RBA: Catherine Helen Spence Biographical Summary Picture of Catherine Helen Spence. Catherine Helen Spence (18251910). Click for printfriendly version. Journalist, social and political http://www.rba.gov.au/CurrencyNotes/NotesInCirculation/bio_catherine_helen_spenc
Extractions: About the RBA Statistics Speeches Media Releases ... Contact Us Journalist, social and political reformer, novelist and feminist. Spence was born in Melrose, Scotland, in 1825. She emigrated to South Australia at the age of 14 with her parents and siblings and initially worked as a governess and briefly ran a small private school. Nurturing literary ambitions since childhood, in her mid-twenties Spence began occasional paid journalism, a career which became long and distinguished. Her clear, wide-ranging articles were mainly on literature, politics and social issues. She is credited as the first woman novelist in Australia to portray antipodean issues with the publication in 1854 of her first novel, Clara Morison: A Tale of South Australia During the Gold Fever . The plots and characters of this novel and subsequent ones drew on her own experiences and circle of associates. An advocate of public education, in 1877 she was appointed to a local school board and supported the establishment in 1879 of the first government secondary school, the Advanced School for Girls. A year later, the South Australian Education Department published her book The Laws We Live Under Catherine Helen Spence died on 3 April 1910 in Norwood, Adelaide, while working on her autobiography, published posthumously later that year. She never married.
Catherine Helen Spence Catherine Helen Spence Writer, Social Activist 1825 1910. We are currently preparing a short profile. Please return again soon, or http://www.whitehat.com.au/Australia/People/Spence.html
Extractions: Australian social reformer. Born in Melrose, one of eight children of a lawyer. Spence emigrated with her family to Adelaide (South Australia) in 1839, following her father's bankruptcy. She became a teacher, opening her own school in 1845, before becoming Australia's first woman journalist and known as a political campaigner and social reformer. She campaigned for destitute women, the protection of orphans, proportional representation and universal adult suffrage. She had an important role in the provision of female education; contributing to campaigns for girl's schools, women's access to teacher training colleges and Universities. Spence became Australia's first female political candidate, when she unsuccessfully stood for election in 1897. She also published seven novels, Clara Morison (1854), the first novel written about Australia by a woman, Tender and True Mr Hogarth's Will The Author's Daughter Handfasted Gathered In (1881) and A Week in the Future (1889). She also published a political text book and an authobiography.
Details Of Catherine Helen Spence Catherine Helen Spence 1825 1910. Related Records. There are 2 related records. ( 0 Attractions, 1 Family, 0 Features, 0 People, 1 Settlement ) http://www.geo.ed.ac.uk/scotgaz/people/famousdetails1035.html
Documenting A Democracy - South Australia Picture Album A major figure in the political development of South Australia, Catherine Helen Spence (18251910) promoted social and electoral reform, including the http://www.foundingdocs.gov.au/explore/picture_album/sa_pics.htm
Extractions: South Australia Picture Album Indigenous Australians are advised that this page may include images or names of people now deceased. 'The Proclamation of South Australia' 1836 records the ceremony at Glenelg, South Australia, on 28 December 1836, according to artist Charles Hill, who painted the scene more than 20 years later. Location: Art Gallery of South Australia Documents: A South Australian Colony created by Parliaments Founding the Province of South Australia This Proclamation, issued by Governor Hindmarsh and read out by him to the assembled immigrants who had disembarked from the Buffalo at Glenelg in December 1836, notified the settlers that government was in place in the new 'Province of South Australia'. The Proclamation has been read publicly at a ceremony on 28 December each year since. Location: State Records South Australia : GRG 24/90/401 Government House on North Terrace, Adelaide in 1845, painted by Samuel Thomas Gill. The original building remains, with a number of additions accumulated over a century and a half. Location: Art Gallery of South Australia Document: Creating a government in South Australia Portraits of Aboriginal people of South Australia, a lithograph by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins (from a painting by George Fife Angas), published in
Extractions: Navigate this site Colour painting, 'The Proclamation of South Australia' (76K) , 1836 records the ceremony at Glenelg, South Australia, on 28 December 1836, according to artist Charles Hill, who painted the scene more than 20 years later. Location: Art Gallery of South Australia Documents: A South Australian Colony created by Parliaments Founding the Province of South Australia This Proclamation, issued by Governor Hindmarsh and read out by him to the assembled immigrants who had disembarked from the Buffalo at Glenelg in December 1836, notified the settlers that government was in place in the new 'Province of South Australia'. The Proclamation has been read publicly at a ceremony on 28 December each year since. Proclamation page 1 (148K) Proclamation page 2 (182K) Proclamation page 3 (179K) Proclamation page 4 (123K) Location: State Records South Australia : GRG 24/90/401 Colour painting by Samuel Thomas Gill of Government House on North Terrace (78K) , Adelaide in 1845. The original building remains, with a number of additions accumulated over a century and a half.
