White Sands Missile Range Oral History Legacy Project, 1981-1997 Potter, nd. 98, Site Visit Negatives Cleared by White Sands MissileRange Public Affairs Office, 1996. Phase I. Bursum, Holm O., III. 10 http://elibrary.unm.edu/oanm/NmLcU/nmlcu1#ms346/nmlcu1#ms346_m6.html
Testing - Paving The Way To Missile Shootdown Airborne Laser System Program Office, Office of Public Affairs, 3300 Target the MARTIand Lances will be conducted over the White Sands Missile Range in New http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/military/abl/news/2003/110003-testing.html
Extractions: Testing - Paving the Way to Missile Shootdown Now comes the fun part. After years of planning and organization, months of assembling and connecting hardware, and weeks of flying an almost empty airplane, Airborne Laser (ABL) developers are on the verge of proving that the revolutionary aircraft is capable of destroying something, most notably a likely enemy ballistic missile or, in militaryease, a Foreign Military Asset (FMA). Shortly after the Pacific demonstration, ABL was secluded in a hangar at Edwards Air Force Base in California pending testing of its lasers and the extremely intricate optical system. Once those elements have been certified operational they will be installed in the aircraft.
News Flash Of The Week The Public Affairs Office at White Sands Missile Range has recently added 80 historicphotos of the Trinity Site and related topics during World War II to its http://members.aol.com/JTankard/trinity/flash.html
Extractions: The Public Affairs Office at White Sands Missile Range has recently added 80 historic photos of the Trinity Site and related topics during World War II to its web site . Some shots show daily life at the Trinity installation before the test, including men playing polo with brooms and a volley ball rather than the standard polo mallet and ball. Also included are eight photos of the Trinity explosion.
Text Map courtesy of Public Affairs Office White Sands Missile Range. All the sand inWhite Sands is created in Lake Lucero, which is the lowest point in the basin. http://www.ilstu.edu/~pdsell/WhiteSands.htm
Extractions: White Sands National Park The World's Largest Gypsum Dunefield Alamogordo, NM By: Patrick Sell Created for my Physical Geography 201 Research Project Courtesy of: National Park Service The "World's Largest Gypsum Dunefield" is White Sands in New Mexico. White Sands is located in south-central New Mexico approximately 15 miles west of Alamogordo, NM just off of Highway 70-82 and 100 miles northwest of Guadalupe and Carlsbad Caverns National Park. The White Sands have developed over time and have changed greatly since the first visitors, the early Native Americans, to the present day tourists from all over the world. The main attraction in White Sands is the Central Dunes, which is visited by over 600,000 people a year. All visitors marvel at the natural wonder and appreciate the beauty of the park. This page will describe the history of White Sands, and all the features of the park. Courtesy of National Park Service White Sands is located in the Tularosa Basin, which is situated between the San Andres Mountains on the west and the Sacramento Mountain blocks on the east. The Tularosa Basin covers an area of approximately 9,000 square miles.
Navy Conducts Successful Extended Range Guided Munition Flight Test Program Executive Office for Surface Strike Public Affairs. test of the Extended RangeGuided Munition on June 25 at White Sands Missile Range, White Sands, NM. http://www.news.navy.mil/search/display.asp?story_id=2300
Re: First Ever Century Also, we have to be off the Missile Range by 6 pm We will have a van and If you havequestions, contact the White Sands Public Affairs Office at (505) 6781134 http://www.bikegaba.org/_disc3/0000002b.htm
Henderson Hall Main Page White Sands Missile Range, NM 88002. march information will be posted on the WhiteSands Web site it becomes available, or call the Public Affairs Office at (505 http://www.dcmilitary.com/marines/hendersonhall/archives/jan15/hh_c11599.html
Extractions: Washington, D.C. White Sands Missile Range, N.M., is seeking military and civilian participants from throughout DoD for its 11th annual Bataan Memorial Death March April 18, 1999. The largest military memorial march in the country recognizes the sacrifices of thousands of U.S. and Filipino service members overwhelmed by the Japanese in the Philippines during World War II. More than 1,900 marchers participated in the 1998 memorial event. The course covers 25 miles of southern New Mexico desert ranging in elevation from 4,100 to 5,300 feet above sea level. The route crosses hilly terrain, winds around a small mountain and returns to the main post through sandy trails and washes. Active and reserve component and retired members, ROTC cadets and civilians can compete in light and heavy divisions as individuals and team. All heavy division marchers carry a 35-pound rucksack; light division entrants do not. Military marchers in both divisions are required to wear full field gear other than the rucksack; civilians should wear appropriate attire for a desert road march, White Sands officials said. Teams may consist of up to seven people, but at least five must cross the finish line together within a 10-yard gate. Team categories include male civilian light, female civilian light, male military light, female military light, male military heavy, female military heavy, Junior ROTC military light, coed civilian light, coed military light, coed military heavy, ROTC light, ROTC heavy, National Guard light and National Guard heavy.
