Philip Bärtschi - Raumfahrt Translate this page Capt. gene cernan, beim Check-out des Rovers auf EVA 1. Bild NASA. cernan beimBeladen des Rovers. Capt. gene cernan neben dem Lunar Roving Vehicle. Capt.
Extractions: Fotos Capt. Gene Cernan , beim Check-out des Rovers auf EVA 1. Bild: NASA Cernan beim Beladen des Rovers. Bild: NASA Capt. Gene Cernan neben dem Lunar Roving Vehicle. Diese Aufnahme von Cernan zeigt den Geologen Harrison Schmitt beim "Split Rock" - und rechts von jenem den Moonrover. Über die Herkunft des grossen Felsens zerbrach sich die Forschergemeinde natürlich den Kopf, wie man sich denken kann. Cernan beim salutieren vor der US-Flagge. Im Hintergrund sieht man die Mondlandeeinheit (LM), sowie den Mondrover. Geologe Schmitt vor der US-Flagge. Am Himmel zu sehen die Erde. Auf diese Aufnahme ist Cernan nach eigener Aussage besonders stolz. Erdaufgang im Mondorbit. Das Missionsemblem von Apollo 17, der bisher letzten Mission zum Mond. l
Philip Bärtschi - Raumfahrt Translate this page Höhepunkte waren die Vorträge folgender Persönlichkeiten - Capt. gene cernan,Kommandant von Apollo 17, zwölfter und letzter Mensch auf dem Mond.
Extractions: Eingeladen wurden namhafte Persönlichkeiten aus der internationalen Weltraumbranche, aus Wissenschaft und Technik. Exponenten der amerikanischen Raumfahrtbehörde NASA, sowie solche der europäischen Raumfahrtbehörde ESA gaben sich damals im April/Mai 1997 ein Stelldichein im Verkehrshaus der Schweiz.
:: Xinhuanet - English :: gene cernan, the last man to walk on the moon as commander of the Apollo 17 mission,has been insisting of late that the Great Wall can be seen with the naked
Extractions: XINHUA online CHINA VIEW VIEW CHINA Breaking News URGENT: Blast reported near Uzbek capital China, Commonwealth of Dominica establish diplomatic ties Explosion hit market in Uzbek capital, causing casualties EXPLOSION RIPS THROUGH MARKET IN UZBEK CAPITAL, CAUSING CASUALTIES Urgent: Israeli State Prosecutor presents draft indictment against Sharon Israeli parliament report slams assessment of dangers posed by Libya, Iraq Home China World Business ... BizChina Investment Bidding Enterprises Policy update BEIJING, March 30, (Xinhuanet) Now you see it, now you don't. But an American astronaut's recent reiteration about how he believes he saw China's Great Wall from outerspace is rekindling Chinese patriotic enthusiasm that was only recently watered down by their own first spaceman, Yang Liwei. Gene Cernan, the last man to walk on the moon as commander of the Apollo 17 mission, has been insisting of late that the Great Wall can be seen with the naked eye from outerspace, though not from the moon. "In Earth's orbit at a height of 160 to 320 kilometres, the Great Wall of China is indeed visible to the naked eye,'' Cernan told reporters during the Asian Aerospace Exhibit in Singapore two weeks ago.
Extractions: Science Technology Space NASA ... Go to Directory Home Web Pages - ranked by popularity Astronaut Eugene Cernan Official website of the last man to walk on the moon. Forgotten Last Man on the Moon Doug's Home Page - Some facts about Gene Cernan.
Project Cernan Five years later, Sputnik would usher in a new age of human endeavor. gene Cernanwould play a very important part in the space race which followed.
Extractions: Project Cernan Proviso Township High Schools Putting Lives on Course When Eugene "Gene" Cernan graduated from Proviso High School in 1952, he was headed to Purdue, the Navy, and jets. Five years later, Sputnik would usher in a new age of human endeavor. Gene Cernan would play a very important part in the space race which followed. From his EVA adventures on Gemini 9 to his being "The Last Man on the Moon," Proviso graduate Cernan would also create a special legacy for his alma mater. His story is the inspiration for Project Cernanan effort to connect today's Proviso community to the accomplishments of Gene Cernan, and to use his story to inspire students on their way to Destination Success. Pictures of Eugene Cernan as an astronaut and Gemini/Apollo mission pictures are from NASA press release archives
MEK - Cernan, E.A. Plné jméno cernan Eugene Andrew, gene . V týmu od r. 1963. Eugene Andrew gene cernan se narodil 14.3.1934 v Bellwood (Chicago, Illinois, USA).
