Old Delmer Transcripts Harry SAWYER 18601944. John H BARRY 1849-1930 his wife Viola J 1855-1922. ElizaBell Munro 1871-1946. In memory of Fred J BROWN Jan 3 1869 Apr 30 1949. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~dcoop/old_delmer_trans.htm
Extractions: OAS_AD('Top'); Margaret wife of John CLARKE 1849-1924. John CLARKE 1847-1931. William J CLARKE died Apr 20 1935 in his 58 th year. Mary Ann CLARKE his wife 1877-1960. Hazel M dau of Wm and Minnie CLARK April 1907 Sep 1907. Daniel B SCOTT 1868-1941. Sarah SCOTT 1880-1966. Infant son and daughter of Joseph and Gertrude SKELTON. Henry WILKINSON 1869-1956 his wife Annie DODGSON 1876-1975 their daughter Estella May 1911-1981. Mary and William WILKINSON. WILKINSON - In loving memory Mona E Allin 1916- wife of Howard M WILKINSON 1912-1991. Leda A dau of John and Rose WILKINSON died June 19 1902 aged 10 mos 19 days. Violet Irene WILKINSON died Jan 3 1914 in her 20 th year. Eula wife of Joseph H HARRIS 1890-1920. John WILKINSON 1866-1941 his wife Mary R SANDHAM 1860-1936. David McGAHEY died Mar 19 1898 in his 80 th year. Martha wife of the above died Apr 27 1906 age 93 yrs. David W McGAHEY died July 18 1899 age 35 yrs. Robert McGAHEY 1850-1932. Isabella McGAHEY 1860-1932 Mary McGAHEY 1855-1933. Natives of Ireland. PRATT - Carmen 1890-1961. Ida L his wife 1887-1977 .
The Spiritwalk Library: Project Gutenberg 18141873 Muir, John, 1838-1914 Munk, JA (Joseph Amasa), 1847-1927 Munro, HectorHugh, 1870-1916 AKA Saki, 1870-1916 Munro, J., 1849-1930 Murray, John Murray http://www.spiritwalk.org/gutenberg.htm
Extractions: Spiritwalk Library Project Gutenberg http://www.gutenberg.net Project Gutenberg is the Internet's oldest producer of FREE electronic books (eBooks or eTexts). It intends to put as many books on-line as possible and to gather these on line works into one central location. It is a terrific service of the University of Illinois. Project Gutenberg is the brainchild of Michael Hart, who in 1971 decided that it would be a really good idea if lots of famous and important texts were freely available to everyone in the world. Since then, he has been joined by hundreds of volunteers who share his vision. Now, more than thirty years later, Project Gutenberg has the following figures (as of November 8th 2002): 203 New eBooks released during October 2002, 1975 New eBooks produced in 2002 (they were 1240 in 2001) for a total of 6267 Total Project Gutenberg eBooks. 119 eBooks have been posted so far by Project Gutenberg of Australia
Alfred Von Tirpitz(8) Alfred von Tirpitz(8), DE, 18491930. Arthur J. Balfour(10), GB, 1848-1930. Specter,J. Arlen(1), Wichita, KS, 2/12/30. Alice Munro(13), Wingham, ON, 7/10/31. http://www.geocities.com/townoak/organization/time/s1930.htm
Extractions: Alfred von Tirpitz(8) DE Arthur J. Balfour(10) GB Tom Mboya(10) KE political leader; instrumental in securing independence for Kenya. Riordan, Richard(1) Flushing NY Lorraine Hansberry(4) US playwright; won New York Drama Critics Circle Award, 1959; A Raisin in the Sun. Chaney, Lon(26) Janssen, David(26) McQueen, Steve(26) Normand, Mabel(26) Loggia, Robert New York NY Rush, Barbara Denver CO Yarborough, Glenn Milwaukee WI Sternhagen, Frances Washington DC Taylor, Rip Washington DC Podhoretz, Norman(1) New York NY Hackman, Gene San Bernardino CA Wagner, Robert Detroit MI Specter, J. Arlen(1) Wichita KS Frankenheimer, John Malba NY Berman, Lazar Leningrad Russia Woodward, Joanne Thomasville GA MacLeod, Gavin Mt. Kisco NY Cullum, John Knoxville TN Maazel, Lorin Paris FR Coleman, Ornette Fort Worth TX Robertson, Pat(1) Lexington VA O'Connor, Sandra Day(1) nr. Duncan AZ Astin, John Baltimore MD Dillman, Bradford San Francisco CA Mann, Herbie New York NY Mazursky, Paul Brooklyn NY Peters, Roberta New York NY Stanley Elkin(13) New York NY Roberts, Pernell Waycross GA John Barth(13) Cambridge MD Eastwood, Clint