Modern Technology Is Alive And Well And Working In New Mexico!! Can enter at White Sands Missile Range or up near Socorro. You must callWSMR Public Affairs Office for registration and detailed information. http://www.nmsu.edu/~redtt/Resources/html/SpaceAge.html
Extractions: Albuquerque Biological Park - Rio Grande Zoo, Albuquerque Aquarium, Tingley Aquatic Park and the Rio Grande Botanic Garden and Zoo! "Explore the mystery and diversity of living organisms in a beautiful setting.The Bio Park has an estimated 6,000 animals, 11,000 plants, 300 staff and 350 volunteers". Located at 903 Tenth Street SW Albuquerque, NM (505) 764-6200 *quotes from ABP web site Apache Point Observatory - Observatory itself is not opened to the public, but worth the trip over from the National Solar Observatory, to see beautiful views of the Tularosa Basin and White Sands National Monument. 2 miles from The National Solar Observatory in Sunspot, NM (505) 437-6822
Kansas Army Guard Team Takes Third In 2004 Bataan Memorial Death March CONTACT Joy D. Moser Director, Public Affairs Office Work (785) 2741192 Home milemarch through the high desert terrain of White Sands Missile Range, NM The http://www.accesskansas.org/ksadjutantgeneral/News Releases/2004/04-029.htm
Hollow Earth Theory For Roswell Incident EXPLANATION Staffers at the White Sands Public Affairs Office know the Every yearthe Office receives unsolicited letters hidden on the Missile Range, what the http://www.ufomind.com/misc/1998/oct/d01-001.shtml
Extractions: Resources for those who are stranded here Search: Our Private Catalog Keywords: Aliens On Earth Bookstore Search: All Products Amazon Books Music Video DVD Toys Computer Electronics Software Tools Outdoor Camera Keywords: Location: Ufomind Mailing List Oct > Here NOTICE : The page below has been permenently FROZEN as of January 2000. Due to resource limitations, this section of our website is no longer maintained, so some links may not work and some information may be out of date. We have retained this page for archive reference only, and we cannot vouch for its accuracy. Broken links will not be repaired, and minor errors will not be corrected. You are responsible for independently verifying any information you may find here. More Info Hollow Earth Theory for Roswell Incident From: campbell@ufomind.com (Glenn Campbell, Las Vegas)
Alabama Aerospace Advantages - AMCOM/Redstone Arsenal information, contact the AMCOM Public Affairs Office at the the Army Program ExecutiveOffice for Air Laser Systems Test Facility at White Sands Missile Range. http://aerospace.state.al.us/acasi/usarmy.htm
Extractions: AMCOM manages Army aviation and missile systems, from research and development to procurement and production, from spare parts available to flight safety, and from maintenance and overhaul to eventual retirement. AMCOM provides the Army with technologically superior and affordable state-of-the-art aviation and missile systems. AMCOM provides support to the: Army Program Executive Officer, Air and Missile Defense. Redstone Arsenal is home to some of the nation's most advanced missile and rocket research, development, and test facilities, with a replacement value of more than $2.5 billion. AMCOM manages seven of the Army's 16 SORTS systems, and most of the Army's Foreign Military Sales (FMS) cases. The Command's annual FMS budget averages about $15-20 billion.
