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61. Michigan Integrated Food And Farming Systems (MIFFS) Help farmers learn about farming practices that will help them improve their craftpolicies that will encourage healthier, fairer food and agriculture systems. http://www.msue.msu.edu/fnh/hunger/factsheet/miffs.htm | |
62. Targeting Extension Efforts For The Adoption Of Sustainable Farming Practices Because farms and farming systems vary, emphasis must be placed on developingfarming practices that fit the specific biophysical and socioeconomic http://www.joe.org/joe/1998october/rb1.html | |
63. AnsMe Directory - Science > Agriculture > Practices And Systems > Precision Farm . Precision farmingis the application of technology to manage the heterogeneity within a field....... Sponsors. Web Directory Precision farming. Category http://dir.ansme.com/science/27797.html | |
64. Sunflower In CQ Farming Systems Central Queensland farming systems are increasingly centred around zero tillageand practices which maximise storage and efficient use of soil water. http://www.dpi.qld.gov.au/fieldcrops/7023.html | |
65. Integrated Farming Systems Publications And Resources farming systems (IFS) initiative have learned a great deal about how to work effectivelywith farmers to bring abut food systems and farming practices change. http://www.wkkf.org/Programming/Resources.aspx?CID=21 |
66. Farming Systems And Agricultural Expansion In South-Western Ethiopia The characteristics of the main farming/land use systems in south and water conservation,agroforestry and other sustainable farming practices, involving the http://ergodd.zoo.ox.ac.uk/FITCA Ethiopia Farming Summary.htm | |
67. Food Systems And Rural Development Page calculate the estimated soil loss for specific cropping systems. One of them is relatedto tillage practices. to the effects of crop rotations, farming on the http://www.wkkfweb.org/fas/fellows/thicke051703.asp | |
68. Animal Aid : Factory Farming : Farmed Animal Diseases When animals are exploited and stressed through modern farming systems, many will weprovide key background to animal diseases and modern farming practices. http://www.animalaid.org.uk/campaign/vegan/disease01.htm | |
69. SARE Reporting System LNE02-158 2002 Annual Report Data analysis from the first three years of the farming systems evaluations is Smallplot trials to evaluate pest management practices and compost application http://www.sare.org/reporting/report_viewer.asp?pn=LNE02-158&ry=2002&rf=0 |
70. CARES - Projects - Completed - Assessment Of Changes In Missouri Farming Systems Assess further changes needed in farming practices in Missouri, including tillage;methods, cropping systems and other conservation measures, to reduce soil http://www.cares.missouri.edu/projects/completed/AC.html | |
71. UC Winegrape Team Expands Biologically Integrated Farming Systems and cultural control of pests into their production systems; provide on These biologicallyintegrated farming practices, according to Broome, enable farmers to http://danr.ucop.edu/news/Jan-June2002/winegrapebifs.html | |
72. Reducing Nitrate In Water Resources With Modern Farming Systems Account of research showing lower rates of nitrate leaching from soil with reduced tilling practices. http://www.idea.iastate.edu/idea/marketplace/pdf/fs_waving.pdf |
73. WAICENT - World Agricultural Information Centre Portal farming practices systems. Narrow your search http://www.fao.org/waicent/st/level_1.asp?main_id=5 |
74. The Science Bookstore - Search Store Your search for Books by Keywords = systems returned no results.Can t find what you re looking for? We have thousands of books http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/searchmain.asp?searchtype=Books by Keywords&s |
75. NC State Center Studies Environmentally Friendly Farming Practices The Center for Environmental farming systems aims to develop agricultural practicesthat allow farmers to make a living while meeting two of society s http://www.globaltechnoscan.com/4thOct-10thOct/farming.htm | |
76. Agricultural Systems At SAGE, UW-Madison At SAGE, we focus on finding successful farming practices that preserve both modelingtechniques to examine the performance of agricultural systems across a http://www.sage.wisc.edu/pages/agriculture.html | |
77. Farming Systems Based on six studies performed throughout Europe, this report looks at existing segregationsystems, the effects of changing farming practices, the monitoring http://agrifor.ac.uk/browse/cabi/518a044f3ca638681f631565194be1a5.html | |
78. Australian Farming Systems Conference 2003 IFSA participants include farming systems practitioners associated with universities,government involved in research into better farming practices that take http://afsa.asn.au/ | |
79. Indigenous Technical Practices In A Rice-based Farming Systems Development. Draft. Indigenous Technical practices in a Ricebased Farmingsystems. I. Indigenous cropping systems. Indigenous cropping http://www.ciesin.org/docs/004-195/004-195.html | |
80. FARMING FOR THE FUTURE sustainable agriculture. London Macmillan. 3.2 Indigenous farmingsystems, practices and knowledge some examples. Already in early http://www.ciesin.org/docs/004-176a/004-176a.html | |
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