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Extractions: Admits she prefers kissing women than men because they're more intimate, but the actress, who has been snapped smooching singer Pink twice in the last few days, still admits to finding men attractive. (October 16, 2003) Lokens role in TERMINATOR 3: RISE OF THE MACHINES is a heady sensation for her Loken went the proverbial extra mile to win the T3 role and also hired a kick-boxing champion to teach her kicks and punches for the audition. (July 2, 2003)
Kristanna Loken Herecka a modelka norského puvodu kristanna loken se narodila 8. ríjna 1979.Svou modelingovou kariéru zahájila velmi brzy ji v 15 letech. http://schwarzenegger.cz/terminator3/kristannaloken.htm
Extractions: iReklama.cz - nový reklamní systém Èeská premiéra 7. srpna 2003 Kristanna Loken Claire Danes Nick Stahl ivotopis: Hereèka a modelka norského pùvodu Kristanna Loken se narodila 8. øíjna 1979. Svou modelingovou kariéru zahájila velmi brzy ji v 15 letech. Práce ji pøivedla do USA, konkrétnì do New Yorku, kde v souèasné dobì ije. Záhy se uplatnila i jako hereèka. V nedávné dobì se objevila v nìkolika nezávislých celoveèerních filmech vèetnì Panic, Gangland a Academy Boyz. Má za sebou také spoustu epizodních rolí v televizních seriálech, mezi které patøí Philly, Právo a poøádek nebo Just Shoot Me! Známou se stala zejména díky roli Sarah v seriálu D.C. a postavì Taji, kterou ztvárnila v populárním seriálu Mortal Kombat: Conquest. Kromì toho si zahrála v seriálech Unhappily Ever After, Pensacola: Zlatá køídla a Aliens in the Family. Filmografie: Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003) ... T-X (Terminatrix) Academy Boyz (2001) ... Linda Baker
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Loken, Kristanna kristanna loken. 10/08/1979. Ghent, NY, USA. Terminator 3 The Rise of the Machines,TX, 2003. Star Trek Voyager, Favorite Son, . Malia, 03/19/1997. Actors L Index. http://www.aveleyman.com/ActorsL/P00029148.HTML
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Untitled kristanna loken -. Biography Her Real Name iskristanna Sommer lokenkristanna is a model and a actrice.She was born on 8 october 1979. http://www.kristanna-loken.4t.com/
Extractions: Kristanna was born and spent most of her life at LoveApple Farm, her parent`s fruit farm in upstate New York.She attended public and private schools, broadening the usual curriculum with lessons in dance, acting and singing.She was an excellent student, diligent and hardworkingjust as she continues to be as an actress.Her hobbies include hiking,skiing, swimming; most every outdoor sport.An accomplished equestrian,she has ridden across much of Hawaii, Ireland, and, her most recent trek, 300 miles over some of the roughest terrain in Namibia, Africa.
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