New York State Data Center, Empire State Development population and HOUSING UNIT COUNTS The US CensUS Bureau is issuing revisions to the total population, group quarters population, total hoUSing units, and
Extractions: Demographic Profiles (DP2, DP3, DP4) Census 2000 contains a wealth of information for New York State and its sub-areas. This section contains data from and information about this census. We will be adding to this area as information becomes available. Hopefully, we have included the data that you are looking for. If you need information that is not included here, please mail us and we will do our best to help you.
Census 2000 Toolbox population and hoUSing inquiries in US decennial censUSes, 1790 1970. 200 Years of US CensUS Taking population and HoUSing Questions, 1790-1990 (C 3.2 T93).
Extractions: Government Documents Round Table Government Information Technology Committee (GITCO) GITCO Home Census 2000 Toolbox > Historical Censuses Census 2000 FactFinder DVDs/CDs Other Data Sources ... Working with Data/Maps Historical Population and Housing Items on the General Schedule: 1790-2000 [U. of Michigan] Questionnaires: Census Index online index to Census publications from Ohio State University. Currently includes publications from 1790-1945. Based on Census Bureau publications, Dubester and the Monthly Catalog. Decennial Census Information at Columbia University Libraries Guide to general census monographs, geography and maps, obtaining original census schedules and guides to each individual census from 1790-2000 Guide to Historical Population and Housing Census Statistics and Maps for Small Area Geography: 1910-1990 [Univ. of North Carolina-Chapel Hill] Polly-Alida Farrington. Subject Index to the 1980 Census of Population and Housing. Specialized Information Products: Clifton PArk, NY, 1985. Michael R. Lavin, Jane Weintrop, and Cynthia Cornelius. Subject Index to the 1990 Census of Population and Housing. Epoch Books: Kenmore, NY, 1997.
Martin County QuickFacts From The US Census Bureau population, demographic, and housing information from the 1990 Census. Link to Tiger map of the county.
U.S.Census - Research Guide Location Van Pelt Library Reference Stacks HA214 .C66 1996. Bohme, Frederick G. 200 years of US censUS taking population and hoUSing questions, 17901990.
Extractions: Catalog search in ... Keyword Relevancy Title Title Keyword Author Author Keyword Subject Subject Keyword Journal Title U.S.Census - Research Guide Printer-Friendly Page Census statistics have been collected in the United States every ten years since 1790. The Van Pelt Library has the major publications from each census. They are listed in Franklin, with format and locations noted. Most of the older printed census materials can be found on the fourth floor of the Van Pelt Library at the call number HA 201 [decennial year]. Select a decennial year a guide to the decennial census. Guides to the Decennial Census Measuring America: The Decennial Censuses From 1790 to 2000 . (online version). Washington, D.C. : U.S. Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, U.S. Census Bureau, 2002. Location: [Van Pelt Library Stacks: HA37.U55 M43 2002] United States. Bureau of the Census. Bureau of the Census catalog of publications, 1790-1972
Marion County QuickFacts From The US Census Bureau population, demographic, and housing information from the 1990 Census. Link to Tiger map of the county.
Data From The Census Bureau - UNCG Jackson Library population HoUSing Unit Estimates population and hoUSing estimates since the last decennial censUS (1990). Sixty-five plUS in the US - current statistical
Extractions: Government Data Population Data ... North Carolina Census Information The first two sites above are the new and more powerful Census access sites which provide integrated data from the 1990 Decennial Census, the ongoing American Community Survey, the 1997 Economic Census, and the 2000 Decennial Census! Both sites link to a comprehensive Subject Index of links. This new approach to providing data access is able to integrate geographic and mapping information directly with the statistical tables of the various census files. Results can be both graphic and tabular, and some information is available at the TRACT level. The third site is a multipurpose North Carolina census site. Popular Sites
Archive Of Census Related Products (ACRP) Page boundary files based on TIGER 1992 files containing US censUS geographies. STF demographic data files containing population and hoUSing characteristics from
Extractions: Citation Credits Introduction Boundary Files ... Looking for historic U.S. census data? Try IPUMS DDViewer DDCarto Geocorr Welcome to the Archive of Census Related Products (ARCP), one of several efforts to support the Population, Land Use, and Emissions (PLUE) Data Project at CIESIN. This archive is a collection of georeferenced data files containing census information that spans the United States and its territories. This coverage will expand to include Mexico and Canada, establishing a North American repository for population, land use, and emissions data and integrated data products. These data files are value-added products derived from the original 1990 census files compiled by the U.S. Bureau of the Census. The major components are: TIGER - boundary files based on TIGER 1992 files containing U.S. census geographies. STF - demographic data files containing population and housing characteristics from the 1990 Summary Tape File STF3A and STF1B. STP - migration files derived from the STP28 Special Tabulation for 1990 which show the movement of persons by county.
