Extractions: Retour L'association Le projet GNU Articles ... Miroir GNU Qui est Richard Stallman ? Qu'est-ce que GNU ? Richard Stallman (aussi connu sous le nom de rms ), considéré par tous comme le père des logiciels libres a commencé à s'intéresser au sujet lorsqu'il travaillait au laboratoire d'intelligence artificielle au MIT. Le laboratoire possédait une imprimante qui tombait souvent en panne, mais comme les chercheurs avaient le code source du pilote ( ) de l'imprimante, ils avaient modifié le programme pour que l'imprimante leur envoie un signal à chaque panne. Un jour, le laboratoire achète une nouvelle imprimante de marque Xerox, plus fiable. En revanche, le pilote de l'imprimante n'est pas fourni à la livraison. Richard Stallman entend parler plus tard d'un laboratoire qui possède les sources de ce pilote. S'y rendant, on lui répond que le laboratoire s'était engagé à ne pas diffuser les sources du pilote. Ressentant ce refus comme une agression, Richard Stallman prend alors conscience du danger de la logique propriétaire. Richard Stallman décide alors de fonder la Free Software Foundation . Conscient qu'il est impossible d'utiliser un ordinateur sans système d'exploitation et que sans système d'exploitation libre il est obligatoire d'utiliser des logiciels propriétaires, il démarre le premier projet de la fondation, le
Extractions: Retour L'association Nos positions Le projet GNU ... Miroir GNU Conférence de Richard M. Stallman du 20/11/2001 APRIL a participé à l'organisation d'une conférence de Richard M. Stallman à l'Assemblée Nationale le 20/11/2001, à l'invitation de Noël Mamère, député Verts ( voir l'annonce de la conférence Cette conférence s'est déroulée dans le cadre d'une visite de RMS à Paris, dont voici un résumé général Cliquez ici pour écouter l'enregistrement audio de la conférence (nous avons également décrit la méthode utilisée pour réaliser cet enregistrement et sa diffusion Merci à Raphaël Jacquot pour la transcription. Bon, on va peut-être commencer si vous êtes d'accord, merci d'être venus si nombreux à notre invitation pour parler du Logiciel Libre avec Richard Stallman, qui en est en quelque sorte l'inventeur, qui nous a fait la gentillesse de venir tout à l'heure, tout à l'heure ce matin de Boston. Il est peut être un peu fatigué par le decalage horaire mais son esprit reste éveillé et je pense qu'il va pouvoir nous dire un certain nombre de choses. Je sais que Richard Stallman, dans la lignée de ses grands ancêtres, qui sont venus contribuer à la révolution française, je sais que Richard Stallman croit beaucoup aux mots de liberté, d'égalité et de fraternité, qui peuvent d'ailleurs parfaitement se décliner dans la logique et dans la philosophie du Logiciel Libre que l'on appelle aussi dans le langage informaticien que je connais très mal, qui s'appelle le [new/GNU] GPL.
Stallman, Richard M. Most Popular Similar Authors. Stallman, Richard M. (Richard Stallman). Books by thisAuthor. The right to read by Richard M. Stallman Publisher Champaign, Ill. http://isbndb.com/d/person/stallman_richard_m.html
Richard Stallman From FOLDOC Stallman, Richard M. . Richard Stallman. person Richard M. Stallman.Founder of the GNU project. He resigned from the http://www.instantweb.com/foldoc/foldoc.cgi?Stallman, Richard M.
Books By Richard M. Stallman Books by Richard M. Stallman. You may browse this author by titleor by publication date. 17 titles (showing 117) Bison The Yacc http://www.allbookstores.com/browse/Author/Stallman, Richard M.
Stallman, Richard M. - FOLDOC Definition Free Online Dictionary of Computing. Stallman, Richard M. RichardStallman. FOLDOC Feedback. Comments or Problems. Again, thanks for http://www.nightflight.com/foldoc-bin/foldoc.cgi?Stallman, Richard M.