Extractions: Absolvované lety Start Pøistání Délka letu Kosmická loï Funkce Poznámka Gemini 9A PL nespojeno s tìlesem ATDA Apollo 10 PL poslední testy nad Mìsícem Apollo 17 VE 6.pøistání na Mìsíci Celkem 26. èlovìk ve vesmíru (11. na Mìsíci) Datum Tìleso Délka Kosmická loï Druh Poznámka Gemini 9A Gemini 9A EO Lano 7,6m, únava, zamlené hledí Apollo 17 LM Apollo 17 LU EVA-1, LRV, ALSEP, hloubkové vzorky Apollo 17 LM Apollo 17 LU EVA-2, LRV 19km, Jiní masív Apollo 17 LM Apollo 17 LU EVA-3, LRV, Severní masív Celkem Eugene Andrew "Gene" CERNAN se narodil 14.3.1934 v Bellwood (Chicago, Illinois, USA). Jeho prarodièe z otcovy strany, tefan a Anna Èernanovi, pocházeli z Vysoké nad Kysucou (Slovensko), jeho prarodièe z matèiny strany, Frantiek a Rozálie Cihláøovi, z Bernartic u Tábora a Nuzic u Bechynì. Vystudoval elektrotechniku na Purdue University (BS), poté absolvoval US Navy Postgraduate School (MS leteckého inenýrství) a slouil jako pilot vojenského námoønictva. Èlenem 3. skupiny kosmonautù NASA se stal v øíjnu 1963. Na obìnou dráhu poprvé vzlétl jako pilot Gemini 9A a stal se tøetím èlovìkem, který vystoupil ve skafandru do volného prostoru. V Apollu 10 se zúèastnil letu k Mìsíci, pøi nìm pilotoval mìsíèní modul Snoopy a do výky 16 km nad povrchem a provedl generální zkouku na první pøistání. Byl velitelem výpravy Apolla 17 a spolu s geologem H. Schmittem uskuteènil 6. pøistání na Mìsíci.
Ninfinger Productions: 1997 IPMS/USA National Photos 1997 IPMS/USA National Convention. Karl modified the Kevin Yeagerastronaut figure to depict Apollo 17 astronaut gene cernan. He
Gene Cernan Can Touch Your Mind And Soul gene cernan can touch your mind and soul, Relax and let yourself dream!click HERE to learn more. It s like seeing someone for the
Extractions: to learn more "It's like seeing someone for the first time, and you look at each other for a few seconds, and there's this kind of recognition like you both know something. Next moment the person's gone, and it's too late to do anything about it." - Out of Sight Relax and enjoy this magic! Just dreaming, you will enter into this world of true art and spirit wich takes you into the loftiness of imagination. Art, through all its expresions, whether we are talking about painting, sculpture, writing, poetry, literature, architecture, photography, cinema, theatre, dance, music, literature, romance, design... is the only one that can enliven the reality. It is an elevating situation that those who beautify the spirits are continuously challenging our immagination and our souls with their endless masterpieces. No man, for any considerable period, can wear one face to himself, and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be true.- Nathaniel Hawthorne "In music the passions enjoy themselves." - Friedrich Nietzsche
Extractions: Already a member? login Advanced Search genre Action/Adventure Adult Animation Anime Classics Comedies Cult Documentary Drama Film Noir Foreign Language Gay and Lesbian Horror Indie Instructional/General Kids Midnight Viewing Music Romance Silent Film Special Interest Suspense/Thriller Television Indie Spirit Awards Cannes Palme d'Or Sundance Winners Oscars AFI Top 100 Movies Rosenbaums' Top 100 LA Film Critics NY Film Critics BFI Top 100 British Films GreenCine suggests... New to GreenCine Coming Soon New Releases Archive 100 Best Indies 40 Best Documentaries Departments Movie Primers People GreenCine's Eclection Top Lists Articles GreenCine Daily Blog
Eugene Cernan - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Eugene cernan. (Redirected from gene cernan). gene cernan is the author of TheLast Man on the Moon, his memoirs of the Apollo program. External links.
Astronaut Bio: Eugene A. Cernan Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center Houston, Texas 77058. NAME Eugene A. cernan(Captain, USN, Ret.) NASA Astronaut (former). Married Jan Nanna cernan.
Extractions: NASA Astronaut (former) PERSONAL DATA: Born in Chicago, Illinois, on March 14, 1934. Married - Jan Nanna Cernan. They have three daughters, and one grandchild. His hobbies include love for horses, all competitive sports activities, including hunting, fishing and flying. EDUCATION: ORGANIZATIONS: Fellow, American Astronautical Society; member, Society of Experimental Test Pilots; member, Tau Beta Pi (National Engineering Society), Sigma Xi (National Science Research Society), Phi Gamma Delta (National Social Fraternity), and the Explorer's Club. SPECIAL HONORS: Awarded two NASA Distinguished Service Medals, the NASA Exceptional Service Medal, the JSC Superior Achievement Award, two Navy Distinguished Service Medals, the Navy Astronaut Wings, the Navy Distinguished Flying Cross, the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Special Trustees Award (1969), the Federation Aeronautique Internationale Gold Space Medal for 1972, the Cities of Houston, Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York Gold Medals, the VFW National Space Medal in 1973, Daughters of The American Revolution Medal of Honor, Induction into the U.S. Space Hall of Fame, the Challenger Center's "Salute to the U.S. Space Program" Honor, Slovak World Recognition Award and Slovak Presidential Medal of Honor.
Ninfinger Productions: 1997 IPMS/USA National Photos 1997 IPMS/USA National Convention. Here s Apollo 17 astronaut, GeneCernan, saluting the flag. Base kit EVA Models Scale 1/32 Model