Bataan2000 (Editor s note This article courtesy of the White Sands Missile Range PublicAffairs Office.). Link to original news item Bataan Memorial March.
Extractions: Sent in by Veterans News and Information Services WASHINGTON (Army News Service, Jan. 12, 2000) Registration/information brochures are available for the Bataan Memorial Death March to be conducted at White Sands Missile Range, N.M., April 16, 2000. This is the 12th year for the popular memorial march which recognizes the sacrifices made by thousands of U.S. and Filipino service members overwhelmed by the Japanese in the Philippine Islands during World War II. Since its inception, the memorial march has grown from about 100 participants to more than 2,400. At least 3,000 marchers are expected for the 2000 event. As a sports event, the march is "just about as challenging as they come, especially in today's realm of extreme sports," says Capt. Paul Zeps, a member of the Bataan Memorial Death March Project Office. He stresses that advanced preparation is a must. "You've got to be in shape and train before attempting this march. It's particularly important if you're not acclimated to New Mexico's high desert environment." The march starts on the missile range main post, crosses hilly terrain, winds around a small mountain and returns to the finish line through sandy desert trails and washes. The elevation varies from about 4,100 to 5,300 feet. This year, the course will be extended from 25 to 26.2 miles. While now marathon length, the memorial march is not a sanctioned marathon.
ABQjournal: How To Get To Trinity Site For more information contact the White Sands Missile Range Public AffairsOffice at (505) 6781134/1700. Courtesy White Sands Missile Range.
Extractions: The second way of entering the missile range is by travelling with a convoy sponsored by the Alamogordo, N.M. Chamber of Commerce. The convoy forms at the Otero County Fairgrounds in Alamogordo and leaves at 8 a.m. Visitors entering this way will travel as an escorted group to and from Trinity Site. The drive is 170 miles roundtrip and there are no service station facilities on the missile range. The convoy is scheduled to leave Trinity Site at 12:30 or 1 p.m., depending on its size, for the return to Alamogordo. The convoy may leave later if there is a large number of vehicles returning to Alamogordo.
Green River Launch Complex Digital Collection -- About Page Permission to digitize was secured from the United States Army PublicAffairs Office at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico.
Extractions: "The Green River Launch Complex, located southeast of Green River, Utah, was the northern annex of the U.S. Army's White Sands Missile Range during the Cold War. From 1964 to 1973 the U.S. Air Force launched 141 Athena missiles a distance of more than 400 miles from Green River to White Sands in New Mexico as part of the Defense Department's Advanced Ballistic Re-entry Systems (ABRES) program. Tracked by radar as they re-entered the atmosphere, the Athena missiles conducted research intended to improve and protect the warheads of nuclear missiles. Green River also hosted live firing exercises of the Army's Pershing missiles until 1974." Joel W. Powell This collection consists of newspaper articles and photographs, and may be searched or browsed. Ben Coomer, City Councilman from Green River, Utah loaned this collection to the University of Utah for the purpose of digitization. Permission to digitize was secured from the United States Army Public Affairs Office at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. T he British Interplanetary Society has graciously given us permission to scan an article
EMRR's Review: Public Enemy - Honest John obsolete. Borrowed from the Public Affairs Office White Sands MissileRange and the Redstone Arsenal Historical Information. Link Dead.
Project Gutenberg - Author Index: W White, Matthew. Two Boys And A Fortune, or, The Tyler Will. White SandsMissile Range Public Affairs Office. Trinity Site 19451995.
Fifth Army, TF Guardian Soldiers Tackle Bataan Death March Members of the Task Force Guardian group prepare to travel to White Sands MissileRange, NM, to take part in CS Allbright, Fifth US Army Public Affairs Office).
