Extractions: The Association of the United States Army (AUSA), in cooperation with the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command (SMDC), will sponsor an unclassified symposium Dec. 10-12, 2002, at the Judson F. Williams Convention Center in El Paso, Texas. This years conference theme is Integrated Air and Missile Defense in a Transforming World. Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) is a joint, overarching concept tying together a network of space-based and terrestrial sensors, command and control capabilities and complementary weapon systems to protect the homeland and defeat anti-access strategies of potential adversaries. IAMD must be prepared to deal with the full range of possible threatsincluding ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, manned aircraft and unattended aerial vehicles. For this reason, IAMD is a critical enabler for both homeland defense and future Objective Force operations. The symposium will consist of individual and panel presentations, with corresponding dialogue on the following topics: The Changing Strategic Environment, Operationalizing Integrated Air and Missile Defense for the Objective Force and SolutionsGetting from Here to There.
White Sands Missile Range Map completely surrounded by the Missile Range, White Sands National Monument 70 is blockedbecause of Missile firings. Return to Public Affairs table of contents. http://www.wsmr.army.mil/paopage/Pages/wsmap.htm
Historical Missile And Rockets Historical Missile Rocket Photos. Below are links to photos of rockets and Missiles tested here at White Sands at one time or another. Some, like Copperhead, are not rockets or Missiles but are weapon systems tested here. Medium Range Airto-Air Missile (33K to the Public Affairs table of http://www.wsmr.army.mil/paopage/Pages/Mispho.htm
Extractions: Another major organization that would never have been launched without White Sands is the NASA White Sands Test Facility just east of Las Cruces. NASA was able to piggyback on the White Sands rocket and missile test mission for its own rocket engine testing. Without White Sands and the NASA facility, there would not have been a space shuttle landing in New Mexico.
Las Cruces Sun-News White Sands Teacher Honored This column is provided by White Sands Missile Ranges Public AffairsOffice. For more information, call the Office at (505) 6781134. http://www.lcsun-news.com/artman/publish/article_6649.shtml
AGM-158 Joint Air To Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM) - Smart Weapons Affairs 20 Nov 1998 The JASSM program Office is working to JASSM lifts off atWhite Sands Missile Range Air Armament Center Public Affairs 27 Aug http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/munitions/jassm-ref.htm
Extractions: Precision-Guided Munitions: Acquisition Plans for the Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (Letter Report, 06/28/96, GAO/NSIAD-96-144) Joint Air-To-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM) @ Boeing Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM) Homepage ANNEX F Common Solution/Concept List (U) Air Force Mission Area Plan (MAP) [as of 11 July 1997 - Rev 10] - Detailed and comprehensive Air Combat Command descriptions of weapon system modernization efforts required to satisfy known needs. Competing JASSM contractors chosen 19 June 1996 NEW MISSILE Voice of America 4/9/98 U-S DEFENSE OFFICIALS HAVE CHOSEN THE LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION TO BUILD THE NEXT GENERATION OF STEALTHY, SMART MISSILES. New missile contract comes in at low price : Apr 17, 1998
Missile Ranger Policies It is published weekly using offset presses by the Public Affairs Office, White SandsMissile Range, NM 880025047, 505.678.1134. Printed circulation is 6,000.
Phillips Press Release #95-51 1996, the DCXA will return to White Sands Missile Range for static Phillips LaboratoryPublic Affairs Office Phillips Laboratory Computation Services Division. http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/x-33/phillips-95-51.htm
Extractions: WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE, N.M. The DC-X successfully pitched its nose 10 degrees below the horizon at 8,200 feet, rotated 180 degrees and traveled 2,100 feet down range. The experimental single-stage-to-orbit rocket continued to push the limits during its eighth flight test today at 7:02 a.m. MDT at the Army's White Sands Missile Range. The McDonnell Douglas vehicle is managed by the Air Force Phillips Laboratory in support of the NASA reusable launch vehicle program. Flight test support is provided by the Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center's Space and Missile Test and Evaluation Directorate. At the conclusion of the flight, the DC-X was officially turned over to NASA. Lt. Col. Jess Sponable presented a plaque attesting to the turnover to NASA Program Manager Dan Dumbacher. McDonnell Douglas will integrate key advanced technology components into the vehicle under a contract with NASA. The upgraded vehicle will be called the DC-XA. In early 1996, the DC-XA will return to White Sands Missile Range for static hot fire and flight tests that could began as early as mid-1996. Phillips Laboratory will act as NASA's Deputy for Flight Test and Operations, managing the final DC-XA flight tests.
