UC Press Description Search Barbara Newman, editor Hildegard of Bingen (10981179) would have Society and Politicsin Snorri Sturluson s Heimskringla Sverre Bagge Heimskringla is the http://ark.cdlib.org/?mode=ucpress;bsubject=Medieval Studies;pageSize=20
Gjestebok her litt fakta som på isländska kallas för Snorri Sturluson, är Islands störstehävdatecknare. Han föddes 1179 på en gård i Hvammar som ligger på http://www.goa.no/norse/?show=gjestebok
Extractions: L augar, signifiant "Bains",dans la vallée de Sælingsdalur, est encore un de ces nombreux lieus en Islande où, profitant de l'eau chaude abondante, l'on a implanté une piscine confortable, et le petit musée folklorique à cet endroit mérite aussi que l'on le visite.
Stofnun Árna Magnússonar á Íslandi og Historia scholastica eftir Petrus Comestor (d. 1179) og Speculum Um brautryðjandastarfAra segir Snorri Sturluson í formála Heimskringlu Ari prestur http://www.am.hi.is/handritasafn/nokkurThekktHandrit.htm
Extractions: Starfsmenn Gestir Tenglar Saga stofnunarinnar ... Manuscript exhibition Nokkur þekkt handrit í Árnastofnun KONUNGSBÓK EDDUKVÆÐA - GKS 2365 4to Skinnhandrit - 13. öld Handrit þetta er elsta og merkasta safn eddukvæða og frægast allra íslenskra bóka. Það er skrifað á síðari hluta 13. aldar af óþekktum skrifara. Hann hefur skrifað kvæðin upp eftir enn eldri handritum sem nú eru týnd. Flest kvæðanna eru ekki varðveitt annars staðar en í þessari bók. Eddukvæði segja frá heiðnum goðum og germönskum hetjum í forneskju. Völuspá er skipað fremst í bókinni en það kvæði segir heimssögu ásatrúar. Næst á eftir Völuspá koma Hávamál sem lögð eru Óðni í munn, full heilræða. Brynjólfur biskup Sveinsson (d. 1675) sendi Friðrik III. Danakonungi bókina og var hún síðan varðveitt í bókhlöðu konungs, kallast því Konungsbók (Codex Regius). Hún var afhent Háskóla Íslands vorið 1971. Ítarlegri upplýsingar FLATEYJARBÓK - GKS 1005 fol Skinnhandrit - Um 1390 Flateyjarbók er að mestu skrifuð um 1390. Hún er rituð af tveimur prestum, Jóni Þórðarsyni og Magnúsi Þórhallssyni, og hefur sá síðarnefndi einnig lýst bókina (dregið alla skrautstafi og myndir). Meginefni ritsins eru sögur af Noregskonungum. Efni er safnað saman víða að, og hefur verið notaður fjöldi forrita, enda er Flateyjarbók stærst allra íslenskra skinnbóka, 202 blöð í öndverðu í svo stóru broti að ekki hafa fengist nema tvö blöð úr hverju kálfskinni. Flateyjarbók var einar tvær aldir í eigu sömu ættar við Breiðafjörð, síðast Jóns Finnssonar í Flatey, sem gaf Brynjólfi biskupi Sveinssyni bókina 1647. Biskup sendi Danakonungi Flateyjarbók 1656 og hlýðnaðist með því beinum fyrirmælum konungs, jafnframt því sem hann hugðist stuðla að varðveislu og kynningu fornritanna. Flateyjarbók var afhent Háskóla Íslands vorið 1971.
