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Extractions: Date Prev Date Next Thread Prev Thread Next ... Thread Index To haiti@lists.webster.edu Subject : #319: Semi-Final Results for Dorival Reuters082399 from Slavin (fwd) From bcorbett@netcom.com Date : Wed, 25 Aug 1999 05:46:18 -0700 (PDT) Sender owner-haiti@lists.webster.edu Prev by Date: #318 Aristide on Elections Reuters 082399 from Slavin (fwd) Next by Date: #320: Still Shut Out (Haiti mentioned among other nations)) Prev by thread: #318 Aristide on Elections Reuters 082399 from Slavin (fwd) Next by thread: #320: Still Shut Out (Haiti mentioned among other nations)) Index(es): Date Thread
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Hadassah Medical Center Director, The danny Cunniff Leukemia Research Laboratory. Hadassah University Hospital,Jerusalem 91120, ISRAEL. Shimon slavin MD graduated from the Hadassah http://www.hadassah.org.il/English/Eng_SubNavBar/TheDoctors/slavinshimon.htm
Extractions: Prof. Shimon Slavin 17 May 1941, Tel Aviv Israel Education and Training 1959-66: Doctor of Medicine (MD), Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical School Jerusalem (License no. 8909). 1970-75: Internal Medicine. Major Interest:Clinical Immunology, Internal Medicine A, Hadassah University Hospital Jerusalem Experimental Immunology, Department of Immunology, Hadassah University Medical School Jerusalem 1975-78: Clinical Immunology/Rheumatology and Experimental Transplantation/ Immunobiology. Division of Immunology, Department of Medicine, University School of Medicine Stanford California USA Clinical Bone Marrow Transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplantation, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center University of Seattle Washington USA Specialization Internal Medicine ( Hadassah University Hospital Jerusalem ) (License no. 5196). Clinical Immunology/Rheumatology ( Stanford University Medical Center Stanford California USA 1978: Clinical Bone Marrow Transplantation ( Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center Seattle Washington USA Hadassah University Hospital ) (License. 8046).
The Standing Stones: Site Map slavin.html slavin contra Wagner, by Finley Peter Dunne. dannyboy.html Is danny Boyreally an Irish song? aisling.html Section two of the danny Boy article. http://www.standingstones.com/sitemap.html
Extractions: Top of page Site structure diagram Send e-mail Eventually this site map will be accessible from every page on the site, but it will take me a while to implement. I was thinking of using client-site image maps to do this, but unfortunately I think there are still browsers which don't support this. My philosophy is to keep things simple wherever possible, including avoiding frames. I am trying to rationalize the page naming convention because some pages originally used a .html extension and some used a .htm extension. Now all the pages use .html and the .htm versions are empty shells left in case people have links to them. They should automatically forward to the correct page for most browsers. The description below uses indentation and colour to show structure. Click on the name to go directly to the page. I am using nested lists to do this. I hope this won't come out too messy on various browers. You can e-mail your comments below. Some pages also have direct links to other pages, but it would be unnecessary and too confusing to try to show this. Also, some pages have links that go to other websites. These are usually not shown. Top of page Site structure diagram Send e-mail welcome.html
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Extractions: Regie: Reza Badiyi Darsteller: [ Joanna Cassidy Jere Burns Dennis Burkley Lucinda Jenney ... Robert Jay Mackey Der leicht gestörte College-Dozent Stephen Primes hat ein Auge auf die zehn Jahre jüngere Studentin Beth Knowlton geworfen. Aus der anfänglichen Verliebtheit wird schon bald eine gefährliche Passion. Primes stellt Beth nach und weiß bald sehr genau über ihre Gewohnheiten Bescheid. Er bittet das Mädchen, das Fotografin werden möchte, doch eine Porträtaufnahme von ihm zu machen. Nur so kann er ungestört mit ihr allein sein. Beth ahnt, dass irgendetwas nicht stimmt. Jedes Mal wenn sie mit ihrem Fre ..... MEHR
WD60129: State Of Missouri, Respondent, V. Danny England, Appellant. Opinion danny England appeals his conviction and sentence for the class A misdemeanor thedriver about his destination and purpose. State v. slavin, 944 SW http://www.osca.state.mo.us/courts/pubopinions.nsf/0/73301c48d462a43686256cab000
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Lost Galaxy Actor Info Lost Galaxy Actor Info. danny slavin (LEO, RED POWER RANGER). A fan of martialarts, danny slavin was born to play the part of Leo, the Red Power Ranger. http://www.angelfire.com/yt/lostgalaxy/actorinfo.html
Extractions: Last Updated 8-4-99 DANNY SLAVIN (LEO, RED POWER RANGER) A fan of martial arts, Danny Slavin was born to play the part of Leo, the Red Power Ranger. His training in Kuk Sool Won, a defense style of martial arts, has helped Slavin adapt to his first leading role for television. Born and raised in Phoenix, Arizona, Danny Slavin knew he wanted to be a performer after he starred in his first play at the age of eight. After graduating from college in San Diego, Slavin moved to Los Angeles to pursue his acting career. He studied at Howard Fine Studios and has appeared in the NBC teen hit, "Saved by the Bell." In his spare time, Slavin likes to workout, snowboard and ski. He feels that being a part of Power Rangers is exciting and he is happy to be working with such a great cast. VALERIE VERNON (KENDRIX, PINK POWER RANGER) A native of the Los Angeles suburb Woodland Hills, Valerie Vernon loves to be in front of an audience. She started singing professionally when she was sixteen and has sung the national anthem for the Los Angeles Lakers and the Los Angeles Dodgers. Most recently, Vernon combined her love for performing with that of traveling and worked as an entertainer on a cruise ship that took her around the world for six months. After returning home Valerie hit the audition circuit and won the role of Kindrix on Power Rangers. This is her first starring role on television and she couldn't be more excited. When she isn't busy working, Vernon enjoys cooking, skiing, hiking and scuba diving.