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         Agricultural Economics:     more books (100)
  1. Rationalizing agricultural export subsidies: reply. (response to Bruce L. Gardner in this issue, p.205): An article from: American Journal of Agricultural Economics by Julian M. Alston, Colin A. Carter, et all 1995-02-01
  2. Organizational economics in agriculture policy analysis.: An article from: American Journal of Agricultural Economics by James M. Macdonald, Mary C. Ahearn, et all 2004-08-01
  3. Creating markets: food policy and agricultural reform in the transition.: An article from: American Journal of Agricultural Economics by Stephen Jones, 1996-08-01
  4. Using domestic water analysis to value groundwater recharge in the Hadejia--Jama'are floodplain, Northern Nigeria.: An article from: American Journal of Agricultural Economics by Gayatri Acharya, Edward Barbier, 2002-05-01
  5. A new institutional economics approach to contracts and cooperatives.: An article from: American Journal of Agricultural Economics by Michael E. Sykuta, Michael L. Cook, 2001-11-15
  6. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND CHANGING SUPPLY CHAIN BEHAVIOR: DISCUSSION.: An article from: American Journal of Agricultural Economics by Brian L. Buhr, 2000-11-15
  7. Economics for agriculturalists: A beginning text in agricultural economics (Grid series in agricultural economics) by John Sjo, 1976
  8. Sustainability and Policy: Limits to Economics. (book reviews): An article from: American Journal of Agricultural Economics by Gerald F. Vaughn, 1995-11-01
  9. Environmental Economics and Development.(Review): An article from: American Journal of Agricultural Economics by James Roumasset, 2001-08-01
  10. Informational Requirements and the Regulatory Process of Agricultural Biotechnology.: An article from: Journal of Economic Issues by Paul J. Thomassin, L. Martin Cloutier, 2001-06-01
  11. Factors influencing Illinois farmland values. : An article from: American Journal of Agricultural Economics by Haixiao Huang, Gay Y. Miller, et all 2006-05-01
  12. Introduction to Economics of Agricultural Development (Mcgraw-Hill Series in Agricultural Economics) by George W. Norton, Jeffrey Alwang, 1993-01
  13. Are eco-labels valuable? Evidence from the apparel industry.: An article from: American Journal of Agricultural Economics by Wesley Nimon, John Beghin, 1999-11-01
  14. Economic Policy and Sustainable Land Use: Recent Advances in Quantitative Analysis for Developing Countries (Contributions to Economics)

81. Resource Economics Graduate Schools, Graduate Program Resource Economics, Master
agricultural economics and Resource Economics graduate and postgraduate school program directory, including contact information, program descriptions and
Agricultural Economics Society
AAEA Online - American Agricultural Economics Association
International Association of Agricultural Economists
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Graduate School Programs - Masters, Ph.D. Programs Also Available Worldwide: Outside U.S.A.
Distance / Online Programs

Certificate Programs

Or select other related directories here Agricultural Economics Agricultural Education Agricultural Engineering Agricultural Sciences Agronomy, Soil Sciences Botany Ecology Economics Environmental Management Horticulture Natural Resource Management Plant Pathology Plant Physiology Students: Register to be Recruited with Express News! Graduate School Handbook Financial Aid Information ... Bookstore
Administrators: Add or Update Programs with General Listings Advertise Your Program With Who we are Who advertises on the site ... Who visits the site Contact Us: Give us a Banner Contact Schools E-mail Info ... Employment with EDU, Inc.

82. Western Agricultural Economics Association
The professional organization for economists interested in issues important to the West.
The professional organization for economists interested in issues important to the West.