Weebio to broker peace between and among Maori tribes and the Pakeha commercial adventurersfrom Europe; and, from Iceland, Snorri Sturluson (born in 1179), writer of http://www.engelwood.net/bill/wip.html
Extractions: BOOKS IN PROGRESS (updated 5.ix.03) Memory and Pattern: The Renaissance Aesthetic of Chiasmus completes my projected three-volume treatment of death and memory with special reference to the philosophy of symbolic forms. The larger argument of my previous two books on the significance of recovering recessed mnemonic patterns in Renaissance literature and thought is brought to rest with this study. (CHAPTER DETAILS below.) Slips of Thought is an adventure in meta-lexicography, which combines iconography, philology, and dialectical anthropology to rethink the early modern notions of race in particular and humanity in general by "telling the stories of culture" that have been carried along by the moraine of received linguistic history in words such as "moors," "breath," "sovereign," "dread," "evil," "happen," and "conjecture." Return to Round River , with Ken Simon, is based on our experiences as youth workers and team leaders at summer camp. We propose that such a model of learning, with an emphasis on giving priority to "teachable moments" in the course of authentic, hands-on learning experiences, can be implemented in our communities' schools. This approach is offered as a corrective to the tendency to control and contain students in the service of "standards-based learning." Parallel Lives of Island Nations is modeled on, and yet seeks to update, the approach to writing popular biography pioneered by Plutarch. The lives of the notable and great were presented by weaving together what they were reported to have said and done. Jamaica, New Zealand (Aotearoa), and Iceland are the island nations whose stories this book sets out to tell. The exemplary lives paralleled are those of Marcus Garvey, one of the most powerful and controversial black rights activists of the twentieth century, and Bob Marley, the original ambassador of Reggae, whose music has become a symbol of unity and social change worldwide; Hone Heke, the Nhu Puhi warrior and first to sign the Treaty of Waitangi who later was to become the focal opponent of British occupation, and James Busby, the appointed British Resident who sought in earnest to broker peace between and among Maori tribes and the
Nýtt Efni < Bókasafn < Fjölbrautaskólinn < Www.fa.is 819.1 Snorri Sturluson f 1179 Edda Snorra Sturlusonar Gylfaginningog Frásagnarkaflar Skáldsagnarmála. Reykjavík Iðnú, 1998. http://www3.fa.is/fjolbrautaskolinn/bokasafn/nyttefni/
Extractions: efnisyfirlit þessarar síðu Nýtt efni á bókasafni FÁ á haustönn 2003 Síðast uppfært 17. desember 2003 Heimspeki ... TÖLVUR, BÓKASAFNSFRÆÐI, ALFRÆÐIRIT TÖLVUR 004.678 Gunnar Grímsson: Vefsmíðar : hugsunin, smíðin og tæknin . - Útg. 9.7. - Reykjavík : höf., 2003 005.369 Karbo, Michael B.: Word 2002 - á eigin spýtur . - Reykjavík : Hemra, 2003 BÓKASKRÁR Íslensk bókaskrá 2001 = The Icelandic National Bibliography 2001 . - Reykjavík : Landsbókasafn Íslands - Háskólabókasafn, 2003 Íslensk hljóðritaskrá 2001 = Bibliography of Icelandic Sound Recordings 2001 . - Reykjavík : Landsbókasafn Íslands - Háskólabókasafn, 2003 DULSÁLFRÆÐI - DULSPEKI Spáðu í mig . - Reykjavík : Salka, 2003 SÁLFRÆÐI 150 Aldís Unnur Guðmundsdóttir f 1950: Almenn sálfræði : hugur, heili, hátterni . - Reykjavík : MM, 2003 150 Oliver, Karon:
Lars Lindblad - Tolkningsrätt, En Historia I Gungning. Det finns ett flertal sk skolier i marginalen som kan ha tillfogats i efterhand.Snorri Sturluson föddes med stor sannolikhet 1179 e kr på västra Island. http://hem.passagen.se/leach/tolkning.html