RPSD Tours was assembled. A representative of the Public Affairs Office of theWhite Sands Missile Range will conduct the tour. After the tour http://www.lanl.gov/RPSD2002/tours.shtml
Extractions: Tours Not wanting to sit around the hotel all day with nothing to do? Join us on three special tours we have put together for your enjoyment. A minimum number of participants will be required for each tour. If the tours are cancelled because of lack of participation, a full refund will be given. The maximum number of participants allowed on a tour will be determined by the specific bus capacity. Tours will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Monday, April 15, 2002 A four-hour tour of Santa Fe by bus. This "City Different" tour features important historic areas and museums, the famous Canyon Road area, and other highlights of Santa Fe. Santa Fe's history, architecture, and cultural traditions will make your time here memorable. Your driver-guide will offer tips on what to do and places to see. The tour includes stops at the Wheelwright Museum of the American
About GovWorks / Customer List Bureau Readiness Center Army Public Affairs Army Recruiting Pacific Region ProgramOffice Total Army Army Medical Center White Sands Missile Range Armed Forces http://www.govworks.gov/about/list.asp
White Sands Will Stay Open Despite Rumors Of Closings - The Round Up - News The closure or realignment of White Sands Missile Range would have a University, accordingto an official at the Larry Furrow, chief of Public Affairs at White http://www.roundupnews.com/news/2003/04/03/News/White.Sands.Will.Stay.Open.Despi
SurfWax -- News And Articles On White Sands Missile Range [WSMR] Articles on White Sands Missile Range from newspapers and magazines around the world. Missile Range; NASA. s White Sands Test Facility; Sandia National Laboratories; Los Alamos National Laboratory; and the DoD High Energy Laser Joint Technology Office http://gov.surfwax.com/files/White_Sands_Missile_Range.html
Extractions: I want to see a cohesive, regional economic development strategy for southeast New Mexico that will protect and expand the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant project, potash mining, the oil and gas industry and aerospace industries at Holloman Air Force Base and White Sands Missile Range. We shall become a world-class center for excellence in the nuclear, oil and gas, and aerospace industries. (Carlsbad Current Argus, NM). Even while serving the Army in research and development at White Sands Missile Range, the Rhizors planned ahead for possible retirement to South Mississippi's Naval Home - now the AFRH. Though still acclimating to the humidity after years in a New Mexico desert, Rhizor says, "I always liked the water and warm weather.". The Rhizors say they also enjoy the activities and camaraderie among their peers and especially not having to cook. (SunHerald.com, MS).
DefenseLINK News: Desert Competition Recalls Infamous 'Death' March Or visit the White Sands Missile Range web site at www.wsmr.army.mil. The publicaffairs Office also would like to hear from people who want to march in honor http://www.pentagon.mil/news/Nov1997/n11131997_9711134.html
Trinity Site For more information, contact the White Sands Missile Range PublicAffairs Office at (505) 6781134/1700. How to Get There. Trinity http://www.atomictourist.com/trinity.htm
Extractions: TRINITY SITE Trinity Site is where the first atomic bomb was tested at 5:29:45 a.m. Mountain War Time on July 16, 1945. The 19 kiloton explosion not only led to a quick end to the war in the Pacific but also ushered the world into the atomic age. All life on Earth has been touched by the event which took place here. The 51,500-acre area was declared a national historic landmark in 1975. Included on the Trinity Site tour is Ground Zero where the atomic bomb was placed on a 100-foot steel tower. A small monument now marks the spot. Visitors also see the McDonald ranch house where the world's first plutonium core for a bomb was assembled. The missile range provides historical photographs and a Fat Man bomb casing for display. There are no ceremonies or speakers. Trinity Site is open to the public twice a yearon the first Saturday in April and October. Portable toilet facilities are available on site. Hot dogs and sodas are sold at the parking lot. Cameras are allowed at Trinity Site, but their use is strictly prohibited anywhere else on White Sands Missile Range. In deciding whether to visit ground zero at Trinity Site, the following information may prove helpful to you.
