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         Environmental Aspects:     more books (100)
  1. Irrigated Agriculture and the Environment (The Management of Water Resources Series) by R. M. Adams, D. W. Bromley, et all 2001-12-30
  2. Mirage: The False Promise of Desert Agriculture by Russell Clemings, 1996-04-09
  3. Irrigation and the environmental challenge.: An article from: Finance & Development by Shawki Barghouti, Guy Le Moigne, 1991-06-01
  4. Climate Prediction and Agriculture: Advances and Challenges
  5. Gendered Fields: Rural Women, Agriculture, and Environment (Rural Studies Series) by Carolyn Sachs, 1996-03-01
  6. The Centrality of Agriculture: Between Humankind and the Rest of Nature by Colin A. M. Duncan, 1996-03
  7. Nature and Agriculture in the European Union: New Perspectives on Policies That Shape the European Countryside (Current Issues in Ecological Economics)
  8. Agriculture and Phosphorus Management: The Chesapeake Bay
  9. Global Development of Organic Agriculture: Challenges and Promises (Cabi Publishing)
  10. Multifunctional Agriculture: A Transition Theory Perspective (Cabi International) by G.A. Wilson, 2007-07-26
  11. Phosphorus: Agriculture and the Environment (Agronomy) by Andrew N. Sharpley, 2005-01-01
  12. Nitrate, Agriculture and the Environment by T. M. Addiscott, 2005-10-06
  13. Sustaining Agriculture and the Rural Environment: Governance, Policy and Multifunctionality (Advances in Ecological Economics)
  14. Greening Antarctica.(Adventure)(University of Arizona's Controlled Environment Agriculture Program ): An article from: Resource: Engineering & Technology for a Sustainable World by Lane Patterson, Sue Mitrovich, 2006-11-01

81. Scout Report Archives
The US Department of agriculture s agriculture Research Service provides this researchquestion about the impacts of genetic engineering to environment and soc

82. Science News: Frosty Florida: Spread Of Agriculture May Promote Freezes
Print friendly Tell a friend Find subscription deals Frosty Florida spread ofagriculture may promote freezes Science News, Nov 8, 2003 by K. Ramsayer.
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YOU ARE HERE Articles Science News Nov 8, 2003 Content provided in partnership with
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Tell a friend Find subscription deals Frosty Florida: spread of agriculture may promote freezes
Science News
Nov 8, 2003 by K. Ramsayer
Sunny southern Florida seems like a perfect place to grow fruits and vegetables, even in the winter. But the 20th-century transformation of what had been wetlands into croplands might have had unintended consequences. The shift has made the area more susceptible to crop-damaging freezes, researchers suspect. In the early 1900s, much of Florida's citrus industry moved south to areas of the state that seemed the least prone to ruinous freezes. To make room for orchards and farms, people drained wetlands and diverted rivers, actions that affected the local climate, say Roger A. Pielke Sr. and Curtis H. Marshall of Colorado State University in Fort Collins and Louis T. Steyaert of the U.S. Geological Survey in Greenbelt, Md. The scientists mathematically reconstructed south Florida's pre-1900 plant cover and mapped the area's current vegetation. By plugging these data into a weather-modeling program that Pielke and another colleague developed, he and Marshall could predict the temperatures before and after the draining of the wetlands.

83. Custodians Of Change: Report Of Agriculture And Environment Working Group: Page
issues. Review existing advice from organisations on environmentalaspects of agriculture and identify best practice. Identify the
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Custodians of Change: Report of Agriculture and Environment Working Group
1. Setting the Scene
The Purpose of This Report A Forward Strategy for Scottish Agriculture launched on 26th June 2001. Action 41 (page 32 of the Strategy) announces that "A small Working Group made up of environmental and farming interests will be set up to examine the environmental issues which will impact on farming and food processing businesses over the next 5-10 years and to advise on how best to tackle them. This Group will take evidence from interested organisations and will be supported by the Executive. It will report within 6 months of being set up". There is an associated action point (Action 42) which states "As part of its remit, the Working Group will be asked to review existing advice and recommend how we can ensure simple, consistent advice which offers, wherever possible, cost-effective solutions which can be implemented by farmers themselves." Terms of Reference were to:
  • Examine the environmental issues which will impact on farming and food processing businesses over the next 5 to 10 years.

84. Descripteur - Agriculture--Environmental Aspects--Africa
Translate this page Descripteur Candidat AgricultureEnvironmental aspectsAfrica, 1 documenttrouvé. Ajouter au panier, Imprimer, Envoyer par mail, Liste détaillée.
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    Candidat AgricultureEnvironmental aspectsAfrica
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African greenhouse gas emission inventories and mitigation options: forestry, land-use change, and agriculture

Fitzgerald, John F.
Dordrecht ; Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers , 01/01/1995, vi, 219 p. Ajouter au panier Imprimer Envoyer par mail Trier : Date de parution Titre Type de document Auteurs Descripteurs Cote Date d'indexation Barcode Number(s) Budget Allocation CD Kodak Color Content Notes Currency Edition Statement Format Frequency Host institution Illustrations ISSN of Series Language Lengh Location Nomenclature de cote Place of Publication Series Sound Sous collection System requirements Volume Web Site Year of Donation Library - Bibliotheque Fax email Mon espace Recherche rapide Identification Identifiant : Mot de passe : A propos ... Alexandrie

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