Gabinete De História History Of Greek Art, A. Tarbell, Frank Bigelow, 18531920
Extractions: Biblioteca e Documentos Gabinete de História Este espaço destina-se a disponibilizar para download obras e documentos de interesse histórico, trabalhos de investigação ou estudo, apontamentos para disciplinas do ensino secundário ou superior. As ligações poderão ser internas ao Gabinete de História A maior parte dos textos electrónicos são ainda em língua inglesa, sobretudo disponibilizados pelo Project Gutenberg que está a publicar textos, anteriores, normalmente, ao ano de 1923. Em relação a textos em língua portuguesa (em todas as suas variantes) só será possível desenvolver e alargar este espaço com a sua cooperação. Se quiser contribuir para o enriquecimento deste espaço envie os seus trabalhos ou obras que queira ver disponibilizadas para: Os trabalhos deverão estar devidamente identificados. Assim que possível o seu documento será disponibilizado neste espaço para download. O Gabinete de História não pretende por em causa os direitos de autor nos documentos que aqui disponibiliza de forma gratuita. Se tiver conhecimento que alguma das obras aqui disponibilizadas viola direitos de autor agradecemos que nos envie um e-mail. A B C D ... Z Título da Obra Autor Língua Fonte Anabasis Xenophon, 431-355 BC
History Of Greek Art, A History Of Greek Art, A Tarbell, Frank Bigelow, 18531920 Frank Bigelow, 1853-1920 Tarbell
Nietz Collection Personal Names Browse for Nietz Collection 2 items Tapper, Thomas, 1864 2 items Tarbell, Frank Bigelow, 1853-1920. 2 items Tarbell, HS (Horace Sumner), 1838-1904.
New Titles Cataloged. Brown University Library.< Voth. Chicago, 1905. GN2 .F4, Tarbell, FB (Frank Bigelow), 18531920,Three Etruscan painted sarcophagi, by FB Tarbell .. Chicago, 1917.,GR,GT
EBOOKS - ALPHABETICAL LIST ~ T Talmage, James E. Tao, YuanMing. Tarbell, Frank Bigelow, 18531920. Tarkington,Booth, 1869-1946. Tasso, Torquato, 1544-1595. Tavernier, E. Edouard.
Free EBooks - Alphabetical List - GLOBUSZ PUBLISHING Blossom Shangrila. Tarbell, Frank Bigelow, 1853-1920 History OfGreek Art, A. Tarkington, Booth, 1869-1946 Alice Adams; Beasley s
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Book People: Additions To The IPL Online Texts Collection 01-25-02 and travel Tarbell, Frank Bigelow, 18531920. Aran Islands Dramatists, Irish19th centuryJourneysIrelandAran Islands AranIslands (Ireland),1.html
Tacitus, Cornelius Tao Hua Yuan Ji Peach Blossom Shangrila. http//, txt,htm-chi.Tarbell, Frank Bigelow, 1853-1920, 1006116. History Of Greek Art, A.
Extractions: Tacitus, Cornelius Tacitus On Germany txt,htm-eng Tagore, Rabindranath, 1861-1941 Chitra, a play in one act txt,htm-eng Tagore, Rabindranath, 1861-1941 Hungry Stones And Other Stories, The txt,htm-eng Taine, Hippolyte, 1828-1893 Ancient Regime, The txt,htm-eng Taine, Hippolyte, 1828-1893 French Revolution, The Volume 1 txt,htm-eng Taine, Hippolyte, 1828-1893 French Revolution, The Volume 2 txt,htm-eng Taine, Hippolyte, 1828-1893 French Revolution, The Volume 3 txt,htm-eng Taine, Hippolyte, 1828-1893 Modern Regime, The Volume 1 txt,htm-eng Taine, Hippolyte, 1828-1893 Modern Regime, The Volume 2 txt,htm-eng Talbot, Frederick Arthur Ambrose, 1880- Aeroplanes And Dirigibles Of War txt,htm-eng Tao, YuanMing Peach Blossom Shangri-la: Tao Hua Yuan Ji txt,htm-eng Tao, YuanMing Tao Hua Yuan Ji: Peach Blossom Shangri-la
Kipling, Rudyard, 1865-1936 History Of Friedrich II Of Prussia Volume 21. http//, txt,htmeng.Tarbell, Frank Bigelow, 1853-1920, 1006116. History Of Greek Art, A.
Extractions: Kipling, Rudyard, 1865-1936 Habitation Enforced, An txt,htm-eng Sterling, Bruce Hacker Crackdown, The: law and disorder on the electronic frontier txt,htm-eng Hackers, the Hackers' Dictionary Of Computer Jargon, The txt,htm-eng Levy, Steven Hackers: heroes of the computer revolution txt,htm-eng Kamban, Gudmundur, 1888-1945 Hadda Padda txt,htm-eng Pound, Ezra and Fenollosa, Ernest Hagoromo (1916) msr,plm,htm-eng Waley, Arthur Hagoromo (1922) msr,plm,htm-eng Tyler, Royall Hagoromo (1978) msr,plm,htm-eng O'Neill, Eugene, 1888-1953 Hairy Ape, The txt,htm-eng Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn, 1810-1865 Half A Life-Time Ago txt,htm-eng MacGrath, Harold, 1871-1932 Half A Rogue txt,htm-eng Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn, 1810-1865 Half-Brothers, The txt,htm-eng Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616
ResAnet Results Summary RecordTarbell, FB (Frank Bigelow), 18531920. A history of Greek art withan introductory chapter on art in Egypt and Mesopotamia / by FB Tarbell.
