James Van Der Beek / Fotogramas / Diciembre 2002 prensa estadounidense publicó la falsa noticia que james van der beek, actor de 25 años, había perdido su la fama televisiva de van der beek le ha causado otro tipo http://espanol.geocities.com/elgrupodawsonscreek/james_van_der_beek__fotogramas_
Extractions: Pagina Principal "Mi mayor temor es fastidiar mi carrera y ser la típica estrella imbécil." Este actor no solo ha realizado televisión, no solo la serie "Dawson crece", que todavía protagoniza. En el cine ha trabajado en "Juego de campeones", luego apretó el acelerador con "Storytelling" (aunque sus escenas fueron cortadas) y ahora llega con "Las reglas del juego", film que acaba de estrenar y donde encarna al eterno adolescente enganchado al sexo. El actor, de 25 años, es el primero de la lista de jóvenes talentos que recogemos aquí para el año 2003. por María BERNAL (Los Angeles). Foto: Lance STAEDLER. E n una ocasión, la prensa estadounidense publicó la falsa noticia que James Van Der Beek, actor de 25 años, había perdido su GameBoy en el plató de la serie "Dawson's Crece" (serie emitida por Canal+ y TVE) y que obligó a todo el equipo a buscarla. Cuando yo ni siquiera tenía una GameBoy , se ríe este actor disléxico que empezó a curtirse en el teatro y que ahora aprende enseguida: por ejemplo, en solo tres semanas aprendió a montar a caballo, lanzar el lazo y disparar para el western Texas Rangers que aún no se ha estrenado en España. Pero la fama televisiva de Van Der Beek le ha causado otro tipo de problemas. "
Cute Guys Of Dawson's Creek All about james van der beek, Joshua Jackson and Kerr Smith. Pictures, clips, and biographies. http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Keep/5255/
CelebrityWonder: James Van Der Beek Profile And Gossips Name james van der beek. Birth Name james William van der beek Jr. Height 6 . BUY POSTERS PHOTOS. 11 posters/photos for you. james van der beek NEWS TRIVIA. http://www.celebritywonder.com/html/jamesvanderbeek.html
Extractions: AT GREAT PRICES PROFILE Polling Photos Fan sites Bio ... Movies Name: James Van Der Beek Birth Name: James William Van Der Beek Jr. Height: Sex: M Nationality: American Birth Date: March 8, 1977 Birth Place: Cheshire, Connecticut, USA Profession: actor Education: Cheshire Academy in Cheshire, Connecticut Drew University in Madison, New Jersey (majored in English; interrupted studies to pursue career) Relationship: Heather McComb (actress; born on March 2, 1977) Father: Jim Van Der Beek (cellular-phone company executive; former pitcher for the Dodgers) Mother: Melinda Van Der Beek (gymnastics studio owner; former Broadway dancer)
Extractions: Tutti contro tutti. Non ci sono regole ognuno cerca l'amore come può. Uno crede di aver imboccato la scorciatoia giusta, e invece... è una foresta di penitenze e sofferenze. Questo il destino aveva riservato all'allor giovine Roger Avary, commesso dei Video Archives con ambizioni da cineasta, come l'altro suo amico, Quentin. Strano come un progetto con grosse potenzialità (Pulp Fiction, niente meno)possa sfuggirti dalle mani, e non solo, ritorcertisi contro. Sì, perchè Avary altro non era che uno dei tre autori che avrebbero partecipato alla realizzazione di Pandemonium Reigns, sceneggiatura scritta a quattro mani con il fraterno amico Quentin durante un lungo viaggio ad Amsterdam, della cui, dopo l'abdicazione del terzo, incomodo regista, prese poi totale possesso Tarantino, dedicandocisi anima e corpo e ottenendo il meritato successo che sappiamo. Da quella originale bozza, composta da tanti episodi intrecciati tra loro, alcuni scampoli finirono ne Le Iene, altri vennero cestinati e il resto rimase dov'era, assumendo il titolo di Pulp Fiction. Il maggiore apporto di Avary, a quanto ne sappiamo, ma non è impossibile escludere anche ulteriori interventi, è nell'episodio di Butch e il suo orologio, scritto di suo pugno (la forma originale del racconto la trovate qui:
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My James Van Der Beek Page My james van der beek Page. Biography. Filmography. Picture of james with my friend Damion http://www.angelfire.com/az/KerrysIndex/James.html
JAMES VAN DER BEEK At THESPIAN NET Biography, filmography, listing of articles and awards, pictures, and links to other resources. http://www.thespiannet.com/actors/V/vanderbeek_james/index.shtml
Extractions: Cheshire, Connecticut It could be said that fate played a hand in James Van Der Beek's entrance into the acting world, when at the age of thirteen he suffered a mild concussion which prevented him from playing football for the rest of the year. Finding himself on the sidelines, he decided to try out for the school play and landed the lead role of Danny Zuko in "Grease." James was hooked and he wasted no time in joining the community theatre group in his home town of Cheshire, where he grew up with fellow siblings, brother Jared and sister Juliana. Sixteen and still focused on pursuing an acting career, his mother, Melinda, agreed one summer to travel the three hours each way to New York City in order for him to pursue acting professionally. While James did manage to land an agent and a manager on their very first visit, he didn't find much success auditioning for commercials. The next year, he was cast in the Off-Broadway play, "Finding the Sun," which was written and directed by Edward Albee. He describes this as the defining experience for him as an actor, and commuted six hours every day during the limited three-month run for rehearsals and performances in the middle of high school. After that experience, he starred in "Shenandoah" at the Goodspeed Opera House.
