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81. Resource Economics Graduate Schools, Graduate Program Resource Economics, Master agricultural economics and Resource Economics graduate and postgraduate school program directory, including contact information, program descriptions and http://www.gradschools.com/listings/menus/ag_econ_menu.html | |
82. Western Agricultural Economics Association The professional organization for economists interested in issues important to the West. http://waeaonline.org/ | |
83. ARE Home Page At the graduate level, the department offers a Master of Science degree in agricultural economics, and a Ph.D. degree in economics. http://www.ag-econ.ncsu.edu/ | |
84. ScienceDirect - Agricultural Economics - List Of Issues SOSIG Agricultural and Energy Economics Browse this resource, European Review of agricultural economics, Browse this resource, agricultural economics, Browse this resource, CEPMLP Internet Journal, http://uclibs.org/PID/9288 | |
85. Erna H.K. Van Duren an Associate Professor, Department of agricultural economics and Business, teaching strategic management. http://www.uoguelph.ca/~evandure/index.html | |
86. Department Of Agricultural Economics And Business Located in the beautiful city of Guelph, Ontario the Department of agricultural economics and Business has a rich history of research excellence and service to http://www.uoguelph.ca/OAC/Agec/ | |
87. Texas A&M Agricultural Research And Extension Center - Lubbock - Pecos - Halfway Provides research and information about crops and soils, pest management, water resources, agricultural economics, and a wide variety of family and consumer skills to the South Plains. http://lubbock.tamu.edu/ | |
88. Texas Extension Agricultural Economics Texas Extension agricultural economics Department of agricultural economics. About Us. Resources What s New Market Outlook Events http://agecoext.tamu.edu/ | |
89. Graduate Studies Information concerning graduate degree programs within the Faculy of Agricultural Sciences, including agricultural economics, animal science, food science, human nutrition, landscape architecture, plant science, and soil science. http://www.agsci.ubc.ca/main/grad/index.htm |
90. Sri Lankan Journal Of Agricultural Economics. 3(1). 2000 Journal of the Sri Lankan agricultural economics Association. Volume 4. Number 1. 2002 (New Feature Students Research Papers) CONTENT PAGE . . Back Issues http://www.geocities.com/slageconr/sjae.html | |
91. Social Sciences Unit - University Of Missouri Programs in agricultural economics, education, and journalism, rural sociology, community development, and rural policy. http://www.ssu.missouri.edu/ | |
92. AEAB Index College of Agriculture and Home Economics agricultural economics and Agricultural Business. agricultural economics and Agricultural Business official web pages. http://agecon.nmsu.edu/ | |
93. VUZE - Home Page Redirection, Pøesmìrovánà Na Hlavnà Stránku Research Institute of agricultural economics. Výzkumný ústav zemedelské ekonomiky. VUZE site english version, Select one of these possibilities, please. http://www.vuze.cz/ | |
94. Department Of Agricultural And Resource Economics Software, Computer News agricultural and Resource economics Library http://www.agecon.ucdavis.edu/ | |
95. Agricultural, Food, And Resource Economics Purpose, faculty, facilities, publications, undergraduate and graduate course and program descriptions and organizations. http://aesop.rutgers.edu/~agecon/ | |
96. Department Of Agricultural, Environmental, And Development Economics Agricultrual Environmental and Development economics Department Homepage Ohio State University Department of agricultural, Environmental, and Development economics. About AEDEconProgramsPeopleAcademicsInfo Resources http://www-agecon.ag.ohio-state.edu/ | |
97. Graduate Study At UGA AGECON Includes information about the program as well as the faculty. http://www.agecon.uga.edu/~gradprg/ | |
98. PG Economics Home Page UK company specialising plant biotechnology, agricultural production systems, agricultural markets and policy. The site provides summaries of a number of papers considering aspects of genetically modified crops. http://www.pgeconomics.co.uk/ | |
99. USDA Economics And Statistics System agricultural Network Information Center The USDA economics and Statistics System and other organizations committed to distributing agricultural and related http://usda.mannlib.cornell.edu/usda/usda.html | |
100. SJFI - Statens Jordbrugs- Og Fiskeriøkonomiske Institut The Danish Institute of agricultural and Fisheries economics is a research institute under the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries. The researchers and academic staff of the Institute have backgrounds and experience in economics, agricultural and resource economics, agronomy, as well as a wide range of statistical methods and applied research tools. http://www.sjfi.dk/engelsk/index.htm | |
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