Extractions: Robertson, Martin, Art historian. A history of Greek art / Martin Robertson. London : Cambridge University Press, 1975. Charbonneaux, Jean, 1895-1969. Archaic Greek art (620-480 B.C.) / [by] Jean Charbonneaux, Roland Martin [and] François Villard. [Translated from the French by James Emmons [and] Robert Allen. New York : G. Braziller, [1971]. Tarbell, F. B. (Frank Bigelow), 1853-1920. A history of Greek art : with an introductory chapter on art in Egypt and Mesopotamia / by F.B. Tarbell. New York : Macmillan Co., 1913, c1896. Charbonneaux, Jean, 1895-1969. Grèce archaïque, 620-480 avant J.-C. / Jean Charbonneaux, Roland Martin, François Villard. [Paris] : Gallimard, c1968. Harrison, Jane Ellen, 1850-1928. Introductory studies in Greek art. London, T. F. Unwin, 1885. Matz, Friedrich, 1890-1974. La Crète et la Grèce primitive, prolégomènes à l'histoire de l'art grec. [Traduit de l'allemand par Jean-Pierre Simon]. Paris, A. Michel [c1962]
LISTA DE AUTORES Rabindranath, 18611941 Taine, Hippolyte, 1828-1893 Talbot, Frederick Arthur Ambrose,1880- Tao, YuanMing Tarbell, Frank Bigelow, 1853-1920 Tarkington, Booth
Extractions: Gift of Arthur Stanley Pease; received: 1964. Arthur Stanley Pease (1881-1964) was a classics professor at the University of Illinois, Amherst, and Harvard. From 1927 to 1932 he was president of Amherst College. He was also an amateur botanist. Organized into the following series: Chiefly letters to Pease from many correspondents together with some drafts and carbon copies of outgoing letters, some family correspondence, and letters of others, and miscellaneous writings by Pease and others. Correspondence reflects Pease's research interests in the classics, professional activities (including the American Philological Association), and botanical interests. Series: I. Letters to Arthur Stanley Pease
Extractions: Gift of Elizabeth Gaskell Norton; received: 1950. Daughters of Charles Eliot Norton (1827-1908), editor, literary scholar, and professor of fine arts at Harvard, Sara edited a published edition of her father's letters. I. bMS Am 1193: Letters to Elizabeth Gaskell Norton and Sara Norton II. MS Am 1193.1: Norton family photograph album
Boodle Boy Members By Class Capron, Samuel Mills 1853. Coit Joshua 1853 1853. Davies, Thomas Frederick 1853 Oscar 1873 1873. Tarbell, Frank Bigelow 1873 Davison, Harry Pomeroy 1920. Heffelfinger, Frank Peavey 1920
Skull & Bones Membership - Alpha Adams, Lewis G. 1920. Adams, Mason Tyler 1899 II, W.A. 1942. Babcock, Henry Harper 1853. Babst, James Anthony 1971 * Tarbell, Frank Bigelow 1873. Taylor Alan McLean 1902 1902
Skull And Bones And Other Secret Societies Johnson George Asbury 1853 Kent, Albert Emmett 1853. White, Andrew Dickinson Samuel Oscar 1873. Tarbell, Frank Bigelow 1873 Davison, Harry Pomeroy 1920. Heffelfinger, Frank Peavey 1920 and History/skull_and_bones.htm
Membership Of Yale's Skull And Bones Society 1853 Heaton Edward 1869 Hebard Albert 1851 Hebard Daniel 1860 Hedge Thomas 1867 Heermance Edgar Laing 1858 Heffelfinger Frank Peavey 1920 1838 Tarbell Frank Bigelow 1873 Taylor
Extractions: I am presently researching a biography on David Rockefeller. An overview of the book will soon be sent to a New York City agent for circulation among all the major publishing houses. Among the topics that will be covered is the role of British USA Round Table member Rep. Wayne Hays (Demo-Ohio) in "killing" the Reece Committee investigation of tax-exempt foundations, the disappearance of the research on the Rockefeller-funded Kinsey studies and the "disposal" threats made to Reece Investigator Norman Dodd by a lobbyist for the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). In 1986, Hoover scholar Antony C. Sutton published his "magnum opus" - AMERICA'S SECRET ESTABLISHMENT: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE ORDER OF SKULL AND BONES. In his preface Sutton said he had been given an eight-inch batch of documents which was "nothing less than the membership lists of an American secret society. Glancing through the sheets it was more than obviousthis was no ordinary group. The names spelled Power with a capital P." Throughout the book Sutton hinted at even deeper revelations he would make in books to come. However, the full list never was published by Sutton. In making inquiries of those who knew Sutton, I was told that he had become exiled in his own country. For months I searched the Web looking for a list of the members of Skull and Bones. At long last, a notebook was given to me which required the use of a magnifying glass to make out the names. So, the following semi-final list is about 97% accurate. It opens the door to the Bones realm at a time that one of their own is now hitting the campaign trail for the Republican presidential nomination.