MSN Encarta - Torquato Tasso Translate this page Torquato Tasso (1544-1595), poeta italiano, considerado el más destacado del renacimientoitaliano, y autor del extenso poema épico Jerusalén liberada.
MSN Encarta - Resultados De La Búsqueda - Torquato Tasso Translate this page Torquato Tasso (1544-1595), poeta italiano, considerado el más destacado del renacimientoitaliano, y autor del extenso poema épico Jerusalén liberada. 2.
Letteratura Italiana: Il Cinquecento 500 (1469-1527); Guicciardini, Francesco (1483-1540); Tasso, Torquato (1544-1595).
Torquato Tasso Torquato Tasso. Torquato Tasso, 15441595, Italian poet. Tasso camefrom a noble and literary family, and received all the advantages
Extractions: Torquato Tasso, 1544-1595, Italian poet. Tasso came from a noble and literary family, and received all the advantages of such a station, including receiving and education with the son of the Duke of Urbino. While studying law in Padua in the 1560s, he was introduced to some of the major figures in sixteenth-century European intellectual life, including the critic Sperone Speroni and the French poet Pierre Ronsard. He was also exposed to the classical literature then at the center of literary culture, especially Aristotle . (His Discorsi dell'arte poetica [published in 1587], for instance, was an influential defense of the "unities" supposedly derived from Aristotle's Poetics Like his father, Tasso was a courtier poet. During the 1570s, while serving in the court of Duke Alfonso II d'Este in Ferrara, he wrote several of his best-known works: a pastoral drama, L'Aminta (1573); and, most important, Gerusalemme liberata (published 1581). This latter, one of the greatest epic poems of the Renaissance, describes the Christian conquest of Jerusalem during the First Crusade. After the completion of his great work, Tasso suffered from mental instability (manifested as a persecution complex), and from 1579 to 1586 the Duke of Ferrara had him committed to the hospital of Santa Anna. While there, he revised
Biblioteca Digital De Obras Raras E Especiais Translate this page Busca livre. OK. Busca simples. OK Título Autor Ano. Busca avançada. OBRA.Autor, Tasso, Torquato, 1544-1595. Título, APOLOGIA DEL S. TORQVATO Tasso.
Extractions: OBRA Autor TASSO, Torquato, 1544-1595 Título APOLOGIA DEL S. TORQVATO TASSO. IN DIFESA DELLA SVA GIERVSALEMME LIBERATA Con alcune altre Opere, parte in [...] parte in difesa dell'Orlando Furioso dell'Ariosto. Della Gierusalemme istessa, e dell'Amadigi del Tasso Padre. I titoli tutti si leggono nella seguente facciata. CON PRIVILEGIO. Ano Período Século XVI Imprenta Francesco Osa, Mantoua, 1585 Descrição 69 fls. nao nums., 219 p.
Torquato Tasso Page Child of courtier poet and Porzia deRossi, Torquato Tasso (15441595)was born in Sorrento. His life was one of torment and wandering.
Extractions: SHORT BIOGRAPHY sample audio Child of courtier poet and Porzia deRossi, Torquato Tasso (1544-1595) was born in Sorrento. His life was one of torment and wandering. He was sensitive, introspective and melancholy. He soon came into contact with the main institutions (court, church and academia) and was symbolic of the intellectual, lay courtier. As in life as in his works, Tasso experienced the full range of the crisis of Renaissance life from the fascination for property to the need to adhere to religious and counter-reformation values. Apart from his masterpiece, Gerusalemme liberata, he wrote a large number of Rime , a pastoral fable (Aminta), a tragedy (Re Torrismondo) , but his genre remained that of the epic. Apart from Gerusalemme, he in fact wrote a remake, Gerusalemme conquistata. THE TASSO'S TEXTS ON LINE LiberLiber
Extractions: Autor: Tasso, Torquato (1544-1595) Título: Aminta / Juan de Jáuregui, traducido. de Torquato Tasso; edición, introducción y notas de Joaquín Arce Editor: Madrid : Castalia, 1970 Descripción física: 127 p. : [6] il. b/n ; 18 cm. Serie: Clásicos Castalia ; 27 Depósito Legal: V 3573-1970 Materias: Teatro. italiano-S.XVI Autores: Jáuregui, Juan de. Arce, Joaquín
Torquato Tasso Sonette An Lucrezia Bendidio Translate this page Torquato Tasso (1544-1595). Sonette. an Lucrezia Bendidio.(Aus dem Italienischen von Paul Graf Thun-Hohenstein).
