Extractions: All the jewellery is handmade, original, precious and crafted 'to be worn'. This simple philosophy rewards us with creative pieces that we all can embrace, afford and love. This simple philosophy was also the reason Peter Jackson asked Jens Hansen to design and make the One Ring for his film The Lord of the Rings. The Ring Studio Jewellery 320 Trafalgar Square, Nelson, New Zealand
MSN Entertainment - Celebs: Peter Jackson peter jackson. More About this Actor advertisement. peter jackson. Director, Producer, Screenwriter, Cinematographer, Actor, Editor. http://entertainment.msn.com/celebs/celeb.aspx?c=276071
Horrorportal - Peter Jackson Diese Seite bietet Biographie und Filmographie des Regisseurs sowie eine Fotogallerie mit 2 Bildern. http://www.8ung.at/horrorportal/people/jackson.htm
Extractions: TheOneRing.net Foto Gallerie Bio: Der am 31. Oktober 1961 in Pukerua Bay North Island Neuseeland ) geborene Peter Jackson, fand schon mit acht Jahren sein Vergnügen am Filmen mit einer Super-8-Kamera. Sicher waren die Werke kurz, doch alle hatten seine Besonderheit: Beeindruckende Special Effects zu geringen Kosten. Bei einem lokalen Filmwettbewerb drehte er einen Film mit der Stop-Motion Methode, in dem ein Monster eine Stadt vernichtete, gewonnen hat er aber nicht. Mit 22 widmete er sich ganz dem Filmemachen mit Bad Taste (1987). Er machte so ziemlich alles allein in diesem B-Movie, und das mit einer Second-Hand 250$ Kamera! Der Film, der als Witz begann und erst nach vier Jahren fertig gestellt wurde, wurde er zum Kult. In Cannes räumte er Bewunderung und einige Preise ab, vermarktete Bad Taste professionell und gab seinen Job in einem Fotoladen auf. Ein weiterer Hit unter den Horrorfilmen, und einer der besten (und blutigsten) Splatterfilme, ist
Wauu.DE: Deutsch: Kultur: Film: Regisseure: Jackson, Peter Translate this page dieser Kategorie. Kategorien Filme (0). Links URL hinzufügen. epilog peter jackson Biografie und ein Foto des Filmregisseurs. http http://www.wauu.de/Deutsch/Kultur/Film/Regisseure/Jackson__Peter/
Extractions: Il ritorno del re di Peter Jackson Si conclude dopo sei anni di lavorazione quella che senza la minima ombra di dubbio è la più spettacolare e magniloquente trilogia della storia del cinema, l'unica veramente in grado di aver tracciato una sottile linea di confine del genere fantastico/avventuroso, che sancisce d'ora in poi una netta suddivisione di film pre e post "Signore degli Anelli". In grado di spodestare senza alcuna difficoltà l'ormai quasi arenata mitologia di " Star Wars ", e con una capacità inventiva da fare impallidire il più prolifico Spielberg, il regista Peter Jackson firma quello che è probabilmente il suo capolavoro, dirigendo con una maestria acquisita in quattro anni d'attività (quelli necessari a realizzare i precedenti due capitoli), che sfocia qui in una delle più straordinarie e perfette rappresentazioni di un mondo mitologico capace di stupire sempre e comunque. Qualche incongruenza di sceneggiatura, ma molte delle scelte fatte risultano azzeccate: la cantata di Pipino mentre Faramir va verso una morte certa (anche se lo sciagurato doppiaggio italiano ha completamente rovinato la scena), o il bacio in fronte di Frodo a Sam come addio; e altre meno: mostrare Argorn che canta alla sua incoronazione (bastava la sua voce off).
