DVD Center - Das ONLINE Magazin: Sumuru (Sumuru, 2003) Translate this page Zum Film Der Autor Arthur Henry Sarsfield Ward alias Sax Rohmer (1883-1959), derAnfang des letzten Jahrhunderts durch seine Fu Man Chu-Romane bekannt wurde http://www.dvd-center.de/main/reviews/display.asp?id=9469&m=1
Food For Thought: Biographies Radin, Paul (Polishborn American anthropologist), 1883-1959. Radishchev, AleksandrNikolayevich (Rus. of Arthur Sarsfield Ward) (English writer), 1886-1959. http://www.junkfoodforthought.com/bio/bio_R.htm
Extractions: Raab, Julius (Austrian politician) Raabe, Wilhelm (pseud. Jakob Corvinus) (German poet, novelist) Rabanus Maurus (Frankish theologian, scholar, teacher) c.780-856 Rabaud, Henri-Benjamin (French conductor, composer) Rabaut, Paul (French Huguenot leader) Rabbula (Syrian bishop) c.350-c.435 Rabearivelo, Jean-Joseph (Malagasy poet) Rabelais, Francois (pseud. Alcofribas Nasier) (French writer) c.1483-1553 Rabener, Gottlieb Wilhelm (German satirist) Rabi'ah al'Adawiyah (Rabi'ah of Basra) (Arab mystic, poet) Rabih az-Zubayr (Muslim military leader in central Africa) d.1900 Rabi, Isidor Isaac (Australian-born American physicist) Rabinowitz, Sholem Yakov (Shalom Aleichem) (Russian humorist) Rabin, Yitzhak (Israeli general, prime min. 1974-77, 1992-95) Rabutin, Roger de (French soldier, libertine, writer) Rachel, Mlle (orig. Elisa Felix) (French actress) Rachmaninoff, Sergey Vasilyevich (Russian composer, pianist) Racine, Jean Baptiste (French dramatist, poet) Racine, Louis (French religious poet; son of Jean) Rackham, Arthur (English illustrator) Raczkiewicz, Wladyslaw (Polish politician)
Stories, Listed By Author Baker Street Round the Fire Stories, (ar) The Strand 2 1999 Arthur Conan Doyle. ROHMER,SAX; pseudonym of A. Sarsfield Ward, (18831959) (chron.) * The http://ftp.ev1.net/~homeville/msf/s178.htm
Extractions: Previous Table-of-Contents TRINCHIERI, CAMILLA (1942- ); see pseudonym Camilla T. Crespi (chron.) TRIPP, MILES (Barton) (chron.) Murder Ex Africa, (nv) , ed. Hilary Hale, London: Macmillan 1990 TRITTEN, LARRY (chron.) TROCHECK, KATHY HOGAN (chron.) TROLLOPE, ANTHONY (chron.) from Lady Anna , (ex) Good Words Dec 1864 TROTT, SUSAN (chron.)
