Moja Nauka | ¦ci±ga | Liczby Pierwsze pierwszych ma przede wszystkim wchodzaca w sklad specjalnego zespolu Silicon Graphic`sCray Research slawna para matematyków David Slowinski Paul Gage.
Extractions: Szukaj: Przejd¼ do dzia³u: Wybierz dzia³ G³ówne dzia³y serwisu Strona g³ówna Co dalej absolwencie? ¦ci±gi i wypracowania Ko³o dziennikarskie Pomoc nauczycieli Okiem nastolatka Szybka nauka Jêzyki obce Au Pair Matura Humor Forum dyskusyjne Twój profil Niemiecki Angielski Konkursy Bezpieczny seks Informacje o serwisie O nas Reklama Nasi przyjaciele Prywatno¶æ Dla prasy Strona g³ówna Co dalej absolwencie? Szybka nauka Bezpieczny seks ... Zdob±d¼ nasz gad¿et! Liczby pierwsze s± to takie liczby naturalne, które wiêksze s± od jedynki i podzielne bez reszty przez sam± siebie i jedynkê. Jednym z pytañ dotycz±cych liczb pierwszych, które narzuca siê ka¿demu jest pytanie o liczbê tych liczb: ile ich jest, skoñczenie wiele czy, wrêcz przeciwnie, nieskoñczenie? Na to akurat znamy odpowied· od czasów staro¿ytnych: liczb pierwszych jest nieskoñczenie wiele. Wiedzia³ o tym ju¿ w IV w. p.n.e. sam wielki Euklides. Innymi s³owy, nie istnieje najwiêksza liczba pierwsza: dla ka¿dej danej liczby pierwszej mo¿emy znale·æ wiêksz±. Istotnie, gdyby by³a jedynie skoñczona liczba liczb pierwszych (np. P) to iloczyn wszystkich tych P liczb, zwiêkszony o jedynkê, musia³by byæ te¿ pierwszy (bo przy dzieleniu przez któr±kolwiek z tych P liczb dawa³by oczywi¶cie. resztê jeden); zatem przypuszczenie, ¿e jest ich P, jest fa³szywe, bowiem znale·li¶my oto nastêpn±.
Maiores_primos David Slowinski,1985. 2 132049 -1, 39751, David Slowinski, 1983. 2 86243 -1, 25962, David Slowinski,1982.
Mersenne Primes Curt Noll Laura A. Nickel (Cyber 174) 26 23209 6987 13973 1979 Landon Curt Noll(Cyber 174) 27 44497 13395 26790 1979 David Slowinski Harry L. Nelson (Cray
Extractions: N is an even perfect number if and only if It should also be noted that for 2^q - 1 to be prime q must be prime. So when we search for even perfect numbers, we search on q equal to the primes. The numbers M(q) = 2^q - 1 (with q prime) are called Mersenne numbers. If M(q) = is prime then it is called a Mersenne prime. If a prime q makes a Mersenne number a Mersenne prime, then P(q) = 2^(q-1) * (2^q - 1) is a Perfect number. Here are the 39 known Mersenne primes, M(q), as of Nov 14, 2001: The way to determine if 2^q - 1 is prime, given that q is an odd prime, is to use the Lucas-Lehmer test: Return to Perfect Numbers
Mersenne-Primzahl | Mathe Board Lexikon Translate this page 27, 44497, 13395, 26790, 1979, Nelson + David Slowinski. 28, 86243, 25962,51924, 1982, David Slowinski. 30, 132049, 39751, 79502, 1983, David Slowinski.