Extractions: Kapital Habitus och . Dessa begrepp appliceras sedan på Västgötaskolans förespråkare: amatörforskarna Carl-Otto Fast, Holger Bengtsson, Mac Key och Verner Lindblom. Utifrån att analysera de reaktioner som de fått på sin amatörforskning, kan man genom Bourdieu's sociologi få en uppfattning om var de står i relation till de som försvarar den officiella och etablerade historiesynen, det s k etablissemanget. Sedan presenteras journalisten och producenten Dag Stålsjös dokumentärserie " Svearikets vagga - en historia i gungning? ", där han ifrågasätter den skrivna historien och använder Västgötaskolans hypoteser som fallstudie, för att presentera en alternativ vagga till Sveriges bildande. Vidare analyseras Radionämndens fällande dom av både den och den uppföljande programserien " ". Slutligen diskuteras forskningsläget, och vad som gjorts och vad som borde göras. Inledning
Victoria University Library - Northrop Frye Collection 1048. Snorri Sturluson. King Harald s saga; Harald Hardradi of Norway from SnorriSturluson s Heimskringla. ix, 206 p. Annotated no. 1179. Still, Colin. http://library.vicu.utoronto.ca/fryebib/s.htm
Noorwegen X. Midderwijl sneuvelde Erling Skakke in 1179 en zijn zoon Magnus in 1184. der Skalden,de verzamelaar der schoonste Konungesögur is de groote Snorri Sturluson. http://home.tiscali.be/prosje/Noorwegen_X.html
Extractions: Even beroemd als de Ijslandsche Skald werd de Ijslandsche sagaman. En hier hebben we te doen met het meest zelfstandige voortbrengsel der Ijslandsche litteratuur; want de sagen steunden niet op Noorsche voorbeelden. De stof der vertelkunst was aanvankelijk het verloop der Ijslandsche familiegeschiedenissen; Harald Hardradi had het in zijn Skaldenbrein gekregen Engeland te veroveren. Hij sneuvelde te York, in 1066, even voor den inval van Willem's Noormannen. Een van zijn zonen Magnus Barfod wilde ook langs den Britschen kant uit, en vond in Ierland de dood. Sigurd Jorsalfar, zijn zoon, was een roemvolle kruisvaarder, die in 1110 Sidon veroverde. Het heele Magnus-geslacht bleef een reeks van groote krijgers en groote beschavers. Onder Olaf Kyrre (1086-1093) werd Bergen gesticht, de kern van 't handelsverkeer met Engeland. De hoofdstad was echter nog altijd Nidaros, het latere Trondjem, de stad daar zoo heerlijk gelegen aan de Nid, den stroom die bijna nooit en de fjord die nooit bevroor; zoo zacht was er het klimaat, dat de bodem aldaar een oogstland was bij uitnemendheid. 't Was en 't bleef de residentie van al de groote koningen die we volgen gaan, hoewel vanaf de 19e eeuw, toen het dorpje Oslose zich begon te ontwikkelen tot Christiana, de grootstad van heden.
My Lines - Person Page 150 S449 Circa 1225 AD Snorri Sturluson, Heimskringla, or The Chronicle of the UrracaAlfonsez de Castilla b. after 1129, d. 12 October 1179, 9406 Pedigree. http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~cousin/html/p150.htm
Extractions: b. circa 638, #9377 Radbard av Sverige (Mythical) was born circa 638. Of the 7th Century Saga line. He was left Sweden and established a settlement in Russia, becoming King of this settlement before 668. He married Auda Ivarsdóttir , daughter of Ivarr Vídfadmi Hálfdanarson King of the Danes and Swedes and Gyrita of Jutland , circa 668; Her 2nd. Her lover, Helge the Viking dead at the hands of her husband, Rurik, and Rurik dead at the hands of her father, Ivar, Oda took Harold and left for the Swedish settlements in Russia. There she married King Radbard. Her father disapproved of the marriage, done without his permission. Pedigree Ivarr Vídfadmi Hálfdanarson King of the Danes and Swedes was the son of Hálfdan Snälle Haraldsson King of Roeskilde and Maolda . He subdued the whole of Sweden, he brought in subjection to himself all the Danish dominions, a great deal of Saxland, all the East Country, and a fifth part of England, for this he became known as the "Wide Reacher" for so expanding his kingdom. He went to Scania after the death of his uncle Gudrod, and collected an army in all haste, and moved with it into Sweden where he hoped to avenge the death's of his uncle and father at the hands of Ingjalds daughter Aasa.
