Affiliated Artists | Kenna Moser some of the symbolic and carefully considered objects Moser has selected in her recent narratives Tom Fawkes, Roy de Forest, Isabel Sim Hamilton, Gaylen Hansen, Paul Harcharik
Extractions: Kenna Moser Still lifes, botanicals and circus figures represent some of the symbolic and carefully considered objects Moser has selected in her recent narratives. Each piece is contemplative and sensual, coaxing the viewer to decode the connections and complete the story themselves. This, Moser states, is akin to how we "decipher and reconstruct our own personal history through inherited objects, stories, photographs and memories." Ultimately, the relationship between these objects reveal Moser's homage to nature, growth and family history. Moser's work is wrought with craftsmanship which reflects her reverence for traditional methods of painting. Each antique letter, text and photograph is covered in beeswax then overpainted with Moser's exquisitely rendered nostalgic icons. These fragments are carefully composed, creating the rich context of Moser's work.
Extractions: Elegant and slim, "Isabel" by Jiri Suhajek was inspired by his visit to Segovia and the exquisite Glass Museum of La Granja, Spain. The drinking set with a faceted colored stem was designed for special celebrations and events. The artist´s aim is to stress the color variety and traditional craftsmanship of the Moser glassworks. Available in combinations of clear glass with alexandrite, aquamarine or smoke colored stems. Back Language select
Extractions: Home Top 60 Wer kommt mit ? Tickets Gewinnspiele Hilfe Fr, 04. Juni 2004 Events nach Young Business für Kinder Frauen ... LesBiSchwul dd_names[dd_names.length]='topicmenu_zielgruppen'; Zielgruppen Erotik Future Kulinarisches Mode ... Wellness dd_names[dd_names.length]='topicmenu_themen'; Themen Eintritt frei Open Air Benefizveranstaltung dd_names[dd_names.length]='topicmenu_eigenschaften'; Eigenschaften Pfingsten hot summer events Kultursommer Ballkalender dd_names[dd_names.length]='topicmenu_highlights'; Highlights Allegro Vivo Tanz und Ballett Tanz Ballett ganz Österreich Wien Niederösterreich Burgenland Steiermark Oberösterreich Kärnten Salzburg Tirol Vorarlberg gesamt Heute, Fr Morgen 7 Tage, bis Do Alle ... nach Datum bis Washi / Andersgleich oder Als die Phantasie nach Aalglattmannsdorf kam Tanztheater Springschuh u.a. Tanz und Ballett Übersicht Detailinfo User Comments (0) Für Kinder ab 7 Jahren. Termine: 4020 Linz CCL - Choreographic Centre Linz Washi / Andersgleich oder Als die Phantasie nach Aalglattmannsdorf kam Do,01.07. 16:00
Infanta Isabel Hotel - Segovia - Reviews Of Infanta Isabel Hotel Write a review! Guidebooks (4). INFANTA Isabel, Hotel Infanta Isabel, JP Moser Hotel Chateau Guide Hotel Infanta Isabel, Frommers Hotel
JUMBO | Goya Translate this page Eulen Eisbär, Erdbär und Mausbär Hell leuchtet der Weihnachtsstern Erwin Moserwurde 1954 Schaf Wo sind die Eier, kleiner Osterhase Isabel Abedi geboren in
La Crucifixión De "Santa Greta", La Crucifixión De Translate this page contundentes que había tenido la previsión de hacer reunir a su alcance, y golpeócon él las cabezas de su hermana Isabel, de su cuñado Moser y de su
Extractions: VISITA A NUESTROS PATROCINADORES EDITORIAL HUMOR COLABORA E-MAIL ... IMÁGENES El 14 de marzo de 1823, se producía en una casa de labradores de Wildensbusch, al norte del cantón de Zurich, un gran alboroto, perceptible desde todo el pueblo. A eso de las diez de la mañana oían los vecinos, más que extrañados, sobrecogidos de religiosa emoción, el eco de saltos y de golpes que, entre fuertes gritos, llegaba del piso alto de la vivienda aldeana. A juzgar por todas las apariencias, en la casa propiedad del honrado labrador Peter se estaba trabando una lucha terrible. Entre chillidos penetrantes y coléricas voces de mujer, se distinguía el estrépito de recios golpes, que hacían temblar la casa. Parecía que estuviesen haciéndolo todo trizas en ella con hachas y martillos, pues saltaban los cristales de las ventanas, caían rotos sus bastidores, y al cabo de dos horas de pelea, hacia el mediodía, hasta las tablas del suelo saltaban al patio en menudas astillas. La voz aguda de "santa Greta", la hija del labriego Peter, bien conocida de todos, sobresalía clara dela ruidosa batahola, dominándola insistente.