Chronological List Baker Street Round the Fire Stories (ar) The Strand 2 1999 Arthur Conan Doyle. ROHMER,SAX; pseudonym of A. Sarsfield Ward, (18831959) (stories) The http://ftp.ev1.net/~homeville/msf/d121.htm
Extractions: Previous Table-of-Contents TREVOR, KENN (stories) TREVOR, WILLIAM ; pseudonym of William Trevor Cox (stories) TRIEM, PAUL ELLSWORTH (stories) TRIMBLE, BARBARA MARGARET (1921- ); see pseudonym B. M. Gill (stories) TRINCHIERI, CAMILLA (1942- ); see pseudonym Camilla T. Crespi (stories) TRIPP, MILES (Barton) (stories) TRITTEN, LARRY (stories) TROCHECK, KATHY HOGAN (stories) Killer Fudge (nv) Malice Domestic 4 , Carolyn G. Hart, Pocket 1995 The Family Jewels (ss) More Murder, They Wrote Love at First Byte (nv) Love and Death , ed. Carolyn Hart, Berkley Prime Crime 2001
Pacific Book Auction Galleries Sale 144 of Arthur Henry Sarsfield Ward. Brood of the WitchQueen. Cloth, later jacket.First Edition. Garden City Doubleday, Page, 1924. Rohmer (1883-1959) was the http://www.pbagalleries.com/catalogs/curcat144-7.html
Extractions: The Collection of West's Booking Agency Thursday, September 25, 1997 611. (Pulp Novels) Rawson. The Headless Lady. Dell 176. [1940]. * Rice. Yesterday's Murder. PL 253. [1942]. * Brown. The Fabulous Clipjoint. Bantam 302. [1948]. * Brown. The Screaming Mimi. Bantam 831. [1950]. * Brown. Compliments of a Fiend. Bantam 876. [1951]. * Appel. Plunder. GM 266. [1952]. * Irish. Bluebeard's Seventh Wife. PL 473. [1952]. * Irish/Bishop. Waltz Into Darkness/Scylla. Dos-a-dos. Ace D-40. [1954]. * Appel. Sweet Money Girl. GM 385. [1954]. * Brown. The Lights in the Sky are Stars. Bantam 1285. [1954]. * Brown. Star Shine. Bantam 1423. [1956]. * Brown. Rogue in Space. Bantam A1701. [1957]. * Rice. The Name is Malone. Pyramid G350. [1958]. * Huggins. 77 Sunset Strip. Dell A176. [1958]. * Woolrich. Beyond the Night. Avon T-354. [1959]. * Appel. The Funhouse. BB 345K. [1959]. * West. A Taste for Blood. Signet S1800. [1960]. * West. Bullets are my Business. Signet S1852. (Some middle pages detached.) [1960]. * West. Death on the Rocks. Signet S1883. [1961]. * Goodis. Night Squad. GM S1083. [1961]. * Rome. My Kind of Game.
Pag9c Translate this page El escritor Sax Rohmer. Sax Rohmer (1883-1959) - Verdadero nombreARTHUR HENRY Sarsfield Ward - también firmó como Michael Furey http://dreamers.com/lospulps/pag9c.html
Sax Rohmer Sax Rohmer Sax Rohmer (born Arthur Henry Sarsfield Ward, February 15, 1883 June 1, 1959) was a prolific English novelist. He is most remembered for his Fu-Manchu series of novels. P Born in http://www.abacci.com/books/authorDetails.asp?authorID=271
Literate Five-O, Part 1 movie. Fu Manchu was an evil character in the mystery novels of SaxRohmer (pseudonym of Arthur Sarsfield Ward (1883 1959)). The http://home.comcast.net/~waxtadpole/lit1.htm
Extractions: Literate Five-O, part 1 A collection of literary and clutural allusions appearing in episodes of Hawaii Five-O Because of the size of my file of literary allusions, it is necessary to break this up into more than one page. Part 1: Original Pilot Movie First Season Part 2: Second Season Part 3: Third Season Fourth Season Part 4: Fifth Season Sixth Season Seventh Season Part 5: Eighth Season Ninth Season Tenth Season Part 6: Eleventh Season Twelfth Season When Wo Fat leaves the Arcturus with fake information provided by McGarrett, the traitor Miller (Andrew Duggan) goes to the bridge and tells the captain (Wright Esser) he's ready to be paid. The captain says he will make sure Miller receives his "thirty pieces of silver." This refers, of course, to Judas Iscariot's price for turning over Jesus Christ to Pontius Pilate's forces for execution. Full Fathom Five (#1) The poem murderer Victor Reese (Kevin McCarthy) recites as the 55-gallon drum containing the latest victim's body sinks beneath the waves is a parody on a passage from Shakespeare's The Tempest, Act 1, Scene II. Reese recites: Full fathom five the widow lies
Project Gutenberg - Bibliographic Record Help on this page. Data. Title FireTongue. Author Rohmer, Sax. Author AliasWard, Arthur Sarsfield, 1883-1959. Language English. Subject Fiction. http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/1159
Extractions: H ome P ersonalize A uthor: T itle Word(s): How To F ind Advanced ... ecent Books D onate E vents ... ontacts V olunteering HO W ... ewsletters Help on this page Data Title: Fire-Tongue Author: Rohmer, Sax Author Alias: Ward, Arthur Sarsfield, 1883-1959 Language: English Subject: Fiction Subject: Mystery and detective stories LoC Class: Language and Literatures American literature Release Date: Jan 1998 Etext number: Files File Type Download File Size Plain text ibiblio.org select mirror P2P network 379 KB Plain text (zipped) ibiblio.org select mirror P2P network 143 KB If you are located outside of the U.S. you may want to download from a mirror site located near you to improve performance. Permanently select a Mirror Site If you need a special character set, try our new recode facility (experimental) Edit this entry (Project Gutenberg staff only) Most recently updated: 2004-06-04 07:00:00.
Sax Rohmer Sax Rohmer was born Arthur Henry Ward in Birmingham Rohmer s mother, Margaret Mary(Furey) Ward, was neurasthenic Rohmer adopted the name Sarsfield at the age http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/rohmer.htm
Extractions: A B C D ... Z by birthday from the calendar Credits and feedback Sax Rohmer (1883-1959) - original name ARTHUR HENRY SARSFIELD WARD - wrote also as Michael Furey Prolific English mystery writer, best known for the master criminal Dr. Fu Manchu and his opponents Denis Nayland Smith, Dr. Petrie, named after the Egyptologist Flinders Petrie, and the beautiful Kâramanéh, the source of Petrie's daydreams, whose "eyes held a challenge wholly Oriental in its appeal." In spite of Rohmer's popularity, his family lived for long periods in poverty because of the bad deals he made with publishers. "Imagine a person, tall, lean and feline, high shouldered, with a brow like Shakespeare and a face like Satan, a close-shaven skull, and long, magnetic eyes of the true cat-green. Invest him with all the cruel cunning of an entire Eastern race, accumulated in one giant intellect, with all the resources of science past and present, with all the resources, if you will, of a wealthy government - which, however, already has denied all knowledge of his existence. Imagine that awful being, and you have a mental picture of Dr Fu Manchu, the yellow peril incarnate in one man..." (from The Mystery of Dr Fu Manchu Sax Rohmer was born Arthur Henry Ward in Birmingham of Irish parents. His father, William Ward, was employed as an office clerk and eventually held the position of office manager. Rohmer's mother, Margaret Mary (Furey) Ward, was neurasthenic and increasingly dependent on alcohol. Young Sax Rohmer received no formal schooling until he was nine or ten years old, but his father probably taught his son to read. Rohmer adopted the name Sarsfield at the age of 18, impressed by his mother's alcoholic claims of being descended from a famous 17th-century Irish general Patrick Sarsfield. He later explained that the pen name came from 'sax' which was Saxon for 'blade' and 'rohmer' which meant 'roamer'.
La Camera Gialla - Sax Rohmer: Biografia Completa Translate this page Sax Rohmer (vero nome Arthur Henry Ward) nacque a mentre sua madre, Margaret Mary(Furey) Ward, soffriva di Rohmer assunse il cognome Sarsfield a 18 anni http://www.cameragialla.it/authors/rohmerbio.htm
Extractions: Il giovane Sax Rohmer non ricevette alcuna istruzione regolare fino all'età di 10 anni, anche se il padre probabilmente si preoccupò di insegnargli a leggere. Rohmer assunse il cognome Sarsfield a 18 anni, spinto dai racconti della madre alcolizzata che lo convinse ad essere il discendente del famoso generale irlandese del 17simo secolo Patrick Sarsfield. In seguito egli ebbe modo di spiegare che il suo pseudonimo derivava dal termine "sax" (equivalente sassone di "spada") e da "rohmer" (equivalente a "roamer", vagabondo). Dopo gli studi Rohmer fece i lavori più disparati: fu brevemente impiegato in una banca in Threadneedle Street, quindi impiegato alla compagnia del gas, poi inviato per un piccolo giornale locale e infine reporter per il settimanale "Commercial Intelligence". A 20 anni Rohmer comincio la sua carriera letteraria. "Inizialmente i miei interessi" dichiarò "erano rivolti all'antico Egitto, e in seguito a questa passione accumulai un'ingente biblioteca di Egittologia e letteratura dell'occulto.".