INDEX Munro, Frank White ( ) Munro, Jeanne Alice MYERS, Lisa ( - ) MYERS, Mary J. (-1897) MYERS NICHOLS, Orlo ( - ) NICHOLS, Sabina Catherine Susan (1849-1930) http://www.garnweb.com/hawkins/fowndx5.htm
Becker Medical Library Books A=Pratt, Edwin Hartley, 18491930. A=Prein, J. (Joachim), 1938- , ed. Arbeitsgemeinschaftf_ur own the history of adolescent medicine / Heather Munro Prescott http://becker.wustl.edu/miniecat/BAP136.html
Authors M-O Clarence Edward, 18831956 Munk, JA (Joseph Amasa), 1847-1927 Munro, H. H (HectorHugh,) 1870-1916 AKA Saki, 1870-1916 Munro, J., 1849-1930 Murray, John Murray http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/m-o.htm
Personnages Qui Sont Associées à Alexandre Dumas Père Thomson, J. Orr, Munro S. 1906, England. Monziès, Louis (18491930), De L intermédiairedes chercheurs et curieux 10 mai 1930, page 405 Louis Monziès (XCII http://www.cadytech.com/dumas/personnages.php?_order=Biography
Personnages Qui Sont Associées à Alexandre Dumas Père Monziès, Louis (18491930), De L intermédiaire des Morlock, Frank J. (1941-),Frank Morlock is an Munro, Douglas (-ca1994), A bibliographer and translator of http://www.cadytech.com/dumas/personnages.php?type=27
Extractions: enter name and hit return Find in Page A-C D-E F-G H ... U-Z - Surname Country and Location URL E-mail submitted F FAGAN Tillary Ave, Bklyn 1850-1865 1860-1899 garciabl@msn.com Betty Lou Garcia 5/17/99 FAGAN Ireland 1850 russherd@msn.com Linda Russell Shepherd 11/09/99 FAGAN Atlantic Ave, Bklyn 1899-1900 j-hohmann@comcast.net James Hohmann 2/24/2003 FAGNAN Quebec.Can>Stockton Ave/Pulaski St/Lafayette Ave Bklyn 1888-1926 mreed3520@hotmail.com Mary Reed 7/2/2001 FALKINER Falkiners Pharmacy Manhattan NYC, 1900-1934 robinson@picknowl.com.au Helen Robinson 7/30/2000 FALLABELLA 28 Meeker Ave. Bklyn 1895-1931 maf1228@optonline.net Michael Falabella 12/02/2003 FANNON Bklyn 1860 to 1915 fannon@optonline.net Marilyn Fannon 7/10/2003 FANTINO carmiek@earthlink.net Carmella Kice 4/13/2001 FARKAS tigertoni@prodigy.net Elaine Kupcunas-LaGreca 9/3/2002 FARLEY ENG>Hudson Ave. Bklyn 1890-1930's. maa1421@aol.com Mary Anne Shields Abbott 3/14/99 FARRELL Ire>Crown Hgts,Bklyn http://members.tripod.com/~Hoppscotch/
The Mad Cybrarian's Library: Free Online E-texts - Authors Me-Mz Munro, J. John, 18491930 Heroes of the Telegraph (SUBJECT Telegraph History) Gutenberg FTP UITXT 473 Kb - ZIP183 Kb SLTXT - ZIP ENTXT - ZIP. http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/richmond/88/1libme.htm
Extractions: web hosting domain names email addresses Mead, William R.: Meade-Falkner, J. Melanchthon, Philip, 1497-1560 Melville, Herman Mencius [Mengzi, Mang-tse] Mencken, H. L.: Menken, Adah Isaacs: 1835-1868 Mencken, H. L. Meredith, George The Amazing Marriage (Golden Gale zip format) , 1895 (P)( DOS Reader or Windows Reader required) The Egoist: A Comedy in Narrative An Essay on Comedy and the Uses of the Comic Spirit Lord Ormont and his Aminta (Golden Gale zip format) , 1894 (P)( DOS Reader or Windows Reader required) One of Our Conquerors (Golden Gale zip format) , 1891 (P)( DOS Reader or Windows Reader required) Poems - Volume 1 (Gutenberg texts) Poems - Volume 2 (Gutenberg texts) Poems - Volume 3 (Gutenberg texts) A Reading of Life, Other Poems
Names Index Page David (1875) McALLISTER, Thomas George (1849-1930) McALLISTER, William Thomas E (1909-)MOY, Vera J (1901-) MOY MUDGE, Margaret (1858-1940) Munro, Donald (1864 http://members.optusnet.com.au/~fredscott/names1.htm