83. ARE Home Page
At the graduate level, the department offers a Master of Science degree in agricultural economics, and a Ph.D. degree in economics.
Agricultural and Resource Economics
Box 8109, NC State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-8109 - Phone:- 919-515-3107, FAX: 919/515-6268
Graduate Programs Undergraduate Admissions Faculty Staff ... ARE Home Webmaster: Luana Smith
From the Department Head
Agriculture in today's world is a business, whether it be processing and marketing agricultural products, farming, or supplying agricultural inputs. Consumers face a variety of choices that are impacted by policies and regulations, by micro and macro conditions affecting them, and by their individual circumstances and welfare. The Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics addresses important issues regarding the management of agricultural and related businesses, the functioning of agricultural markets, the protection and use of resources, the performance of government policies affecting agricultural and related industries, and the impacts of decisions made by consumers with respect to the purchase of food and fiber products. ARE offers undergraduate major and minor programs in agricultural business management and a concentration in biological sciences business management within the agricultural business management program. At the graduate level, the department offers a Master of Science degree in agricultural economics, and a Ph.D. degree in economics. These instructional programs are enriched by faculty members with extension and research activities which contribute to the relevance and thoroughness of the teaching program.

84. ScienceDirect - Agricultural Economics - List Of Issues
SOSIG Agricultural and Energy Economics Browse this resource, European Review of agricultural economics, Browse this resource, agricultural economics, Browse this resource, CEPMLP Internet Journal,
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Articles in Press
Volumes 21 - 30 Volume 30, Issue 3 , Pages 175-266 (May 2004) Volume 30, Issue 2 , Pages 87-173 (March 2004) Volume 30, Issue 1 , Pages 1-85 (January 2004) Volume 29, Issue 3 , Pages 239-364 (December 2003)
Returns to investment in plant genetic resource conservation and crop improvement research Volume 29, Issue 2 , Pages 125-238 (October 2003) Volume 29, Issue 1 , Pages 1-123 (July 2003) Volume 28, Issue 3 , Pages 173-264 (May 2003) Volume 28, Issue 2 , Pages 85-171 (March 2003) Volume 28, Issue 1 , Pages 1-83 (January 2003) Volume 27, Issue 3 , Pages 197-446 (November 2002) Volume 27, Issue 2 , Pages 97-195 (August 2002) Volume 27, Issue 1 , Pages 1-93 (May 2002) Volume 26, Issue 3 , Pages 191-296 (December 2001) Volume 26, Issue 2 , Pages 95-189 (November 2001) Volume 26, Issue 1 , Pages 1-93 (October 2001) Volume 25, Issues 2-3 , Pages 137-412 (September 2001) Volume 25, Issue 1

85. Erna H.K. Van Duren
an Associate Professor, Department of agricultural economics and Business, teaching strategic management.
Erna van Duren Associate Professor B.A. Applied Economics and Political Science, University of Waterloo M.Sc . Agricultural Economics and Business, University of Guelph Ph.D. Agricultural Economics and Business, University of Guelph E-mail Phone 519-824-4120 (52100) Fax 519-767-1510 Department of Agricultural Economics and Business J.D. McLachlan Building University of Guelph Guelph Ontario Canada Research Interests Dr. van Duren’s current research interests are in the area of strategic management as applied to organizations and issues that are important to Canada ’s agrifood and related sectors. Some recent projects include an assessment of the core competencies of SMEs in Canada ’s food processing industry and strategic alliances in Canada ’s food processing industries. Current projects address innovation in the agrifood industry and the role on the environment, social responsibility in strategy and the design of business relationships. She has served as Research Coordinator for the Managing Change Committee of the Canadian Agri -Food Competitiveness Council.

86. Department Of Agricultural Economics And Business
Located in the beautiful city of Guelph, Ontario the Department of agricultural economics and Business has a rich history of research excellence and service to
Departmental Positions
May 2004 Department Newsletter Located in the beautiful city of Guelph, Ontario the Department of Agricultural Economics and Business has a rich history of research excellence and service to government and industry organizations in the Canadian and International Agri-Food Sectors. The Department has active research programs built on its strength in Agricultural Economics and its emphasis in the areas of Agribusiness and Resource Economics. The Department strives for teaching excellence in its undergraduate and graduate programs. Undergraduate degree programs include:
    - B.A., B. Commerce (Agribusiness)
    - B.Sc.(Agriculture)
    - B.Sc.(Environment)
At the graduate level, the Department offers M.Sc. and Ph. D. programs in Agricultural and Resource Economics as well as a collaborative Ph.D. program in Resource and Environmental Economics with the Department of Economics. The Department contributes to international agribusiness management development through both its residential and electronic M.B.A. programs.
J. D. Maclachlan Building