1-in-1000 Sample U.S. Census Files Census of population and housing United States 1in-1000 Sample. Data and documentation files are available for the following years
2000 US Census Results population and HoUSing 2000 US CensUS Results for Canal Winchester. 2 Mile radiUS, Waterloo and High Street (Downtown). 3 Mile radiUS
Extractions: Visitor's Guide Attractions Shopping Hiking Antiques ... Hometown News Population and Housing 2000 US Census Results for Canal Winchester 2 Mile radius, Waterloo and High Street (Downtown) 3 Mile radius, Waterloo and High Street (Downtown) 5 Mile radius, Waterloo and High Street (Downtown) Population and Housing Projections out to 2025 ... Income and Housing Census Characteristics 2 Mile Radius from Waterloo and High Street 2000 Census Results Number of People 2000 Census Percent Population Characteristics Total Population Group Quarter Population Male Female White African American American Indian/Aleutian Asian Other Race Hispanic Population Under 18 Years Population 65 Years and Over Family Characteristics Total Families Single Fathers Single Mothers Household Characteristics Total Housing Units Total Households (Vacancy Rate) Households Occupied by Owners Households Occupied by Renters Single Occupant Households (% Single Occupant) People Over 65 Years Living Alone Average Household Size Average Household Size Owner Occupied Units Average Household Size Renter Occupied Units Census Characteristics 3 Mile Radius from Waterloo and High Street 2000 Census Results Number of People 2000 Census Percent Population Characteristics
CENSUS Record Manufacturing page from the US CensUS Bureau Manufactures, CensUS of Manufactures, and CensUS of Mining population and HoUSing Unit Estimates Full Record
Census 2000 - Eagle Source US CensUS Bureau, CensUS 2000 Redistricting Data (Public Law 94171) Summary File, Matrices PL1, PL2, PL3, and PL4. Eagle - population and HoUSing. , %. 2000/new_page_18.htm
Extractions: serving local governments in Eagle, Grand, Jackson, Pitkin and Summit counties HOME Town of Eagle, CO Tables: Race, Hispanic or Latino, and Age Population and Housing Housing Occupancy and Tenure Eagle - Race, Hispanic or Latino , and Age All Ages 18 yrs and over RACE Total population One race White Black or African American American Indian and Alaska Native Asian Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Some other race Two or more races HISPANIC OR LATINO AND RACE Total population Hispanic or Latino (of any race) Not Hispanic or Latino One race White Black or African American American Indian and Alaska Native Asian Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Some other race Two or more races (X) Not applicable Matrices PL1, PL2, PL3, and PL4. Eagle - Population and Housing Total population SEX AND AGE Male Female Under 5 years 5 to 9 years 10 to 14 years 15 to 19 years 20 to 24 years 25 to 34 years 35 to 44 years 45 to 54 years 55 to 59 years 60 to 64 years 65 to 74 years 75 to 84 years 85 years and over Median age (years) (X) 18 years and over Male Female 21 years and over 62 years and over 65 years and over Male Female RACE One race White Black or African American American Indian and Alaska Native Asian Asian Indian Chinese Filipino Japanese Korean Vietnamese Other Asian Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Native Hawaiian Guamanian or Chamorro Samoan Other Pacific Islander Some other race Two or more races Race alone or in combination with one or more other races
Polk County QuickFacts From The US Census Bureau population, demographic, and housing information from the 1990 Census. Link to Tiger map of the county.
New York State Library: U.S. Census The US CensUS Bureau and its predecessors have recorded the changing face of America the 10 year censUS, which provides data on population and hoUSing;
Extractions: New York State Library U.S. Census Collection Census Publications State Library's Census Holdings Finding Aids ... Online Access to Census Data Related Page: Information about the 1930 Federal Census Microfilm The New York State Library, as a Federal regional depository library, receives most publications of the United States Census Bureau. The U.S. Census Bureau and its predecessors have recorded the changing face of America, compiling statistics and data about our nation's demography. The first decennial census in 1790 was contained in one small book; the 1990 census filled hundreds of volumes, CD's and numerous tape files which hold unpublished information. As the volume of data increased over the past two centuries, the level of detail available to the researcher also greatly expanded. Comparisons of data from year to year may therefore vary in feasibility. The Census Bureau publishes many different types of information. These include: the 10 year census, which provides data on population and housing
Planning And Development US CensUS American FactFinder, US CensUS Street Address Locator, CensUS 2000 Monroe County population and HoUSing Summary File 1 (pdf 26 Kbytes),
SLCL Government Documents - Your Government Online - Federal: Census of censUS terminology USed in the 1990 CensUS of population and HoUSing CENSUS INFORMATION. US CensUS Bureau Web Site Provides access to censUS publications and
Lynn County QuickFacts From The US Census Bureau population, demographic, and housing information from the 1990 Census. Link to Tiger map of the county.