Extractions: Startseite Mathe Board Lexikon Mathe Tools ... Partner Das Mathe Board: Kostenlose Nachhilfe in Mathematik von der Grundschule bis zur Hochschule. A B C D ... Z Definition, Erklärung, Bedeutung Verbessern Mitmachen Eine Mersenne-Primzahl ist eine Primzahl , die eins weniger als die Zweierpotenz einer Primzahl ist. Beispielsweise ist 3 = 2 -1 eine Mersenne-Primzahl, genau wie 7 = 2 -1. Der kleinste prime Exponent, der auf keine Mersenne-Primzahl führt, ist Allgemeiner nennt man die Zahl M p p -1 die p te Mersenne-Zahl . Mit dieser Bezeichnungsweise sind die Mersenne-Primzahlen genau die Mersenne-Zahlen, die Primzahlen sind. Den Namen haben diese Primzahlen von dem französischen Mönch und Priester Marin Mersenne (1588 - 1648), der behauptete, dass für p = 2, 3, 5, 7, 13, 17, 19, 31, 67, 127 und 257 M p eine Primzahl ist. Dabei irrte er aber bei den Zahlen 67 und 257 und übersah die Zahlen 61, 89 und 107. Bei der Zahl 67 handelt es sich möglicherweise um einen Lesefehler seitens Mersenne aus seiner Korrespondenz mit Frenicle und Fermat, wobei er p =61 verwechselte mit p Inhaltsverzeichnis showTocToggle("Anzeigen","Verbergen")
Tim's GIMPS Page 34, 2 1257787 1, 378632, 757263, David Slowinski Paul Gage, Cray T94, 03/09/1996.33, 2 859433 - 1, 258716, 517430, David Slowinski Paul Gage, Cray C916, /1994.
Extractions: The GIMPS Project is a well established distributed internet project that has been running since January 1996. The project attempts to find record breaking Mersenne prime numbers. These numbers are of the form M(p) = 2 p The GIMPS project was set up by George Woltman. In 1995 George gathered up all the known disparate databases of primes and combined them into one. He placed the database and a highly optimised program to search for Mersennes onto the web. This became the GIMPS project which has now found the largest known prime on 6 different occasions. Furthermore, GIMPS has scanned all of the regions left unexplored between the previous record primes by combining the efforts of the internet community. Scott Kurowski established the central Internet PrimeNet Server (IPS) that issues out most of the work to the clients and keeps track of the results sent back to the server reporting any factors found and whether a given Mersenne number has determined to be prime or not. Several reports are available showing what and how much work is being done at any given time. Users can get reports on their own past work and rate themselves by how much work they have done for the project. It is possible to decide what Mersenne exponents you'd like to check and manually override the work issued out by IPS if you want. This allows people to target special numbers and ranges according to their whim. Searching the Mersenne numbers for large primes has an advantage over other classes of primes because a very powerful mathematical result known as the
Extractions: A1,28,Amdahl 6 - 1989 A2,30,Amdahl 6 - 1989 B1,64,Dave Boyd C1,64,Nick Craig-Wood. StongARM machines. D1,9,David Slowinski D2,10,David Slowinski D3,11,David Slowinski D4,12,David Slowinski D5,13,David Slowinski D6,14,David Slowinski D7,15,David Slowinski D8,16,David Slowinski D9,17,David Slowinski E,64,Ernst Mayer v2.3 through 2.4c - residues may have up to 3 digits wrong E1,64,Ernst Mayer v2.4d - residue bug fixed. E2,64,Ernst Mayer v2.5 G,15,Gary Gostin G2,64,Glucas v. 2.2 G29,64,Glucas with initial shift counts J,12,John Sweeney. Mac version 1.1 - bug in residue code. J1,64,John Sweeney. Mac version 1.2 - same as 1.1 but residue bug fixed. J2,64,John Sweeney. Mac version 1.3 - radix 4 implementation J3,64,John Sweeney. Mac version 1.4 - Bug fix. prev versions can give bad data J4,64,John Sweeney. MacLL v1.0b1 M,64,Peter Marksteiner. M1,64,Woltman - OS/2 Version of WPn (Marcel van de Vusse) M3,64,Woltman - OS/2 Version of WQn (Michel van Loon) N1,15,Nick Myrman. Home grown FFT. residues up to 15 bits - can be off by 1. N2,15,Nick Myrman. Crandall FFT. residues up to 15 bits - can be off by 1. O1,64,Woltman - OS/2 version of WPn (Matan Ziv-Av) S,15,Dave Smitley U,15,Unknown U2,28,Unknown (sent to David Slowinski) W1,0,Woltman - All integer version W2,64,Woltman - Early floating point version W4,64,Woltman - First Web release W5,64,Woltman - Separate lucas14 and 15. pre-factoring - Win 3.1 W6,64,Woltman - Windows 95 version of W5 - Win 95 W7,64,Woltman - Vastly improved factoring algorithm - Win 3.1 W8,64,Woltman - Vastly improved factoring algorithm - Win 95 W9,64,Woltman - Better self-test. fixed factoring continue bug - Win 3.1 WA,64,Woltman - Better self-test. fixed factoring continue bug - Win 95 WB,64,Woltman - No two-to-phi array. more error checking - Win 3.1 WC,64,Woltman - No two-to-phi array. more error checking - Win 95 WL,64,Woltman - No two-to-phi array. more error checking - Linux WP0,64,Woltman - PFA version - Win 3.1 WP1,64,Woltman - PFA version - Win 95 WP2,64,Woltman - PFA version - Linux WP3,64,Woltman - PFA version - Win 3.1 Screen Saver WP4,64,Woltman - PFA version - Win 95 Screen Saver WP5,64,Woltman - PFA version - Win NT Service WQ0,64,Woltman - Better error checking - Win 3.1 WQ1,64,Woltman - Better error checking - Win 95 WQ2,64,Woltman - Better error checking - Linux WQ3,64,Woltman - Better error checking - Win 3.1 Screen Saver WQ4,64,Woltman - Better error checking - Win 95 Screen Saver WQ5,64,Woltman - Better error checking - Win NT Service WQ6,64,Woltman - Better error checking - UNIXWare version compiled by MF WR1,64,Woltman - Networked version - Win 95 WR2,64,Woltman - Networked version - Linux WR5,64,Woltman - Networked version - Win NT Service WR7,64,Woltman - Networked version - OS/2 port by Michiel van Loon WS0,64,Woltman - Exp to 20.5M - Win 3.1 WS1,64,Woltman - Exp to 20.5M - Win 95 WS2,64,Woltman - Exp to 20.5M - Linux WS5,64,Woltman - Exp to 20.5M - Win NT Service WS7,64,Woltman - Exp to 20.5M - OS/2 port by Michiel van Loon WT0,64,Woltman - Shifted starting value - Win 3.1 WT1,64,Woltman - Shifted starting value - Win 95 WT2,64,Woltman - Shifted starting value - Linux WT5,64,Woltman - Shifted starting value - Win NT Service WT7,64,Woltman - Shifted starting value - OS/2 port by Michiel van Loon WU0,64,Woltman - Works above 2^22 - Win 3.1 WU1,64,Woltman - Works above 2^22 - Win 95 WU2,64,Woltman - Works above 2^22 - Linux WU5,64,Woltman - Works above 2^22 - Win NT Service WU7,64,Woltman - Works above 2^22 - OS/2 port by Michiel van Loon WV1,64,Woltman - Even faster! - Win 95 WV2,64,Woltman - Even faster! - Linux WV3,64,Woltman - Even faster! - Solaris WV5,64,Woltman - Even faster! - Win NT Service WV6,64,Woltman - Even faster! - FreeBSD WV7,64,Woltman - Even faster! - OS/2 port by Michiel van Loon WW1,64,Woltman - P-1 - Win 95 WW2,64,Woltman - P-1 - Linux WW5,64,Woltman - P-1 - Win NT Service WW6,64,Woltman - P-1 - FreeBSD WX1,64,Woltman - SSE2 and prefetch - Win 95 WX2,64,Woltman - SSE2 and prefetch - Linux WX5,64,Woltman - SSE2 and prefetch - Win NT Service WY1,64,Woltman - New FFT crossovers WY2,64,Woltman - New FFT crossovers WY5,64,Woltman - New FFT crossovers WZ1,64,Woltman - Improved SSE2 FFTs - Windows WZ2,64,Woltman - Improved SSE2 FFTs - Linux WZ5,64,Woltman - Improved SSE2 FFTs - NT Service X,64,Richard Crandall program and it's successors - UNIX X1,32,Crandall's program - UNIX
Nanobiographies Adi ; Shanks, Daniel Charles (1917) ; Slowinski, David ; Spiro, Claudia
Reality And Other States Today s New York Times notes the passing of David Lewis and Joseph Slowinski andcontains interesting stories regarding Sandra Miranda and Abdurrahman Wahid.
