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         Farming Practices And Systems:     more books (36)
  1. Terrace dimension changes and the movement of terrace ridges resulting from different farming practices (SCS-TP) by L. H Schoenleber, 1941
  2. Occurrence of farming practices in Idaho: With special reference to remote sensing (Miscellaneous publication / Forest, Wildlife and Range Experiment Station) by Mark Shelton, 1980
  3. Farming Systems in the Tropics by H. Ruthernberg, 1983-10-27
  4. Crop Residues in Sustainable Mixed Crop/Livestock Farming Systems (Cabi Publishing)
  5. Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Farming Systems of the Tropics by A. Ayanaba, P.J. Dart, 1977-12-14
  6. Rice Cultivation in the Farming Systems of Sukumaland, Tanzania: A Quest for Sustainable Production Under Structural Adjustment Programmes by H. C. C. Meertens, 1999-09
  7. The Economics of Tropical Farming Systems (Wye Studies in Agricultural and Rural Development) by Martin Upton, 1996-12-28
  8. On Being a Tenant Farmer: A Layman's Guide to the Landlord and Tenant System by Henry R. Fell, 1988-12
  9. Intensified Systems of Farming in the Tropics and Subtropics (World Bank Discussion Paper) by J. A. Nicholas Wallis, 1997-05
  10. The role and value of local knowledge in Jamaican agriculture: adaptation and change in small-scale farming.(Report): An article from: The Geographical Journal by Clinton Beckford, David Barker, 2007-06-01
  11. Integrated Fish Farming by Jack A. Mathias, Anthony T. Charles, et all 1997-10-24
  12. AgriBMPWater: systems approach to environmentally acceptable farming [An article from: Environmental Modelling and Software] by N. Turpin, P. Bontems, et all 2005-02-01
  13. Agricultural land-use change and its drivers in mountain landscapes: A case study in the Pyrenees [An article from: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment] by A. Mottet, S. Ladet, et all 2006-06-01
  14. The role of agri-environment schemes and farm management practices in reversing the decline of farmland birds in England [An article from: Biological Conservation] by J.A. Vickery, R.B. Bradbury, et all 2004-09-01

21. Food Systems And Rural Development Publications And Resources - Integrated Farmi
Stewardship Project White Bear Lake, MN Project Stewardship Farming Program PurposePromote widespread adoption of farming practices and systems that will

22. OECD Observer: Farming Systems For Sustainable Agriculture
Other farming practices and systems are acting to reduce risks of flooding and providewildlife habitat and landscape amenity benefits. The challenge is clear.
June 6, 2004 All Articles

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23. N.C. Department Agriculture And Consumer Services Environmental Sustainability R
One of the goals is to identify farming practices and systems that will benefitand enhance water quality and the natural resource base in the state of North
Project 2
Project Title: The Center for Environmental Farming Systems Agency: Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Ongoing Effort Project Description:
  • Conservation Tillage—Conservation tillage, or “no-till” farming, has become increasingly popular as a way to reduce soil erosion, increase organic matter, and enhance soil physical properties. A long-term experiment, begun in 1996, includes many major crops in the rotation (corn, soybeans, cotton, peanuts, and wheat). Scientists are monitoring yield and economics, soil quality, nutrients and pesticides in ground water and runoff, and the effect on wildlife. Integrated Farming Systems—Long-term cropping systems that integrate the broad range of factors involved in agricultural systems are the focus of this unit. The USDA has funded the establishment of the start-up phase of a comprehensive long-term, large-scale experiment. Data collection and analyses will cover: comprehensive soil and water quality, pests and predators (weeds, insects, and disease), crop factors (viability, on/off farm impact, community) and energy issues. Systems to be compared include a successional ecosystem, plantation forestry/wood lot, integrated crop/animal production system, organic production system, and a cash-grain cropping system. Special attention will be paid to how most effectively and economically the transition can be made to these alternative systems.