News Media Advisory 07/2000 Office of Public Affairs PO Box Z from Fredericksburg High School are preparing todeploy it, launching their own rocket at White Sands Missile Range in New http://www.utexas.edu/opa/news/00newsreleases/nr_200007/nr_advisory000726.html
Extractions: FAX (512) 471-5812 WHAT: Aerospace engineering students at The University of Texas have designed a new type of research balloon and students from Fredericksburg High School are preparing to deploy it, launching their own rocket at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. They will meet on the UT Austin campus with experts from NASA and private industry, who will review equipment designed for the launch. WHEN: 1 p.m. Thursday (July 27) WHERE: UT Austin's Engineering Teaching Center 5.148. The building is located on the northwest corner of 26th and San Jacinto streets. (Maps of UT Austin can be obtained at http://www.utexas.edu/maps/main BACKGROUND: In August, aerospace engineering students from The University of Texas at Austin and aeroscience students from Fredericksburg High School are planning to send a rocket 100,000 feet high above the New Mexican desert at the White Sands Missile Range, launching a high-altitude balloon that will carry a video camera and potentially setting a new record in the world of high school rocket science. The equipment will be reviewed by experts from NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., Winzen Engineering in San Antonio, Lockheed Martin in Fort Worth and Thiokol Propulsion from Huntsville, Ala. The high school students are enrolled in the innovative Principles of Technology aeroscience class at Fredericksburg High School. The high school students designed and built the rocket and the UT engineering students designed and constructed the balloon, aiming at a type of balloon that could potentially be used for such tasks as terrestrial telecommunications and future exploration of Mars.
Extractions: NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION [Notice 95-038] National Environmental Policy Act; Sounding Rocket Program AGENCY: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). ACTION: Notice of availability of draft supplemental environmental impact statement. SUMMARY: Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), as amended (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), the Council on Environmental Quality Regulations for Implementing the Procedural Provisions of NEPA (40 CFR parts 1500-1508), and NASA policy and procedures (14 CFR part 1216, subpart 1216.3), NASA has prepared and issued a draft supplemental environmental impact statement (DSEIS) for its Sounding Rocket Program (SRP). This DSEIS addresses the programmatic changes to the SRP that have occurred since the issuance of the 1973 final environmental impact statement (FEIS) for the NASA SRP and analyzes the site-specific environmetnal impacts at the three principal U.S. launch sites located at: Wallops Island, Virginia; Fairbanks, Alaska; and White Sands, New Mexico. DATES: Comments on the DSEIS must be provided in writing to NASA on or before July 27, 1995 or 45 days from the date of publication in the Federal Register of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's notice of availability of the Sounding Rocket DSEIS, whichever is later.
BMDO, U.S. Army, LMMS Conduct Third THAAD Flight Test interceptor Missile at White Sands Missile Range, NM, October 13. US Army ProgramExecutive Office Missile Defense Public Affairs Office Huntsville, AL http://lmms.external.lmco.com/newsbureau/pressreleases/1995/95103.html
Public Affairs News Releases/Media Advisories test personnel from the White Sands Missile Range, NM, Patriot Office Air and MissileDefense Office contact Connie Davis, Public Affairs Office in Huntsville http://www.redstone.army.mil/pub_affairs/archive/2002/05May2002/news/05131021308
Extractions: U.S. Army Program Executive Office Air and Missile Defense Public Affairs Office Huntsville, AL 35807 May 13, 2002 EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE, FL The U.S. Army Program Executive Officer for Air and Missile Defense and the Lower Tier Air and Missile Defense Project Office, Huntsville, Ala., in conjunction with the 46th Operations Group Airborne Test Branch, Eglin Air Force Base plan to conduct two Patriot missile tests. One of the primary reasons for the overland test is to obtain a woodlands/forest background for the missile. Eglin not only provides that needed setting, but is also located near the Huntsville, Ala., program office and saves taxpayers dollars by cutting down on transportations and logistics costs, said Eglin officials. Eglin officials explained that no missile debris from the overland test will exceed a 1-mile buffer impact limit line set inside the Eglin Reservation boundaries. The distance to any residential area will depend upon how close the residential area is to the Eglin Reservation boundary, but officials said the minimum distance would be 1 mile. The second test is set for May 20 at approximately 9 a.m. and involves two PATRIOT missiles live fires conducted over the Gulf of Mexico. The two missions will use one PATRIOT Guidance Enhanced Missile (GEM) against an MQM-107 drone and a PATRIOT Advanced Capabability-2 (PAC-2) missile against a PATRIOT Omnidirectional Target Aerial-TOW (POTA-TOW) Target.
Global Beat: Thaad Intercepts Hera Target News Release Office Of The Assistant Secretary Of Defense (Public Affairs) June10 Missile in a flight test at the White Sands Missile Range, NM. http://www.nyu.edu/globalbeat/usdefense/DoD061099.html
Extractions: The Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) and the U.S. Army announced today a successful intercept with a target by the Theater High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile in a flight test at the White Sands Missile Range, N.M. The intercept, which took place at 7:19 a.m. (EDT), occurred over the central portion of the national missile range. The Hera target, which simulated a Scud ballistic missile such as those seen during Operation Desert Storm, was destroyed on impact. This test was THAAD's first successful intercept of a ballistic missile. All THAAD elements participated, demonstrating integrated performance of the entire system. Today's test was the tenth in a planned series of 13 Program Definition and Risk Reduction (PDRR) flight tests to verify the THAAD prototype design and performance of the system components. THAAD uses technologies developed in earlier BMDO programs. It is the first weapon system developed specifically to defend against theater ballistic missiles. The THAAD system will provide upper tier defense for the Army's two-tier theater missile defense concept. The higher altitude and theater-wide protection offered by THAAD will provide more protection of larger theater areas than lower-tier systems alone. THAAD is being designed to defend against both medium- and long-range ballistic missiles. THAAD is a completely integrated weapon system consisting of radars; a battle management, command, control, communication and intelligence (BM/C3I) segment; launchers and missiles.
Army Public Affairs Aerial Requests. COMREL Awards MOI. FAQ. Public Affairs Contacts. legal Officer fromthe Office of the an option for inclusion of White Sands Missile Range, NM The http://www.army.mil/ocpa/
Residential Communities For Fort Bliss- Press Release CONTACT Public Affairs Office Bldg 15, Slater Road Fort Bliss, TX 79916 (915 thissolicitation was an option for inclusion of White Sands Missile Range, NM The http://www.bliss.army.mil/PAO/PressReleases-ResidentialCommunities.htm
Extractions: ATZC-CGP@bliss.army.mil Army Announces Residential Communities Initiative Partner for Fort Bliss, Texas ARMY ANNOUNCES RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITIES INITIATIVE PARTNER FOR FORT BLISS, TEXAS May 11, 2004 Today, the Army announced its selection of GMH/AB/Centex Military Communities, LLC (GMH/AB/Centex) to develop the Community Development and Management Plan (CDMP) for Fort Bliss, Texas as part of the Armys Residential Communities Initiative (RCI). Included in this solicitation was an option for inclusion of White Sands Missile Range, N.M. The Army intends to exercise this option and develop a joint Ft. Bliss/White Sands Missile Range RCI project. Under the RCI Program, the Army plans to privatize family housing at 34 installations, almost 71,000 family housing units, located throughout the United States. GMH/AB/Centex will work with the Army to develop the CDMP, which will serve as the blueprint for the Armys residential communities at Fort Bliss and White Sands Missile Range. Preparation of the CDMP is expected to take about six months. Following acceptance of the CDMP by the Army, Department of Defense, Office of Management and Budget, and Congress, implementation of the CDMP is expected to begin in July 2005.
Fort BlissTable Of Contents for Platoon Leaders) Public Affairs Office Soldier Retention Control Course OfficialDoD Anthrax White House Communications Agency White Sands Missile Range. http://www.bliss.army.mil/NewWeb/MyWebs/FortBlissIndexPage.htm