Extractions: Today's New York Times notes the passing of David Lewis and Joseph Slowinski and contains interesting stories regarding Sandra Miranda and Abdurrahman Wahid. David Lewis was a professor of philosophy at Princeton University. He championed the idea that all conceivable worlds actually exist. According to the Times, "He believed, for instance, that there was a world with talking donkeys." I like the Times statement for its suggestion through the use of past tense that the world of talking donkeys was obliterated with Lewis's passing. Joseph Slowinski was an expert on venomous snakes. He died at age 38 as a result of krait (relative of the cobra) bite in a remote region of Myanmar. It was his 11th trip to the country. Sandra Miranda stole the credit card of a friend killed in the World Trade Center collapse and went on a shopping spree with it September 15 through 18. The theft was discovered by the victim's mother when the bill came with charges after the 11th. Mirandra's $5000 nefarious purchases included $2000 in religious figurines from a gift shop in Bensonhurst. Abdurrahn Wahid was removed from office as the President of Indonesia by legislative action on July 23. Interviewed this week "alone in his tiny office..., his hands folded quietly before him on his desktop. Blind from two strokes, he stared straight ahead, unmoving. But within his mind, behind his placid expression the world was clearly swirling with activity, scenes as extraordinary and subtle and perhaps as fantastic, as the shadow puppet shows he loves." (Seth Mydans, the Times reporter, writes flamboyantly for a newspaperman.) Despite universal celebration of his passing from the scene, Wahid expects to be returned to office by popular demand at any moment.
Prescott Bright Smiles Hickling, 17961859 Pencho P. Slowinski, David Smiles, Samuel, 1812-1904 SmithEugene, 1858-1932 Bright, Mynors, 1818-1883, Translator Bronte 32 +++ Old
Extractions: "Hate Your Dull, Yellow Teeth? Give Me 2 Minutes and I'll Show You a Revolutionary, Yet Simple Way to Get Professional, Dental Quality Teeth Whitening at Six (6) Times LESS Than You'd Ever Expect to Pay!" No kidding. In fact, this powerful service allows you to have bright, dramatic tooth whitening results WITHOUT ever going to a dentist . ...And, your compete satisfaction is 100% guaranteed, or you don't pay!
K. Slowinski 34243. K. Slowinski Improve the tracing of pictures with invisible lines.Tech. Rep. Généré le Tue Sep 1 154044 1998.
Har-introduction-flt Theoretical Computer Science 73, 3 (1990), 295311. K. Slowinski Improve thetracing of pictures with invisible lines. Tech. Rep.
FRB: Rearch And Statistics Staff Michael T. Kiley, Chief David M. Arseneau Flint Brayton Rochelle M. Edge Thomas LaubachEileen Mauskopf John Darrel W. Parke, Chief May X. Liu Samuel Slowinski.
Extractions: The Division of Research and Statistics is responsible for developing and presenting economic and financial data and analysis for the use of the Board, the Federal Open Market Committee, and other Federal Reserve System officials. This information serves as background for the formulation and conduct of monetary, regulatory, and supervisory policies. In addition, the division fosters a broader understanding of issues relating to economic policy by providing leadership in economic and statistical research and by supplying data and analyses for public release. Capital Markets Nellie Liang, Chief
Back .. to right, American researcher Guin Wogan, Chinese herptologist Roa Dingqi, Joe Slowinski,Burmese assistant U Po Cho, and American ichthyologist David Catania.