87. Texas A&M Agricultural Research And Extension Center - Lubbock - Pecos - Halfway
Provides research and information about crops and soils, pest management, water resources, agricultural economics, and a wide variety of family and consumer skills to the South Plains.
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Ag Economics
Agricultural Insects 4H and Youth Irrigation / Water ... Click here for the Southern High Plains Calendar. High Plains Calendar Click on the calendar to view this month's events, or click here ET/Climate Data The Lubbock Center website now hosts data from the recalibrated weather stations at Lubbock, Lamesa, and Halfway. Go to Irrigation FOCUS on Entomology and Pest Alerts View our weekly crop production newsletter. The first 2004 edition will be published in early June. Growing Great Roses on the Southern High Plains A new video series and publications for rose growers What's New

88. Texas Extension Agricultural Economics
Texas Extension agricultural economics Department of agricultural economics. About Us. Resources What s New Market Outlook Events
Texas Extension Agricultural Economics
Department of Agricultural Economics About Us Resources: What's New
Market Outlook


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Master Marketer
2002 Farm Bill Educational Materials

SSESSING ISK FOR ANAGEMENT CONOMIC ECISIONS TO CAPTURE PROFITS Learn More about Capturing Profits! An Economic Examination of Potential Ethanol Production in Texas Click on an Extension District to find:
  • Local economists and county offices Links to district websites
Texas Extension Agricultural Economics Homepage ( 2124 TAMU/College Station, Texas 77843-2124 Contact us about this site: Last update: May 16, 2002 Privacy Policy Statement Open Records Policy/Procedure State of Texas Statewide Search

89. Graduate Studies
Information concerning graduate degree programs within the Faculy of Agricultural Sciences, including agricultural economics, animal science, food science, human nutrition, landscape architecture, plant science, and soil science.

90. Sri Lankan Journal Of Agricultural Economics. 3(1). 2000
Journal of the Sri Lankan agricultural economics Association. Volume 4. Number 1. 2002 (New Feature Students Research Papers) CONTENT PAGE . . Back Issues
ECONOMICS J ournal of the Sri Lankan Agricultural Economics Association Volume 4. Number 1. 2002
(New Feature: Students' Research Papers) CONTENT PAGE
Back Issues Volume 3 Number 1. 2000 [ Online/full text ] Volume 2 Number 1. 1994 Volume 1 Number 1. 1993
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91. Social Sciences Unit - University Of Missouri
Programs in agricultural economics, education, and journalism, rural sociology, community development, and rural policy.
People Social Sciences Unit College of Agriculture, Food,
and Natural Resources
University of Missouri - Columbia 215 Gentry Hall
MU, Columbia, Missouri 65211-7040
Coming May 17th: 2004 Breimyer Seminar on Brazilian Agriculture and the U.S. Here is one of the SSU's many outstanding contributions...
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92. AEAB Index
College of Agriculture and Home Economics agricultural economics and Agricultural Business. agricultural economics and Agricultural Business official web pages.
College of Agriculture and Home Economics
Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Business Welcome/Bienvenidos Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Business official web pages Faculty Listing Staff Listing

93. VUZE - Home Page Redirection, Pøesmìrování Na Hlavní Stránku
Research Institute of agricultural economics. Výzkumný ústav zemedelské ekonomiky. VUZE site english version, Select one of these possibilities, please.
Research Institute of Agricultural Economics Výzkumný ústav zemìdìlské ekonomiky
Select one of these possibilities, please. Othewise, your browser will be redirected after ten seconds to the Czech version automatically. Zvolte prosím jednu z možností. Jinak bude Vᚠprohlížeè po 10 sekundách automaticky pøesmìrován na èeskou verzi.
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ve Vašem prohlížeèi.

