Taimur Sullivan the contemporary repertoire for the saxophone, he has premiered over 40 works byboth established and emerging composers including gerhard stabler, Jeff Nichols http://www153.pair.com/bensav/Interpretes/Sullivan.T.html
Extractions: Taimur Sullivan (U.S.A.) Franco Donatoni Hot avec la participation de: with the participation of: NEM (Nouvel Ensemble Moderne) Lorraine Vaillancourt , chef d'orchestre / conductor n/d-n/a, clarinettes / clarinets n/d-n/a, trompette / trumpet n/d-n/a, trombone n/d-n/a, percussion n/d-n/a, contrebasse / doublebass n/d-n/a, piano Taimur Sullivan (b. 1970) has won increasing attention as a performer of contemporary saxophone music in the United States and abroad. He has performed throughout eight countries, and has received critical acclaim as a musician "...not only dedicated and skilled, but also talented, fearless and sensitive" ( Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel ). Active in advancing the contemporary repertoire for the saxophone, he has premiered over 40 works by both established and emerging composers including Gerhard Stabler Jeff Nichols Alvin Lucier Olga Nenwirth Keith Moore Jason Eckardt and Ross Feller , and has given lecture/performances on modern music and contemporary saxophone technique at the Manhattan School of Music, King's College London, Columbia University, the Curtis Institute, and New York University. Of his 1995 New York Debut Recital, the New York Times described it was "...commanding... Mr. Sullivan delivered this...wide-ranging program with a seductive breadth oftone and considerable technical agility."
Keith Carpenter completing his DM at Northwestern University where he studied with M. WilliamKarlins, Jay Alan Yim, Michael Pisaro, Amnon Wolman and gerhard stabler. http://www153.pair.com/bensav/Compositeurs/Carpenter.K.html
Extractions: Keith Carpenter (U.S.A.) Keith Carpenter is from Houston, Texas. He earned his BM in composition from Rice University where he studied with Ellsworth Milburn and the late Paul Cooper . His earliest musical experiences came through playing guitar in rock and roll bands. As a result, Carpenter's music is often heavily indebted to rock and jazz. He often borrows elements (progressions, licks, rhythms, forms) directly from what he considers seminal rock songs, but disguises them so that they are impossible to recognize. Carpenter is currently completing his DM at Northwestern University where he studied with M. William Karlins Jay Alan Yim Michael Pisaro Amnon Wolman and Gerhard Stabler . He received his MM from the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music in 1992. While there he studied with Joel Hoffman and Darrell Handel . He has also studied at the American Conservatory at Fountainebleau where he worked with Tristan Murail and with Louis Andriessen at the Atlantic Center the Arts. Carpenter's works have been performed in the United States and Europe. His first orchestral work, Lump, received its European premiere in 1998 in Tirana. Carpenter teaches at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside and is the coordinator and founder of the Chicago Chapter of the American Composers Forum. Webmaster: Bernard Savoie b.savoie@videotron
KING KONGS FAUST - Cinefania Online Translate this page Producción, Eberhard Scharfenberg. Guión, Heiner Stadler. Guión, LilianeTargownik. Música, gerhard stabler. Fotografía, Markus Durr. Link Externos(?). http://www.cinefania.com/movie.php/35705/
THE CLICKABLE CHAMBER MUSIC NEWSLETTER FROM THE SOUTH BAY click http//sundayslive.org/directions.cfm Program Gone Global Marek Choloniewskinew work (world premiere) gerhard stabler Spices Berislav Sipus Tin http://rettacs.org/ChamberMusic/No.180 - 07_Apr_to_15_Apr_2004.html
Extractions: The USC Thornton School of Music has some of the world's brightest young talent, and these performances are the culmination of three months of intense practicing and rehearsing under the guidance of faculty artists. See No.25 in the listings below for a complete schedule of the 30 performing ensembles.
Andrea Polli - NEXT in order to (symbolically) urge their change. (gerhard stabler s descriptionof Active Music from Not Dream, Dream Reflections on Composing lecture http://www.media.kau.se/next/abstracts/Polli.html
Extractions: Andrea Polli is a digital media installation and performance artist living in Chicago, Illinois; She received a Master of Fine Arts in Time Arts from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and is currently an Assistant Professor of Web and Multimedia at Columbia College Chicago and an adjunct faculty member of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She has exhibited and lectured nationally and internationally. In 1999, Polli presented her performance work with eye and motion tracking devices at Invencao in Sao Paolo, Creativity and Consumption at the University of Luton, UK, and Minds, and Machines, and Electronic Culture at Connecticut College. To support this work and the production of an Audio CD, Active Vision, she was awarded a 1999 summer artist's residency at The iEAR Institute at Rensellaer Polytechnic and a Harvestworks Recording Production Grant in New York City. Other recent exhibitions, presentations, and performances include: the Imagina 98 Conference, The Digital Whole in Monaco, and the CAiiA 98 conference, Re-Framing Consciousness. Her work was also been shown in Iceland, Lithuania, and Germany.