Extractions: Torquato Tasso (1544-1595) Sonette an Lucrezia Bendidio (Aus dem Italienischen von Paul Graf Thun-Hohenstein) Mein Leben stand im heiteren April: (II) So tun war süß, so anschaun wunderbar. (III) Die Stirn umwellte goldne Lockenflut, (IV) Die ich so über alles liebte, schritt (V) ... Wer wachen Geistes ist, der fühlt das Leid: (XXIV) Schildert das Alter, in dem er sich verliebte,
Extractions: var keep_domain = 0; document.onkeypress = ''; google_ad_client = "pub-7213886436782633"; google_alternate_ad_url = ""; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 60; google_ad_format = "468x60_as"; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 60; google_ad_format = "468x60_as"; google_color_border = "A8DDA0"; google_color_bg = "EBFFED"; google_color_link = "0000CC"; google_color_url = "008000"; google_color_text = "6F6F6F"; //> Hello. Login or Register Torquato Tasso next poet I was from Italy, and I lived from 1544-1595. Print or Buy my poetry? View comments Add to favorites? Torquato Tasso was born in Sorrento, near Naples in Italy, in 1544. As a young man he was educated by Jesuits at the Court of the Dukes of Urbino and later studied law and philosophy at the University of Padua. He completed his studies at the University of Bologna, from where he later received an invitation, in 1565, to join the brilliant court of the Este at Ferrara, where he remained for many years. There he wrote a number of beautiful, ltrical poems. He had already achieved fame prior to this when, aged just 18, he published his chivlaric poem Rinaldo in 1562.
WIEM: Tasso Torquato Zapraszamy do korzystania z nowej, codziennie aktualizowanej i wzbogacanej w nowetresci edycji WIEM 2004. Literatura, Wlochy Tasso Torquato (15441595).
Extractions: Tasso Torquato By³ autorem wielu utworów poetyckich, poematu heroiczno-religijnego Rinaldo (1562) i dramatu pasterskiego Amyntas (1573, w polskim przek³adzie J.A. Morsztyna ). Swój najs³ynniejszy utwór, poemat odwo³uj±cy siê do wzorca ¶redniowiecznego eposu rycerskiego i do tradycji staro¿ytnych, pisa³ 10 lat. Dzie³o, znane pod dwojakim tytu³em: Jerozolima wyzwolona oraz Gofred abo Jeruzalem wyzwolona , opowiada dzieje pierwszej wyprawy krzy¿owej, gdy rycerstwo chrze¶cijañskie pod wodz± Gofreda de Bouillon oblega³o i zdoby³o Jerozolimê . W±tki romansowe wplecione w utwór, sposób ukazania postaci kobiecych i fantastyczne t³o przys³oni³y historyczne j±dro poematu; element liryczny wzi±³ górê nad epickim. Ca³o¶æ przepe³niona jest atmosfer± niepokoju, bezsi³y i zagubienia. Wyrafinowany jêzyk poematu i powaga monumentalnych scen stanowi³y zapowied¼ nadchodz±cej epoki baroku. Jeszcze przed ukazaniem siê dzie³a jego wersja rêkopi¶mienna spotka³a siê z surow± ocen± krytyki i Inkwizycji; to odstraszy³o Tassa od wydania utworu; napisa³ nawet pozbawion± w±tku romansowego karykaturê poematu
Zanica Tasso Translate this page Torquato Tasso 1544-1595. Come è noto, il Tasso fu a Bergamo solodue volte durante la sua peregrinosa esistenza. La prima volta
Extractions: la seconda volta "capita" nel 1587, Torquato ha 43 anni, il suo soggiorno sarà di quattro mesi, periodo breve ma intenso di lavori, corregge e rielabora il Galealto mutato nel re Torrismondo, Il Flordante del padre, rielabora i discorsi dell'arte poetica nei discorsi del poema eroico.
