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         Pharmacology:     more books (100)
  1. Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology, 4th Edition (Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews Series)
  2. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, 11th Edition (LANGE Basic Science) by Bertram Katzung, Susan Masters, et all 2009-07-01
  3. Mosby's Pharmacology Memory NoteCards: Visual, Mnemonic, and Memory Aids for Nurses by JoAnn Zerwekh MSNEdDRN, Jo Carol Claborn MSRN, et all 2007-12-05
  4. Katzung & Trevor's Pharmacology Examination and Board Review, Ninth Edition (McGraw-Hill Specialty Board Review) by Anthony Trevor, Bertram Katzung, et all 2010-06-22
  5. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology (LANGE Basic Science) by Bertram Katzung, 2006-12-05
  6. Roach's Introductory Clinical Pharmacology by Susan M. Ford, Sally S. Roach, 2009-10-14
  7. Pharmacology for Nursing Care, 7th Edition (Book & CD-ROM) by Richard A. Lehne, 2009-07-29
  8. Pharmacology: A Nursing Process Approach by Joyce LeFever Kee RNMS, Evelyn R. Hayes PhDRNCS-FNP, et all 2008-10-21
  9. Clinical Pharmacology Made Ridiculously Simple by James Olson, 2010-07-01
  10. Nursing Pharmacology Made Incredibly Easy! (Incredibly Easy! Series) by Springhouse, 2008-06-23
  11. Pharmacology Success: A Course Review Applying Critical Thinking to Test Taking (Davis's Success) by Hargrove-Huttel, 2007-11-30
  12. Pharmacology Flash Cards by George M. Brenner PhD, 2009-08-03
  13. Basic Pharmacology for Nurses by Bruce D. Clayton BSPharmDRPh, Yvonne N. Stock MSRN, et all 2009-10-06
  14. Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiologic Approach (3rd Edition) (MyNursingLab Series) by Michael P. Adams, Leland N. Holland, 2010-02-26

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