Wauu.DE: Deutsch: Kultur: Film: Regisseure: Jackson, Peter: Filme Translate this page Home Deutsch Kultur Film Regisseure jackson, peter Filme. Detail-Suche nur im DMOZ-Verzeichnis In allen Kategorien Nur in dieser Kategorie. http://www.wauu.de/Deutsch/Kultur/Film/Regisseure/Jackson__Peter/Filme/
Extractions: Click to enlarge New Burlington Books [book # 1-85348-225-0], 1991. The book shows only light wear on the corners and edges. The dust jacket is lightly worn and creased on the edges. *****TIGERS is the perfect guide for anyone who cares about the continued survival. of one of the world's most striking and beautiful wild cats. It presents the huge problems that face conservation agencies in an objective way based on first-hand experience.***** A scan of the cover. is available . . ISBN: 1-85348-225-0. Oversized hardcover. Very good/Good. Animals/Pets. Catalogs: Animals/Pets. (Inventory #179847)
El Señor De Los Anillos - Elfenomeno.com Dedicado al mundo de Tolkien. Noticias, reportajes e im¡genes de las pelculas de peter jackson. El Se±or de los Anillos y el Hobbit. http://www.elfenomeno.com
Extractions: Estamos recibiendo varios e-mails con distintas consultas, así que vamos a pasar a ofreceros toda la información que poseemos al respecto (y que los que habéis venido siguiendo las noticias, conoceréis de sobra), para que lo tengáis todo recopilado en esta noticia (entrad en la ampliación de la noticia para leer todos los datos). LAS PELÍCULAS 150 imágenes de la Edición Extendida de El Retorno del Rey
Peter F. Hurst Planetarium The peter F. Hurst Planetarium of jackson, Michigan continues to fulfill its original mission of serving both students and the community. http://scnc.jps.k12.mi.us/hurst/
Peter Jackson Auf dieser privaten Herr der Ringe Fanpage gibt es eine Biographie des Regisseurs. http://www.beepworld.de/members26/manwe/der_regisseur.htm
Extractions: Er ist der Regisseur des Blockbusters " Herr der Ringe: Die Gefährten " (2001), und er brachte es fertig, alle drei Bücher der berühmten Vorlage von Tolkien auf einen Streich zu verfilmen. Peter erblickte übrigens an Halloween das Licht der Welt, und das hatte entsprechende Folgen, wie sich später erweisen sollte. Schon in frühen Jahren zeigt sich Jackson beeindruckt von TV-Serien wie " Monty Python 's Flying Circus", von Buster-Keaton-Filmen, von den Stop-Motion-Effects des Trickkünstlers Ray Harryhausen und - ganz besonders - von dem Klassiker "King Kong". Im Alter von acht Jahren schnappt er sich die 8-mm-Kamera seiner Eltern und dreht mit seinen Schulkameraden ein Drei-Minuten-Epos über den Zweiten Weltkrieg. Er will Special-Effects-Mann werden, und so kommen in seinen weiteren Kurzfilmen viele hausgemachte Monster und Raumschiffe vor. Mit 17 verläßt Peter Jackson die Schule, findet aber keinen Job in der Filmindustrie, und so beginnt er erst einmal eine Lehre in der Fotosatzanstalt der Evening Post in Wellington. In seiner Freizeit dreht er mit Freunden (in Super Acht und Cinemascope) einen Vampirfilm, bricht die Produktion aber ab, als er sich 1983 eine gebrauchte 16-mm-Kamera kauft. Aus einem Kurzfilm, mit dem er die Kamera testen will, entwickelt sich eine Science-Fiction-Komödie, die nach drei Jahren und einer Investition von 20000 Dollar auf 75 Minuten Länge angewachsen ist. 1986 zeigt Jackson das Material Jim Booth von der New Zealand Film Commission, die ihm daraufhin die Mittel bereitstellt, den Film zu beenden. Am nächsten Tag kündigt Jackson seinen Job bei der Zeitung.
Jackson, Peter More search options. Artificial Intelligence People jackson, peter, jackson, peter. Director of Research, West Group. Title jackson, peter. http://www.netinformations.com/Detailed/45.html
Extractions: Netinformations Computer Guide HOME ADD A LINK MODIFY A LINK LOGIN ... PARTNER Director of Research, West Group. Resume, publication list, expert systems links, and work on information extraction. Looking for something in particular? More search options Artificial Intelligence: People: Jackson, Peter Jackson, Peter Director of Research, West Group. Resume, publication list, expert systems links, and work on information extraction. Title: Jackson, Peter Description: Director of Research, West Group. Resume, publication list, expert systems links, and work on information extraction. URL: http://members.aol.com/jacksonpe/music1/home.htm Site added: Sat Sep 06 2003 Category: Home Artificial Intelligence People : Jackson, Peter Visit this link
Extractions: con Elijah Wood, Sir Ian McKellen, Sean Astin, Billy Boyd, Orlando Bloom, Kevin Conway, Hugo Weaving, Brad Dourif, Martin Csoka, Bernard Hill, Sir Ian Holm, Christopher Lee, Dominic Monaghan, Viggo Mortensen, John Rhys-Davies, John Noble, Liv Tyler, Karl Urban, Cate Blanchett I due episodi precedenti:
Extractions: Dec 17, 2003 Named Best Picture at the 76th Annual Academy Awards, where it picked up a record-tying total of 11 Oscars, including Best Director (Peter Jackson) and Best Adapted Screenplay. Received a Golden Globe as Best Picture (Drama) of 2003, and Jackson earned another for Best Director. Named best picture of 2003 by the New York Film Critics Circle, Southeastern Film Critics Association, Chicago Film Critics Association, Broadcast Film Critics Association, and the Online Film Critics Society. Included on the AFI's list of 10 best films of 2003.
The New Zealand Edge : Hot - Peter Jackson : Www.nzedge.com Made in New Zealand, NZEDGE is proud to present a personal and fascinating account of the peter jackson story (thus far) by filmmaker Costa Botes. http://www.nzedge.com/hot/ar-jackson.html
Extractions: How on (middle?) earth did one of the Twentieth Century's most mythic and popular works of literature, JRR Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, end up being translated into cinema in the largest movie project ever undertaken, by a team helmed by a maverick New Zealand director refusing to budge from his home-made studio at the edge of the planet ... a director previously best known for his DIY Kiwi-schlock horror flicks and an art-house film about teenage matricide? NZEDGE is proud to present a personal and fascinating account of the Peter Jackson story (thus far) by New Zealand filmmaker Costa Botes. Costa co-directed, wrote and produced with Peter the classic NZ mock-umentary Forgotten Silver in 1995. His account of Jackson's journey is a steadfastly idiosyncratic case study of innovation, focus and energy from the edge; "In giving himself something to watch, Peter Jackson has given the rest of us good cause to shake off complacency and start thinking about how to realise a few other 'impossible' goals." Roll on ...
