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Rachel Blakely Gorgeous actress rachel blakely thought she was doing the right thing whenshe went for a 90minute bike ride two months into her pregnancy. http://www.beepworld.de/members56/rahelh87/rachelblakely.htm
Extractions: Ist sie nicht wunderschön? Ich habe mich riesig über diese Bilder gefreut! Und ich freue mich sehr für sie, denn es war keine leichte Schwangerschaft, das könnt ihr hier nach lesen: Kurzfassung: Sie musste einen Kaiserschnitt machen lassen, konnte während sieben Monaten nur auf der Seite liegen und hatte Probleme mit den Augen, doch schlussendlich hat sie diese Schwangerschaft super überstanden! @Julia: Rachel Blakely Fanpage RACHEL'S REWARD There was nothing smooth about this actress' pregnancy Gorgeous actress Rachel Blakely thought she was doing the right thing when she went for a 90-minute bike ride two months into her pregnancy. Little did she know she'd spend the next seven months unable to sit down or lie straight up. "You wouldn't believe it, but that bike ride racked by coccyx," says the former Neighbours star. "I had to lie on my side or stand up for the entire pregnancy. It was a bit of a challenge." But that wasn't the only complication of Rachel's first go at motherhood-there was also a problem with her eyes. "I had a build-up of fluid on my retina," she explains. "I had to wear an eye patch. Can you imagine how I looked? This big whale, lying on her side with an eye patch-it's not such a lovely image!"