Extractions: One model who truly deserved the title 'super', Christy embodies class and grace. With her wistful poise and enigmatic smile, she has been described as the Mona Lisa of models. Incredible but true Christy sayings: "I have a beer belly." "By then, I'll just be someone people vaguely remember." "Oh, yes. Last week I had French fries." - when asked if she ever pigs out. "I was on the Arsenio Show covering Linda and Naomi's mouths with my hand!" - describing a nightmare. "I love fashion, but I'm not obsessed with it." Other Christy sayings .... This web site is managed by SWYing . Last updated on 22nd June 1996.
A Christy Turlington Gallery : 1999 A christy turlington. Main Gallery christy turlington Latina, January 1999 Photographed by Kurt Markus Scanned by Don Pilgrim. http://djuna.nkino.com/christy/99a.html
Extractions: Harper's Bazaar USA Juin 2002 Patrick Demarchelier Vogue Grande-Bretagne Juillet 2000 Regan Cameron Catherine Castro : L'année dernière, tous les magazines annonçaient que vous étiez atteinte d'emphysème, une maladie incurable qui frappe les fumeurs. En lisant votre dossier de presse, j'ai été surprise d'apprendre que vous n'étiez pas malade. Christy Turlington : Convaincus de tenir un scoop, les médias ont exagéré mes propos. J'ai fait un scanner de dépistage (le CT Spiral Scan), que vous n'avez pas encore en Europe. Un test formidable, qui permet de détecter les lésions au niveau des poumons en amont, avant qu'il ne soit trop tard. Ce scanner a bien évidemment révélé des lésions : on ne fume pas pendant treize ans sans en garder des séquelles. Mais le diagnostic était le suivant : si j'avais continué à fumer, j'aurais pu développer un emphysème. Donc, pour vous répondre, non, je ne suis pas malade. C.C.: Si vous l'étiez, attaqueriez-vous la marque de tabac que vous fumiez ?
Christy Turlington's Home Page Antismoking campaign including interview, posters and television spot. http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/Christy/index.htm
Extractions: oin the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and cover model/entrepreneur Christy Turlington in communicating a smoke-free message to teens in your school and community. With teen smoking rates still very high, we need your help to let students know the real deal about tobacco. For more tobacco information, visit CDC's Tobacco Information and Prevention Source. If you are interested in using the free posters or TV spot in a counter marketing campaign please contact the Media Campaign Resource Center (MCRC) at CDC's Office on Smoking and Health, Mail stop K-50 4770 Buford Highway, NE, Atlanta, GA, 30341-3717; phone (770) 488-5705, press 2. Accessibility TIPS Home What's New About Us ... Health Topics A-Z This page last reviewed May 21, 2002 United States Department of Health and Human Services
Couvertureschristyturlington , Couvertures Christy Turlington , Christy Turlingt Translate this page Toutes les couvertures de christy turlington , christy turlington, les couvertures de christy turlington. Quelques couvertures de christy turlington. Elle USA. http://perso.club-internet.fr/yangabin/modeles/christyturlington/couvertureschri
Extractions: Quelques couvertures de Christy Turlington Elle USA Mars 2002 Gilles Bensimon Vogue Espagne Avril 2002 Regan Cameron Vogue France Times USA 23 avril 2001 Ruven Afanador Marie-Claire France Septembre 2001 Regan Cameron Vogue Allemagne Mai 2001 Scott Del Amop Harper's Bazaar Australie Jez Smith Bare Janvier 2001 Wolfgang Ludes Janvier 2001 Jez Smith Marie-France France Avril 2000 Kurt Markus Elle USA Septembre 2000 Gilles Bensimon Vogue Italie Octobre 2000 Craig Mac Dean Elle USA Octobre 1999 Gilles Bensimon I-D Grande-Bretagne Septembre 1999 Richard Burbridge Marie-Claire USA Septembre 1999 Patrick Demarchelier Latina Janvier 1999 Kurt Marcus Frank Mai 1999 W USA Avril 1999 W USA Septembre 1998 Elle USA Gilles