Frog Peak Artist: Gerhard Stäbler Frog Peak Music is an artistrun composers' collective dedicated to publishing and producing experimental and unusual works by its member artists, and is committed to the idea of availability over promotion. http://www.frogpeak.org/fpartists/fpstabler.html
Extractions: Composer (Germany) Scores Windows. Piano and tomtoms (ad lib.). Sta05. $15. Windows. Flute and tomtoms (ad lib.). Sta06. $15. Die bange Nacht. Voice and piano. Sta08. $15. Total. Piano. Sta09. $15. Hart auf hart. Ensemble. Sta10. $15. Rasend still. Euphonium and trumpet. Sta11. $15. ".fürs Vaterland: –". Voice and ensemble. Sta12. $15. (score). Eight active screamers, cello and tape. Sta13. $15. Mit wachen Sinnen. Chorus. Sta14. $15. Drei Lieder zu Gedichten von Gert Udo Jerns. Voice with handrum and piano. Sta15. $15. "Für später: jetzt". Voice and piano. Sta16. $15. JC for NY. 3, 4, 5 or 7 performers with amplifiers and audience. Sta17. $15. Two pianists, player of objects and reeds. Sta18. $30.
Gerhard Stäbler Stäbler, gerhard. ( b. July 20, 1949, Ravensburg, Wilhelmsdorf). German composer of stage, orchestral, chamber, choral, vocal, piano, and electroacoustic works that have been performed to acclaim in http://www.composers21.com/compdocs/stablerg.htm
Extractions: he Living Composers Project Gerhard (b. July 20, 1949, Ravensburg, Wilhelmsdorf). German composer of stage, orchestral, chamber, choral, vocal, piano, and electroacoustic works that have been performed to acclaim in Germany and across Europe and the Americas. Nicolaus A. Huber and organ with Gerd Zacher in Detmold and Essen, respectively. The Cornelius Cardew Memorial Prize, 1982, is the highpoint of his many honors, prizes, commissions, and scholarships. He has, from the beginning, been active not only as a composer, but also as a strongly political man and an organizer of many new music festivals, including Aktive Musik, which has had events not only in Ruhrgebiet, but also in New York and Portugal. He is also very active as a teacher, giving composition workshops and seminars to young musicians from many countries. In June 1997 he served as composer-in-residence to the ensemble The Apartment House, London, who gave many performances of his works. In September 1997 he participated in the multimedia project Poetic Arcs , Duisburg and gave lectures at the Brandenburgischen Colloquium and the Schloss Rheinsberg and in October presented "Netzwerk Saar"/Tage für Interpretation und Aufführungspraxis der Saarländischen Hochschule für Musik, Saarbrücken. In October 1997 he served as composer-in-residence at the ThreeTwo Festival, New York and in January 1998 gave a concert and lecture tour in London (for the BBC and the Royal Academy of Music).
The Classical Free-Reed, Inc.: The Free-Reed Review Alphen Opus 2 T(w)o You. Anzelotti, Teodoro Music by gerhard Stablerfallen, fallen . . . Barberena, Antonio Acordeón de Concierto. http://www.ksanti.net/free-reed/reviews.html
Alapage.com - Plus De 3 Millions De Produits Culturels Et De Loisirs Translate this page de ARDITTI (QUATUOR) / MODERN (ENSEMBLE) / PETER RUNDEL Compositeur gerhard STABLERGenre QUATUOR / CORDES Prix alapage.com 22,96 date de sortie 12 http://www.alapage.com/b_Striketheearpourquatuorà cordes_F_2_DAGOOGL_164835.ht
Extractions: Tous les CD de "ARDITTI (QUATUOR)" Musique portugaise du XXe siècle : Oeuvres de Vargas, Oliveira, Delgado, Tinoco et Rodrigues ANTONIO PINHO VARGAS CD / 135,98 FRF Quartetto per archi - Quartetto in due tempi - Cadenza widmung - Dialodia - Pièce pour Ivry - Viola - Syändchen für tini BRUNO MADERNA CD / 144,38 FRF
Gerhard Stäbler Woolf There are similarities and differences in the CDs of gerhard Stäbler (two Stableralso explores a wider range of timbres and special effects, and his http://www.metierrecords.co.uk/text/75.htm
Extractions: "There are similarities and differences in the CDs of Gerhard Stäbler (two for the price of one) submitted for attention later the same week by the British company, Metier. Stäbler considers the piano an instrument for which there is still much to be said. His complete piano music runs to 85 mins, rather similar to the duration of Rihm's Klavierstucke complete. Both composers take a delight in extremes of dynamics, Stäbler's ppppp and fffff in juxtaposition also a reminder of Ustvolskaya's uncompromising way. He likes building clusters, but also allows you to savour long decays and silences, which are excellently recorded, as is Rihm by Kairos. Stabler also explores a wider range of timbres and special effects, and his combinations of keyboard with other sound sources demands virtuosic responses.