Extractions: (Interactive) Fifth Army Public Affairs Local Information Civilian Aides for the Secretary of the Army Program Ft. Sam Houston Map Family Assistance Hotline ... ArmyLink(Army Public Affairs) Stories Tip of the Spear: 75th Training Iraqi Armed Forces Fifth Army selects NCO, Soldier of the Year Army Reserve Soldiers Training Iraqi Military Fifth Army, TF Guardian Soldiers tackle Bataan Death March ... National Guard and Reserve Mobilized as of May 19, 2004 News Links DefenseLINK News Early Bird ARNEWS Headlines Stars and Stripes ... Contact PAO * Opens a new window. Non-DOD links may be provided for mission support and as a community service. Their appearance does not constitute an endorsement by the DOD, DA, or Fifth U.S. Army By Master Sgt. C.S. Allbright
John Clarke Convocation has also launched scientific experiments on sounding rockets at the White SandsMissile Range and observed Office of Public Affairs Denison University
Extractions: Describe Work On Hubble Space Telescope GRANVILLE - A Denison graduate working on the Hubble space telescope is the next speaker in the Provost's Alumni Scholar series. John Clarke, class of '74, returns to campus to give a lecture titled "From Barney Science Hall to the Hubble Space Telescope: Reflections of a Denison Alumnus Astrophysicist" at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday (Feb. 27) in Herrick Auditorium. This lecture will be free and open to the public. With current research interests in planetary atmospheres and ultraviolet astrophysics among others, Clarke has studied the northern lights on Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus. He has also launched scientific experiments on sounding rockets at the White Sands Missile Range and observed the impacts of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 on Jupiter with the Hubble Space Telescope. In this lecture, he plans to describe some of his experiences, concentrating on his work with the Hubble and relating his current work with time spent at Denison. "It seems to have been a surprisingly short journey from a major in physics at Denison to overseeing system-wide science testing of the Hubble Space Telescope as a NASA Project Scientist," Clark remarks. "When I was working homework problems in Barney Hall as a physics major, I could not have imagined how one could go from Granville to NASA."
Army Public Affairs Movies. Aerial Requests. COMREL Awards MOI. FAQ. Public Affairs Contacts. Bliss/WhiteSands Missile Range RCI project. A senior legal Officer from the Office of the
Air Defense System Hits Target in a June 10 flight test at White Sands Missile Range, NM. defend against mediumto longRange ballistic Missiles The Army Space and Missile Defense Command in
Extractions: by Spc. Trinace Rutledge FORT BLISS, Texas (Army News Service, June 14, 1999) The THAAD system made a successful intercept of a HERA target in a June 10 flight test at White Sands Missile Range, N.M. This was the Theater High Altitude Area Defense's first successful intercept of a ballistic missile. This was the tenth flight test and THAAD's seventh attempt to intercept. The first three tests were characterization flights used to collect data. The last seven were attempts to intercept, according to Lt. Col. Kenneth Maddox, commander, 1st Battalion, 6th Air Defense Artillery Brigade. The 1st Bn. here is the Army's only THAAD battalion. THAAD uses technologies developed in earlier Ballistic Missile Defense Organization programs. It is the first weapon system developed specifically to defend against theater ballistic missiles. Officials said the THAAD system would provide upper tier defense for the Army's two-tier theater missile defense concept. The higher altitude and theater-wide protection offered by THAAD will provide more protection of larger theater areas than lower tier systems alone, and is being designed to defend against medium to long-range ballistic missiles, officials said.
Air Force Link - Fact Sheet AIM-120 AMRAAM tests at Eglin AFB, Fla.; White Sands Missile Range, NM; and Airto-air tacticalMissile Contractor Hughes 20.7 inches (52.58 centimeters) Range 20+ miles
USAF.COM - USAF Weapons during flight tests at Eglin AFB, Fla., White Sands Missile Range, NM and PrimaryFunction Airto-air tactical Missile. Range 20+ miles (17.38+ nautical miles
Extractions: Mission The AIM-120 advanced medium-range air-to-air missile (AMRAAM) is a new generation air-to-air missile. It has an all-weather, beyond-visual-range capability and is scheduled to be operational beyond 2000. The AMRAAM is being procured for the Air Force, Navy, and America's allies. Features The AMRAAM program improves the aerial combat capabilities of U.S. and allied aircraft to meet the future threat of enemy air-to-air weapons. AMRAAM is compatible with the Air Force F-15 and F-16, Navy F-14 D/D (R) and F/A-18 C/D, German F-4 and the British Sea Harrier aircraft. AMRAAM is a follow-on to the AIM-7 Sparrow missile series. The missile is faster, smaller and lighter, and has improved capabilities against low-altitude targets. It incorporates an active radar with an inertial reference unit and micro-computer system, which makes the missile less dependent upon the fire-control system of the aircraft. Once the missile closes on a target, its active radar guides it to intercept. This enables the pilot to aim and fire several missiles simultaneously at multiple targets. The pilot may then perform evasive maneuvers while the missiles guide themselves to their targets. Background The AMRAAM program completed its conceptual phase in February 1979 when the U.S. Air Force selected two of five competing contractors, Hughes Aircraft Co. and Raytheon Co., to continue into the validation phase.