Bensimon Marie-Claire UK Patrick Demarchelier Mirabella USA Mai / Juin 1998 Matthew Rolston Marie-Claire USA Patrick Demarchelier George USA Mai 1998 Marie-Claire USA Patrick Demarchelier W USA Elle USA Mars 1998 Gilles Bensimon Vogue Allemagne Novembre 1997 Mark Abrahams W USA Mai 1997 W USA Juillet 1997 Elle France 20 janvier 1997 Gilles Bensimon Marie-Claire Grande-Bretagne Janvier 1997 Patrick Demarchelier Elle USA Mars 1997 Gilles Bensimon Septembre 1996 Regan Cameron Mademoiselle USA Mai 1996 Vogue Grande-Bretagne Janvier 1996 Miles Aldridge W USA Janvier 1995 Marie-Claire Espagne Peter Lindbergh Elle USA Septembre 1995
A Christy Turlington Gallery Videos and photogalleries of appearances in magazines through her career. http://djuna.nkino.com/christy/
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Metacrawlor.com Small selection of pictures and a brief biography. http://www.metacrawlor.com/celebs/christyturlington/
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Christy Turlington's Home Page tobacco. HELP christy turlington MAKE A DIFFERENCE. For more tobacco information, visit CDC s Tobacco Information and Prevention Source. http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/christy/
Extractions: oin the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and cover model/entrepreneur Christy Turlington in communicating a smoke-free message to teens in your school and community. With teen smoking rates still very high, we need your help to let students know the real deal about tobacco. For more tobacco information, visit CDC's Tobacco Information and Prevention Source. If you are interested in using the free posters or TV spot in a counter marketing campaign please contact the Media Campaign Resource Center (MCRC) at CDC's Office on Smoking and Health, Mail stop K-50 4770 Buford Highway, NE, Atlanta, GA, 30341-3717; phone (770) 488-5705, press 2. Accessibility TIPS Home What's New About Us ... Health Topics A-Z This page last reviewed May 21, 2002 United States Department of Health and Human Services
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Bilder Christy Turlington Bilder christy turlington. WARNING! ENTER HERE. Divine Celebs Divine Celebs C christy turlington. ~ ~ ~. Paris Hilton Sex Video video paris hilton ~ ~ ~. http://www.edshirecom.com/Christy-Turlington/bilder-Christy-Turlington.html
AtPictures.com - Christy Turlington A collection of some great high quality photos of christy turlington. picture index models christy turlington, contact christy turlington. http://www.atpictures.com/christy/
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Allesklar Webkatalog: Christy Turlington Translate this page Ausgewählte, redaktionell bearbeitete und kommentierte Link-Hinweise zum Thema christy turlington in Deutschlands umfangreichstem Webkatalog ?allesklar. http://www.allesklar.de/s.php?cat_path=100-754-773-4991-61297-63125
Supermodel Christy Turlington Supermodel christy turlington Biography Galleries Links and Credits Supermodel christy turlington. If you like this site http://www.kmmod.com/cturlington/
Extractions: Supermodel Christy Turlington Biography Galleries Links and Credits var first = 'ma'; var second = 'il'; var third = 'to:'; // example: user554554 var address = 'cturlington-fansite'; // example: hotmail var domain = 'kmmod'; var ext = 'com'; document.write(''); document.write('Email'); Supermodel Christy Turlington
Aahceleb.com Christy Turlington Image Gallery Browse our christy turlington image gallery, it s updated frequently. christy turlington Pictures Number of images 74 Go to page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. http://www.aahceleb.com/pics/turlin~1.html
Turlington, Christy Search Biographies Bio search tips. peopleBiographyPeopleT turlington, christy. model Born 1/2/69 Birthplace San Francisco http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0772199.html