Departamento De Supercómputo, DGSCA-UNAM Translate this page BIENVENIDOS. a la página del Departamento de Supercómputode la UNAM. inicio. inicio. inicio. inicio.
Sun Microsystems - HPTC Homepage has moved. You will be automatically has moved. You will be automatically redirectedto the new Centre for Computational Biology site in 10 seconds.
Extractions: High-performance technical computing (HPTC) is the application of technology to highly complex scientific and engineering workloads. Traditionally used for scientific discovery, Sun's HPTC solutions are rapidly making headway in the commercial market for their ability to help companies accelerate time-to-solution, design superior products, and reduce costs. Today, grid computing is at the heart of many HPTC environments. Sun's Grid Everywhere technologies make data, compute, and visualization resources available to HPTC applications wherever and whenever they're needed. Sun Grid Everywhere Technologies: Compute Grids . Sun offers high performance server and cluster solutions including the new Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System based on SPARC/Solaris and x86/Linux architectures.
CSC Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus CSC. CSC on opetusministeriön omistamatieteen tietotekniikan keskus. CSC tarjoaa korkeakouluille
Extractions: Hakemisto Haku ... In English CSC lyhyesti Mikä on CSC? Tavoitteet ja johtaminen Tieteen tietotekniikka Tiedotusvälineille Yhteistyö ja projektit ... Yhteystiedot CSC on opetusministeriön hallinnoima tieteen tietotekniikan keskus. CSC tarjoaa korkeakouluille ja tutkimuslaitoksille tietoteknistä tukea ja resursseja: mallinnus-ja laskentapalveluja sekä informaatiopalveluja. Tutkijat voivat käyttää CSC:ssä sijaitsevia Suomen laajinta tieteellisten ohjelmistojen ja tieteen tietokantojen valikoimaa sekä Suomen tehokkainta superlaskentaympäristöä Funet-tietoliikenneyhteyksien kautta. CSC:ssä on pohjoismaiden tehokkaimmat tietokoneet. Korkeakoulujen tietoliikenneverkossa on 300 000 käyttäjää ja 80 asiakasorganisaatiota. CSC:ssä on yli 200 tieteellistä ohjelmistoa ja 60 tieteen tietokantaa. CSC osallistuu korkeakoulujen keskitettyjen tietohallintojärjestelmien kehittämiseen. CSC tarjoaa asiantuntemusta biotieteistä virtauslaskentaan.
MCNC Home Page Founded by the North Carolina General Assembly in 1980, the nonprofit MCNC wascreated to drive technology-based economic development by partnering with
Extractions: Choose one of the following Web sites: An established non-profit research organization that connects the worlds of science and commerce, while transferring research ideas into the marketplace. Its stable, experienced team excels at addressing a broad range of scientific challenges that support national security and health care initiatives. In addition to its research activities, MCNC-RDI catalyzes economic growth in North Carolina by commercializing and investing in the next generation of micro and signal electronics, advanced networks, information systems and related technologies.
KISTI ½´ÆÛÄÄÇ»Æü¾ÅÍ The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.
Distributed Systems Laboratory Distributed Systems Laboratory Argonne National Laboratory Universityof Chicago. The Distributed Systems Laboratory (DSL) is a research
Extractions: University of Chicago The Distributed Systems Laboratory (DSL) is a research and software development group within the Mathematics and Computer Science (MCS) Division at Argonne National Laboratory and the Department of Computer Science at The University of Chicago A Grid is a persistent infrastructure that supports computation-intensive and data-intensive collaborative activities, especially when these activities span organizations. Grid computing facilitates the formation of "Virtual Organizations" for shared use of distributed computational resources. Under the leadership of Dr. Ian Foster , the DSL hosts research and development activities designed to realize the potential of "Grids" for computational science and engineering. Together with Carl Kesselman's Center for Grid Technologies at the University of Southern California Information Sciences Institute , we are co-founders of the Globus Project TM , a highly-collaborative international and multidisciplinary effort to make Grid computing a reality.
Website Has Moved NEC European Supercopmuter Systems has been reorganized to form NECHigh Performance Computing Europe GmbH. You should be redirected
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