The Spiritwalk Library: Project Gutenberg of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of the Census VariousVeiller, Bayard, 18691943 Vom Kriege, Translator W. Blaydes, Translator
Extractions: Spiritwalk Library Project Gutenberg Project Gutenberg is the Internet's oldest producer of FREE electronic books (eBooks or eTexts). It intends to put as many books on-line as possible and to gather these on line works into one central location. It is a terrific service of the University of Illinois. Project Gutenberg is the brainchild of Michael Hart, who in 1971 decided that it would be a really good idea if lots of famous and important texts were freely available to everyone in the world. Since then, he has been joined by hundreds of volunteers who share his vision. Now, more than thirty years later, Project Gutenberg has the following figures (as of November 8th 2002): 203 New eBooks released during October 2002, 1975 New eBooks produced in 2002 (they were 1240 in 2001) for a total of 6267 Total Project Gutenberg eBooks. 119 eBooks have been posted so far by Project Gutenberg of Australia
Editors And Translators N-Z I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. W. X. Y. Z. V. Veiller, Bayard, 18691943Vom Kriege, Translator. WWL Editors and translators Index. Start. A. B. C. D. E.F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P.
Templeman Library-Melville Collection-Theatre Programmes There is no mention of a year of production author Veiller, Bayard, Mr. on Tuesday,December 4th, 1934 author Denny, Ernest, Mr, 1869 1943 (dramatist).
Ve - New General Catalog Of Old Books & Authors Charles VEIL {US} (M 1896 ?) Adventure s A Wench a 1934 Anthony Veiller {US?}(M 1903 Jun 23 - 1965 Jun 27) Bayard Veiller {US} (M 1869 - 1943 Jun 16
Extractions: Follow these links for explanations of the of this catalog, its condition of use , the dates , the general abbreviations , the language abbreviations , the nationality abbreviations electronic library codes used, and for advice on buying or borrowing selling or valuing old books. If you have any corrections, additions or other suggestions, please send them to GR h h ... RI CE) Normandy VENNING (see: Hugh Wallwyn Shepheard WA nee nee )Ashurst VENTURI (F: c1826 - 1893 Mar 16) Capini VEQUIN (see: (Elizabeth) Vernon QU BO TTOMLEY) Alessandro VERALDO (M: ? - after 1949) Sirenetta [It?-1923] VERAX (see: Nathaniel GO CR BR WA TSON) VERECUNDUS (M: ? - 552) John Standish Surtees Prendergast VEREKER, 6th Viscount GORT (M: 1886 Jul - 1946 Mar 31) V V VERESAYEV / VERESSAYEV (see: Vikentii Vikentievich SM IDOVICH) Rosemary (Isabel Baird) VEREY, nee SANDILANDS (F: 1918 Dec 21 - 2001 May 31) Giovanni VERGA (M: 1840 Sep 2 - 1922 Jan 27) Cavelleria Rusticana... [It-1880-?] (tr D H LAWRENCE) [1928] I Malavoglia [It-1881] Mastro-Don Gesualdo [It-1889] (tr D H LAWRENCE) [1923] Little Novels Of Sicily [It-?] (tr D H LAWRENCE) [1925] VERGIL (see: Publius Vergilius MA DU VEYRIER) Jules (Gabriel) VERNE (M: 1828 Feb 8 - 1905 Mar 24) W Q D MA ... CA MPBELL) Horatio VESTER (M: 1906 Aug 25 - ?) Eugene VETROMILE (M: 1819 - 1881)
U. Of Western Ontario /All Locations 008 740306s1910 00000 eng wnam0 010 10007560 035 791049273 039 0 eKP 040 XXX beng099 00 HD7293.A3V4 099 00 HD7293.A3V4 100 1 Veiller, Lawrence, d18721959., Ga{226}etan, 1951-/aveillette ga
Extractions: Search History) AUTHOR: palestrina giovanni pierluigi da 1525 1594 AUTHOR: purcell henry 1659 1695 AUTHOR: California Commission on the Status of Women KEYWORD: Geochemistry. KEYWORD: Chemins, no. 3. KEYWORD: Organ music. KEYWORD: Orchestral music. KEYWORD: Fisheries Economic aspects (Clear Search History) (End Search Session) Search history function requires JavaScript
U. Of Western Ontario /All Locations Mark Year Entries Veiller Bayard 1869 1943 Internet 1997 1 Veiller Lawrence1872 1959 2 Veiller Lawrence Turnure See Veiller Lawrence 1872 1959 1, Ga{226}etan, 1951-/aveillette ga
Extractions: Search History) AUTHOR: palestrina giovanni pierluigi da 1525 1594 AUTHOR: purcell henry 1659 1695 AUTHOR: California Commission on the Status of Women KEYWORD: Geochemistry. KEYWORD: Chemins, no. 3. KEYWORD: Organ music. KEYWORD: Orchestral music. KEYWORD: Fisheries Economic aspects (Clear Search History) (End Search Session) AUTHOR TITLE SUBJECT MEDICAL SUBJECT WORD KEYWORD CALL NO Brescia University College Library Business Library Choral/Band/Orchestral Curriculum Resource Centre Education Library Huron University College Library King's University College Library Law Library Music Library St. Peter's Seminary Library The D. B. Weldon Library Western Libraries Information and Media Studies Int'l Centre for Olympic Studies Pride Library Electronic Resources Journals View Entire Collection Nearby AUTHORS are: Prev Next Mark Year Entries Veiller Bayard 1869 1943 Internet Veiller Lawrence 1872 1959
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona /All Locations The Trial Of Mary Dugan; A Melodrama Of New York Life, In Three Acts, PS3543.E27T7 ; Books/4th floorNOT CHECKD OUT 1928 Veiller Bayard 1869 1943 Within The, Anthony, 1903-1965/aveil
Extractions: The Rules Of Musical Interpretation In The Baroque Era (17th-18th Centuries), Common To All Instrume Books/4th floor:NOT CHECKD OUT Rules of musical interpretation in the Baroque era (17th-18th centuries) See Veilhan Jean Claude Regles De Linterpretation Musicale A Lepoque Baroque Xviie Xviiie S English Veiller Anthony 1903 1965