Extractions: (Source: Legacy Photo Gallery Top Primary Works The Morgensons, 1862 (novel); Two Men, 1865 (novel); Temple House, 1867 (novel); Lolly Dinks' Doings, 1874 (children's tales); Poems, Wrote a bi-monthly column for Daily Alta California, a San Francisco newspaper, 1854-1858. Temple House; a novel. Philadelphia: H. T. Coates, 1901. NY: Johnson Reprint Corp., 1971. PS2934 S3 T4 Two men; a novel. Stories. Eds. Susanne Oppermann and Yvonne Roth. Boston: Northeastern UP, 2003. Top Selected Bibliography Alaimo, Stacy. "Elizabeth Stoddard's The Morgesons: A Feminist Dialogue of Bildung and Descent." Legacy 8.1 (Sprg 1991): 29-37. Belasco, Susan. "Elizabeth Barstow Stoddard, the Daily Alta California, and the Tradition of American Humor." American Periodicals Buell, Lawrence, and Sandra A. Zagarell. eds.
Mercedes, By Elizabeth Stoddard Complete text of the poem by Elizabeth Stoddard. by Elizabeth Stoddard (18231902) NDER a sultry, yellow sky MORE POEMS BY Elizabeth Stoddard. RELATED WEBSITES http://www.poetry-archive.com/s/mercedes.html
American Culture, Canons, And The Case Of Elizabeth Stoddard By Robert McClure Smith (Edt), Univ of Alabama Pr July 2003 ISBN 0817313133 Biographical Foreword Elizabeth Drew Barstow Stoddard (1823-1902) 21 http://www.booksmatter.com/b0817313133.htm
Extractions: Acknowledgments ix Introduction: Crossing Can(n)on Street Ellen Weinauer and Robert McClure Smith Biographical Foreword: Elizabeth Drew Barstow Stoddard (1823-1902) Sandra A. Zagarell PART I. THE WRITER, THE CANON, AND THE PROTOCOLS OF PRINT 1. "Among a Crowd, I Find Myself Alone": Elizabeth Stoddard and the Canon of Nineteenth-Century American Women's Poetry Robert McClure Smith 2. Elizabeth Stoddard as Returned Californian: A Reading of the Daily Alta California Columns Margaret A. Amstutz 3. Haunting the House of Print: The Circulation of Disembodied Texts in "Collected by a Valetudinarian" and "Miss Grief" Paul Crumbley PART 2. GENDER, SELFHOOD, AND THE DISCOURSE OF DOMESTICITY
Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg Gutenberg Authors S Stoddard, Elizabeth, 18231902. Lemorne Versus Huell Author Stoddard, Elizabeth, 1823-1902. KeywordsAuthors S Stoddard, Elizabeth, 1823-1902; Titles L http://www.archive.org/texts/textslisting-browse.php?collection=gutenberg&ca
Elizabeth Stoddard (1823-1902) Elizabeth Stoddard (18231902). Contributing Editors Sybil Weir andSandra A. Zagarell. Classroom Issues and Strategies. Stoddard s http://www.georgetown.edu/faculty/bassr/heath/syllabuild/iguide/stoddard.html
Extractions: Sybil Weir and Sandra A. Zagarell Stoddard's terse narrative style, the limitation of point of view to the indirect, ironic woman narrator, and the oblique portrayal of the major act on which the plot turns may make it difficult for students to follow "Lemorne Versus Huell." Also, students unfamiliar with conventions of gothic fiction and mid-century history may miss much of the social commentary. It may therefore be useful to ask students to review the plot. It may also be useful to give background on sentimental fiction's featuring of courtship plots and frequent endorsement of female self-sacrifice and male paternalism (as in The Wide, Wide World ) so that students get a sense of Stoddard's critique of such conventions. Reconstructing Womanhood I would also stress Stoddard's humor and her importance "as an experimenter in narrative method. She anticipates modern fiction in using a severely limited mode with minimal narrative clues" (Buell and Zagarell, "Biographical and Critical Introduction," p. xxiii). "Lemorne
Poems, / By Elizabeth Stoddard. Poems, / by Elizabeth Stoddard. "This is one of a limited edition of one thousand copies printed from type." Making of America (MOA); Stoddard, Elizabeth, 18231902. Elizabeth, 1823-1902. Stoddard http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://name.umdl.umich.edu/AAN9568&y=02599F
Extractions: Instructor's Guide Heath Online Home Colonial Period to 1700 The Eighteenth Century Early Nineteenth Century: 1800-1865 ... Alice Dunbar-Nelson (or see below Florence Earle Coates Mary E. Wilkins Freeman (or see above Ella Higginson Eleanor B. Caldwell Anne Throop ... Tillie Lerner Olsen (or see below Kay Boyle Langston Hughes (or see below Lola Ridge Edwin Rolfe Genevieve Taggard ... Heath Online Home
Poems By Elizabeth Stoddard Poems by Elizabeth Stoddard Elizabeth Drew Barstow Stoddard, 18231902 1823-1902 Elizabeth Drew Barstow Stoddard http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://name.umdl.umich.edu/AM0084&y=02E95AF
Lemorne Versus Huell Lemorne Versus Huell Stoddard, Elizabeth, 18231902 Elizabeth, 1823-1902 Stoddard http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.archive.org/texts/texts-details-db.p
Untitled Renaissance Magnalia Christi Americana in Hawthorne, Stowe, and Stoddard Christopher D literature Puritans in literature Stoddard, Elizabeth, 18231902., Morgesons Stowe, Harriet http://www.hnet.uci.edu/mclark/NOREAST.UP