DW3 Classical Music Resources - Full Resource Record Display Title, gerhard Stäbler. Url, http//www.gerhardstaebler.de/. Classification ClassicalMusic Composer Homepages Late Twentieth Century Stäbler, gerhard. http://www.lib.duke.edu/dw3/SPT--FullRecord.php?ResourceId=2075
Extractions: Jahrgang 1992/93 Jahrgang 1994/95 Jahrgang 1992/93 Mag. Martina Csapo / Kolleg I, 1992/93 Birgit Drewes / Kolleg I, 1992/93 Helmut Eckler / Kolleg I, 1992/93 Eugen Hrdlicka / Kolleg I, 1992/93 Harald Jungreuthmayer / Kolleg I, 1992/93 Cornelia Krebs / Kolleg I, 1992/93 Kornel Malic / Kolleg I, 1992/93 Margit Mallegg / Kolleg I, 1992/93 Bernd Melichar / Kolleg I, 1992/93 Mag. Heidi Riepl / Kolleg I, 1992/93 Mag. Gertrude Rosifka-Rigler / Kolleg I, 1992/93 Hannes Schlosser / Kolleg I, 1992/93 Doris Strecker / Kolleg I, 1992/93 Bettina Strobich / Kolleg I, 1992/93 Andreas Trummer / Kolleg I, 1992/93 Gerhard Tschugguel / Kolleg I, 1992/93 Thomas Vogelleitner / Kolleg I, 1992/93 Mag. Dorit Weinstein / Kolleg I, 1992/93
21¼¼±â¾Çȸ¿¡ ¿À½Å°É ȯ¿µÇÕ´Ï´Ù. and Trombone. 2 Violines, Cello, CB, Percussion. gerhard StablerTraum 1/9/92/ fur S.saxophone, Violoncello. und Klavier. The Grand http://www.musictoday21.com/21c_concert/music_today_seoul/musictoday_today_seou_
Extractions: MUSIC TODAY, SEOUL 2001 3.21(Wed) AM:10:00 ¼¼Á¾¹®Èȸ°ü ¼Ò°´ç For young composer Carlo Manuel O.Molina (Philippines) Salin-lahi for Cl, Hrn and V.C Erel Paz (Israel) In the neighborhood for Fl, Pf and C.B Carl Schimmel (USA) Pieces of eight for E.Hrn, B.Cl and Bsn Ju Hyun Kim (Korea) The figure of waves for Piano Trio
Verge verge october 2003. New Labels AND/oar featuring Christophe Havard, Maggi Payne Rsundin. Plutoniumfeaturing Biggi Vikeloe, Mark Weaver Damon Smith. Smalltown Supersoundfeaturing Kevin Drumm http://www.vergemusic.com/new/1003.cfm
Extractions: verge october 2003 New Labels: AND/oar featuring: Plutonium featuring: Smalltown Supersound featuring: Take note of the very special Jimmy Lyons box set on Ayler Records. A few new cut-outs are included below. At the end of the update please check out A Little Autumn Sale. *CC Indicates Canadian content USA Bischoff, John Aperture 23F-006-CD Experimental 801673900622 ($19.00 CD) Bischoff qualifies his work as the realization of a "reflective intention," where he determines sonic structure not only through the predetermined elements which go into a piece, but also through the active process of listening to the music as it happens and responding accordingly. Aperture opens the possibility for multiple readings through a series of diverse techniques ranging from additive synthesis to FM synthesis to sampled-based processes. Each of the pieces within the album was recorded in real-time with no overdubs. Coelacanth The Glass Sponge 23F-004-CD Experimental 801673900421 ($19.00 CD) Coelacanth is 23fives very own Loren Chasse and Jim Haynes. On their debut release, The Glass Sponge
Johannes%20Kalitzke : Musik (Klassische) Translate this page Johannes Kalitzke. Musik (Klassische). Alphabetisch (AZ). 1. Musik(Klassische) Musik in Deutschland http://www.einkaufszentrum-online.com/browse_classical_de/query_Johannes Kalitzk