Alamogordo Chamber Of Commerce | Alamogordo, New Mexico Center, contact GAF FTCPublic Affairs (505) 572 Naval Air Warfare Center White SandsMissile Range, NM 88002 88310 Army National Guard Recruiting Office, 505-434 http://www.alamogordo.com/military/
Extractions: img1 = new Image img1.src = "../graphics/alamo_nav_chamber_over.gif" img2 = new Image img2.src = "../graphics/alamo_nav_profile_over.gif" img3 = new Image img3.src = "../graphics/alamo_nav_activities_over.gif" img4 = new Image img4.src = "../graphics/alamo_nav_tourist_over.gif" img5 = new Image img5.src = "../graphics/alamo_nav_relocation_over.gif" img6 = new Image img6.src = "../graphics/alamo_nav_economic_over.gif" img7 = new Image img7.src = "../graphics/alamo_nav_military_over.gif" img8 = new Image img8.src = "../graphics/alamo_nav_photographs_over.gif" img9 = new Image img9.src = "../graphics/alamo_nav_faq_over.gif" img10 = new Image img10.src = "../graphics/alamo_nav_contact_over.gif" img11 = new Image img11.src = "../graphics/alamo_nav_sitemap_over.gif" img12 = new Image img12.src = "../graphics/alamo_nav_comingevents_over.gif"
Phillips Press Release #95-42 at 838 am MDT at the Army s White Sands Missile Range. DCX traveled 1,950 feetdown Range and flew and Missile Systems Center s Space and Missile Test and http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/x-33/phillips-95-42.htm
Extractions: WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE, N.M. The Delta Clipper Experimental launch vehicle (DC-X) continued to push the limits during its seventh flight test today at 8:38 a.m. MDT at the Army's White Sands Missile Range. A problem with the telemetry receiver link cancelled the test originally scheduled for June 2. The single-stage, vertical-takeoff, vertical-landing rocket reached an altitude of 5,700 feet, 1,350 feet more than the last flight on May 16. In addition, the experimental vehicle increased its angle-of-attack maneuvers to gather data on aerodynamics and flight controls. During the ascent, the DC-X traveled 1,950 feet down range and flew sideways at 110 feet per second back to the landing site. The DC-X descended at 200 feet per second as compared to the 145 foot per second rate of the earlier flight. Total flight time was 2 minutes and 12 seconds. The DC-X, built by McDonnell Douglas, is managed by the Air Force Phillips Laboratory at Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M., in support of the NASA reusable launch vehicle program. Air Force flight test support is provided by the Space and Missile Systems Center's Space and Missile Test and Evaluation Directorate, also at Kirtland, in support of the NASA reusable launch vehicle program.
Trinity Atomic Test -- July 16, 1945 The photos presented here are provided through the courtesy of the US Army WhiteSands Missile Range Public Affairs Office and the Los Alamos National http://www.ciar.org/ttk/hew/trinity/tr_test.html
Extractions: July 16, 1945 Contents Quotes Documents Videos Photographs and Maps The effects could well be called unprecedented, magnificent, beautiful, stupendous and terrifying. No man-made phenomenon of such tremendous power had ever occurred before. General Thomas Farrell, Deputy to Gen. Leslie Groves I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds. Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer, Director of Los Alamos Now we are all sons-of-bitches. Dr. Kenneth Bainbridge, Director of Trinity Test This press release gives a dramatic account of the events surrounding the Trinity Atomic Test. Statements from Gen. Leslie Groves and Gen. Thomas Farrell are included. An ASCII version is also available.