TWA Flight 800: WEAPONS SYSTEMS at White Sands did an intercept on theater type Missile. later and 20s interceptsthe target at a Range of 230 n.miles and at an altitude of 122,000M
Extractions: In my opinion, there is, at this time, insufficient grounds to claim that the Standard is the type of missile that downed Flight 800. However, it is the missile deployed on Aegis equipped cruisers and the following information is included for completeness. Back To The Top. Back To The Crash Page. Back To The TWA Page. Back To The main Weapons Systems Page. Mail to: What Really Happened
Honolulu Star-Bulletin Local News a spokesperson at the Pacific Missile Range Facility yesterday Army Air Defense, Missile has failed in The Army s White Sands Missile Range is littered with
Extractions: Star-Bulletin BARKING SANDS, Kauai The U.S. Navy's first anti-missile missile was launched from a cruiser offshore of Kauai and it flew perfectly, according to the missile's maker. The Standard Missile 3, which has so far cost more than $1 billion to develop, was fired Friday near the Pacific Missile Range Facility here. The Navy rocket has not yet been aimed at an incoming missile, however. Friday's test demonstrated the two-stage missile's reliability and it performed "exactly as designed," according to the manufacturer, Raytheon Co. The Navy is developing two missiles to protect its fleet and ground troops ashore from enemy medium-range ballistic missiles. Both are variants of its Standard Missile, long used to protect ships from enemy aircraft. The missile fired Friday is the Theater Wide Defense weapon designed to knock down incoming missiles 1,000 miles out. Yet to be tested is the Standard Missile 2 Block IVA, which will be termed an Area Defense missile capable of blowing up hostile missiles 100 miles out.
JASSM Lifts Off At White Sands Missile Range Standoff Missile was conducted recently at White Sands Missile Range, NM The JASSMis the next generation longRange cruise Missile The two Missiles that have
Extractions: The Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile flight test was successfully conducted Aug. 12 at White Sands Missile Range, N.M. The new cruise missile has stealth characteristics and costs less than half as much as current cruise missiles. Still in development, the missile is set to be operational in fiscal 2003. (Courtesy photo) Air Armament Center Public Affairs EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. (AFPN) A successful flight test of the Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile was conducted recently at White Sands Missile Range, N.M. The flawless unpowered test indica tes a problem with the missile's electrical system experienced during the missile's first flight test April 8 has been remedied. During the test, the missile was launched from an Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., F-16 flying at Mach .7 at 15,000 feet. The missile's wing and tail surfaces deployed, and it conducted several maneuvers as it glided 8 to 10 miles during the 90-second flight. JASSM is the next generation long-range cruise missile that uses advanced global positioning system/inertial navigation system guidance. The Air Force is committed to buy 2,400 JASSMs from prime contractor Lockheed Martin, Orlando, Fla., but intends to purchase up to 4,000 if funding can be obtained.
Extractions: [ 205-842-0558 - Ms Trousdale] The Ballistic Missile Defense Organization and the US Army announced today that the Theater High Altitude Area Defense [THAAD] system conducted a successful test of the THAAD Radar at the Kwajalein Missile Range in the South Pacific. The Radar System Test, or RST, was a data collection test on a theater ballistic missile representative target involving the THAAD Radar as primary sensor. The RST was a non-intercept test and the other non-radar elements of the THAAD system; BM/C3I, launcher and interceptor were not present. This test used the new THAAD User Operational Evaluation System [UOES] radar. The UOES radar uses the same X-band technology as the Demonstration/Validation [Dem/Val] radar being used in the THAAD intercept flight tests at White Sands Missile Range, but has significantly greater capability. The primary difference between the Dem/Val and UOES radars is the UOES antenna unit has a fully populated transmit/receive module array. The UOES radar also utilized software with enhanced capabilities. This radar when combined with the other THAAD elements represents the THAAD UOES. The test was conducted over KMR and the broad open ocean under controlled conditions. The TCMP target developed by the US Army Space and Strategic Defense Command was launched from Wake Island into KMR. The ballistic missile target consisted of a single stage Castor IV-B motor, an interstage housing a fly-along sensor package suite [ejected during flight to collect data close up], and a modified re-entry vehicle. The target is designed to generate multiple objects to stress the radar's discrimination functions. The THAAD UOES radar detected, tracked and stored the mission data from Roi-Namur Island located in the KMR.