Extractions: Whenever Rebecca Romijn-Stamos is around, she lights up the stage. Whether it's on the catwalk of a big-time fashion show or on the big screen as a blue-scaled mutant, she's got the looks and the happy-go-lucky attitude needed to make it in a business weary of models trying to act. Rebecca began her career as a model when a scout discovered her while she was studying at the University of Santa Cruz. She quickly jumped on a train to Paris and skipped her way up the modeling ladder, landing a contract with Victoria's Secret, appearing in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, and named one of People 's 50 Most Beautiful Women in one year alone. She soon met John Stamos on the set of "Full House" and they married shortly after.
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Rebecca Romijn Translate this page rebecca romijn-stamos tourne également sous la direction de grands réalisateurs John McTiernan pour les besoins de Rollerball (2002), le remake du film de http://www.allocine.fr/personne/fichepersonne_gen_cpersonne=62959.html
Extractions: Diplômée de musique à l'université de Santa Cruz, en Californie, Rebecca Romijn est découverte par un agent à Paris, où elle s'installe pendant deux ans. Elle devient mannequin et fait, dès 1992, la couverture des magazines Elle Cosmopolitan People Marie-Claire Glamour FMH Shape GQ Sports Illustrated . Elle s'illustre également dans de nombreux spots publicitaires pour les marques Tommy Hilfinger, Pantene, Christian Dior, Victoria's Secret ou encore Miller Lite. Entre 1997 et 1999, son physique de rêve lui vaut d'être sélectionnée parmi les "50 plus belles personnes du monde" par People et d'être nommée "Femme de l'Année" par GQ En 1997, Rebecca Romijn fait ses débuts d'actrice dans un épisode de la série télévisée Friends , puis apparaît en guest star dans le feuilleton La Fête à la maison où joue également John Stamos, qu'elle épouse en 1998. Au cinéma, elle figure aux génériques des comédies Dirty work (1998) de Bob Saget Austin Powers - l'espion qui m'a tirée (1999) de Jay Roach et The Intern (2000) de Michael Lange
UGO.com GIRLS - Rebecca Romijn-Stamos Eases The rebecca romijnstamos Eases the Punishment. rebecca romijn-stamos - The Punisher Gallery. Related Articles. Thomas Jane Dishes Out the Punishment. http://www.ugo.com/channels/girlfriends/article.asp?articleID=11421
Bomis: The Rebecca Romijn Ring 2. AskMen.com rebecca romijnstamos. Biography, Information Pictures www.askmen.com. 12. rebecca Romijn Stamos at Wild Will. wild-will.com. 13. http://www.bomis.com/rings/rebeccaromijn/
Celebrity Movie Archive :: Rebecca Romijn-Stamos Celebrity Movie Archive Home, rebecca romijnstamos. Guest Account, 0.00 MB credit. Browse Letter R rebecca romijn-stamos. http://www.celebritymoviearchive.com/tour/name.php/369
Extractions: Rebecca Romijn-Stamos Guest Account MB credit Search Name Description Filename Browse Letter 'R' Rebecca Romijn-Stamos Click one of the movies for a picture preview of it or Click Here to browse the rest of the site! To find out how our site works, Click Here Click Here to signup for as little as $2.95! About Rebecca Supermodel Rebecca Romijn-Stamos is best known for having hosted MTV's House of Style and more recently for her role in X-Men
Rogers Video Actor rebecca romijnstamos. Date of Birth November 6, 1972. City of Birth Berkeley, California. Country of Birth United States. Actor Filmography. http://www.rogersvideo.ca/cast.asp?id=4608
Extractions: Model-turned-actress Rebecca Romijn-Stamos and her husband of five years, actor John Stamos, have split. The former Victoria's Secret lingerie model has been fighting rumors the pair were on the verge of a separation for weeks, but now her publicist Lewis Kay has confirmed the break-up. He says, "The split is amicable and they have asked that the media please respect their privacy regarding this situation during this difficult time." Kay insists there is no third party involved in the decision. The couple married in September 1998 after meeting at a Victoria's Secret party.
ShowBIZ Data Credits For Rebecca Romijn-Stamos rebecca romijnstamos, Worked with Directors. Acted in 7 pictures. CAST MEMBER OF, Godsend, (2004). Punisher, The, (2004). http://www.showbizdata.com/contacts/pcredits2.cfm/Romijn-Stamos, Rebecca/Romijn-
LookSmart - Directory - Rebecca Romijn-Stamos R. rebecca romijnstamos - Find photo galleries, biographies and filmographies for the model-turned-actress. Directory Listings http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317828/us317851/us236358/us10043368/u
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CERCA IN GQ.COM Translate this page più bella ragazza a stelle e strisce ha un nome poco yankee, rebecca, e origini europee padre olandese, madre olandese-americana. Miss romijn-stamos ha tutte http://www.gqonline.it/cont/030gqg/050cov/0208/2900/iindex.asp
Extractions: La più bella ragazza a stelle e strisce ha un nome poco yankee, Rebecca , e origini europee: padre olandese, madre olandese-americana. Miss Romijn-Stamos ha tutte le caratteristiche del sogno erotico confezionato apposta per giovani (e meno giovani) uomini italiani: è bionda, alta, forme perfette, spirito emancipato. In passato ha fatto la modella per svariati marchi tra i quali Victorias Secret . È stata cover girl di un numero impressionante di magazine (tanto per citarne qualcuno Elle Glamour Details Sport Illustrated Oggi, però, è tutta protesa a diventare una stella del cinema. Ovvio che il suo corpo le faciliti limpresa: in X-Men era Mistica, una pericolosa mutante dalla pelle ruvida e lucertolosa e le forme sinuose, in Rollerball , vestiva abiti in pelle nera e aderenti. Ultimamente ha avuto una particina in dove si confronta con un mostro sacro del cinema
Extractions: Rebecca Romijn-Stamos photos, movie posters featuring Rebecca Romijn-Stamos , Rebecca Romijn-Stamos autographs, Rebecca Romijn-Stamos posters, photographs framed and mounted. home about us security your privacy ... framing Search: I am searching for: Catalogue Reference Number (Cat #): You are here: Home / Rebecca Romijn-Stamos GB Pounds Euro US Dollars Rebecca Romijn-Stamos links
Rebecca Romijn-Stamos, Películas Fotos Biografía rebecca romijn-stamos. Juegos Java Imágenes. rebecca romijn-stamos Biografía Películas Fotos. Ha dado con http://www.lahiguera.net/cinemania/actores/rebecca_romijn_stamos/
Extractions: Los ... gratis! Por... Actor Película Categorías... Actores/Act. Animaciones Bandas sono. Bases de da. Carteles Clásicos Cortometraj. Directores Distribuido. DVD Efectos Esp. Enseñanza Errores Fantástico Filmotecas Grandes pro. Premios/Fes. Revistas Trailers Varios Harry Potter y el prisionero de Azkaban Móviles Tonos Logos Politonos ... Imágenes Rebecca Romijn-Stamos Biografía Películas Fotos Ha dado con éxito el salto de modelo internacional a actriz internacionalmente conocida. Protagoniza junto a John Travolta y Tom Jane la producción de Lions Gate The Punisher, la última película basada en un cómic de Marvel. La oscura cinta de acción... (más...) Películas recientes The punisher (El castigador) (2004). Dirigida por