Arts : People : S Sky, Jennifer (3). Skye, Azura (2). Slater, Christian (12). Slattery, Tony (2).slavin, danny (2). Slezak, Erika (3). Sloane, Lindsay (1). Smallwood, Tucker (1).
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Slavin & Kriegman: The Adaptive Design Of The Human Psyche Malcolm Owen slavin and Daniel Kriegman (1992). slavin and Kriegman have now steppedforward with a brilliantly argued book linking these two Worlds
Extractions: New York: Guilford Press, 1992. Many have dreamed of building a bridge between Darwin and Freud (including Freud himself) ... Slavin and Kriegman have now stepped forward with a brilliantly argued book linking [these] two Worlds ... Their treatment of the biology is expert; indeed they render the biological work in a new psychological form. This book is sophisticated in its evolutionary thinking and rich in therapeutic detail ... [The authors] have shown in depth and in detail how to critique and transform psychoanalytic thinking using evolutionary logic. From the Foreword by Robert Trivers, Ph.D., Professor of Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz [A] landmark in the field of psychoanalysis. ... [T]he fear of simplistic reductionism, of "biologizing" psychodynamic phenomena, and the formidably different languages of biology and psychoanalysis have conspired to keep these fields apart. Slavin and Kriegman eloquently argue that even the most hermaneutic tradition incorporates implicit assumptions about human nature. Thoroughly scholarly and professional, yet lucidly accessible, this is essential reading for anyone interested in the psychodynamics of the mind. Irven DeVore, Ph.D., Chair, Department of Anthropology, Harvard University Dan Slavin Dan slavin Framework Technologies President and CEOon communication tools in the extended enterprise,
Extractions: Source: Lett's Bytown Theresa: Thanks for your e-mail. I don't know if the Slavin brothers referred to in the above poem are your ancestors or not. I'm including the poem on this page because I like it and it well describes conditions in Bytown in the late 1820's. I don't know where the seven Slavin brothers went after the Rideau Canal was built. A Bridget Slaven married Peter Skeffington in Bytown at Notre Dame Church in 1841. Bridget may have been a sister of the seven brothers. Bridget was a widow at time of marriage to Peter - widow of William DOWNEY. ==================== October 24, 2001 According to Val Olander, it's William Downey , not Doronie. This may be the same William Downey who was in Bytown in 1829 (McCabe List) and who also came from County Meath, looks like "Rikinny" parish and townland ... Al web page . I don't really have any information on specific families who may have moved from Ottawa to Illinois to work on the Canal. Finally, can you send me some information on your Slavin / Bulger connection? I may be able to dig up some more info. Thanks ... Al To Marilyn Cottrell who transcribed the St. Patrick's Fallowfield Baptisms: Thank you very much for this extremely interesting information! I am a Kansas descendant of the Hough/Howe family which arrived at Fallowfield during the Great Famine (1847 or 1848). Evidently only one child of those who moved on to Kansas in the next decade was baptized at Fallowfield during those years
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