.write('') Info Finder advanced search search publications The Info Finder is a global link to research on agriculture, hunger, poverty and the environment that searches the web sites of the Future Harvest Centers', CGIAR and FAO Find out about... Find out more about topics in forestry and what CIFOR is doing about them Other sites of interest see previous highlights 'Men in a dress?' gender, equity and forests
Giving women forest dwellers equal rights in community forestry is not easy, especially when local culture can be very different to what outsiders might expect. more Workshop on Remote sensing and forest governance in Indonesia: Increasing transparency and accountability
Bogor, Indonesia - June 21-22, 2004
Achieving sustainable forest management in Indonesia will depend on increased transparency and accountability in the forestry sector. Remote sensing can provide timely and cost effective information on the stocks and use of forest resources. A workshop organized by the University of Miami and CIFOR will bring together scientists and representatives of civil society and governments to discuss recent technological advances and their potential for application in Indonesia. more Letter to the editor sets the record straight on article about DNA and illegal logging

37. New Brunswick Forest Products
Information provided by the New Brunswick Forest Products Association. Includes statistics on forestry, classroom exercises for schoolchildren, information on landownership and licenses, glossary.

38. Enhanced Forestry Program, British Columbia
The EFP supports sustainable harvesting of British Columbia forest resources. The Ministry of Forests, in partnership with Forest Renewal B.C., provides training and resources to facilitate silviculture decisions.
Silviculture Decisions Growth and Yield Partial Cutting Backlog Reforestation ...

EFP Site MoF Enhanced Forestry Program
Virtual Resource Centre
The Enhanced Forestry Program (EFP) contributes to sustainable harvest by making investments to grow higher quality second growth stands faster on lands available for timber production. These investments enhance the productivity of British Columbia's forests, while integrating social and environmental values. Activities funded to date include improved silviculture planning, incremental silviculture treatments, reforestation of backlog areas, and forest health treatments. Other investments in alternative silvicultural systems, habitat, biodiversity, and adaptive management contribute to social and environmental objectives as well as to timber production. The Ministry of Forests supports the EFP program by working with our partners to provide training, information, and tools to support more informed silviculture investment decisions. This Website contains reports, training materials, software tools, and other resources to assist in the cost-effective design, implementation and monitoring of EFP incremental silviculture and reforestation projects.

39. ODF Home
Oregon Department of forestry Home Page, Salem Headquarters 2600 State St. Salem, OR 97310. County Advisory Group on forestry Meets May 7.
Salem Headquarters:
2600 State St.
Salem, OR 97310 What is "Oregon's Board of Forestry"? Contact Us Media
About ODF
Daily Fire Update
These Pages Last updated
February 25, 2004 July 30 Deadline Set for Comments on Department of Forestry Strategic Plan
The Oregon Department of Forestry Strategic Plan 2004 to 2011 is now available for public review and comment. The draft plan describes high-priority actions the agency will undertake between 2004 and the end of the 2009-2011 biennium (June 30, 2011). These actions will enable the department to meet its statutory mandates, and assist the Oregon Board of Forestry in achieving the strategies, actions, and vision in the 2003 Forestry Program for Oregon. - To view the draft Strategic Plan and provide comments, click here -
Oregon's Forestland Taxation is Changing Oregon's 2003 Legislature passed two laws (HB2197 and HB2188), bringing significant change to Oregon forestland taxation. Two forestland property tax programs have resulted: 1) The FORESTLAND Program - for all owners with two or more acres of forestland
2) The SMALL TRACT FORESTLAND (STF) Option - a special option for owners with 10 to 4,999 acres of forestland.

40. Southern Maine Forestry Services - Home Page
Provides full timber sales, consulting, and land management services. Contact information available.
How do you get the most income?
Skilled forest management practices result in a host of direct benefits to landowner, logger, consumer, community, wildlife, and our forests - a renewable resource. Good forest management is time-consuming, complex and requires a high level of technical expertise to achive optimum results, short-range and longer term. Southern Maine Forestry Services was founded in 1981 by Rene Noel, Jr., a licensed professional forester, to meet the growing need for comprehensive land and woodlot management. The company's primary objectives and guiding philosophy are centered on the desire to assist each of its clients in achieving their own individual goals. Southern Maine Forestry Services is unique in that it provides such a broad range of forestry services, all available through a single resource.
Why is forest management important?

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