Matthew Patay .back) Catherine Helen Spence (18251910), journalist, social and political reformer, novelist and feminist is at center. http://aes.iupui.edu/rwise/NoteofMonth/matthew_patayApril2004Australia.htm
Extractions: Sir Henry Parkes was described during his lifetime by The Times of London as the most commanding figure in Australian politics. He was a political survivor, evidenced by the fact that he was premier of colonial New South Wales five times between 1872 and 1891. His political life spanned the second half of the nineteenth century, from the establishment of responsible self government in 1856, which was followed by the era of faction politics characterised by shifting alliances, through to the advent of the party system. He was knighted in 1877. Born in Warwickshire, England, in 1815, Parkes became a bone and ivory turner, a skilled artisan, and emigrated to New South Wales in 1839. He drifted into journalism after fitful progress in his trade. His literary and political writings belied his lack of formal education. While in England he had taken up the cause of political radicalism and coming to the colony continued his interest in politics. He campaigned for universal male suffrage and in 1848 played a prominent role in the campaign against the resumption of convict transportation to New South Wales. From 1850 to 1858 he was editor and proprietor of The Empire newspaper, an organ of liberal opinion.
Literary Encyclopedia: List People (S) Hanning ). 1827 1864. Spence, Catherine Helen (Spence, Catherine Helen ). 1825 - 1910. Spence, Joseph (Spence, Joseph ). 1699 - 1768. http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?no=300&golist=true&init=S
ANZUA - Notable Unitarians humanitarianism so allow us to drop some names. Catherine Helen Spence (18251910). Yes the lady on the Australian five dollar http://www.anzua.org/anzua/Notable Unitarians.cfm
Extractions: Association - ANZUA A N Z U A About ANZUA History of ANZUA Office Holders 2001 Conference Papers ... Political Resources Notable Unitarians Unitarians have a quaint habit of listing people of note who have been active Unitarians or have held Unitarian beliefs. Unitarianism has an illustrious heritage of leaders in arts and letters, politics, science, education and humanitarianism so allow us to drop some names. Yes the lady on the Australian five dollar note, Catherine Helen Spence, journalist, social reformer and novelist is one of ours. Click here for a short article by the Reserve Bank of Australia on our most prominent Unitarian. (Image courtesy of the Reserve Bank of Australia For more information about a woman lauded in her day as the Grand Old Woman of Australia, click here Sir William a'BECKETT (1806 - 1869)- First Chief Justice of Victoria (1852-1857) Victor JAMES - Unitarian Minister, Leader in the Anti-Vietnam War Moratorium
Wickham Family Tree Wickham m. 1) Maryette Pratt, 2) Helen Herick (lived A. Wickham m. Charles Keep .6 Catherine Wickham m Wickham (18831966) m. Robert Bruce Spence (1881-1958 http://www.geocities.com/joewickham/tree.htm
Extractions: Wickham Family Tree The tables below depict selected relationships between certain Wickham family members and famous individuals. In some cases, the people listed below had many more children, but for the sake of clarity, some have been omitted. Unless indicated otherwise, children are from a person's first marriage. In many cases, two individuals may be related in multiple ways, even if only one path is depicted. These relationships are shown for illustrative purposes only and are by no means exhaustive. It is estimated that this table shows no more than half of the Wickham family members bearing the Wickham surname who died before 2000. Selected Wickham Genealogy Picture of the stairway of the Wickham House in Richmond, Virginia, built by constitutional lawyer John Wickham in 1812 THOMAS WICKHAM (1624-1688) , Immigrant, m. Sarah - .2 Thomas Wickham (1648-1650) .2 Thomas Cornet Wickham (1651-1730) m. Mary Hurlbut ( see Thomas' gravestone CLARENCE HORACE WICKHAM (1860-1945) CHARLES PRESTON WICKHAM (1836-1925) PARKER WICKHAM (1727-1785) ... GEORGE DUNCAN WICKHAM (1772-1845) Selected King Genealogy Wickham Wickham Wickham Selected Fanning Genealogy
Australian Women Details - Book Resource Type Book. Notes Microform. Source University of Melbourne Library. Language English. See Spence, Catherine Helen (1825 1910). Search Bibliography. http://barney.asap.unimelb.edu.au/nfaw/scripts/nfaw-bib.php3?pubid=AWP000502
Geographers : Biobibliographical Studies - GEOGRAPHERSFIÉ ®X Kohl Lobeck 18861958 112 (20) Fred S. Grandinetti Nikolai Nikolaevich MiklouhoMaclay 132 (9) 18461888 JM Powell Catherine Helen Spence 18251910 141 (16 http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/guest/cgi-bin/booksea.cgi?ISBN=0826456170
Australian Women People Browse List - S Speedie, Alice Beatrice (c. 1879 1955), Community worker; Spence, Catherine Helen (1825 - 1910), Suffragist, Writer and Campaigner; http://www.nfaw.org/archive-p/br_s_people.htm