Oakdale City Cemetery - Part 1 1933 Munro, Emma T., 18641946 Munro, Donald W Helen C., 1902-1905 Kretch, HowardJ., 1901-1933 Noth, John, 1846-1910 Noth, Wilhelmine, 1849-1930 Noth, William G http://www.celticcousins.net/scott/oakdale1.htm
Oakdale City Cemetery - Part 10 Rosina, 18471915 Frye, John D., 1849-1930 Frye, Matilda Stanley, Hamilton, 1847-1866Stanley, Sidney J., 1853-1867 Stanley, Lemuel c., 1842-1914 Munro, John A http://www.celticcousins.net/scott/oakdale10.htm
INDEX Munger. Mary ( ) Munro. Mary J. (1849-1930) Munroe. Charles M. ( -) Hannah ( - ) Lydia (1769-1825) Nathaniel ( - ) William ( - ) Munson. http://www.familyorigins.com/users/k/i/n/Peter-B-Kingman-1/FAMO1-0001/fowndx18.h
Proyecto Gutenberg: ÍNDICE DE AUTORES Translate this page 1879-1940 Munk, JA (Joseph Amasa), 1847-1927 Munro, HH AKA Saki, 1870-1916 Munro,Hector Hugh, 1870-1916 AKA Saki, 1870-1916 Munro, J., 1849-1930 Munro, John http://www.worldebooklibrary.com/es/ProjectGuternberg.htm
Extractions: Colección de los consorcios de la biblioteca de Libros Electronicos del mundo Sobre El Proyecto Gutenberg El proyecto Gutenberg es el más viejo productor del Internet de los libros electrónicos LIBRES que contienen sobre 10.000 (los eBooks o los eTexts). ¿Qué libros encontraré en el proyecto Gutenberg? El proyecto Gutenberg es el brainchild del ciervo de Michael , que en 1971 decidía a que sería una idea realmente buena si las porciones de textos famosos e importantes estaban libremente disponibles para cada uno en el mundo. Desde entonces, a centenares de los voluntarios lo ha ensamblado que comparten su visión. Ahora, más de treinta años más adelante, el proyecto Gutenberg tiene las figuras siguientes (en fecha 8 de noviembre de 2002): 203 nuevos eBooks lanzaron durante octubre de 2002, 1975 nuevos eBooks producidos en 2002 (eran 1240 de 2001) para un total de 6267 eBooks totales de Gutenberg del proyecto. 119 eBooks han sido fijados hasta ahora por
Index . Narrative Sarah. . . Narrative. Munger Mary. . . Narrative. Munro Mary J. (18491930).. . Narrative. Munson Caroline (1853-1870). . . Narrative Fannie. . . http://home.earthlink.net/~pbkingman5/Woodbridge/names1.htm
Kipling, Rudyard, 1865-1936 Heroes in Black Skins (1903). http//etext.lib.virginia.edu/ebooks/,msr,plm,htmeng. Munro, J., 1849-1930, 1004996. Heroes Of The Telegraph. http://hzeid.free.fr/th.htm
Extractions: Kipling, Rudyard, 1865-1936 Habitation Enforced, An http://gutenberg.net/ txt,htm-eng Sterling, Bruce Hacker Crackdown, The: law and disorder on the electronic frontier http://gutenberg.net/ txt,htm-eng Hackers, the Hackers' Dictionary Of Computer Jargon, The http://gutenberg.net/ txt,htm-eng Levy, Steven Hackers: heroes of the computer revolution http://gutenberg.net/ txt,htm-eng Kamban, Gudmundur, 1888-1945 Hadda Padda http://gutenberg.net/ txt,htm-eng Pound, Ezra and Fenollosa, Ernest Hagoromo (1916) http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/ebooks/ msr,plm,htm-eng Waley, Arthur Hagoromo (1922) http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/ebooks/ msr,plm,htm-eng Tyler, Royall Hagoromo (1978) http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/ebooks/ msr,plm,htm-eng O'Neill, Eugene, 1888-1953 Hairy Ape, The http://gutenberg.net/ txt,htm-eng Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn, 1810-1865 Half A Life-Time Ago http://gutenberg.net/ txt,htm-eng MacGrath, Harold, 1871-1932 Half A Rogue http://gutenberg.net/ txt,htm-eng Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn, 1810-1865 Half-Brothers, The http://gutenberg.net/ txt,htm-eng Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616
EBOOKS - ALPHABETICAL LIST ~ M Moliere, 16221673. Molloy, J. Fitzgerald (Joseph Fitzgerald), 1858-1908. Mommsen,Theodor, 1817-1903. Munk, JA (Joseph Amasa), 1847-1927. Munro, John, 1849-1930. http://www.globusz.com/authors_m1.html