Poudre School District Libraries /All Locations Ward Alfred Charles 1891 See Ward AC Alfred Charles 1891 1 Ward Andrew 19881 Ward Andrew 1946 1980 1 Ward Arthur Sarsfield 1883 1959 See Rohmer Sax http://library.psd.k12.co.us:90/kids/10,889/search/award alan/award alan/-5,-1,0
Waukegan Public Library /All Locations 1955 2 Ward Archie 1896 See Ward Arch 1896 1955 1 Ward Archie 1896 1955 SeeWard Arch 1896 1955 1 Ward Arthur Sarsfield 1883 1959 See Rohmer Sax http://catalog.waukeganpl.org:90/kids/0,10,152/search/aWard, B. J./award b j/-5,
Waukegan Public Library /All Locations would be here Ward Arthur Sarsfield 1883 1959 See Rohmer Sax 1883 1959 1 WardDelbert 1993 1 Ward Delbert Video Recordings 1993 1 Ward Evelyn D 1978 1 http://catalog.waukeganpl.org:90/kids/0,10,889/search/d?Ward, Artemus, 1834-1867
Free EBooks - Alphabetical List - GLOBUSZ PUBLISHING Peter Mark, 17791869 Roget s Thesaurus. Rohmer, Sax, 1883-1959 AKAWard, Arthur Sarsfield, 1883-1959 Dope; Fire-Tongue; Insidious Dr http://www.globusz.com/authors_r.asp
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Tuscaloosa Public Library /All Locations Warburton Thomas 1918 1 Ward Alan 8 Ward Andrew 1990 1 Ward Andrew 1946 2000 1 WardAnnie Nigh 1970 2002 1 Ward Arthur Sarsfield 1883 1959 See Rohmer Sax http://innopac.tuscaloosa-library.org:90/kids/10,505,713,784/search/aWard, Annie
Tuscaloosa Public Library /All Locations 782.42162 War 2000 Ward Annie Nigh 1970 The making of June / Annie Ward.; Main Library;F Ward 2002 Ward Arthur Sarsfield 1883 1959 See Rohmer Sax 1883 http://innopac.tuscaloosa-library.org:90/kids/10,947,967/search/aWard, Catherine
Fu Manchu Search Engine Uk. Results: Sax Rohmer Our Price £19.99 Sax Rohmer (Arthur Henry Sarsfield Ward) ( 1883 1959 ) aka Michael Furey Search Authors Search Books Series Top Fu Manchu 1. http://www.4searchguide.co.uk/search-Fu_Manchu.htm
- Totally Useless Athlone Trivia master criminal Dr.Fu Manchu, was born Arthur Henry Ward His father, William Ward,was employed as an office Rohmer adopted Sarsfield as a middle name at the http://www.athlone.ie/DiscussionForum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=22
Tulsa City-County Library /All Locations Ward Artemus 1848 1925 The encyclopedia of food, published by Artemas Ward.; CENTRAL; 664 W21 1923 1923 Ward Arthur Sarsfield 1883 1959 See Rohmer Sax http://opac.tulsalibrary.org:90/kids/6,326/search/aWard, Brian R./award brian r/
Extractions: WORD AUTHOR TITLE SUBJECT Central Library Broken Arrow Library Brookside Library Bixby Library Collinsville Library Kendall-Whittier Library Glenpool Library Jenks Library Martin Regional Library Maxwell Park Library Nathan Hale Library Owasso Library Helmerich Library Charles Page Library Pratt Library Rudisill Regional Library Suburban Acres Library South Broken Arrow Library Schusterman-Benson Library Skiatook Library Sperry Library Hardesty Regional Library West Regional Library Library@51st Genealogy Center Kids Catalog View Entire Collection Nearby AUTHORS are: Prev Next Mark Medium Year Ward Barbara 1914 Five ideas that change the world.; CENTRAL Hitler's route to Bagdad. Prepared for the International Research Section of the Fabian Society by Barbara Ward [and others] Introd. by Leonard Woolf. Maps by J. F. Horrabin.; CENTRAL CENTRAL Nationalism and ideology [by] Barbara Ward.; CENTRAL additional entries