Whitney Cemetary -Sexton Records 10 March 1930. 13 May 1952. Jenson. Isabel. 8 Nov 1931. 23 March 1989. Jira. FJ? Leslie S. 4 Oct 1892. 18 Jan 1969. Moser. Jean Telford. 16 Aug 1910. 3 Dec 1996.Moser.
Extractions: Whitney Cemetery -Sexton Records Transcribed by: Debra Henrie A - I First burial certificates issued in 1922 LAST FIRST BIRTH DEATH Jensen Marlon J 15 Sept 1912 4 June 1963 Jensen Woody K 18 Sept 1944 15 Nov 1989 Jensen Zelda 3 Nov 1922 17 April 1924 Jensen Marlene 1 Feb 1940 1 Feb 1940 Jensen Orion 7 Oct 1898 8 March 1983 Jensen Fredell G 20 March 1940 7 May 1988 Jensen Catharine W 18 March 1920 1 July 1993 Jensen Joe Kieth 10 March 1930 13 May 1952 Jenson Isabel 8 Nov 1931 23 March 1989 Jira F J -? 25 Feb 1939 Johnson Charles Russell 21 July 1978 29 Oct 1998 Johnson Alta B 26 June 1916 11 Oct 1975 Johnson Earl W 3 Aug 1915 7 Jan 1991 Kimball David S 8 April 1952 26 Sept 1975 Kjar Junno J N 12 Jan 1897 25 Aug 1984 Kjar Mary S H 5 May 1905 29 Aug 1984 Kjar Thomas D 1 Feb 1928 1 Feb 1928 Kjar Betty L 22 Feb 1927 22 Feb 1927 Komer Ralph F 25 Jan 1903 10 April 1991 Komer Doris Swainston 9 Feb 1908 1 Jan 1997 Lance Thomas C 27 March 1898 26 June 1964 Lance Seth 23 Oct 1867 29 Oct 1912 Lance Mary Ada B 16 Nov 1872 12 Jan 1943 Larsen Elias M 8 March 1894 3 Sept 1971 Larsen Fenton A 13 May 1894 2 Dec 1977 Larsen Clara Einzinger 29 Oct 1901 7 Oct 1994 Larsen Almartin 25 Dec 1868 17 Oct 1961 Larsen Alberta C 5 Jan 1900 22 Nov 1986 Larsen Ivan C 25 Jan 1896 30 March 1922 Larsen Ellen F C 29 March 1875 1 Feb 1936 Larsen Julia L G 2 Nov 1899 14 Sept 1965 Larsen Eugene C 27 Sept 1913 9 Aug 1965 Leffler James A 27 July 1840 Leffler Ann Maria 21 Aug 1853 13 Nov 1936 Lewis Richard W 2 Nov 1927 20 July 1973 Lewis Gerald L 23 March 1890 12 Jan 1967 Lewis Audrey 18 Aug 1917 28 Dec 1940 Lewis Sarah S 14 Feb 1893 29 Oct 1973 Lundberg T June Keller Wallace
Informal - Ana Moser, Brasileiríssima Translate this page Isabel, com pique para alçar vôos mais altos, parou cedo - mas Aninha subiria ao AnaMoser e a cubana Myrea Louis (maior jogadora do mundo), ambas com 31 anos
Extractions: Ana Moser , ao anunciar anteontem sua despedida das quadras Fim de uma era De Primeira JEC-JEC JEC/Irineu Destaques-99 - Federação Catarinense de Ciclismo compôs a mais eclética de todas comissões que atuam na escolha dos "Destaques Esportivos de 99" (nada menos de 18 pessoas) - e a votação final premiou Maurício Borges (Blumenau) e Édson Zielsdorf (Jaraguá do Sul). Os dois serão agraciados com o troféu O Jornaleiro de AN. Manchetes AN Figueirense tem novo desafio O velho e o garoto Volta por cima A nova estrela da corte LigaSul Brasil, Brasil
Extractions: Capa Esporte Economia Mundo ... Geral Colunas Moacir Pereira Informal Raul Sartori Livre Mercado ... Joelmir Beting Cadernos Anexo AN Cidade AN Economia AN Turismo Especiais AN Verde Grandes Entrevistas Cruz e Sousa Joinville 149 anos ... Cinema Info Expediente Institucional AN Capital Capa Geral Ricardinho Machado StarMedia Bate-papo Forum O técnico Celso Teixeira foi obrigado a fazer algo que não queria, mexer no time titular que enfrenta hoje o Atlético Alto Vale. Com vários jogadores lesionados e um suspenso, Teixeira mudou a equipe, mas espera que o empenho demonstrado pelos titulares seja o mesmo. "Estávamos tentando manter uma mesma base para facilitar o entrosamento do grupo. Agora tive que mudar, mas acredito que o resultado será positivo", aposta ele. Pensando nisso, o técnico Raffaele Graniti aproveitou os dois dias de treinamento para conversar com os jogadores. "Pedimos mais tranqüilidade ao time", afirma ele. Tantas oportunidades perdidas contra o Figueirense e contra a Chapecoense, nas últimas duas partidas da equipe, podem ser um sinal de nervosismo. "Ainda estamos na fase de ajustes do time", pondera Graniti. "Quem tem acompanhado nossos jogos já percebe um crescimento no futebol do time", emenda.
N-O Surnames 212, Naugle, Isabel Euphemia, Naugle Isabel Euphemia Feb.23,1932 Nov. Sprott E.,(Son), 1912 - 1956; Agnes W., (Wife Of Sprott), May 26,1913 -;, Moser River, Old
Extractions: Halifax Cemetery Inscriptions - N-O Naas Howard D. Naas Howard D. Feb 5, 1925 Age 25 Yrs. Oyster Pond United Church Nagle Ellen Laura Ellen Laura Nagle Died December 9, 1923 Wife Of Richard Nagle Herring Cove St. James' Anglican Nagle Fred Irene And Fred Nagle Herring Cove St. James' Anglican Nagle Irene Irene And Fred Nagle Herring Cove St. James' Anglican Nagle John L. Richard Nagle Died December 2Nd, 1906 Age 56 Children Richard C., Nellie J., And John L. Herring Cove St. James' Anglican Nagle Nellie Richard Nagle Died December 2Nd, 1906 Age 56 Children Richard C., Nellie J., And John L. Herring Cove St. James' Anglican Nagle Richard Richard Nagle Died December 2Nd, 1906 Age 56 Children Richard C., Nellie J., And John L. Herring Cove St. James' Anglican Nagle Richard C. Richard Nagle Died December 2Nd, 1906 Age 56 Children Richard C., Nellie J., And John L. Herring Cove St. James' Anglican Naismith Mabel Florence Naismith Mabel Florence 1921 - 1961 Hackett's Cove St. Peter's Anglican Nash Edna Crooks Edgar W. 1910 - 2002 ; Edna Nash 1913 - - Hackett's Cove St. Peter's Anglican
I-J Surnames 43, Irwin, Thomas Archibald, Irwin Thomas Archibald, 1886 1948; Mary Alice, (Wife),1867 - 1954;, Moser River, Old Moser River. 304, Isabel, Thomas H. Arnold ThomasH
Extractions: Halifax Cemetery Inscriptions - I-J Ingolls Anna Ingolls, Anna 28 May 1777 [Date Of Death Or Burial Unless Otherwise Indicated] Halifax St. Paul's Barrington St. Ingolls William Ingolls, William 04 June 1776 [Date Of Death Or Burial Unless Otherwise Indicated] Halifax St. Paul's Barrington St. Ingraham David Halifax Camp Hill Inkpen Foster R. Inkpen Foster R. 1918 - 1997 : Mary (Molly) C. 1918 - 1992 Boutilier's Point St. James' Anglican Inkpen John T. Inkpen John T. 1887 - 1941 Father : Lillie Belle 1893 - 1939 Mother Boutilier's Point St. James' Anglican Inkpen Lillie Belle Inkpen John T. 1887 - 1941 Father : Lillie Belle 1893 - 1939 Mother Boutilier's Point St. James' Anglican Inkpen Mary Inkpen Foster R. 1918 - 1997 : Mary (Molly) C. 1918 - 1992 Boutilier's Point St. James' Anglican Inkpen Thomas Mrs. Inkpen Thomas Mrs. B.1897, D. 1967 Oct 7 Sambro St. James' United Innes Adelaide M. Innes Adelaide M. 1858 - 1931 Hackett's Cove St. Peter's Anglican Innes Alice Innes Alice; Dec. 1900; 17 Y; d/o James/Lena (Slaunwhite) Jollimore Village Jollimore Innes Ellen Macdonald Ellen (Innes); Dau. Of James Innes/Sophia Slaunwhite
2003 Seedstock Producer Of The Year Nominees Click here to visit the Moser Ranch Web site. San Isabel Ranch, LLP ElizabethR. Kettle, Personal Representative for Benjamin W. Kettle, DVM, Colorado.