24. Science : Agriculture : Farming Practices And Systems : Irrigat
suppliers of all types of irrigation systems. irrigation industry and irrigation practicesin Australia. industry including engineers, onfarm specialists, and
bookmark Web Images Directory Exchange PPC Home Toolbar ... Farming Practices and Systems : Irrigation Featured Listing:
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  • Professional software for creating irrigation projects and to automatically build estimates.
  • BIE: Irrigation Engineering Software
    Computer software developed by the Software Engineering Division of the Biological and Irrigation Engineering Department.
  • Center for Irrigation Technology
    An independent research and testing facility, based at California State University. Dedicated to advancing irrigation technology.
  • Controlled Irrigation Irrigation design, supply, installation, equipment and related products.
  • Disease Management for Nurseries Topics include: capturing and recycling irrigation runoff and managing disease in recycling irrigation systems. From The Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Oklahoma State University.

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  • Community Supported Agriculture
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  • Buffer Strips: Common Sense Conservation

    Discusses the uses and benefits of having small areas or strips of land in permanent vegetation, designed to intercept pollutants, prevent soil erosion detailed information Rating: [6.00] Votes: [2379] FARmresearch Links to research projects about implementing site-specific management systems on farms. detailed information Rating: [6.00] Votes: [596] Living With Nature Information on how an arid area of land is made productive, using inter-cropping and organic farming practices. detailed information Rating: [6.00] Votes: [126] Beaverslide Haying Describes the old practice of harvesting hay in rural Montana using a beaverslide, sickle mowers, side-rakes, and buck rakes.

    26. Science Search > Dryland Farming
    Home. Current location Agriculture practices and systems DrylandFarming, 1. Agrodiversity as a means of sustaining small scale

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    Agrodiversity as a means of sustaining small scale dryland farming systems in Tanzania.

    Describes the benefits of using diverse and sustainable farming methods in the region (PDF f detailed information
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    Direct seeding - the natural solution for revegetating arid lands

    Describing the advantages and use of direct seeding for revegetating arid lands. detailed information Rating: [5.00] Votes: [645] Dryland Agricultural Institute Includes research, staff, programs, and contact information. detailed information Rating: [5.00] Votes: [2431] Dryland Farming in Palestine Online book describing the crops, practices and history of cultivation in the area, with statistics.

    27. Electricbrain Home: Index: Science: Agriculture: Farming Practices And Systems:
    Science Agriculture farming practices and systems Organic farming News at 0241 on May 15, 2004 Random quote In
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    28. Practices And Systems Farming Service Resources
    research related to organic farming practices, to disseminate in adopting organicproduction systems, to educate decisionmakers about organic farming issues.
    WT('','csd3','csl3','','','',''); Agriculture Directory
    See Also Top Sites New Sites Page 1 of 2 First Previous Next Last ...
    Organic Certifiers Directory

    OFRF compiles and updates this directory of organizations conducting organic farming certification in the U.S. This work grows out of OFRF's efforts to maintain direct contact with organic farmers for the purposes of our research and educational program.

    An online community for organic farming and food, developed by CABI Publishing. News headlines, searchable database, research papers, job listings, bookstore, schedule of conferences and workshops, educational courses, laws and regulations, and a newsletter.
    North Carolina Integrated Pest Management

    Pest management and production information for growers and home owners in North Carolina. Includes pest descriptions, control alternatives and contacts. Managed by the Center for IPM at North Carolina State University.
    Pine Ridge Organic Farm

    Pine Ridge Farm is a diversified Organic farm located in central Maine specializing in vegetables, flowers, herbs, Christmas trees and Percheron work horses.
    Radcliffe's IPM World Textbook
    The University of Minnesota's electronic textbook of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) featuring contributed chapters by internationally recognized experts.

    29. Practices And Systems Farming Service Resources
    Agriculture Directory » practices and systems. We promote Biointensive sustainableminifarming through Russian-language publications and seminars hosted
    WT('','csd1','csl1','','','',''); Agriculture Directory
    See Also Top Sites New Sites Page 2 of 2 First Previous Next Last ...
    Biointensive for Russia

    Biointensive for Russia is a people-to-people environmental gardening project supported by Ecology Action. We promote Biointensive sustainable mini-farming through Russian-language publications and seminars hosted by ecology groups and agricultural colleges in the former Soviet Union.
    Vegetable Gardening in Tropical Australia