Order Books Online: Richard M. Stallman Books Richard M. Stallman. Books GNU Make A Program for Directed Compilationby Richard M. Stallman, Roland McGrath 01 January, 2002, http://www.textkit.com/support-textkit/support-mode-books-search_type-AuthorSear
Stallman, Richard M. - University Of Maryland Stallman, Richard M. The Right to Read University Libraries, Universityof Maryland, College Park, MD 207427011 (301)405-0800 Please http://www.lib.umd.edu/ETC/ReadingRoom/Speeches/Stallman/
Richard M. Stallman Richard M. Stallman (16 maart 1955 te New York), vaak afgekort met RMS, is eenprogrammeur die een grote invloed heeft gehad op technische, juridische en http://www.guajara.com/wiki/nl/wikipedia/r/ri/richard_m__stallman.html
Extractions: Richard M. Stallman 16 maart te New York), vaak afgekort met RMS , is een programmeur die een grote invloed heeft gehad op technische, juridische en sociale aspecten van vrije software Hij is de hoofdauteur van de teksteditor Emacs en de programmeeromgeving GCC. Hij is ook de oprichter van de Free Software Foundation en is het alternatieve besturingssysteem GNU Hurd begonnen. De GNU Hurd is de GNU 's projekt vervanger voor de Unix kernel welke boven op de mach micro-kernel draait en welke uit een set servers bestaat. Richard Stallman is ook de grondlegger van het principe van vrije software en copyleft en heeft de daarop gebaseerde licenties GPL en LGPL mede ontworpen. In zekere zin heeft Richard Stallman daarmee ook aan de basis gestaan van het Wikipedia project, omdat Wikipedia niet in de huidige vorm zou kunnen bestaan zonder iets als de Free Documentation License, de GPL-variant voor tekst. Hij heeft zelfs ook letterlijk het idee geopperd om een encyclopedie te beginnen die onder de GFDL valt. Stallman werkte in het beroemde AI-lab van het MIT. Veel van de software die daar gemaakt en gebruikt werd mocht vrij gekopieerd worden, inclusief de broncode. Toen grote bedrijven mensen van dat AI-lab gingen inhuren, zag Stallman dat mensen die voorheen vrij kennis konden delen nu geheimen gingen schrijven, waarover ze niet vrij met anderen van gedachten konden wisselen.
StallmAnus I am a goat fucker! Richard Stallman, 1994. Now, I know everyone loves to makefun of RMS, and I m feeding that a bit here, so I d just like to say that I http://www.geocities.com/stallmanus/
Extractions: A bit of MIT/LCS lore here. RMS used to live on the 7th floor of LCS. That's where he used to have his office before he resigned in protest over the commercialization of something or another. But they let him keep his office, and he lives there, because he refuses to have an apartment. (Given the rent rates in Cambridge, the assholeness of most landlords, I don't blame him. Rather than live in my office, I chose to move to Texas, and the change in rent rates and lack of state income tax resulted in an immediate %25 pay raise. RMS doesn't have that option because we have the death penalty for people like him down here.) Anyway, RMS has or had a number or geek chick groupies. I wouldn't call any of the ones I've seen "hot", really well except for this one little psycho jewish undergrad from NYC. He would sleep with them on the sofa in his office. That's why he got kicked out off floor 7, and down to the 3 floor, is that the cleaning staff complained about pulling used condoms out from behind the sofas. No joke. You can use this information for trolling if you wish, but it's all true. RMS has a phobia of water that prevents him from showering. This is part of this post I know from first hand experience, because I myself have observed him taking a sponge bath in the 3d floor mens room in LCS. Apparently once he had a girlfriend who he was totally in love with, and she convinced him to take one shower a week. It was a traumatic experience for him each time.
Questões GNU: Richard M. Stallman Sobre SCO, Distribuições E DRM Translate this page Linux Logic Logo. Questões GNU Richard M. Stallman sobre SCO, Distribuiçõese DRM. Em setembro de 1983, um programador de computador http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Union/3590/questoes_gnu.html
Technomanifestos: Richard M. Stallman Lawrence Lessig. Richard M. Stallman. Richard M. Stallman (1953- ).Manhattan-born hacker extraordinaire and free software activist. http://www.technomanifestos.net/index.pl?Richard_M._Stallman
A Q & A Session With Richard M. Stallman A Q A session with Richard M. Stallman. January 23, 2004. RMS answersto questions put forward by Samuel Abraham of `The Week . http://puggy.symonds.net/~fsug-kochi/rms-interview.html
Extractions: RMS' answers to questions put forward by Samuel Abraham of `The Week'. These questions were mailed to RMS and he patiently answered them in great detail. He was asked these questions after his talk at the CUSAT campus in Kochi, January 23. What is your philosophy in life? What shaped it? Any single event,person, book? Or was it evolutionary? I can't describe my philosophy of life in a nutshell because I do not follow any particular system or leader. We should be on guard against thinking that "the answer" is to be found in any one place. So I am not a follower of any single person, or any single school of thought. I have been influenced by many people, and many books. The philosophy of freedom that the United States is based on has been a major influence for me. I love what my country used to stand for, so it breaks my heart to see what Bush has done to it. Science is also an important influence. Other campaigns for freedom, including the French and Russian revolutions, are also inspiring despite the ways they went astray. When we learn about the facts of the world, we should do it scientifically, which means that we should continually cross-check our views for errors. Science fiction is also an important influence for me-from it I learned to imagine worlds different from our own. The movement that opposed the Vietnam War was also important; from that, I learned how to see my own government as a possible oppressor. At the same time, I learned from seeing the errors of the antiwar movement, such as when some Americans foolishly supposed that if the US side in the war was wrong, its enemy (North Vietnam) must be right.