Extractions: They bought their first cows, 10 half-blood Charolais, in 1966. In 1969 they bought the 160 acres of crop and pasture ground adjoining the farm. The following year they purchased 10 more half-blood Charolais x Hereford cows and a bull and began retaining their own replacement heifers. From this start of 20 half-blood cows, they bred up to a complete purebred, registered herd. Ruth quit working in town when the couple started their family. Gene continued to work until 1972, when they purchased more farm ground and pasture adjoining theirs. Today, the Bedwells are still living in the same home they moved into in 1965. The farm has expanded to 640 acres, with a spring-calving herd of 100+ cows. In order to raise and support a family, the Bedwells believed they needed a product they could promote and merchandize themselves. The purebred livestock industry was their opportunity to do this as a family, without off-farm income.
Alle Sieger Der Vergangenen Jahre Translate this page Jahr. Reiter, Pferd, Ort, km. 2000. Moser Roman, MONTEVIDEO, Ladinach, 60. 1997,Entner Daniela, MIRABELLE, Aigen-Schlägl, 120. 1998, Brand Isabel, MASHID, Rohrbach,80.
Extractions: Jahr Reiter Pferd Ort km Danihelka Elisabeth HAFIZ Hochrotherd Danihelka Elisabeth HAFIZ Rosenau Petersilka Klemens IGOR Raglitz Hackl Errit LADY Raglitz Kohlmeier Elke OKARINA Modlisch Schardax Max SALIM Erlach Grinschgl Harald BRITTA Frankenau Puch Pepo SALIM Modlisch Eisl Karin HURRICAN Unterburg Baranyai Silvia SAIDA Leutschach Entner Daniela MIRABELLE Wolfern Entner Daniela MIRABELLE Frankenau Wagner Marguerita ROYAL RUSSIAN MUNGO Leutschach nicht vergeben Bad Ischl FURIANT Entner Daniela SIHANOUK Koch Hermann ALOM LOVAG Riedlingsdorf Mauritsch Maria DALMAZ Thumer Susanne GALIB Lind Margit EMFAZA Litzelsdorf Jahr Kategorie Reiter Pferd Ort km Jugend Moser Roman MONTEVIDEO Ladinach Jugend Juritz Stefan SANCHO Deutschkreutz Junioren SHALIMAAR Deutschkreutz Jugend Juritz Christian WILLI WEISS ICH NICHT Mauerkirchen Jugend Juritz Christian SHAGYA 888 IBN LUMBUSH Rosental Junioren Kazianka Carina SCHEDAN Rosental Jahr Reiter Pferd Ort km Kohlmeier Elke OKARINA Schranawand ZOHAIR-2 Schranawand Baranyai Silvia SAIDA Schranawand Baranyai Silvia SIDI Baranyai Silvia CASH NOBEL Mitterndorf Stickler Michaela C'EST LA VIE Mitterndorf Stickler Michaela C'EST LA VIE Edlitz Mauritsch Maria DARIKA Aspersdorf Mauritsch Maria DARIKA St.Valentin
NPR : Hurricane Isabel's After-Effects Storms like Hurricane Isabel can produce dangerous storm surges and inland flooding.Susan Moser of the National Center for Atmospheric Research joins host
George NAUGLER - James I. NAUGLER Descendants of Helen NAUGLER. 1 Helen NAUGLER =Stanley Moser 2 WallaceMoser 2 Lowell Moser 2 Stephanie Moser 2 Annie Moser Isabel NAUGLER.