Den Nordiske Mytologi Snorri Sturluson. Den er skrevet omkr. 1220 og er en lærebog i mytologi og digtekunst.Hertil hører bl.a. Heimakringla ynglingesaga, skrevet omkr. 1179, der http://www.roennebech.dk/mytologi/my_lex_a-k.html
Extractions: Lysalferne, der er tilknyttet lys og luft, bor i Alfhjem der ligger i den tredie himmel Hvidblåin , og sortalferne, der er tilknyttet det underjordiske bor i Sortalfehjem . Sortalferne er skikkelige små væsener der arbejder som smede og håndværkere og sikkert de samme som kaldes dværgene . I den nordiske edda regnes alferne med til de guddommelige væsener sammen med aserne og vanerne , men de er ikke, som aserne, udødelige. De siges at stamme fra dværgfyrsten Ivalde , som måske er far til Ydun og Vølund Kokken i Valhal , der hver aften skærer en luns kød af grisen Særimner , koger den i gryden Ildrimner og serverer den for einherjerne En dværg der vogtede nibelungsguldet og ringen Andvarenut . Han boede ved vandfaldet Frånånger i Andvarefossen . Når han blev forfulgt, kunne han forvandle sig til en gedde. Loke fangede ham i et net og for at slippe fri måtte Andvare give Loke ringen og guldet i løsesum, men han kastede først en forbandelse på både guldet og ringen.
Time1b x xxxxxxxxx 1179 Snorri Sturluson, Icelandic Statesman Historian, born.x xxxxxxxxx 1180 - John of Salisbury, English Ecclesiastic, died. http://www.byzantios.net/modar/Time1b.htm
Terry Sanford Institute Of Public Policy - Prospective Students Macon, GA 31213 Tel (800) 2992265 or PO Box 1179 Fort Valley Snorri Sturluson IcelandicFellowships The Sigurður Nordal Institute PO Box 1220 121 Reykjavík http://www.pubpol.duke.edu/graduate/mpp/MPPfunding.html
Extractions: Program Highlights Letter from the Director of Graduate Studies What Can You Do with an MPP? Why Duke? ... MPP Program Recruiting Events SOURCES OF FUNDING FOR MPP GRADUATE STUDY FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS The following list provides information on possible funding sources for MPP graduate study at Duke University. The list is by no means exhaustive, and we encourage applicants to pursue every option as early as possible. These sources of funding receive many more applications than can be filled and some of their deadlines are very early. Do not wait until you have been accepted into the MPP program, your chances of receiving funding might be greatly diminished. A suggestion of prudence: We recommend not discussing the contents of your financial aid award with other applicants or current students. Disseminating the specific details of your award is not considered an appropriate gesture; an example: Think about how it can cause problems or a ripple effect with co-workers when someone discusses their salary vs. others; it may cause a negative outcome so we ask you to consider your Duke financial aid letter confidential; we will treat it the same.
Extractions: Ein schönes Buch für den Einstieg in die Homöopathie. Der Leser bekommt die ersten Grundlagen dieser Therapie vermittelt und erhält zugleich viele praktische Anwendungungstipps zur Selbstbehandlung bei akuten Geschehnissen. In diesem Buch sind auch Vorschläge für eine homöopathische Hausapotheke enthalten!
Jane Chance, Scholarly Interests Report, Rice University Hildegard of Bingen (10981179) On Natural Philosophy and Medicine the BorgarfjorthurMuseum Centre, the Research Center of Snorri Sturluson sn, Bogarnes http://faculty.rice.edu/report/FacultyDetail.cfm?DivID=1&DeptID=53&RiceID=832
Extractions: Han Nijdam, The Loss of Old Frisian h Marie-Louise Rotsaert, Zur germanischen Brandanlegende: Typologie, Quellen, Stemma codicum Lanceloet. De Middelnederlandse vertaling van de Lancelot en prose overgeleverd in de Lancelotcompilatie. Varia Rune Forsberg, The Place-Names Lewes. Alfred Raucheisen, Orient und Abendland. Ethisch-moralische Aspekte in Wolframs Epen Parzival und Willehalm Heinrich Schipperges, Die Welt der Hildegard von Bingen, Freiburg im Breisgau 1997 (Fritz Wagner) 306
Age Of Belief Bibliography New York, 1956. Ciklamini, Marlene, Snorri Sturluson. Boston, 1978. Flannagan,Sabina, Hildegard of Bingen, 10981179. London, 1989. http://www.san.beck.org/AB-Bibliography.html
1178 - Wikipedia Snorri Sturluson, altisländischer Skalde. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/1178