Udo Kier - CinemaZone.dk - Et Filmmagasin I Bredformat 0711-01 Iben Hjejle og Mads Mikkelsen som europaværter. 06-03-01 Dansk gyser hædret i Portugal. udo kier. Som skuespiller Dogville (2003). http://www.cinemazone.dk/person.asp?id=495
Extractions: Horror-ography Mark of the Devil '70 Andy Warhol's Frankenstein '74 Andy Warhol's Dracula '74 Exposé '75 Suspiria '77 Dr. Jekyll and His Women ' 81 Epidemic '88 The German Chainsaw Massacre '90 Terror 2000 '92 Modern Vampires '98 Blade '98 End of Days '99 Possessed '99 The Bloodcountess '00 Shadow of the Vampire '00 FearDotCom '02 Back to the Masters' Index
Filmlexikon FILME Von A-Z - Udo Kier udo kier ergab 78 Treffer. Darunter aus folgenden Kategorien http://www.filmevona-z.de/filmsuche.cfm?sucheNach=personNr&wert=71851
Udo Kier - ForeignFilms.com Click here to rate all films by udo kier. Biography. Write a biography for this person, or search Britannica.com for articles. Filmography. http://www.foreignfilms.com/person.asp?person_id=25129
IFILM - Udo Kier Search IFILM.com. IFILM.com, Get Showtimes. udo kier. Explore this Person Credits . Email to a Friend. Your email address (required). http://www.ifilm.com/ifilmpeople/175666
Extractions: window.name = "IFILMMain"; Send In Film/Video Video Preferences Get Newsletter Activate Instant IFILM ... Help Search IFILM.com Get Showtimes Ads_kid=0;Ads_bid=0;Ads_xl=0;Ads_yl=0;Ads_xp='';Ads_yp='';Ads_opt=0;Ads_wrd='';Ads_prf='cch=;pg=player;filmid=;collid=;cr=;tabtype=;level1=home;level2=index;level3=;refsite=;pgclass=' + top.pgClass + ';adSessionId=' + top.adSessionId + ';';Ads_par='';Ads_cnturl='';Ads_sec=0;Ads_channels='specialfeatures'; Udo Kier Explore this Person: Credits Email to a Friend Your email address (required) Recipients' addresses (required) Separate with commas Credits Actor: Dogville Love Object All the Queen's Men FearDotCom ... Terms of Service Ads_kid=0;Ads_bid=0;Ads_xl=0;Ads_yl=0;Ads_xp='';Ads_yp='';Ads_opt=0;Ads_wrd='';Ads_prf='cch=;pg=;filmid=;collid=;cr=;tabtype=credits;level1=people;level2=detail;level3=;refsite=';Ads_par='';Ads_cnturl='';Ads_sec=0;Ads_channels='generic';
Reel.com Search Results Buy Movie Posters! udo kier has appeared in the following movies, ordered with the most recent movie first. Please click on a title to learn more about it. http://www.reel.com/filmography.asp?SFor=2&NMID=80453
► Videography Of Udo Kier/ Dokoupil /K³hne ...@ CyList.com This is a list of all udo kier/ Dokoupil /K³hne music videos. BR Source A HREF= http//www.clipland.com/ Clipland /A A HREF= http//www.clipland.com http://www.cylist.com/List/400105050/Videography_of_Udo_Kier__Dokoupil__K_hne.ht
AMCTV.com BIOGRAPHY - Udo Kier DID YOU KNOW? Go2Broadband. udo kier Gender Male. All the Queen s Men (2002), fear dot com (2002). Megiddo Omega Code II (2001), Invincible (2001). http://www.amctv.com/person/detail?CID=1311-1-EST
Udo Kier Translate this page AlloCiné Célébrités udo kier. udo kier. En 2002, udo kier joue sous la direction de son compatriote Werner Herzog pour Invincible. http://www.allocine.fr/personne/fichepersonne_gen_cpersonne=5387.html
Extractions: L'acteur naît dans l'Allemagne nazie, sous les décombres d'un hôpital bombardé. A 18 ans, il part pour l'Angleterre, et prend au passage quelques cours de comédie. C'est durant cette période que le réalisateur Mike Sarne lui offre son premier rôle, celui d'un gigolo dans La Route de St. Tropez (Road to St.Tropez) (1966), qui marque le début d'une longue carrière. Son premier succès, il le doit à Mark of the devil (1970), film d'épouvante (interdit dans 31 pays) dans lequel il est le baron Chritian von Mem, un chasseur de sorcières. C'est lors d'un voyage qu'il rencontre Paul Morrissey , réalisateur de De la Chair pour Frankenstein (Flesh for Frankenstein) (co-réalisé par Antonio Margheriti ), où il interprète le docteur Frankenstein dans cette version 3-D (en relief) ultra-gore du roman de Mary Shelley. Ensemble, ils enchaînent avec Du sang pour Dracula (Blood for Dracula) , qui s'inscrit dans la même veine que son prédécesseur et transforme Kier en acteur culte.