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James Van Der Beek: A Who2 Profile james van der beek Actor. Dawson s Creek Official site of his hit TV series, james van der beek Fan Spot Simple and stylish fan page. http://www.who2.com/jamesvanderbeek.html
Extractions: JAMES VAN DER BEEK Actor In 1998 Van Der Beek began playing thoughtful, movie-loving high schooler Dawson Leery on the hit TV show Dawson's Creek. (The same series launched the careers of Katie Holmes and Michelle Williams Dawson's Creek made Van Der Beek a popular wholesome heartthrob and led to his starring role in the 1999 movie Varsity Blues (with Paul Walker Dawson's Creek
James Van Der Beek Palace A quick biography, basic facts, three photo galleries, and items for sale. http://www.celebritypalace.com/jamesvanderbeek
Extractions: At 13, due to an injury that stop him from playing football for a year, James tried the school play. He soon became hooked on acting and went on to act in local theatres. His career really took off when his was cast for the lead role in hit TV show "Dawson's Creek". James has also appeared in films like "Varsity Blues" and the forthcoming "Texas Rangers". The best place to find James Van Der Beek stuff is probably on this page at eBay. You might also want to click here to see if AllPosters have any James Van Der Beek posters or photos. If you want to send some fan mail, then make sure you check CelebFanMail to find the correct address. Finally our old friends at Amazon will probably have some James Van Der Beek related products
James Van Der Beek's Shrine james van der beek s Shrine. Contains lots of info, pics, articles, videos and more on james van der beek! Click here to continue. http://surf.to/vanderbeek/
FilmUP - Personaggi / Filmografia: James Van Der Beek FILMOGRAFIA BIOGRAFIA PHOTO GALLERY. NOME james van der beek ALL ANAGRAFE james William van der beek Jr. DATA DI NASCITA 08/03 http://www.filmup.com/personaggi/jamesvanderbeek/
AbsoluteNow: James Van Der Beek james van der beek Main Menu. photo gallery the pictures you always look for. main back to main page. AbsoluteNow Celebrities - james van der beek. %CONTENT% http://www.absolutenow.com/celebs/james_van_der_beek/
James Van Der Beek A complete filmography, biography, photo gallery, TV schedule, and titles for sale. http://us.imdb.com/name/nm0004735/
James Van Der Beek Translate this page Com certeza, o destino deu uma mãozinha para a entrada de james van der beek no mundo dos atores, mas foi sua dedicação e talento que trouxeram o papel http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Station/5603/dawson1.html
Extractions: Com certeza, o destino deu uma mãozinha para a entrada de James Van Der Beek no mundo dos atores, mas foi sua dedicação e talento que trouxeram o papel principal da série "Dawson´s Creek" além de dois novos filmes "I Love You...I Love You Not" e "Harvest". Por ter sofrido uma leve concussão quando tinha 13 anos, James não pode jogar no time de futebol americano naquele ano. Então, ele decidiu participar pela primeira vez de uma peça na escola e acabou fazendo o papel principal numa produção de "Grease". Depois disso, ele passou a atuar em peças infantis em Cheshire (Connecticut), sua cidade natal. Quando tinha 16 anos, sua mãe concordou em viajar três horas de ida mais três de volta até Nova York para que ele pudesse seguir a carreira de ator profissionalmente. No ano seguinte, atuou numa peça Off-Broadway chamada "Finding the Sun" e durante os três meses de apresentação, viajava de Cheshire até Nova York. Depois atuou em "Shenandoah" no Goodspeed Opera House. Sua primeira performance no cinema foi em "Angus", em 1995. James recebeu uma bolsa para estudar na Universidade Drew em Nova Jersey, onde cursa Inglês e Sociologia. No seu escasso tempo livre, ele gosta de escrever e de praticar esportes.