SCO Smear Campaign Can't Defeat GNU Community - TechUpdate - ZDNet Richard Stallman is president of the Free Software Foundation and author of theGNU onto 10 Intel ® Xeon processor MP 8way Servers saving $2M over three http://techupdate.zdnet.com/techupdate/stories/main/0,14179,2914132,00.html
Extractions: Add your opinion Forward in Format for Unix is a complete operating system, but Linux is just part of one. SCO is using the popular confusion between Linux and the GNU/Linux system to magnify the fear that it can spread. GNU/Linux is the GNU operating system running with Linux as the kernel. The kernel is the part of the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs you run. That part is Linux. We developed GNU starting in 1984 as a campaign for freedom, whose aim was to eliminate non-free software from our lives. GNU is free software, meaning that users are free to run it, study it and change it (or pay programmers to do this for them), redistribute it (gratis or for a fee), and publish modified versions. (See http://www.gnu.org/gnu/the-gnu-project.html In 1991, GNU was mostly finished, lacking only a kernel. In 1992, Linus Torvalds made his kernel, Linux, free software. Others combined GNU and Linux to produce the first complete free operating system, GNU/Linux. (See http://www.gnu.org/gnu/gnu-linux-faq.html
Citater - Richard M Stallman Rasmus Madsen (2) Rasmus Madsen (0) Redaktør af virksomhedslitteratur hos forlagetPrentice Hall, 1957 (1) Reinhardt Beuth (1) Richard M Stallman (1) Robert http://www.quote.dk/quoteauthlist.asp?forfatter=227
Stallman, Richard M. - Free Software, Free Society Books At RealGroovy Free Software, Free Society. Stallman, Richard M. Lessig, Lawrence. Author(s) Stallman,Richard M. (Author) Lessig, Lawrence (Author) Gay, Joshua (Editor ). http://www.realgroovy.co.nz/index.asp?s=books&c=bookdetail&id=990184
A Slice Of Philosophy: Richard M. Stallman (1953 - ) Richard Stallman Free Software, Free Society The Selected Essays of RichardM. Stallman, GNU Press, 2002 Philosophy of the GNU Project Free Software and http://www.findlink.dk/stallman/stallman.htm
Extractions: The following serious bio is copied from www.stallman.org Richard Stallman is the founder of the Gnu Project , launched in 1984 to develop the free operating system GNU (an acronym for ``GNU's Not Unix''), and thereby give computer users the freedom that most of them have lost. GNU is free software: everyone is free to copy it and redistribute it, as well as to make changes either large or small. Today, Linux-based variants of the GNU system, based on the kernel Linux developed by Linus Torvalds, are in widespread use. There are estimated to be some 20 million users of GNU/Linux systems today. Richard Stallman is the principal author of the GNU Compiler Collection , a portable optimizing compiler which was designed to support diverse architectures and multiple languages. The compiler now supports over 30 different architectures and 7 programming languages. Stallman also wrote the GNU symbolic debugger (gdb) GNU Emacs , and various other GNU programs.
Richard M. Stallman ÈçÊÇ˵ The summary for this Chinese (Simplified) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.freelamp.com/new/publish/1003244632/index_html
Extractions: Special: ITworld.com's Career Center - Search for your next job. Learn a new skill. Get the latest IT career news. Go to network sites www.itworld.com open.itworld.com security.itworld.com smallbusiness.itworld.com storage.itworld.com utilitycomputing.itworld.com wireless.itworld.com Search Title Richard M. Stallman to move into Bill Gates Building at MIT Type Forum Source Slashdot 3/22/04 Summary Richard M. Stallman, founder of the Free Software Foundation, implacable foe of proprietary software, and MIT employee, has had his office moved to MIT's Bill Gates Building. Is this merely ironic, or a sign of sinister intent? Join the Slashdot crowd for a spirited discussion. continue Advertisement On this topic Mozilla, GNOME mull united front against Longhorn Open source vulnerability database opens
Michael Gauthier: Richard M. Stallman Richard M. Stallman. The thinker I m going to provide more insight on is RichardStallman. Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Richard M. Stallman http://exonous.typepad.com/michael/2004/02/richard_m_stall.html
Extractions: hostName = '.typepad.com'; Main The thinker I'm going to provide more insight on is Richard Stallman. I havn't looked up anything on Stallman yet, but I've come across references to him many times while surfing. Here is what I have gathered about Stallman without intentionally gathering information: Hopefully, after I do some research, it will be interesting to compare my view with the actual facts. Update: I did a google image search for a picture of Stallman and it turns out he does have long hair.