Udo Kier: Filmografia [Filmweb.pl] udo kier filmografia Filmweb.pl udo kier, wlasciwie udo kierspe, urodzil sie 14 pazdziernika 1944r. w Kolonii, w Niemczech. W latach 70. udo kier. http://filmweb.pl/Udo,Kier,filmografia,Person,id=2671
Extractions: Modigliani Tor zum Himmel (aka Gate to Heaven) jako Joachim Novak Dogville jako Cz³owiek w p³aszczu www.strach (FearDotCom) jako Polidori Megiddo (Megiddo: The Omega Code 2) jako Stra¿nik Double Deception jako Vincent Klucz do Apokalipsy (Revelation) jako Wielki Pan Agenci w spódnicach (All the Queen's Men) jako Genera³ Lansdorf Tañcz±c w Ciemno¶ciach (Dancer in the Dark) jako lekarz Cieñ wampira (Shadow of the Vampire) jako Albin Grau Niezwyciê¿ony (Invincible) jako Helldorf Dowód niewinno¶ci (Red Letters) jako George Kessler Dzieñ zag³ady (Doomsdayer) jako Max Gast jako on sam I stanie siê koniec (End of days) jako Dr. Donald Abel
Extractions: News, May 28: Moore Has Unused Footage of Beheaded American, Radcliffe Predicts Harry Potter's Death, "Idol" Finale Ratings Down, More "Raising Helen" Premiere Photos "Soul Plane" Interview Video News, May 27: Fantasia Crowned New "Idol," Jackson's Lawyers Want Evidence Turned Over, MTV Nixes "Super Size Me" Ads, More... ... DSL This German-born leading man and character player has acted successfully in American and European productions, working with a number of important directors including his lifelong friend Rainer Werner Fassbinder. The blond, one-time boyishly handsome Kier made his US feature debut as a neo-Nazi spy in the forgettable "The Salzburg Connection" (1972) and then played title roles in "Andy Warhol's Frankenstein" (1973) and "Blood For Dracula" (1974) both directed by Paul Morrissey. He was cast as the sadistic lover Rene in "The Story of O" (1975) and had a cameo in horror master Dario Argento's "Suspiria" (1976). Kier and German director Rainer Werner Fassbinder had previously been teenage lovers and street hustlers in the Frankfurt gay scene in the early 1960s.
Udo Kier Filmography udo kier Filmography (only reviewed movies are listed). Release, Title, Rating, MPAA. udo kier Movie Rating 2.0 stars out of 4 (average over 6 movies). http://www.all-reviews.com/actors-5/Udo-Kier.htm
Udo Kier , Filmography - Features, Interviews, And Film Reviews udo kier. Be the first to rate this person. udo kier FILMOGRAPHY. page 1 of 2, next, next. Feardotcom, written by, Moshe Diamant, directed by, William Malone, http://www.channel4.com/film/reviews/person.jsp?id=18205
Udo Kier Information, facts, trivia, story, pictures, vital stats, messageboard, forum, quotes and biography of udo kier. The intelligent search engine!!! http://www.walhello.com/udo kier.html
Udo Kier - Film.onet.pl udo kier, w Trzecim », udo kier. Wiadomosci. Jeremy Davies ponownie u Larsa von Triera. Wybrana filmografia. , Dogville 2002 .. http://film.onet.pl/4259,osoba.html
Extractions: Dogville - 2002 ..... Mê¿czyzna w p³aszczu www.strach (Fear.com) ..... Polidori Cieñ wampira (Shadow of the Vampire) ..... Albin Grau Niezwyciê¿ony (Invincible) ..... Helldorf Tañcz±c w ciemno¶ciach (Dancer in the Dark) ..... Lekarz Bilet do piek³a (Final Run) ..... Reddick I stanie siê koniec (End of Days) ..... Head Priest
PHILM - Udo Kier Chart.dk. www.mrmedia.dk. udo kier. Tyskland 14.10.1944 - Film ( Grønt angiver en særlig god præstation ) Dancer in the Dark (2000) Besat (1999) Ice (TV) (1998 http://www.philm.dk/visperson.asp?type=skuespiller&id=107
Udo KIER Job . directing writing acting photo editing music. En Français. udo kier. As an actor (6 movies) 2005 . Manderlay (Von Trier). 2003 . Dogville (Von Trier). http://rasp.nexenservices.com/person.php?id=5330