To His Mistress In Absence, By Torquato Tasso by Torquato Tasso (15441595). AR from thy dearest self, the scope Ofall my aims, I waste in secret flames; And only live because I hope.
Torquato Tasso Torquato Tasso, (15441595) italian poet of the 16th century, best known for hispoem La Gerusalemme liberata ( Jerusalem Delivered ; 1575), in which he
Torquato Tasso Note at Abacci the primary listing for Torcato Tasso is Torquato Tasso. TorcatoTasso, (15441595) italian poet of the 16th century, best known for his poem
Extractions: Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Noun Torquato Tasso - Italian poet who wrote an epic poem about the capture of Jerusalem during the First Crusade (1544-1595) Tasso poet - a writer of poems (the term is usually reserved for writers of good poetry) Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms Some words with "Torquato Tasso" in the definition: Tasso
IPac2.0 More by this author. Tasso, Torquato, 15441595. Subjects. Godfrey, of Bouillon,ca. by author Tasso, Torquato, 1544-1595. by title Jerusalem delivered
""Poetas De La A A La Z: Letra T" Translate this page GITANJALI (Selección), en inglés. Selección. Torquato Tasso (1544-1595).2 poemas. Joan TEIXIDOR (1913-1992). Fluvià, La font, Testament,.
Extractions: T TABLADA José Juan TEIXIDOR Joan ... TORRES, Marius José Juan TABLADA Presentación Un día, Li-Po, El jarro de flores Veronique TADJO Ppresentación y poemas: en francés Rabindranath TAGORE GITANJALI (Selección), en inglés. Selección Torquato TASSO 2 poemas Joan TEIXIDOR Fluvià, La font, Testament, M´he envellit, El Príncep... Jan THEUNINCK (Zonnebeke, Bélgica, 1954) Presentación Gedichte - poems - poèmes Varios poemas (en francés) En alemán: Papirac "SHOA" Stalag Zehn B" "TYNE COT" ... Yperit Dylan THOMAS Biografía Presentación In my craft or sullen art And death shall have no dominion ... Miguel TORGA (Adolfo Correia da Rocha) (S. Martinho de Anta, Trás-os-Montes, 1907- 1995) Biobibliografía Cuatro poemas Ciganos Mar ... «Unamuno» (tr. de A. Crespo) «Alfonso de Albuquerque» «Acercamientos a la obra de M. Torga» Marius TORRES (Lleida, 1910-Sant Quirze Safaja, 1942) Biografía Bibliografía Cuatro poemas Cuatro poemas Diego de TORRES VILLARROEL Antología Georg TRAKL (Salzburgo 1887-1914) «Canción devota» Cinco poemas (Tr. de José Luis Arántegui):
TORQUATO TASSO Translate this page Biografia. Torquato Tasso (1544-1595). Figlio del poeta Bernardo Tasso, a diciottoanni esordì con il poema Rinaldo, dedicato al cardinale Luigi DEste.
Extractions: Figlio del poeta Bernardo Tasso, a diciotto anni esordì con il poema Rinaldo, dedicato al cardinale Luigi DEste. Si trasferì alla corte di Ferrara, dove condusse una vita intensa e di grande attività artistica. E in questo periodo che, tra laltro, finì il suo capolavoro: la Gerusalemme Liberata. A causa del suo particolare carattere, pieno di insicurezze e contraddizioni, fu colto da uno squilibrio mentale, che lo portò ad una vita solitaria, viaggiando attraverso lItalia, fino a che, tornato a Ferrara, il duca Alfonso lo fece rinchiudere nellospedale di S. Anna, dove rimase per sette anni. Liberato per intervento della Corte di Mantova, riprese i suoi viaggi in Italia, finché morì a Roma nel monastero di SantOnofrio. Questa sensibilità così spiccata e talvolta addirittura malata, si riflette nelle sue opere, liriche e appassionate, anche nella tragedia e nellepos. Periodi storici Preistoria Roma antica Medioevo Rinascimento ... Donne nella storia Indici biografie attrici e attori registe e registi Personaggi storici donne nella letteratura var site="s16asteron"