Extractions: Stories Bookmark This Page Washington Irving (1783-1859) John Polidori (1795-1821) Mary Shelley (1797-1851) Honore de Balzac (1799-1850) Lydia Maria Child (1802-1880) Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) Nikolai Gogol (1809-1852) Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell (1810-1865) Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896) Charles Dickens (1812-1870) Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu (1814-1873) Elizabeth Stuart Phelps (1815-1852) Thomas Bangs Thorpe (1815-1878) Ivan Turgenev (1818-1883) George Eliot [Mary Anne Evans] (1819-1880)
Extractions: Elizabeth Stoddards writings present women strongly moved by passion, struggling for self-realization, and rejecting conventional piety with its emphasis on female self-sacrifice. Writing in an era which endorsed the cult of true womanhood, Stoddard failed to find an audience, not only because of her unconventional characterization of women, but also because of her cryptic narrative strategies. Nevertheless, during her lifetime, Stoddard managed to publish three novels, approximately 75 newspaper columns, 40 or so poems, and more than 80 prose works. Stoddard was born and raised in Mattapoisett, Massachusetts, a fishing village on the northwest shore of Buzzards Bay. The bleak, seacoast landscape of Stoddards youth, a landscape which seemingly gave rise to intense, fixated, and often bizarre passions, provided the setting and the characters found in her best work, including all three of her novels. Almost pathologically close to her family, particularly to her brother Wilson Barstow, Stoddard left Mattapoisett only briefly until her marriage; she attended Wheaton Female Seminary for one term in 1837 and again in 18401841; she traveled in New England and to New York City where, in 1851, she met Richard Stoddard, an aspiring poet.
BookFinder.com: Book Directory in Our Hearts 1879183374 1879183-37-4 Elizabeth Drew Barstow Stoddard An Anthologyin Memoriam (1823-1902) 1879183382 1-879183-38-2 Robert Charles Sands http://www.bookfinder.com/dir/3687360-3687519/
Extractions: Search About Interact Help Book Directory Eugene Field: An Anthology in Memoriam (1850-1895) [1879183250 1-879183-25-0] Lydia Sigourney: An Anthology in Memoriam, 1791-1865 [1879183277 1-879183-27-7] Writings from a Nam Mind: Poems [1879183285 1-879183-28-5] The Diggings [1879183293 1-879183-29-3] ...
Extractions: Teresa Dall Unit Place in Massachusetts History PLACE MATTERS MATTAPOISETT AND THE WRITINGS OF ELIZABETH BARSTOW STODDARD THE ESSENTIAL QUESTION: HOW IS THE NATURAL SETTING OF MATTAPOISETT IN THE MID-NINETEENTH CENTURY REFLECTED IN ELIZABETH BARSTOW STODDARDS WRITINGS, AND WILL TODAYS WRITERS BE INFLUENCED BY THE SAME NATURAL SETTINGS? ENDURING UNDERSTANDING: PLACE HAS A SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE DESCRIPTIVE AND SENSORY DETAILS IN AN AUTHORS WRITINGS. Web sites for student use: Elizabeth Barstow Stoddard http://www.csustan.edu/english/reuben/pal/chap3/stoddard.html Official town site http://www.mattapoisett.net Historical Society http://www.mattapoisett.net/CLUBS/historicalsoc.htm Photos http://csc.gatech.edu/~yank/photo/mattapoisett.html MATTAPOISETT HARBOR PRIMARY SOURCES: Stoddard, Elizabeth. The Morgesons University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia Mattapoisett and Old Rochester Massachusetts . A Committee of the Town of Mattapoisett , Grafton Press. Second Edition, 1932. Wood, Edward F.R. Old Mattapoisett: A Summer Portrait , Quadequina Publishers, Mattapoisett, 1995.
Extractions: @import url(http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/eaf/eaf/%22/eaf/styles/eaf_advanced.css%22); dqmcodebase = "/scripts/" Works in the Collection Biographies Massachusetts-born novelist Elizabeth Drew Barstow Stoddard was a frequent contributor to magazines. Her works include The Morgesons and Temple House The Morgesons (Restricted) Temple House: A Novel (Restricted) Two Men: A Novel (Restricted) From Oscar Fay Adams, A Dictionary of American Authors From Samuel Austin Allibone, A Critical Dictionary of English Literature
Elizabeth Stoddard (in MARION) and Yvonne Roth. Uniform title Short stories. Selections. AuthorStoddard, Elizabeth, 18231902. Opfermann, Susanne. Roth, Yvonne http://library.tnstate.edu/MARION/ACN-3698
Elizabeth Stoddard - Edition Und Übersetzung Translate this page Elizabeth Stoddard (1823-1902) hat mittlerweile Anerkennung gefundenals Verfasserin eines der besten amerikanischen Romane des 19. http://www.uni-frankfurt.de/cgc/elizabethstoddard.shtml
Legacy Elizabeth Drew Stoddard, 18231902. For Elizabeth Drew Stoddard, seeLEGACY Vol. 8.1, 1991 Search for Stoddard in Legacy s Index. http://www.lehigh.edu/~dek7/SSAWW/photoStod.htm