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81. Farming Practices Are Endangering Our Future Food Supply Says A Study Of Satelli to promote more environmentally friendly production systems. in good landhusbandrypractices tends to by farmers; where profitable farming opportunities raise http://www.mindfully.org/Farm/Food-Supply-Satellite.htm | |
82. Farming Systems as well as those of the Wisconsin Integrated farming systems Trials, now outdoor classroomÂprovides demonstration of profitable farming practices that have http://www.michaelfieldsaginst.org/farming_systems.htm | |
83. Profiting From Sustainable Farming Practices (News Aug 2003) groups of the Sustainable farming systems project within the past five years hadalready contributed toward more profitable, sustainable farming practices. http://www.dpi.qld.gov.au/news/newsreleases/13352.html | |
84. BAIF Development Research Foundation 2000 Studies on EMbased farming practices for Small Conference on Kyusei Nature farming,20-23 the introduction of multipurpose trees in agroforestry systems. http://www.baif.com/additional_tree15.htm | |
85. Biodynamic Farming & Compost Preparation farming in many ways  especially with regard to cultural and biological farmingpractices  it is set apart from other organic agriculture systems by its http://www.attra.org/attra-pub/biodynamic.html | |
86. N.C. Department Agriculture And Consumer Services Environmental Sustainability R A major research goal is to identify productive and profitable farming practicesand systems that will benefit water quality, reduce soil erosion, improve soil http://www.p2pays.org/ref/07/06568/2001/nframe.asp?type=AGY&page=AGY-agcefs.htm |
87. NCDA & CS - Research Stations - Cherry Research Farm in the state a facility dedicated to the development of farming systems that are theland allows the monitoring of the effects of CEFS farming practices on a http://www.ncagr.com/Research/cefs.htm | |
88. Farming Systems socioeconomic practices. From this data, researchers classified typical productionsystems as traditional, semiintensive, or intensive. Traditional farmers http://web.idrc.ca/en/ev-35321-201-1-DO_TOPIC.html | |
89. NMSU Drip Irrigation Study Could Alter Farming Practices In Four Corners Area NMSU Drip Irrigation Study Could Alter farming practices in Four northwestern NewMexico could help farmers in the By switching from traditional systems to drip http://www.cahe.nmsu.edu/news/2001/070201_drip.html | |
90. The European Group Of The International Farming Systems Association (IFSA) Carri ecologically desirable systems? What farming practices are suitable forthese systems? How will these practices be developed? What will http://www.agr.uth.gr/conference/farming/programme.htm | |
91. Soil-friendly Farming Practices Are Coming Into Wider Use literally, through geographic information systems (GIS of information elevation,cropping practices, rainfall, slope depict a watershed or farming region in http://population.wri.org/pubs_content_text.cfm?ContentID=1442 |
92. The Software Studio : /Science/Agriculture This software available soon at The Software Studio. Tue April 27, 2004. Top Science Agriculture Farming_Practices_and_Systems Sustainable_Agriculture Agricultural Training Centre for Small http://portal.thesoftwarestudio.com/index.php/Science/Agriculture/Farming_Practi | |
93. Titlepage.html Traditional practices for Plant Disease Management in Traditional FarmingSystems. H. David Thurston. Professor Emeritus Department http://www.tropag-fieldtrip.cornell.edu/Thurston_TA/default.html | |
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