Extractions: Bit On September 11, in a remote corner of Myanmar, herpetologist Joseph Slowinski reached into a snake bag, as he had done a thousand times before. The next 28 hours would be his last. Mark W. Moffett recounts the death of a frienda man for whom beauty lay in a flash of danger hidden in wet grass. Slowinski in extremis, 11 a.m.: from left to right, American researcher Guin Wogan, Chinese herptologist Roa Dingqi, Joe Slowinski, Burmese assistant U Po Cho, and American ichthyologist David Catania THAT MORNING I WOKE at dawn and crawled from my tent into the big unpainted schoolroom where the members of our biology expedition slept. We were in Rat Baw, a village in the far north of Myanmar. Outside, expedition leader and herpetologist Joe Slowinski and his best friend, photographer Dong Lin, stood wearing matching green T-shirts stenciled with one of Dong's photos of a cobra, poised to strike. I walked up as Joe's Burmese field assistant, U Htun Win, held out a snake bag. "I think it's a Dinodon ," he was saying. Joe extended his right hand into the bag. When it reappeared, a pencil-thin, gray-banded snake swung from the base of his middle finger. "That's a fucking krait," Joe said. He pulled off the snake and kneaded the bitten area, seemingly unmarked, with a fingernail.
The Chronology Of Prime Number Records 25962. Slowinski. 1979. 2 44497 1. 13395. David Underbakke and Phil Carmody foundthe previous record, on May 17, 2001. date, prime, digits, who. 2002, 33218925.
Extractions: The Chronology of Prime Number Records Contents: Largest Twin Sophie Germain Mersenne ... Comments and Suggestions (see also the pages: The top 20: largest known primes On November 17, 2003, the computer of Michael Shafer, one of the members of the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search , discovered the new prime record: , running George Woltman's program connected to Scott Kurowski's Internet PrimeNet Server date prime digits who Shafer Woltman Kurowski , et. al. ( GIMPS Cameron Woltman Kurowski , et. al. ( GIMPS Hajratwala Woltman Kurowski , et. al. ( GIMPS Clarkson Woltman Kurowski , et. al. ( GIMPS Spence Woltman , et. al. ( GIMPS Armengaud Woltman , et. al. ( GIMPS Slowinski and Gage Slowinski and Gage Slowinski and Gage Brown Noll Parady ... Smith J. and Zarantonello Slowinski Slowinski Slowinski ... Nelson and Slowinski Noll Nickel and Noll Tuckerman Gillies Hurwitz Riesel Robinson Robinson Miller and Wheeler Ferrier Lucas Landry Looff Euler (see also the pages: The top 20: twin primes Twin primes are primes of the form p and p +2, i.e., they differ by two.
Supporters Mrs. Rex V. Naylor Mr. Mrs. Richard C. Ninde Mr. Mrs. David S. Noss Walter Susan Slowinski Margaret E. Sowerwine, MD Mr. Mrs. Donald F. Stanat Mr.
Donors Foundation The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Open Society Institute The David andLucile and Mr. Robert B. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Emil J. Slowinski Mrs. Frances H
Extractions: Wikipedia:Requested articles Mathematical and Natural Sciences Mathematics Table of contents 1 Astronomy and cosmology 2 Biology 2.1 Remaining U.S. state birds 3 Chemistry, Chemicals, Labs ... edit List of minor planets Lower culmination quasi-satellite Reissner-Nordstrøm metric ... edit No requests at this time. edit California Quail Blue Hen Chicken Eastern Brown Pelican ... Willow Goldfinch (WA) (Same as American Goldfinch edit Application Generator B-star search algorithm CUA (User interface guidelines) - David Korn Digital Chocolate EbXML Architecture Epox ... Loglan 88 (programming language unrelated to Loglan Markov predictor Marzullo's algorithm Mercedes (calculator) ... Segfault (the computing humour website formerly at Telekiosk Traffic grooming Two-way security ... Biogeology Geodetics Geological engineering ... National Wildlife Federation (led once by Jay Hair Udden-Wentworth scale edit a redirect page using only the last name should also be created for each of these. for example: