Stanley Kubrick Biography and filmography. - Movies : Directors : Kubrick, Stanley Logo, The Easter Egg Archive TM EEGGS.COM, Search. Home Movies Directors kubrick, stanley, Add an Egg Help Discussion. Click Here.
Extractions: Web posted at: 1:58 p.m. EST (1858 GMT) LONDON (CNN) Stanley Kubrick, director of "A Clockwork Orange" and "2001: A Space Odyssey," died Sunday at the age of 70. Kubrick's family said he died at his rural Hertfordshire home north of London. "The family has asked us to release the news of his death, to let people know," a spokesman for the Hertfordshire police said. Kubrick, born in the Bronx section of New York in 1928, launched his film career using a second-hand camera with the documentary "Day of the Fight" in 1950. The film was a 15-minute look at the last hours before a fight of middleweight boxer Walter Cartier and was based on a photograph Kubrick took for Look magazine. Kubrick had honed his visual craft as a still photographer, selling his first picture to Look when he was 16. He joined Look's staff a year later after dropping out of City College of the City of New York.
Homepage Sito amatoriale dedicato all'opera del regista. Contiene file scaricabili, informazioni, quiz e recensioni che riguardano il Maestro e i suoi film.
Spartacus Information on the 1960 film directed by stanley kubrick.
Extractions: A troubled epic production, Spartacus shot for 167 days, employed over 10,000 people and cost over $12 million, making it one of the most expensive films ever produced in Hollywood at that time. However, the film was a great success, winning the Golden Globe Award for Best Picture and grossing over $13 million within the year. Production began on January 27, 1959 with Anthony Mann directing. He was fired on Friday the 13th of February. The quarry scenes Mann shot in Death Valley were still used in the beginning of the film. Kubrick was brought in by Kirk Douglas, making this the first and last feature film Kubrick directed where he did not initiate the project. Among Kubrick's early contributions were the firing of German actress Sabina Bethmann and the hiring of Jean Simmons in her place, and also removing much of the the dialogue in the early love scenes between Spartacus and Varinia, preferring to create the moments visually. Kubrick and Douglas clashed, however. Kubrick felt he didn't have enough creative input especially where the script was concerned, making him feel like a mere hired hand, and leading him to later buy his way out of his 3 picture contract with Kirk Douglas's production company and in later years to virtually disown the film.
David Walsh über Translate this page Regie stanley kubrick, Drehbuch Frederic Raphael und kubrick, auf derGrundlage der Traumnovelle von Arthur Schnitzler. Von David Walsh 27.
Extractions: aus dem Englischen (30. Juli 1999) Eyes Wide Shut Eyes Wide Shut basiert auf der Traumnovelle Reigen In der Bearbeitung durch Kubrick und Frederic Raphael ( Darling (1965) Zwei auf gleichem Weg (1967) Seine Anstrengungen, den klavierspielenden Freund wieder zu finden, werden zunichte gemacht. Als er an den Ort der Orgien zurückkehrt, erhält er eine Warnung, seine Nachforschungen einzustellen. In einer Zeitung liest er von einer ehemaligen Schönheitskönigin, die mit einer Überdosis ins Krankenhaus gefahren wurde. Daraufhin versucht Bill, sie zu besuchen, sie ist aber bereits gestorben. Er sieht sich ihren Körper im Leichenhaus an und wir nehmen an, dass sie die Frau aus der Villa ist. Victor Ziegler bestellt Bill zu sich und sagt ihm, dass er in der Villa war und "alles gesehen" hat. Die Frau, die selbe von Zieglers Party, sei von niemandem getötet worden, er beharrt darauf, dass sie einfach eine Überdosis nahm.
Stanley Kubrick Analisi dei film trama, giudizi ed approfondimenti critici, riconoscimenti ottenuti, fotografie di scena, immagini tratte da fotogrammi dei film. Possibilit di scaricare file con i trailer originali, frammenti audio e video.
Facets Multi-Media - Search: Category1=86 Edition). stanley kubrick s landmark film traces the three stages of man, fromevolutionary, predatory animals to futuristic space travelers, astr more.
Cinema Truffaut Crtica d'aquesta pel·lcula de stanley kubrick basada en la novel·la Red Alert, de Peter George.
Kubrick, Stanley, El Resplandor, Referencias stanley kubrick, El resplandor , de Esteve Riambau,por Henzo Lafuente. Diciembre 2001. Home.
Extractions: El Resplandor de Kubrick, Referencias Transcripción de "Stanley Kubrick", de Esteve Riambau, por Henzo Lafuente. Diciembre 2001 Home Guiones audiovisuales Transcripciones El Resplandor de Kubrick, Referencias, pag 4 Anterior Siguiente Ése no es, sin embargo, el menor de los guiños que el film se permite puesto que, más allá de la destrucción sistemática de los convencionalismos que rigen el subgénero de los "horror films", El resplandor press book del film ya advierte explícitamente que, "cuando Torrance persigue con ciega ira a su hijo, El resplandor se convierte en una especie de Kramer contra Kramer malignamente invertido". . Es por ello que Diane Johnson, coguionista del film, se llegó a plantear la posibilidad de que Kubrick sintiera "una cierta afinidad o simpatía - que cualquier artista puede sentir - por Jack, artista aplastado por su propia personalidad, pero también por su familia, por las molestias que le puede ocasionar en la vida real. El hotel es, en cierto modo, la perfecta situación de creación, salvo que contiene aquella realidad...Kubrick es muy afectuoso con su propia familia... ¡no tiene la costumbre de perseguirlos con un hacha!... Pero la familia representa la intrusión de otros seres humanos en la vida emocional de una persona que, por lo menos de un modo abstracto, podría preferir no hacer otra cosa más que consagrarse a su creación..."
STANLEY KUBRICK: OMAGGIO AL GENIO Breve biografia, filmografia con schede di tutti i film e giudizio critico, videografia e bibliografia essenziale.
Extractions: Biografia Nato nel Bronx il 26 luglio 1928 nel Bronx da genitori entrambi di origine austriaca.Il rapporto con il cinema inizia nel 1941 quando tredicenne riceve in regalo dal padre una macchina fotografica Graflex, ingombrante e poco maneggevole.Stanley comincia a scattare e impara a siluppare in proprio le sue fotografie. A 17 anni fotografa un edicolante triste con i giornali che strillano la morte del presidente Roosevelt, porta la foto alla rivista Look che l'acquista per 25$. Poco dopo viene assunto da Look come fotografo. Day of the Fight , documentario di 16 minuti che segue passo passo Cartier il giorno del match. Quindi gira un'altro documentario Flying Padre Day of the Fight esce a completamento di Voglio essere tua di Robert Stevenson, Stanley lo vede al cinema Paramount di New York, e, folgorato, decide di diventare cineasta. Lolita Stanley Kubrick riceve il Leone d'oro alla carriera, uno dei pochi riconoscimenti (un solo Oscar per gli effetti speciali di della sua eccezionale carriera, nel 1998 al Festival di Venezia. Ovviamente lo ritira per interposta persona. Muore nel marzo del 1999 stroncarto da un'infarto poco dopo la fine del missaggio di Eyes Wide Shut sua ultima opera A.I. (Artificial Intelligence)
Stanley Kubrick_Cinema 291 Presenta biografia, trama delle opere, curiosit sulle pellicole ed immagii delle locandine.
Extractions: A tribute to the master Stanley Kubrick (26/7/1928 ; 7/3/1999) Questa sezione non ha assolutamente il minimo proposito di rappresentare un' erudita disamina del complessissimo mondo delle opere di Stanley Kubrick. Chi vi scrive ha pensato di creare questo spazio per condividere con chiunque sia interessato la pura e semplice passione per un grande regista che purtroppo non c'è più. Il mio "tributo" si limita pertanto ad una schietta analisi dei suoi capolavori, a qualche notizia biografica e a qualche curiosità sul personaggio, così come le scriverebbe un qualsiasi appassionato del cinema tutto, e non soltanto di quello del maestro. This section is not a learned analysis of the complex world represented by Stanley Kubrick's works of art. He who writes wants to share with you readers the pure and simple passion for a great director who is no longer here on this earth with us. My tribute is a straight examination of his masterpieces with some biographical news and some curiosities about the man. I'm a fan and not an expert. Unfortunatley most of this section is only in italian but you will find some rare posters and the schedules of his movies with the cinematographers, the screenwriters, the actors and so on. Enjoy it. -Cenni biografici- (Biography) -Lungometraggi- (The movies) -Particolari Kubrickiani- (Some quaint stuff) -Luoghi dei set- (Filming locations) -Kubrick's Photogallery- "Ho cercato di creare un' esperienza visiva che aggiri la comprensione e le sue costruzioni verbali, per penetrare direttamente l'inconscio con il suo contenuto emozionale e filosofico...Ho voluto che il film fosse un' esperienza intensamente soggettiva che colpisca lo spettatore a un livello profondo della coscienza, proprio come la musica...."
Kubrick On The Web Various information on stanley kubrick and his films.
Extractions: Welcome to KUBRICK ON THE WEB. My intention is to make this a high-level index to anything and everything of quality on the Web that pertains to Stanley Kubrick and his films. The main source of information is the ALT.MOVIES.KUBRICK Faq. There are two versions: Question-by question (for reading online) Browse the FAQ online. Especially good for those who have just rented a video and want fast information on a particular film. The "brief insights" sections are valuable for discovering the extremely subtle details in Mr. Kubrick's images. Full text (for downloading) . The faq is a text file around 450k in size, and takes around seven minutes to download with a 14.4 modem. This will always be the most up-to-date version. For "live" discussion of Kubrick and his films, you can go to the following two newsgroups: alt.movies.kubrick rec.arts.sf.movies Patrick Larkin's web site Hal speaking! The Internet Movie Database The Internet Movie Database 2001 Screenplay 2001 Poem The Internet Movie Database The Internet Movie Database The Internet Movie Database The Internet Movie Database I will be making improvements to this server from time to time. Your contributions are welcome! Send suggestions and questions to
:: HispaVista : Galeón :: Crtica, enlla§os i galeria d'imatges d'aquest ambici³s projecte que stanley kubrick va estar preparant fins poc abans de la seva mort i que ha estat possible gr cies a Steven Spielberg.