    The objectives and the aims of this site are, to encourage organic vegetable growing. It outlines the basic facts on how easy it is for beginners to have fresh vegetables, which are also chemical free, growing in their own gardens.
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    Users may not reproduce, republish or redistribute this material without our written permission.
    The presence of a link to any website here does not of itself indicate an endorsement or recommendation for the products, service, information that may be offered on those websites, although recommendations may be given in some cases. WB('csd1','csl1');

    30. AFSIC Sustainable Agriculture Information
    Caption farming near Klingerstown, Pennslyvania, and People Educational Resourcesand Institutions Related systems and practices Event Calendars Help.

    is Sustainable Agriculture?
    on Sustainable Agriculture
    Searchable Sites and Databases

    and People
    Educational Resources and Institutions
    Systems and Practices
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    this service This is an official
    Agriculture Network Information Center
    Web Site.
    What is Sustainable Agriculture?
    Some terms defy definition. "Sustainable agriculture" has become one of them. In such a quickly changing world, can anything be sustainable? What do we want to sustain? How can we implement such a nebulous goal? Is it too late? With the contradictions and questions have come a hard look at our present food production system and thoughtful evaluations of its future. If nothing else, the term "sustainable agriculture" has provided "talking points," a sense of direction, and an urgency, that has sparked much excitement and innovative thinking in the agricultural world. The word "sustain," from the Latin sustinere (sus-, from below and tenere, to hold), to keep in existence or maintain, implies long-term support or permanence. As it pertains to agriculture, sustainable describes farming systems that are "capable of maintaining their productivity and usefulness to society indefinitely. Such systems... must be resource-conserving, socially supportive, commercially competitive, and environmentally sound." [John Ikerd, as quoted by Richard Duesterhaus in "Sustainability's Promise," Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (Jan.-Feb. 1990) 45(1): p.4. NAL Call # 56.8 J822]

    31. Organic Food Production. Resource From The Alternative Farming Systems Informati
    production are to use materials and practices that enhance the ecological balanceof natural systems and that integrate the parts of the farming system into an
    Organic Food Production
    Introduction AFSIC Information Guides
    USDA Publications, 1992-2003

    ... Organic Agriculture Search Tips
    New reports! Recent Growth Patterns in the U.S. Organic Food Market U.S. Organic Farming in 2000-2001: Adoption of Certified Systems As of Oct. 21, 2002, requires certification by USDA-accredited certifying agent, unless exempted or excluded in Section 205.101 . See AFSIC's Quick Links to National Organic Program informaton.
    The recent passage of the National Organic Program Final Rule, coupled with growing consumer support for organic foods, have made farming organically an increasingly viable alternative for many U.S. farmers. In addition, there has been renewed awareness of organic agriculture on the part of public interest groups, marketing organizations, and agricultural researchers. This Alternative Farming Systems Information Center (AFSIC) web site serves as a starting point for those interested in organic production in agriculture. "Organic farming is one of the fastest growing segments of U.S. agriculture during the 1990s. USDA estimates that the value of retail sales of organic foods in 1999 was approximately $6 billion. The number of organic farmers is increasing by about 12 percent per year and now stands at about 12,200 nationwide, most of them small-scale producers. According to a recent USDA study, certified organic cropland more than doubled from 1992 to 1997. Two organic livestock sectors, eggs and dairy, grew even faster." (

    32. Science, Agriculture, Practices And Systems: Reduced Tillage Farming
    Nitrate in Water Resources with Modern farming systems Account of research showinglower rates of nitrate leaching from soil with reduced tilling practices.
    Top Science Agriculture Practices and Systems ...
    This name includes a group of practices that are also known as, or include, the following; conservation tillage; no-till farming; high-residue farming. It is based on minimal or no cultivation, and sowing directly into the ground after the removal of the previous crop. It often involves increased use of herbicides to control weed growth. Help build the largest human-edited directory on the web.