94. Department Of Agricultural And Resource Economics
Software, Computer News agricultural and Resource economics Library
Last Modified: June 04, 2004 Department General Information Seminars Faculty ... Undergraduate Program Calendar of Events Advising Changing Majors Major Degree Requirements Graduate Program ... Working Papers
Please send any comments about our web pages to

95. Agricultural, Food, And Resource Economics
Purpose, faculty, facilities, publications, undergraduate and graduate course and program descriptions and organizations.
Cook College

Cook College Home

Cooperative Extension

Ag Experiment Station

Rutgers University:
Rutgers Daily News
Camden Campus
Newark Campus

New Brunswick Campus
Career Services

Food Industry Links: MADMC 2000 NJ Foods Network NJ Restaurant Assoc. Department Address: Cook Office Building 55 Dudley Road New Brunswick, N.J. 08901 Phone: (732) 932-9155 Fax: (732) 932-8887 Environment and Business Economics Curriculum (373) New Faculty Position Announcement: Assistant Professor-Food Industry Management Department Calendar Ag Marketing Publications Available Online New Jersey Solid Waste Policy Group (NJSWPG) Cook College Farm Management Program DAFRE Newsletter Support DAFRE Agricultural Links Ag Econ Departments NJ Dept. of Agriculture US Dept. of Agriculture

96. Department Of Agricultural, Environmental, And Development Economics
Agricultrual Environmental and Development economics Department Homepage Ohio State University Department of agricultural, Environmental, and Development economics. About AEDEconProgramsPeopleAcademicsInfo Resources
Home About AEDE Programs People ... Search Sun, June 6, 2004 Department of Agricultural, Environmental,
and Development Economics About AEDEcon Programs People Academics ... Search
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information about a topic.

97. Graduate Study At UGA AGECON
Includes information about the program as well as the faculty.
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98. PG Economics Home Page
UK company specialising plant biotechnology, agricultural production systems, agricultural markets and policy. The site provides summaries of a number of papers considering aspects of genetically modified crops.
Home Search GM Crop News Who we are ... PG Economics Limited is a specialist provider of advisory and consultancy services to agriculture and other natural resource-based industries. Our specific areas of specialisation are plant biotechnology, agricultural production systems, agricultural markets and policy.
The Company's two directors are Peter Barfoot and Graham Brookes who formed PG Economics in 1999. Both have worked at senior positions in agricultural consultancy and technology businesses. STOP PRESS May: PG Economics comments on the Greenpeace paper ‘GM and dairy cow feed: steps to a GM-free future for the UK dairy industry’ STOP PRESS May: GM and non GM arable crops can co-exist in the EU without problems: says new research paper STOP PRESS April: Comments on GM Foods: evaluating the Farm Scale Trials: report of the Environmental Audit Committee of 2 March 2004 Details on recent projects and publications are presented on the website. In addition PG Economics has provided back ground information, reports and links on a number of current issues in relation to GM crops: What PG Economics can do to assist you
We can undertake ad hoc consultancy projects, on-going management consultancy and intelligence gathering. Please contact either Peter Barfoot or Graham Brookes to discuss your requirements and we will endeavour to put forward a proposal to define our methodology and expected outcomes.

99. USDA Economics And Statistics System
agricultural Network Information Center The USDA economics and Statistics System and other organizations committed to distributing agricultural and related
About the USDA Economics and Statistics System Search titles and descriptions of: Reports and Datasets Datasets only Reports only from the selected agencies: ERS NASS WAOB for these words: Search Tips Note: You will get the best results by using broad terms rather than very specific ones.
or Browse for reports and datasets by clicking a subject heading below. The USDA Economics and Statistics System contains nearly 300 reports and datasets from the economics agencies of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. These materials cover U.S. and international agriculture and related topics. Most reports are text files that contain time-sensitive information. Most data sets are in spreadsheet format and include time-series data that are updated yearly. See help for more introductory system information. Partners in the Economics and Statistics System: ERS - Economic Research Service
The USDA's Economic Research Service provides economic analysis on efficiency, efficacy, and equity issues related to agriculture, food, the environment, and rural development to improve public and private decision making. WAOB - World Agricultural Outlook Board
The WAOB coordinates the USDA's commodity forecasting program; monitors global weather and analyzes its impact on agriculture; and coordinates USDA's weather, climate and remote sensing work.

100. SJFI - Statens Jordbrugs- Og Fiskeriøkonomiske Institut
The Danish Institute of agricultural and Fisheries economics is a research institute under the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries. The researchers and academic staff of the Institute have backgrounds and experience in economics, agricultural and resource economics, agronomy, as well as a wide range of statistical methods and applied research tools.
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