Browse A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All. Author jackson, peter, Title, 1 Title. Type, Date. On the application of rule http://www.reviews.com/Browse/Browse_author2.cfm?author_id=2155252
Automatic RDF Metadata Generation For Resource Discovery Paper by Charlotte Jenkins, Mike jackson, peter Burden and Jon Wallis on using automatic web page classification represented in RDF. http://www.scit.wlv.ac.uk/~ex1253/rdf_paper/
Extractions: WV1 1SB, UK Automatic metadata generation may provide a solution to the problem of inconsistent, unreliable metadata describing resources on the Web. The Resource Description Framework (RDF [ ]) provides a domain-neutral foundation on which extensible element sets can be defined and expressed in a standard notation. This paper describes how an automatic classifier, that classifies HTML documents according to Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC [ ]), can be used to extract context sensitive metadata which is then represented using RDF. The process of automatic classification is described and an appropriate metadata element set is identified comprising those elements that can be extracted during classification. An RDF data model and an RDF schema are defined representing the element set and the classifier is configured to output the elements in RDF syntax according to the defined schema. Keywords: RDF, metadata, classification.
Moviemaze: Peter Jackson Eine Biographie mit zus¤tzlichen Informationen zu seiner Familie und einer Kontaktadresse f¼r Autogramme. http://www.moviemaze.de/celebs/171/1.html
Extractions: Meet the Feebles Das Resultat trug den Namen Bad Taste Meet the Feebles Braindead erreicht. Dieser von der New York Daily News als "goriest fright film of all time" beschriebene Film gewann insgesamt 16 internationale Science-Fiction-Preise. Nach Braindead ging Peter Jackson neue Wege und inszenierte das Drama Heavenly Creatures Forgotten Silver
Extractions: Explore ChristianityToday.com: -Home Page -Search -Christianity Today Magazine -Free! Newsletters and more! CHURCH/MINISTRY -LeadershipJournal.net -Church Products/Services -BuildingChurchLeaders.com -Conferences -Small Groups PREACHINGTODAY.COM -Sermon Illustrations -Sermon Transcripts -Audio Tapes COLLEGE/SEMINARY -Christian College Guide BIBLE -Bible Studies CHRISTIAN LIFE -Today's Christian -Spiritual Help -Sports - Christian Athletes -Global Christianity -Church Locator COMMUNITIES -Women -Men -Marriage -Parenting -Singles -Teens -Kids MEDIA GUIDE -Movies -Music INTERACT -E-cards - Free! -Message Boards SHOPPING -Books -Music -Our Store -Videos -Gifts -Classifieds -Personals -Home School Center MAGAZINES -Christianity Today -Campus Life -Christian Parenting Today -Today's Christian -Leadership -Marriage Partnership -Men of Integrity -Today's Christian Woman -Your Church
The Lord Of The Rings: My Story Ericson's essay on Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings and the peter jackson films made from it. http://www.pericson.com/writings/lotr/
Extractions: January 1, 2003 (Revised April 5, 2004) The purpose of this document is to describe my relation to J.R.R. Tolkien's fantastic story The Lord of the Rings and Peter Jackson's three movies made from it. Tolkien's work is much more than the stories; it is about a world complete with its inhabitants, languages, mythology, and mysteries. To me the movies are a lot more than just three movies; they are a phenomenon. Therefore I felt that I wanted to put into words my feelings and relation to The Lord of the Rings , and also how I became a huge fan. My reverence for Tolkien's work has grown many degrees since I first learned of it, and I hope to convey this change to those who read this text. Furthermore, the document is as a place where I can write down events related to The Lord of the Rings that could be interesting for me to read in the future; in other words, a kind of a diary. Originally the events were presented in more or less chronological order, but in January of 2004 I decided to restructure it to give it an essay-like form. Due to the fact that I began to write this document around the time of the premiere of
Extractions: Peter Jackson to Write and Direct Star Wars Episode III View Current Signatures Sign the Petition To: Star Wars We hereby, the undersigned, in spirit of our raped childhood's, ask that George Lucas give over his reign as director and writer of Episode III to one Peter Jackson. To allow complete control of all necessary story lines and dialogue for Peter Jackson to make a film as he sees fit. In light of recent George Lucas movies, more specifically The Phantom Menace and the soon to be released Attack of the Clones, we beg thee of Star Wars creation to pass all creative rights to Peter Jackson. This endeavor would not go unnoticed by your loyal Star Wars fanbase who would see the movie repeatedly and buy many action figures and other Star Wars items.