    33. Science, Agriculture, Practices And Systems: Precision Farming
    Precision farming is the application of technology to manage the heterogeneity withina field. Traditional agriculture considers a field as a homogeneous unit.
    Top Science Agriculture Practices and Systems ... Software Related links of interest: Precision farming is the application of technology to manage the heterogeneity within a field. Traditional agriculture considers a field as a homogeneous unit. Fields used to be smaller and more uniform, and field boundaries were probably adapted to get uniform fields. As a result of mechanization, farmers are able to work bigger areas and fields became bigger and more variable. Farmers and agronomists are looking for tools to manage the local differences in fields. Precision farming is a tool to handle the spatial and temporal variability and creates a framework to understand and control the (local) processes in the field. An ensemble of collected information (including yield maps, soil maps, multi-spectral satellite remote-sensing images, etc.) can be used to develop management strategies that reduce needed inputs, and result in higher profitability, environmental protection and/or higher yields. Help build the largest human-edited directory on the web.

    34. Agriculture: Practices And Systems: Precision Farming: Products And Services
    web site. AGRONAV Precision systems for autonomous vehicle steeringand implement control for farming applications. Bio-Geo-Recon
    Science Directory - Products and Services
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    Home ... Precision Farming : Products and Services
    • Ag Leader Technology - This site showcases dedicated precision agriculture products.
    • Agri-Tech Solutions - A dealer of Trimble, Ag Leader, Star Pal, and Ranger GPS products.
    • Agri-Vision - Provides color digital infrared imagery that is georeferenced and delivered within 24 hours via a secure web site.
    • AGRONAV - Precision systems for autonomous vehicle steering and implement control for farming applications.
    • Bio-Geo-Recon - Remote sensing services for the agriculture, forestry, and environmental communities.
    • John Deere - Ag Management Solutions Work made easy with precision farming by John Deere - John Deere provides various precision agriculture equipment and services. This site contains product information, tools, manuals, and troubleshooting tips.
    • Merrell Precision Agriculture - An online store that sells GPS receivers, controllers, yield monitors, software, handheld computers, and other products and services.
    • Nielsen Communications - Provides electronic technology and precision agricultural products to farmers, and agri-business companies in the midwest.

    35. Agriculture: Practices And Systems: Precision Farming: Education
    KState Agricultural Research Center - Notes on work on precision farming, siteand boundary verification, soil sampling, variable rate applications, yield
    Science Directory - Education
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    Home ... Precision Farming : Education
    • K-State Agricultural Research Center - Notes on work on precision farming, site and boundary verification, soil sampling, variable rate applications, yield monitoring, and electrical conductivity studies.
    • K-State Precision Agriculture - The purpose of this web site is to display the Research and Education precision agriculture activities that are occurring at Kansas State University.
    • Koen Maertens, Katholieke Universiteit Leuve - Home page of agriculture engineering researcher. Includes overview of his recent publications in precision farming, yield mapping and related modeling, and automation of agricultural machinery.
    • Laboratory for Agro Machinery and Processing - Thorough introduction to precision farming, including current research and applications.
    • Missouri Precision Agriculture Center - University of Missouri research, teaching, and outreach efforts in site-specific crop management. Site includes, a newsletter, directory of Missouri businesses providing precision agriculture services, publications, current research, and related information.
    • New Zealand Centre for Precision Agriculture - NZCPA is a precision agricultural department within Massey University. Provides commercial mapping services and undergraduate and postgraduate research and teaching opportunities.

    36. Practices & Research
    farming practices and OnFarm Research from PFI. Understanding On-Farm Trial Statistics. Deep-Placementof Nutrients in Minimum Tillage systems (requires Adobe
    Farming Practices and On-Farm Research from PFI
    Understanding On-Farm Trial Statistics PFI 2004 Field Day Guide (black and white , requires Adobe Acrobat Research Alliance for Farrowing Project The Chestnut Grower’s Primer , by Tom Wahl Field Trial Recording Form, 2003 (for cooperators, requires Adobe Acrobat Adoption of Sustainable Agriculture on Rented Land – Report Ridge Tillage for Sustainable Agriculture Nitrogen Management Research ... Deep-Placement of Nutrients in Minimum Tillage Systems (requires Adobe Acrobat Research of Biological Products Gastrointestinal Parasites of Livestock Adoption of Sustainable Ag on Rented Land – Report ... Research Cooperator Discussion, Feb. 7, 2002