Australian Women Repository Browse List - M Colleen Shirley see MumShirl (c. 1924 - 1998), Community worker Spence, Catherine Helen (1825 - 1910), Suffragist, Writer and Campaigner Street, Jessie Mary http://www.nfaw.org/archive-p/br_m_repository.htm
Extractions: Home Browse Search A B C D ... Search Macleay Museum, University of Sydney Maternal and Child Welfare Division, Brisbane Melba Memorial Conservatorium of Music Mitchell and Dixson Libraries Manuscripts Collection, State Library of New South Wales Mitchell Library and Sir William Dixson Research Library, State Library of New South Wales MLC School, Sydney
DIRECTORY.SCREENPHONE.NET - Info Booth/History/By Region/Oceania Holdfast Catherine Helen Spence 1825 1910 - Profile of the South Australian writer, teacher, and social and political reformer. http://directory.screenphone.net/Info_Booth/History/By_Region/Oceania/Australia/
Volume 6 Issue 3 INTERNET EDITION � release of the new oneyear only issue A$5.00 polymer note, featuring Sir Henry Parkes (1815 - 1896) and Catherine Helen Spence (1825 - 1910) to celebrate the http://www.vision.net.au/~pwood/mar2001.htm
Extractions: Volume 6 Issue 3 INTERNET EDITION March SOCIETY SNIPPETS. This section is devoted to members of the Tasmanian Numismatic Society and it contains information of a local nature. Held on Saturday 17th. and Sunday 18th. March at the Derwent Entertainment Centre in Glenorchy near Hobart, the Australian Numismatic Dealers Association (ANDA) show was welcomed by many numismatically starved Tasmanians who travelled from many out of Hobart locations to attend during the two days it was in progress. The presence of the Perth Mint, which had issued the Tasmanian state tribute Holey Dollar, and the Royal Australian Mint with several new releases, attracted a constant stream of visitors as did an old friends John Pettit and Tony James with their marvellous collection of exquisite top-of-the-range banknotes. As a poor but avid banknote collector, amongst other things, I had no option - like many others - but to drool as I shuffled through box after box of their beautiful pieces of paper. Local Hobart dealers
Board Of Trustees Index - Alphabetical List Altman, Mary Ann Spence (1930 ), Class of 1951 Gallagher, Helen Douglass (1906-1965), Clas of 1926 McEnally, Joseph Benson (1825-1910), Class of 1845, Trustee 1867 http://chronicles.dickinson.edu/encyclo/t/trustees/
Extractions: Adams, Rolland Leroy Class of 1927, Trustee 1961-1980 Agnew, Samuel Class of 1798, Trustee 1827-32 Albright, Charles Class of 1852, Trustee 1879-80 Alcock, John Leighton Trustee 1917-20 Alexander, Samuel Class of 1812, Trustee 1827-33 Alexander, William Trustee 1808-14 Allen, Merle White Trustee 1948-61 Allison, Patrick Trustee 1788 Allison, William Clare Trustee 1888-91 Allison, William Clare, Jr. Class of 1893, Trustee 1894-1906 Alter, Jacob, Trustee 1820-33 Althouse, C. Scott Trustee 1950-70 Altman, Mary Ann Spence Class of 1951, Trustee 1983-1992 Anderson, Matthew Trustee 1833-60 Andrew, James Osgood Trustee 1836-39 Andrews, Edward Gayer Trustee 1882-88 Antes, Henry Trustee 1833-56 Appenzellar, Paul Peyton Trustee 1916-17, 1921-44 Appold, Lemuel Towers Class of 1882, Trustee 1902-36 Armstrong, James Trustee 1796-1826 Armstrong, John Trustee 1783-94 Arndt, John Trustee 1783-88 Arnold, John Carlisle Trustee 1951-58 Asbell, Yale Class of 1978, Trustee 2000- Ashmead, Samuel Trustee, 1837-55
Names Index Page Translate this page Marie (-23 NOV 1708) Chenard, Helen D. Chenard 1600 - 1620-) Chevalier, Catherine (10 MAR 1712/13 Cichonski, Zenon Cieckiewicz, Jeannette Eleanor Spence (12 JAN http://www.mayrand.org/HTML/names5.html
Sarah Lumley Lumley, Sarah (2003). ?Catherine Helen Spence 1825 1910.? In Armstrong, PH and Martin, GJ (eds) Geographers Biobibliographical Studies, Vol. http://www.ssn.flinders.edu.au/geog/srca/sarah_lumley.htm
Extractions: Dr Sarah Lumley Book Lumley, Sarah (2002), Sustainability and Degradation in Less Developed Countries: Immolating the Future? , Ashgate Publications, Aldershot, ISBN Number Hbk 7546 1993 1 Lumley, Sarah (2004 forthcoming). 'Mishan, Ezra Joshua (1917- )', The Biographical Dictionary of British Economists, Thoemmes Press, Bristol. (By invitation). Lumley, Sarah and Armstrong, Patrick (2004 forthcoming). 'Some of the Nineteenth Century Origins of the Sustainability Concept', Environment, Development and Sustainability (Kluwer). Lumley, Sarah (2003), 'Selfishness or Altruism? An Historical Perspective of Sustainable Development, Economics, and Science', Connections , Autumn 2003, Online Journal of the Australian Society for Agricultural and Resource Economics and the Australian Agribusiness Society. Lumley, Sarah (2003). ?Catherine Helen Spence 1825 - 1910.? In: Armstrong, P.H. and Martin, G.J. (eds) Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies