FreeEliterature TimeLine Antiquities Of The Jews). Author (Marcus Annaeus Lucanus, 39-65 AD AKA Lucan - Pharsalia; Dramatic Episodes of the Civil Wars). FreeELiterature TimeLine.htm
Extractions: This Time Line is a work in progress being designed primarily as a reference tool for History Buffs and students. We plan to make periodical Free online and Downloadble CD updates to add content and improve visual quality. A printout of this file (without the 56 maps) is now about 250 pages. If you have any questions about this Time Line or suggestions for our next update send an email to: Background Antique White White aquamarine chocolate gold red yellow hotpink lime cadet blue dark goldenrod dark slate deep pink dark salmon salmon tan wheat tomato springgreen turquoise To change body text size only, Click View and Select Text Size This will also restore text quality lost after Zooming Go To Notes A Time Line for Literature Available from Project Gutenberg (as of Jan/2004) Showing When the Authors Lived, one of their Works and What Was Going On Before and In Their Time. You can download Free Enhanced Versions of many of their works from our Web Site Or Order Over 750 eBooks in Our Enhanced HTML or MS Reader and MOBI Pocket Formats on Our 2 CDs Note: The Historical Maps, one for Each Century A.D. are from the
Lucan was written during the reign of Nero (about 60 to 65 AD) This was The epic Bellum Civile of the Roman poet Marcus Annaeus Lucanus (3965) deals with the civil
Extractions: Go to intro summary , or documents In my first major research project I studied Lucan's fascinating epic (or anti-epic) on the civil war between Caesar and Pompeius. The poem was written during the reign of Nero (about 60 to 65 A.D.) This was my main research project in the period 1988-1991. It resulted in a PhD dissertation (1992). Summary The epic Bellum Civile of the Roman poet Marcus Annaeus Lucanus (39-65) deals with the civil war between Julius Caesar and Pompeius in 49-47 B.C. Their conflict is elaborately described in powerful verses full of paradox, witty maxims, and strong pathos. This study is a commentary on the third book of Lucan's epic, on which no separate, modern commentary was available as yet. The most important parts of Lucan's book are a long catalogue of Pompey's troops, and a highly original account of a naval battle near Marseille. Bellum civile is a complex text, which confronts its reader with countless problems, both textual, and linguistical and thematic. The commentary attempts to identify the most important of these problems and, wherever possible, formulate solutions to them. At many points the Latin text is explained and interpreted first. This interpretation is made on the basis of a general concept of the poem as, above all, a
Maag, Carl http//, txt,htmeng. Marcus Annaeus Lucanus, 39-65 AD, 1004609. Pharsalia; Dramatic Episodes of the Civil Wars. http//, txt,htm-eng.
Extractions: Maag, Carl Project Trinity 1945-1946 txt,htm-eng Mabie, Hamilton Wright, 1846-1916 Heroes Every Child Should Know txt,htm-eng Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron, 1800-1859 Critical And Historical Essays Volume 1 txt,htm-eng Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron, 1800-1859 Critical And Historical Essays Volume 2 txt,htm-eng Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron, 1800-1859 History Of England, From The Accession Of James The Second, The Volume 1 txt,htm-eng Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron, 1800-1859 History Of England, From The Accession Of James The Second, The Volume 2 txt,htm-eng Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron, 1800-1859 History Of England, From The Accession Of James The Second, The Volume 3 txt,htm-eng Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron, 1800-1859 History Of England, From The Accession Of James The Second, The Volume 4
Wister, Owen, 1860-1938 Pharisee And Publican, The. http//, txt,htmeng. Marcus Annaeus Lucanus, 39-65 AD, 1004609. Pharsalia; Dramatic Episodes of the Civil Wars.
Extractions: Wister, Owen, 1860-1938 Padre Ignacio; or, The song of temptation txt,htm-eng Carpenter, Edward, 1844-1929 Pagan and Christian creeds: their origin and meaning txt,htm-eng Carpenter, Edward Pagan and Christian Creeds: Their Origin and Meaning (1920) msr,plm,htm-eng Hose, Charles, 1863-1929 Pagan Tribes of Borneo, The Volume 1 txt,htm-eng Jefferies, Richard, 1848-1887 Pageant of Summer txt,htm-eng Mallarme, Stephane, 1842-1898 Pages txt,htm-fre Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1809-1894 Pages From An Old Volume Of Life; a collection of essays, 1857-1881 txt,htm-eng Peattie, Elia W. (Elia Wilkinson), 1862-1935 Painted Windows txt,htm-eng Peattie, Elia Wilkinson Painted Windows (1918) msr,plm,htm-eng Hardy, Thomas, 1840-1928 Pair of Blue Eyes, A txt,htm-eng Wroth, Lady Mary Pamphilia, to Amphilanthus: A Sonnet Sequence from the Countesse of Mountgomeries Urania (1621)
Authors M-O Hartley Mansfield, Katherine, 18881923 Marbot, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine-Marcelin, Baron de, 1782-1854 Marcus Annaeus Lucanus, 39-65 AD AKA Lucan Marcus Aurelius
CollegeTermPapers - English - Allusions In Canto IV Of Dantes Ovid (43 BCAD 17?), was a Roman poet, whose narrative skill and Lucan, full name Marcus Annaeus Lucanus (39-65), a Roman poet, was born in Córdoba, Spain
Reinkarnation Lexikon L Translate this page Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus (39-65), römischer Dichter. erkämpften?.* In III 748 versucht Lukrez die Reinkarnation durch die Charakterverwirrung AD absurdum zu
Extractions: Dr. Marcus Gossler zur Homepage , Selma Ottiliana Lovisa (1858-1940), schwedische Schriftstellerin. In einem Brief an ihre Nichte Stella Rydholm (2. Januar 1925) bekannte sie sich zum Glauben an die Reinkarnation.* [= die Menschen] an Stelle dessen [= des Christentums] Lal Jayasooria Quelle: Stevenson Lalitha Abeyawardena Rividina und 1966 begannen Besuche von Verwandten Nilanthies bei Lalitha sowie die Untersuchung des Falles durch Ian Stevenson und Francis Story. Quelle: Stevenson Lama . Ein geistlicher Führer im tibetischen Buddhismus (tibetisch Bla ma bedeutet "Höherer" und entspeicht dem Sanskritwort Guru). Einige dieser Lamas werden als Reinkarnationen ihrer Vorgänger betrachtet. Lanfranco Davito Quellen: Muller, Schmidt * nach Schmidt umgekehrt: Davito Lanfranco Last Day Messengers Laura Raynaud Psychic Magazine Quellen: Delanne, Muller, Schmidt, Stevenson
Iarbas France. See Raymond Berenger. Lucan. Marcus Annaeus Lucanus, AD 3965, the Roman writer, born in Cordova in Spain and educated at Rome.
Extractions: Purgatorio Canto XXXI:70-90 . The Libyan king, one of Dido s suitors, hence Iarbass land is Libya, and the winds that blow from there are the southerly winds off the African Coast. Inferno Canto XVII:79-136 . The son of Daedalus , who made waxen wings in order for them to escape from Crete. Flying too near the sun Icaruss wings melted and he fell into the sea. He was buried on the island of Icaria, and the Icarian Sea and the island, were named after him. See Ovids Metamorphoses VIII 195. Bishop of Assisi in 1282. He had joined the Order in 1210 and accompanied Francis in his mission to the Soldan. Paradiso Canto XII:106-145 . He is in the Fourth Sphere of the Sun. An ancient Florentine family. See the note to Paradiso Canto XVI Paradiso Canto XVI:88-154 . Mentioned. An ancient Florentine family. See the note to Paradiso Canto XVI Paradiso Canto XVI:88-154 . Mentioned. Pope from 1198 to 1216, he called himself Christs Vicar, from whom worldly rulers received their kingdoms as fiefs. He operated an interventionist policy. Power was centralised through the Papal legates. He became the guardian of Frederick II after Constance s death. After the murder of the Papal legate Peter of Castelnau, he initiated the vicious Albigensian Crusade against Provençal heretics.
Quotes I Livy Titus Livius (59 BC-17 AD) _Ab Urbe Condita_ c. 29 BC. How blind men are to Heaven s gifts!Lucan Marcus Annaeus Lucanus (39-65) _The Civil War_
Extractions: Quotes I ideas Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social evironment. Most people are even incapable of forming such opinions. Albert Einstein Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals could believe them. Michael Levine New opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without any other reason but because they are not already common. John Locke Any man who afflicts the human race with ideas must be prepared to see them misunderstood. Henry Lewis Mencken, 1880 - 1956 The well-meaning contention that all ideas have equal merit seems to me little different from the disastrous contention that no ideas have any merit. Carl Sagan, "Broca's Brain" (1978), p. xiv. idleness Rust wastes more than use ~French Proverb Idleness is only the refuge of weak minds. Earl of Chesterfield Avoid idleness, and fill up all the spaces of thy time with severe and useful employment: for lust easily creeps in at those emptinesses where the soul is unemployed and the body is at ease; no easy, healthful, idle person was ever chaste if he could be tempted; but of all employments, bodily labour is the most useful, and of the greatest benefit for driving away the Devil.
Internet Ancient History Sourcebook: Rome WEB Rulers of the Roman and Byzantine Empires 753 BC AD 1479 Website Lucan (Marcus Annaeus Lucanus) (39-65 CE) Pharsalia (aka The Civil War ) At OMACL;
Extractions: Other History Sourcebooks: African East Asian Indian Islamic ... Hellenistic Wld Rome Late Antiquity Christian Origins See Main Page for a guide to all contents of all sections. Contents The Principate to 192 CE Roman Law The Army The Empire and Provinces Later Empire (after 192 CE) Literature Art and Architecture Education Economic Life Slavery Everyday Life Religion Gender and Sexuality Modern Perspectives on Ancient Rome General MEGA RomanSites [At LacusCurtius]
Mail-Jewish Volume 39 Number 04 Didacus Stella in Lucan, 10, tom. ii. Lucan = Marcus Annaeus Lucanus (AD 3965) from The Civil War, Ib. II, 10 (Didacus Stella).
Extractions: PREVIOUS NEXT INDEX BOTTOM ... SEARCH Volume 39 Number 04 Produced: Mon Apr 7 22:52:21 US/Eastern 2003 Subjects Discussed In This Issue: Beis Hillel and Beis Shamai [Ari Kahn] Candle Lighting when away from Home [Anonymous] Corrections in Torah Literature [Shimon Lebowitz] Dwarfs on Giants [Shlomo Pick] L'Chaim [David Farkas] Modern Orthodoxy - Actual Quotation makor [Farkas, David S] Niskatnu Hadoros [Ben Z. Katz] On the shoulders of giants [Mike Gerver] Open Orthodoxy (2) [Ira L. Jacobson, Avi Feldblum] Say Cheese [Michael Rogovin] Ulchaparat Pasha [Perets Mett] Various (Apikorus) [Gil Student] RE: Beis Hillel and Beis Shamai The gemara does say that they did marry each others children and when the gemara poses the obvious question - how is this possible? The Yerushalmi (Yevamot 1:6 3b)offers various answers to this question one is that Beit shammai backed down, a second answer is that Hashem protected them from these extreme cases. Tosfos as stated by the Ritva in Eruvin clearly says that both sides were valid opinions. Also see zohar Berishit 17a, and the commentary of Mikdash Melech - to locate the source that in the future the law will be according to beit Shammai Ari Kahn From: Anonymous Date: Sun, 6 Apr 2003 06:33:48 -0400 (EDT) Subject:
On Power: The Independent Institute | L Quotes On Power Harold Lowman. Politicians say theyre beefing up our economy. Most dont know beef from pork.. Lucanus Marcus Annaeus Lucan (3965 AD) Roman Poet.
Extractions: French Jurist and Author The Politics of Obedience: Discourse of Voluntary Servitude The Politics of Obedience: Discourse of Voluntary Servitude The Politics of Obedience: Discourse of Voluntary Servitude The Politics of Obedience: Discourse of Voluntary Servitude ... The Politics of Obedience: Discourse of Voluntary Servitude , p. 46] The Politics of Obedience: Discourse of Voluntary Servitude , p. 48] The Politics of Obedience: Discourse of Voluntary Servitude , p. 55] The Politics of Obedience: Discourse of Voluntary Servitude The Politics of Obedience: Discourse of Voluntary Servitude , pp. 50-53] The Politics of Obedience: Discourse of Voluntary Servitude , p. 58] The Politics of Obedience: Discourse of Voluntary Servitude , p. 60] The Politics of Obedience: Discourse of Voluntary Servitude , pp. 69-70] The Politics of Obedience: Discourse of Voluntary Servitude , p. 75] The Politics of Obedience: Discourse of Voluntary Servitude , p. 70] The Politics of Obedience: Discourse of Voluntary Servitude , pp. 78-79]
Project Gutenberg - Title Index: P Pharsalia; Dramatic Episodes of the Civil Wars. by Marcus Annaeus Lucanus, 3965 AD. Phases of Faith Passages from the History of My Creed.
Extractions: H ome P ersonalize A uthor: T itle Word(s): How To F ind Advanced ... ecent Books D onate E vents ... ontacts V olunteering HO W ... ewsletters Authors: A B C D ... other Titles: A B C D ... other Languages: Bulgarian Chinese Danish Dutch ... by Wister, Owen by Carpenter, Edward by Grahame, Kenneth by Hose, Charles by Jefferies, Richard by Mallarme, Stephane by White, William Hale by Holmes, Oliver Wendell by Phipps, Helen by Peattie, Elia W. (Elia Wilkinson) by Hardy, Thomas by Hardy, Thomas by Linnankoski, Johannes by James, Juliet Helena Lumbard by Dryden, John Palestine or the Holy Land
Project Gutenberg Title Index: P Pharsalia; Dramatic Episodes of the Civil Wars. by Marcus Annaeus Lucanus, 3965 AD. Philanderer, The. by Shaw, George Bernard. Philaster Love Lies a Bleeding.
Extractions: Home Find an EBook About FAQ ... Credits Book search: Author: Title Word(s): Authors: A B C D ... other Titles: A B C D ... other Languages: Bulgarian Chinese Danish Dutch ... by Wister, Owen by Carpenter, Edward by Grahame, Kenneth by Hose, Charles by Jefferies, Richard by Mallarme, Stephane by White, William Hale by Holmes, Oliver Wendell by Peattie, Elia W. (Elia Wilkinson) by Hardy, Thomas by Hardy, Thomas by James, Juliet Helena Lumbard by Dryden, John Palestine or the Holy Land
Contents Lucan. Marcus Annaeus Lucanus. AD 3965. Born at Cordoba, in Spain. Courtier in the reign of Nero. Fell from grace and eventually
Extractions: Eugene Ehrlich A B C D ... M This volume uses a respelling scheme to represent the sounds of Latin. Stresses are indicated by typographic means. Stress. Stressed syllables are shown in capital letters, and unstressed syllables as well as words of a single syllable are shown in lower case. Thus, Deo (to God) is pronounced DAY-oh, familia (family) is pronounced fah-MIH-lee-ah, and ars (art) is pronounced ahrs. Vowels. Like English vowels, certain Latin vowels have various qualities. The samples given here help in sounding out the Latin words in the pages that follow. AH or ah as in far fabula FAH-buu-lah AY or ay as in fake fecere FAY-keh-reh AW or aw as in tall hominem HAW-mih-nem E or e as in pet et et EH or eh as in pet petere PEH-teh-reh EE or ee as in sweet vita WEE-tah IH or i as in dig signum SIH-gnuum OH or oh as in both dolor DOH-lawr OO or oo as in moon unum OO-nuum UU or uu as in put unum OO-nuum After the letter q , and sometimes after g and s , the Latin u has the sound made by the English w . This is no surprise for speakers of English. Consider the words quick, guava
Pharsalia, [Civil War] By Marcus Annaeus Lucanus BOOK I THE Pharsalia, Civil War by Marcus Annaeus Lucanus BOOK I THE CROSSING OF THE RUBICON Wars worse than civil on Emathian (1) plains, And crime AD Diversos, viii.,Marcus Annaeus (39-65)/Pharsalia.
583 Make Money, Money, Honestly If You Can; If Not, By Any Means her memoirs and his letters If the victor hAD the gods on his side, the vanquished hAD Cato. Lucan (Marcus Annaeus Lucanus) AD 3965 The Civil War
Extractions: "Does the same as the system call of that name. If you don't know what it does, don't worry about it." Larry Wall in the perl man page regarding chroot(2) "[End of diatribe. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming...]" Larry Wall in Configure from the perl distribution "It is easier to port a shell than a shell script." Larry Wall "No, I'm not going to explain it. If you can't figure it out, you didn't want to know anyway... :-)" Larry Wall in "Real programmers can write assembly code in any language. :-)" Larry Wall in
Oaths Berresford Ellis. LaCroix s Nightcrawler monologue in part five is an excerpt from a poem by Marcus Annaeus Lucanus (AD 3965). The story
Extractions: I actually started this story way back when FK was still on the air, early in third season. What set it to percolating in my mind were the flashbacks in AMPH. I always wondered what brought Lucius to that particular place in his life. It was going to be set in second season, but when the last eps of third season aired it became necessary to shift gears and place the story in third season, between Francesca and Ashes to Ashes. So, I set it aside for a bit while I decided where I wanted to take it. I finally started on it once more and seemed to be chugging right along. Then, my wonderful editor ran into a big dose of RL and it was stalled yet again. So, finally, after all this time here it is. And it's not a xover! Thanks first and foremost to Margie Gillis for taking on the task of editing this monstrosity. Couldn't have done it without her. Thanks to Shirl, Tammy and April for comments and continuity help, and to Lisa McDavid for patiently answering my questions on Roman naming practices. I'm also grateful to Mel, Soul, Charlyne, Dee and Tina for reading it from the beginning through all its incarnations and giving me much needed feedback. And finally, thanks to Glo Phillips for doing one final tweak on the entire thing. Historical Notes: I read several books researching this story. But the one that I found invaluable was "The Druids", by Peter Berresford Ellis.
Extracts From The Alt.quotation Archives %% I Ve Imagined Great her memoirs and his letters %% If the victor hAD the gods on his side, the vanquished hAD Cato. Lucan (Marcus Annaeus Lucanus) AD 3965 The Civil War
Extractions: %% "Does the same as the system call of that name. If you don't know what it does, don't worry about it." Larry Wall in the perl man page regarding chroot(2) %% "[End of diatribe. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming...]" Larry Wall in Configure from the perl distribution %% "It is easier to port a shell than a shell script." Larry Wall %% "No, I'm not going to explain it. If you can't figure it out, you didn't want to know anyway... :-)" Larry Wall in %% "Real programmers can write assembly code in any language. :-)" Larry Wall in
Date Sun, 20 Dec 1998 183527 -0800 From Denise Underwood LaCroix s Nightcrawler monologue in part five is an excerpt from a poem by Marcus Annaeus Lucanus (AD 3965) The story of Julius Sabinus and Eponina is a true