    37. Resources For Life Centered Agriculture: YES! A Journal Of Positive Futures
    of lowcost, resource- conserving, and environmentally sound farming systems. theloss of productive farmland and to promote sustainable farming practices.
    home subscribe discussion guides events and links ... about us Food for Life ~ Summer 2000 Resources for life-centered agriculture Table of Contents Resource Guide Index
    Organizations, ideas, books, and Web sites on life sustaining gardening, agriculture, and food advocacy groups Ecology Action
    Ecology Action researches and educates about bio-intensive gardening. Publishes How to Grow More Vegetables, by John Jeavons, Ten Speed Press, 1995.
    Contact: 5798 Ridgewood Rd.,
    Willits, CA 95490 tel: 707/459-0150 fax: 707/459-5409
    GRACE Factory Farm Project
    GRACE helps communities keep out factory farms or close existing ones down. Grace also provides news, testimony, and guest speakers on related issues.
    Contact: 15 East 26th Street, New York, NY 10010 tel: 212/726-9161
    Henry A. Wallace Center for Agricultural and Environmental Policy at Winrock International A research and education organization established to encourage and facilitate the adoption of low-cost, resource- conserving, and environmentally sound farming systems.

    38. Organic Apples: Tasty And Good Farming Practices
    A study in the journal Nature counters arguments that organic farming systems areless efficient and produce lower yields than conventional farming systems.
    Organic apples win productivity and taste trials
    August 10, 2001
    A study in the journal Nature counters arguments that organic farming systems are less efficient and produce lower yields than conventional farming systems.
    Conducted by researchers at Washington State University from 1994 to 1999, the study compared organic, integrated and conventional apple orchards and found that while all three systems gave similar apple yields, the organic system had the greatest environmental sustainability, profitability and energy efficiency.
    In the study, the organic system did not use synthetic pesticides or fertilizers and relied on compost, mulch, pheromone-mating disruption (PMD), Bacillus thuringiensis and thinning fruit by hand. By contrast, the conventional system used synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, PMD and chemical fruit thinner; the integrated farming system used compost, synthetic fertilizers, mulch and herbicides.
    Cumulative yields were comparable and there were no observable differences in physiological disorders or pest and disease damage across the three apple production systems. However, the study found that the organic apple system had the highest soil quality, profitability, energy efficiency and taste appeal. The organic apple system also had the least adverse environmental impact.
    Although sustainability is a difficult concept to measure, the researchers included both ecological and economic factors in their analysis. They noted that to be sustainable a farm must produce adequate high-quality yields, be profitable, protect the environment, conserve resources and be socially responsible in the long term. Specifically, the indicators of sustainability used in the study were soil quality, horticultural performance, orchard profitability, environmental quality and energy efficiency.

    39. Science, Agriculture, Practices And Systems, Precision Farming
    Web Directory Science, Agriculture, practices and systems, Precision farming. BrowsingScience, Agriculture, practices and systems, Precision farming Category.
    Top Science Agriculture Practices and Systems ... Precision Farming
    Web Directory: Science, Agriculture, Practices and Systems, Precision Farming
    Web Directory Daily News PHP Manuals mySQL Manuals ... Svenska Browsing Science, Agriculture, Practices and Systems, Precision Farming Category See also: SPONSORED LINKS PARTNERS LINKS .: Online 18 user(s) .:. Visits 1056227, Views 1409726 .:. 6.6.2004 :.

    Such practices have evolved from generations through various trial and errors. Traditionalfarming systems are the reservoirs of a huge variety of crops, many
    ALTERING INDIGENOUS FARMING PRACTICES IN NORTH WESTERN HIMALAYAS G.S. Singh and K.S. Rao* N-289, Sector-8, R.K. Puram, New Delhi 110022 *G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development, Kosi-Katarmal, Almora 263643 Contents Next Agrobiodiversity is the most potential option for sustainability of the agriculture production system (Swift et al., 1994). Since millennia, ancient agriculture practices have, by and large, made significant contribution in maintaining the high genetic resources involving the locally available plant and animal resources. However, modern farming application as the consequence of ‘Green Revolution’ has resulted the farmer’s dependency on market oriented resources leading to genetic erosion. This study analysed the pivotal factors which are responsible for maintaining the hill farming diversity and also discussed the possible reasons faltering such practices in relation to current environmental milieu in western Himalaya. Traditional agrobiodiversity practices As many as seventeen crops are being cultivated (Singh et al.

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