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101. Dept. Of Economics And Natural Resources - FLEC provides course description, list of faculty, and seminar schedule. http://www.flec.kvl.dk/open.asp?lpage=15&rpage=/oekonomi/indexen.html |
102. College Of Cooperation Banking & Management :: APRIL 2004:: Offers B.Sc., M.SC and Ph.D in Cooperative Management, Rural Banking and Finance, Development economics, Marketing Management. Affiliated to the Kerala agricultural University. http://www.ccbmkau.org | |
103. Agricultural University - Plovdiv Founded in 1945. Has faculties in Agronomy, Horticulture and Viticulture; Plant Protection and Agroecology; Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture; economics. http://www.au-plovdiv.bg/ | |
104. NEA Home Describes studies, staff, and clients of the firm. Expertise areas Indian water rights, agricultural/resource economics, litigation support, GIS/GPS,and financial analysis. http://www.nwecon.com | |
105. Gangri Tours - Tour 4 Excursion includes visits to agricultural areas to see how Bhutanese grow food, to markets to see the variety and economics of food, and to restaurants and homes. http://www.gangri.com/tour4.html | |
106. ACESAG: Madison County Homepage Frequently asked questions menu; publications menu; links to university, extension, governmental, and corporate sites; agriculture and natural resources, 4H Youth and Youth-at-Risk, community resource development, and home economics. http://www.aces.edu/counties/Madison/cntyinfo.htm | |
107. ACESAG: Jackson County Homepage Frequently asked questions menu; publications menu; links to university, extension, governmental, and corporate sites; agriculture and natural resources, 4H Youth and Youth-at-Risk, community resource development, and home economics. http://www.aces.edu/counties/Jackson/cntyinfo.htm | |
108. NMSU's College Of Agriculture And Home Economics Cooperative extension, alumni, information for prospective and current students and the agricultural Experimentat Station. http://www.cahe.nmsu.edu/ | |
109. Amjath Babu University of agricultural Sciences, Bangalore. Natural resource economics. http://www.geocities.com/amjath_babu/index.htm | |
110. Agricultural And Food Economics An internationally acclaimed centre of agricultural and food economics, concerned with contemporary food, farm and rural issues in low and high income countries. http://www.rdg.ac.uk/AcaDepts/ae/home.html | |
111. ACES: Cleburne County Office Frequently asked questions menu; publications menu; links to university, extension, governmental, and corporate sites; agriculture and natural resources, 4H Youth and Youth-at-Risk, community resource development, and home economics. http://www.aces.edu/Cleburne/ | |
112. The Agricultural & Food Policy Center Contact information, publications, presentations, links, overview, faculty and staff, mailing list, economics models, and site search. http://www.afpc.tamu.edu/ | |
113. Cotton Marketing And Management Information about cotton marketing and management from the Department of agricultural and Resource economics of the University of Arizona. Includes a newsletter on PDF files, and links to market information. http://ag.arizona.edu/arec/ext/cotton.html | |
114. Past ARER Site Provides tables of contents and submission information. http://www.cals.cornell.edu/publications/arer/arer.html | |
115. The Reverend Henry Wallace Paper by economics professor Richard E. Hattwick on the social gospel minister and agricultural reformer who was the grandfather of Vice President Henry A. Wallace. http://www.anbhf.org/pdf/wallace.pdf |
116. Australian Journal Of Agricultural And Resource Economics Published on behalf of the Australian agricultural and Resource economics Society Inc. http://www.blackwellpublishers.co.uk/asp/journal.asp?ref=1364985X |
117. The Economic Challenger Online quarterly journal on developmental economics focusing on regional and agricultural issues in India. http://www.economicchallenger.net/ | |
118. Kagoshima University Offers faculties in law, economics, education, science, medicine, dentistry, engineering, agriculture, fisheries, and graduate school of agricultural sciences. Also guide to and research centers, library, hospitals, and facilities. http://www.kagoshima-u.ac.jp/index-e.html | |
119. Ag & Resource Economics Library Contains collection information, reserves, journal links, services provided and hours of operation. http://www.agecon.ucdavis.edu/arelibrary/library.htm | |
120. Department Of Agricultural & Resource Economics Top/Reference/Education/Colleges_and_Universities/North_America/United_States/Arizona/University_of_Arizona/Departments_and_Programs/College_of_Agriculture http://ag.arizona.edu/AREC/arechome.html | |
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